""" pygl/keys.py: CCP4MG Molecular Graphics Program Copyright (C) 2001-2005 University of York, CCLRC This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions of the license to address the requirements of UK law. You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, copies may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. """ """ Ascii definitions of keystrokes. GLUT uses ascii. """ key_space = 32 key_tab = 9 key_q = 113 key_w = 119 key_e = 101 key_r = 114 key_t = 116 key_y = 121 key_u = 117 key_i = 105 key_o = 111 key_p = 112 key_a = 97 key_s = 115 key_d = 100 key_f = 102 key_g = 103 key_h = 104 key_j = 106 key_k = 107 key_l = 108 key_z = 122 key_x = 120 key_c = 99 key_v = 118 key_b = 98 key_n = 110 key_m = 109 key_1 = 49 key_2 = 50 key_3 = 51 key_4 = 52 key_5 = 53 key_6 = 54 key_7 = 55 key_8 = 56 key_9 = 57 key_0 = 48 key_excl = 33 key_dq = 34 key_dollar = 36 key_pc = 37 key_carat = 94 key_amp = 38 key_ast = 42 key_lp = 40 key_rp = 41 key_minus = 45 key_eq = 61 key_lsb = 91 key_rsb = 93 key_semi = 59 key_sq = 39 key_hash = 35 key_bs = 92 key_com = 44 key_stop = 46 key_fs = 47 key_under = 95 key_plus = 43 key_lcb = 123 key_rcb = 125 key_col = 58 key_at = 64 key_tilde = 126 key_pipe = 124 key_lt = 60 key_gt = 62 key_qm = 63 key_bq = 96 key_esc = 27 key_A = 65 key_B = 66 key_C = 67 key_D = 68 key_E = 69 key_F = 70 key_G = 71 key_H = 72 key_I = 73 key_J = 74 key_K = 75 key_L = 76 key_M = 77 key_N = 78 key_O = 79 key_P = 80 key_Q = 81 key_R = 82 key_S = 83 key_T = 84 key_U = 85 key_V = 86 key_W = 87 key_X = 88 key_Y = 89 key_Z = 90