""" qtgui/FontedPositionedStrings.py: CCP4MG Molecular Graphics Program Copyright (C) 2001-2008 University of York, CCLRC Copyright (C) 2009-2010 University of York This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions of the license to address the requirements of UK law. You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, copies may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. """ from PyQt4 import QtCore,QtGui import ParseHTMLTextString import sys def drawFontedPositionedStrings(strings,painter,xorig=0,yorig=0,defaultFont=None): """ This function needs implementing in C++ also, wherein the strings will have to be more managable objects. """ if not defaultFont: defaultFont = QtGui.QFont("Times",12) defaultPenColor = painter.pen().color() for s,i in zip(strings[:],range(len(strings))): if s["font"]["face"]=="default": font = QtGui.QFont(defaultFont) if s["font"]["fontUnits"] == "px": font.setPixelSize(int(s["font"]["size"])) else: font.setPointSize(int(s["font"]["size"])) else: font = QtGui.QFont(s["font"]["face"]) if s["font"]["fontUnits"] == "px": font.setPixelSize(int(s["font"]["size"])) else: font.setPointSize(int(s["font"]["size"])) font.setBold(int(s["font"]["bold"])) font.setItalic(int(s["font"]["italic"])) font.setUnderline(int(s["font"]["underline"])) font.setOverline(int(s["font"]["overline"])) font.setStrikeOut(int(s["font"]["linethrough"])) if s["font"]["colour"] == "default": painter.setPen(defaultPenColor) else: col = QtGui.QColor(s["font"]["colour"]) if s["font"].has_key("alpha"): col.setAlpha(int(s["font"]["alpha"])) painter.setPen(col) painter.setFont(font) x,y = s["pos"] text = s["text"] """ print type(text),text codec = QtCore.QTextCodec.codecForName("ISO 8859-1") text = QtCore.QString(codec.fromUnicode(text)) print type(text) """ painter.drawText(x+xorig,y+yorig,text); painter.setFont(defaultFont) class FontedPositionedStringsFromText: def getBoundingRect(self): return self.fonted_strings.getBoundingRect() def getDescent(self): return self.fonted_strings.getDescent() def getStrings(self): return self.fonted_strings.getStrings() def __init__(self,text,defaultFont=None,fontScaling=1.0): if not defaultFont: defaultFont = QtGui.QFont("Times",12) if defaultFont.pointSize()>0: parser = ParseHTMLTextString.MyHTMLParser(int(defaultFont.pointSize()*fontScaling)) else: parser = ParseHTMLTextString.MyHTMLParser(int(defaultFont.pixelSize()*fontScaling),"px") parser.feed(text) self.fontedStrings = parser.getStrings() self.fontedStringsLength = parser.getDataLength() self.fonted_strings = FontedPositionedStrings(self.fontedStrings,defaultFont,fontScaling) class FontedPositionedStrings: def getStrings(self): return self.strings def getDescent(self): return self.descent def getBoundingRect(self): return self.boundingRect def __init__(self,strings,defaultFont=None,fontScaling=1.0): currentParagraph = 0 x = 0 y = 0 self.descent = 0 baseline_y = 0 old_baseline_y = 0 max_x = 0 max_y = 0 min_x = 0 min_y = 0 currentSubLevel = 0 currentSupLevel = 0 lastSubLevel = currentSubLevel lastSupLevel = currentSupLevel previousStartSup = False previousStartSub = False previousEndSup = False previousEndSub = False justDoneSup = False justDoneSub = False branchDepth = 0 branches = [[0,0]] branch_start_x,branch_end_x = 0,0 doMathMarkup = False fontedPositionedStrings = [] if not defaultFont: defaultFont = QtGui.QFont("Times",int(12*fontScaling)) """ for s in strings[:]: print '----'+s["text"]+'----' """ # s["font"] really means proprties of a chunk of data, s["text"] is the text in that chunk. for s in strings[:]: if s["font"]["face"]=="default": font = QtGui.QFont(defaultFont) if s["font"]["fontUnits"] == "px": font.setPixelSize(int(s["font"]["size"])) else: font.setPointSize(int(s["font"]["size"])) else: font = QtGui.QFont(s["font"]["face"]) if s["font"]["fontUnits"] == "px": font.setPixelSize(int(s["font"]["size"]*fontScaling)) else: font.setPointSize(int(s["font"]["size"]*fontScaling)) font.setBold(int(s["font"]["bold"])) font.setItalic(int(s["font"]["italic"])) font.setUnderline(int(s["font"]["underline"])) font.setOverline(int(s["font"]["overline"])) font.setStrikeOut(int(s["font"]["linethrough"])) #print s["font"]["paragraph"],s["text"] if s["font"]["fontUnits"] == "px": desiredSize = font.pixelSize() else: desiredSize = font.pointSize() change = False startSup = False startSub = False endSup = False endSub = False doMathMarkup = s["font"]["mathmarkup"] #print "1: ",desiredSize if int(s["font"]["superscript"]) > currentSupLevel: currentSupLevel = currentSupLevel+1 desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9) y = (y - 0.7*desiredSize) change = True startSup = True #print "2: ",desiredSize if int(s["font"]["superscript"]) < currentSupLevel: y = (y + 0.7*max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9)) currentSupLevel = max(currentSupLevel-1,0) desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9) change = True endSup = True #print "3: ",desiredSize if int(s["font"]["subscript"]) > currentSubLevel: currentSubLevel = currentSubLevel+1 desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9) y = (y + 0.3*desiredSize) change = True startSub = True #print "4: ",desiredSize if int(s["font"]["subscript"]) < currentSubLevel: y = (y - 0.3*max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9)) currentSubLevel = max(currentSubLevel-1,0) desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9) change = True endSub = True """ print endSub , startSup , endSup , startSub """ #print "5: ",desiredSize if not change: desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7**(currentSubLevel+currentSupLevel),9) if s["font"]["paragraph"]>currentParagraph: currentParagraph = currentParagraph + 1 old_baseline_y = baseline_y baseline_y = baseline_y+QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).height() x = 0 else: if old_baseline_y+QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).height()>baseline_y and currentParagraph>0: #print "Font has gotten bigger",old_baseline_y+QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).height(),baseline_y for sold in strings[:]: if sold["font"]["paragraph"]==currentParagraph and sold is not s and sold.has_key("pos"): xold,yold = sold["pos"] yold = yold + old_baseline_y+QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).height()-baseline_y sold["pos"] = (xold,yold) baseline_y = old_baseline_y+QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).height() if int(s["font"]["valign"])==0: ydraw = baseline_y elif int(s["font"]["valign"])==1: ydraw = baseline_y+desiredSize*0.3 desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7,9) elif int(s["font"]["valign"])==2: ydraw = baseline_y-desiredSize*0.5 desiredSize = max(desiredSize*0.7,9) else: ydraw = baseline_y+y #print "6: ",desiredSize if s["font"]["fontUnits"] == "px": font.setPixelSize(int(desiredSize)) else: font.setPointSize(int(desiredSize)) fm = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) if startSub or startSup: #print startSup, justDoneSub, justDoneSup, startSub,s["text"] #if s["text"] == "fg" or s["text"] == "jkl" or s["text"] == "abc": if doMathMarkup and ((startSub and justDoneSup) or (startSup and justDoneSub)): x = branch_start_x #print "yes ..." branchDepth = branchDepth + 1 branches.append([x,max(x,branch_end_x)]) if endSub or endSup: branchDepth = branchDepth - 1 branch_start_x,branch_end_x = branches.pop() x = branch_end_x if endSup: justDoneSup = True if endSub: justDoneSub = True s["pos"] = (x,int(ydraw)) s["font"]["size"] = int(desiredSize) fontedPositionedStrings.append(s) rect = fm.boundingRect(s["text"]) self.descent = max(fm.descent(),self.descent) #print (rect.left(),rect.right()), (rect.top(),rect.bottom()), (x,y), (min_x,min_y) if x>max_x: max_x = x if ydraw>max_y: max_y = ydraw if xmax_x: max_x = x+rect.right() if ydraw+rect.top()max_y: max_y = ydraw+rect.bottom() # It could go either way if x+rect.left()>max_x: max_x = x+rect.left() if x+rect.right()max_y: max_y = ydraw+rect.top() if ydraw+rect.bottom()0: justDoneSup = False justDoneSub = False #print branches,branchDepth bwidth = max_x-min_x+1 bheight = max_y-min_y+1 bx = min_x by = min_y self.boundingRect = QtCore.QRect(bx,by,bwidth,bheight) self.strings = fontedPositionedStrings if len(self.strings)>1: ymax = self.strings[-1]['pos'][1] for sss in self.strings: sss['pos'] = (sss['pos'][0],(sss['pos'][1])-ymax)