#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013-2016 Diamond Light Source Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys if sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 7): sys.stderr.write("Error. Python 2.7 is required.\n") sys.exit(1) import argparse if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from dimple import utils from dimple.utils import comment, put_error from dimple.cell import match_symmetry, calculate_difference from dimple.mtz import check_freerflags_column, MtzMeta, DEFAULT_FREE_COLS from dimple.pdb import is_pdb_id, download_pdb, check_hetatm_x from dimple import workflow from dimple import coots from dimple import contaminants __version__ = '2.5.6' PROG = 'dimple' USAGE_SHORT = '%s [options...] input.mtz input.pdb output_dir' % PROG # sometimes provided models are incomplete, be suspicious above this solvent% HIGH_SOLVENT_PCT = 75 # do not search blobs if the model is too bad BAD_FINAL_RFREE = 0.5 # do not check the list of contaminants if the model is good GOOD_FINAL_RFREE = 0.4 def dimple(wf, opt): comment(" ### Dimple v%s. Problems and suggestions:" " ccp4.github.io/dimple ###" % __version__) mtz_meta = wf.read_mtz_metadata(opt.mtz) _comment_summary_line("MTZ (%.1fA)" % mtz_meta.dmax, mtz_meta) if opt.dls_naming: opt.pdbs = dls_name_filter(opt.pdbs) opt.pdbs = utils.filter_out_duplicate_files(opt.pdbs, relto=opt.output_dir) if not opt.pdbs: comment("\nNo non-empty pdb files given. Nothing to do.") return for p in opt.pdbs: wf.read_pdb_metadata(p, print_errors=(len(opt.pdbs) > 1)) if len(opt.pdbs) > 1: comment("\nPDBs in order of similarity (using the first one):") opt.pdbs.sort(key=lambda x: calculate_difference(wf.file_info[x], mtz_meta)) utils.log_value("data_file", opt.mtz) utils.log_value("pdb_files", opt.pdbs) for p in opt.pdbs: _comment_summary_line(os.path.basename(p), wf.file_info[p]) ini_pdb = "ini.pdb" wf.copy_uncompressed(opt.pdbs[0], ini_pdb) pdb_meta = wf.file_info[opt.pdbs[0]] if pdb_meta is None: put_error("PDB file missing CRYST1 record, starting from MR") if opt.no_hetatm or check_hetatm_x(wf.path(ini_pdb), pdb_meta): if not opt.no_hetatm: comment("\nHETATM marked as element X would choke many programs.") rb_xyzin = "prepared.pdb" wf.temporary_files.add(rb_xyzin) n_het = wf.remove_hetatm(xyzin=ini_pdb, xyzout=rb_xyzin, remove_all=opt.no_hetatm) comment("\nRemoved %d HETATM atoms" % n_het) else: rb_xyzin = ini_pdb # run rwcontents even without CRYST1 - it will show mol. weight only wf.rwcontents(xyzin=rb_xyzin).run() rw_data = wf.jobs[-1].data if pdb_meta is None: pass # we already had a warning message elif rw_data.get('solvent_percent') is None: put_error("rwcontents could not interpret %s" % rb_xyzin) elif rw_data['solvent_percent'] > HIGH_SOLVENT_PCT: comment("\nHmm... %.1f%% of solvent or incomplete model" % rw_data['solvent_percent']) if abs(wf.jobs[-1].data.get('volume', 0) - pdb_meta.get_volume()) > 10: comment("\ndebug: problem when calculating volume?") ####### pointless - reindexing ####### if match_symmetry(mtz_meta, pdb_meta) and opt.mr_when_r > 0 and ( 0.7 < mtz_meta.get_volume() / pdb_meta.get_volume() < 1.4): reindexed_mtz = "pointless.mtz" wf.temporary_files.add(reindexed_mtz) wf.pointless(hklin=opt.mtz, xyzin=rb_xyzin, hklout=reindexed_mtz, keys="TOLERANCE 5").run(may_fail=True) alt_reindex = wf.jobs[-1].data.get('alt_reindex') if wf.jobs[-1].exit_status == 0 and alt_reindex: for ar in alt_reindex: comment("\n %-10s CC: %-8.3f cell diff: %.1fA" % ( ar['op'], ar['cc'], ar['cell_deviat'])) else: # until recently (2015) pointless didn't print CC for non-ambiguous # spacegroups (e.g. C2), but now it always prints comment("\n no good indexing") reindexed_mtz = opt.mtz else: reindexed_mtz = opt.mtz reindexed_mtz_meta = wf.read_mtz_metadata(reindexed_mtz) if reindexed_mtz_meta.symmetry != mtz_meta.symmetry: _comment_summary_line('reindexed MTZ', reindexed_mtz_meta) ####### (c)truncate - calculate amplitudes if needed ####### if not opt.fcolumn: opt.fcolumn = 'F' if 'F' in mtz_meta.columns else 'FP' elif opt.icolumn or opt.ItoF_prog: put_error('Ignoring options --fcolumn/--sigfcolumn') opt.sigfcolumn = opt.sigfcolumn.replace('', opt.fcolumn) if (opt.ItoF_prog or opt.icolumn or opt.fcolumn not in mtz_meta.columns or opt.sigfcolumn not in mtz_meta.columns): mtz_meta.check_col_type(opt.icolumn or 'IMEAN', 'J') mtz_meta.check_col_type(opt.sigicolumn, 'Q') f_mtz = "amplit.mtz" wf.temporary_files.add(f_mtz) i_sigi_cols = (opt.icolumn or 'IMEAN', opt.sigicolumn) if opt.ItoF_prog == 'ctruncate' or (opt.ItoF_prog is None and opt.slow): wf.ctruncate(hklin=reindexed_mtz, hklout=f_mtz, colin="/*/*/[%s,%s]" % i_sigi_cols).run() else: wf.truncate(hklin=reindexed_mtz, hklout=f_mtz, labin="IMEAN=%s SIGIMEAN=%s" % i_sigi_cols, labout="F=F SIGF=SIGF").run() opt.fcolumn = 'F' opt.sigfcolumn = 'SIGF' else: f_mtz = reindexed_mtz ####### rigid body - check if model is good for refinement? ####### refmac_labin_nofree = "FP=%s SIGFP=%s" % (opt.fcolumn, opt.sigfcolumn) refmac_xyzin = None cell_diff = calculate_difference(pdb_meta, reindexed_mtz_meta) if pdb_meta is None: pass # the error message was already printed elif opt.mr_when_r <= 0: comment("\nMR requested unconditionally.") elif cell_diff > 0.1 and opt.mr_when_r < 1: comment("\nDifferent unit cells.") elif pdb_meta.symmetry != reindexed_mtz_meta.symmetry: comment("\nDifferent space groups.") else: comment("\nRigid-body refinement with resolution 3.5 A, 10 cycles.") if 'aa_count' in rw_data and 'water_count' in rw_data: if rw_data['aa_count'] != 0: comment(" %.1f waters/aa." % (rw_data['water_count'] / rw_data['aa_count'])) else: comment(' %d/0 waters/aa.' % rw_data['water_count']) wf.temporary_files |= {"refmacRB.pdb", "refmacRB.mtz"} # it may fail because of "Disagreement between mtz and pdb" wf.refmac5(hklin=f_mtz, xyzin=rb_xyzin, hklout="refmacRB.mtz", xyzout="refmacRB.pdb", labin=refmac_labin_nofree, libin=None, keys="""refinement type rigidbody resolution 15 3.5 rigidbody ncycle 10""").run(may_fail=True) # if the error is caused by mtz/pdb disagreement, continue with MR if wf.jobs[-1].exit_status != 0: comment("\nTry MR.") elif not wf.jobs[-1].data.get("overall_r"): comment("\nWARNING: unknown R factor, something went wrong.\n") refmac_xyzin = "refmacRB.pdb" elif wf.jobs[-1].data["overall_r"] > opt.mr_when_r: comment("\nRun MR for R > %g." % opt.mr_when_r) else: comment("\nNo MR for R < %g." % opt.mr_when_r) refmac_xyzin = "refmacRB.pdb" ####### phaser/molrep - molecular replacement ####### if refmac_xyzin is None: vol_ratio = None if pdb_meta: # num_mol accounts for strict NCS (MTRIX without iGiven) vol_ratio = (mtz_meta.asu_volume() / pdb_meta.asu_volume(rw_data['num_mol'])) comment(" Volume of asu: %.1f%% of model asu." % (100 * vol_ratio)) if opt.mr_when_r >= 1: comment("\nWould try MR, but it is disabled.") return if opt.mr_num: mr_num = opt.mr_num else: mr_num = guess_number_of_molecules(mtz_meta, rw_data, vol_ratio) mw = rw_data.get('weight') if isinstance(mr_num, float): wf.ensembler(pdbin=rb_xyzin, root='ens').run() n_models = len(wf.jobs[-1].data['models']) mw = None rb_xyzin = "ens_merged.pdb" mr_num = max(int(round(mr_num * n_models)), 1) # phaser is used by default if number of searched molecules is known if opt.mr_prog == 'molrep': wf.temporary_files |= {"molrep.pdb", "molrep_dimer.pdb", "molrep.crd"} wf.molrep(f=f_mtz, m=rb_xyzin).run() refmac_xyzin = "molrep.pdb" else: wf.temporary_files |= {"phaser.1.pdb", "phaser.1.mtz"} wf.phaser_auto(hklin=f_mtz, labin="F=%s SIGF=%s" % (opt.fcolumn, opt.sigfcolumn), model=dict(pdb=rb_xyzin, identity=100, num=mr_num, mw=mw), sg_alt="ALL", opt=opt, root='phaser').run(may_fail=True) if not _after_phaser_comments(wf.jobs[-1], sg_in=reindexed_mtz_meta.symmetry): return refmac_xyzin = "phaser.1.pdb" f_mtz = "phaser.1.mtz" if False: wf.findwaters(pdbin=refmac_xyzin, hklin=f_mtz, f="FC", phi="PHIC", pdbout="prepared_wat.pdb", sigma=2) refmac_xyzin = "prepared_wat.pdb" ####### adding free-R flags ####### f_mtz_meta = wf.read_mtz_metadata(f_mtz) cad_reso = opt.reso or (f_mtz_meta.dmax - MtzMeta.d_eps) if opt.free_r_flags: free_mtz = opt.free_r_flags free_col = check_freerflags_column(wf.path(free_mtz), expected_symmetry=pdb_meta, column=opt.freecolumn) comment("\nFree-R flags from the %s file, column %s." % (("reference" if free_mtz != opt.mtz else 'input'), free_col)) else: free_col = DEFAULT_FREE_COLS[0] if free_col in f_mtz_meta.columns: comment("\nReplace free-R flags") else: comment("\nGenerate free-R flags") free_mtz = "free.mtz" wf.temporary_files |= {"unique.mtz", free_mtz} if opt.seed_freerflag or cell_diff > 1e3: # i.e. different SG wf.unique(hklout="unique.mtz", ref=f_mtz_meta, resolution=cad_reso).run() else: comment(" (repeatably)") # Here we'd like to have always the same set of free-r flags # for given PDB file. That's why we don't use information # from the data file (mtz). wf.unique(hklout="unique.mtz", ref=pdb_meta, resolution=1.0).run() # CCP4 freerflag uses always the same pseudo-random sequence by default wf.freerflag(hklin="unique.mtz", hklout=free_mtz, keys=("SEED" if opt.seed_freerflag else "")).run() if free_mtz == opt.mtz and opt.reso is None: prepared_mtz = f_mtz else: prepared_mtz = "prepared.mtz" wf.temporary_files.add(prepared_mtz) wf.cad(data_in=[(f_mtz, [c for c in f_mtz_meta.columns if c != free_col]), (free_mtz, [free_col])], hklout=prepared_mtz, keys=["sysab_keep", # does it matter? "reso overall 1000.0 %g" % cad_reso]).run() freerflag_missing = wf.count_mtz_missing(prepared_mtz, free_col) if freerflag_missing: wf.freerflag(hklin=prepared_mtz, hklout="prepared2.mtz", keys="COMPLETE FREE="+free_col, parser=" (again, for %d refl. more)" % freerflag_missing ).run() prepared_mtz = "prepared2.mtz" wf.temporary_files.add(prepared_mtz) ####### refinement ####### if opt.weight: refmac_weight = "matrix %f" % opt.weight else: refmac_weight = "auto" restr_ref_keys = """\ make newligand continue refinement type restrained weight %s """ % refmac_weight if opt.freecolumn_val: restr_ref_keys += "free %s\n" % opt.freecolumn_val refmac_labin = "%s FREE=%s" % (refmac_labin_nofree, free_col) comment("\nRestrained refinement, %d+%d cycles." % (opt.jelly, opt.restr_cycles)) if opt.jelly: wf.temporary_files |= {"jelly.pdb", "jelly.mtz"} wf.refmac5(hklin=prepared_mtz, xyzin=refmac_xyzin, hklout="jelly.mtz", xyzout="jelly.pdb", labin=refmac_labin, libin=opt.libin, keys=restr_ref_keys+"ridge distance sigma 0.01\n" "make hydrogen no\n" "ncycle %d" % opt.jelly).run() comment(_refmac_rms_line(wf.jobs[-1].data)) refmac_xyzin = "jelly.pdb" restr_job = wf.refmac5(hklin=prepared_mtz, xyzin=refmac_xyzin, hklout=opt.hklout, xyzout=opt.xyzout, labin=refmac_labin, libin=opt.libin, keys=restr_ref_keys+("ncycle %d" % opt.restr_cycles)).run() comment(_refmac_rms_line(restr_job.data)) # if that run is repeated with --from-step it's useful to compare Rfree if wf.from_job > 0 and wf.from_job <= len(wf.jobs): # from_job is 1-based prev = [j for j in wf.repl_jobs if j.name == restr_job.name] if prev and prev[0].data and "free_r" in prev[0].data: comment("\nPreviously: R/Rfree %.4f/%.4f Rfree change: %+.4f" % ( prev[0].data["overall_r"], prev[0].data["free_r"], restr_job.data["free_r"] - prev[0].data["free_r"])) ####### check blobs and finish ####### if restr_job.data["free_r"] <= BAD_FINAL_RFREE: fb_job = wf.find_blobs(opt.hklout, opt.xyzout, sigma=0.8).run() coot_script = _generate_scripts_and_pictures(wf, opt, fb_job.data) if coot_script: comment("\nTo see it in Coot run %s" % coot_script) else: comment("\nGiving up (Rfree > %g). No blob search." % BAD_FINAL_RFREE) _generate_scripts_and_pictures(wf, opt, None) def _refmac_rms_line(data): rb, ra, rc = [data.get(k, (-1,)) for k in 'rmsBOND', 'rmsANGL', 'rmsCHIRAL'] return ('\n RMS: bond %.3f -> %.3f' % (rb[0], rb[-1]) + ' angle %.2f -> %.2f' % (ra[0], ra[-1]) + ' chiral %.2f -> %.2f' % (rc[0], rc[-1])) def _after_phaser_comments(phaser_job, sg_in): phaser_data = phaser_job.data if 'error' in phaser_data: comment("\n" + phaser_data['error']) if (phaser_job.exit_status != 0 or phaser_data['info'] == 'Sorry - No solution'): comment("\nGiving up.") return False solu_set = phaser_data.get('status', '') if phaser_data['info'].endswith('...'): comment("\n..." + solu_set[len(phaser_data['info'])-3:]) if phaser_data.get('partial_solution'): # counting TF*0 or TFZ=number, but not TFZ==number n_comp = (solu_set.count('TF') - solu_set.count('TFZ==') + solu_set.count('+TNCS')) comment("\nSolution found with %d components." % n_comp) if phaser_data['SG'] != sg_in: comment("\nSpacegroup changed to %s" % phaser_data['SG']) return True def _comment_summary_line(name, meta): comment('\n%-21s %s' % (name, meta or '???')) def guess_number_of_molecules(mtz_meta, rw_data, vol_ratio): Va = mtz_meta.asu_volume() m = rw_data['weight'] # if the number of molecules seems to be 1 or 2, don't go into Matthews if vol_ratio and rw_data.get('solvent_percent', 100) < HIGH_SOLVENT_PCT: if 0.7 < vol_ratio < 1.33: return 1 if 1.8 < vol_ratio < 2.2: return 2 # Vm = Va/(n*M) # Vs = 1 - 1.23/Vm => Vs = 1 - n * 1.23*M/Va def calc_Vs(nmol): return 100 * (1 - nmol * 1.23 * m / Va) # For our purpose, it's better to overestimate the number of molecules, # because we can use "partial solution" from Phaser. # OTOH the search with overestimated n is slower and more likely to fail. # We also have preference for even numbers because they are more frequent # and Phaser can make use of tNCS if it's present. # Let's pick the largest n that gives solvent content (Vs) at least 30%. # If n is odd, try n-1 if Vs is still above 45%. # Vm = Va/(n*M) => n = Va/(Vm*M) # 1-1.23/Vm=30% => Vm=1.76 n = max(int(Va / (1.76 * m)), 1) if n % 2 == 1 and calc_Vs(n-1) < 45: n -= 1 Vsn = calc_Vs(n) if Vsn < 10: # model too big, won't fit return float(vol_ratio or Va / (2.4 * m)) if n > 1: # 1-1.23/Vm=50% => Vm=2.46 other_n = min(int(round(Va / (2.46 * m))), n-1) comment("\n%.0f%% solvent for %d, %.0f%% for %d components." % (calc_Vs(other_n), other_n, Vsn, n)) else: comment("\n%.0f%% solvent for single component." % Vsn) return n def _check_picture_tools(): ok = True coot_path, coot_ver = coots.find_path_and_version() if coot_path: if coot_ver is None: put_error("coot not working(?), no pictures") ok = False else: if "with python" not in coot_ver: put_error("coot with Python support is needed") ok = False if "\n0.6." in coot_ver: put_error("coot 0.7+ is needed (0.6 would crash)") ok = False else: put_error("No coot, no pictures") ok = False if not utils.syspath("render"): put_error("No Raster3d, no pictures") ok = False return ok def _write_script(path, content, executable=False): try: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(content) if executable: # chmod +x mode = os.stat(path).st_mode os.chmod(path, mode | ((mode & 0444) >> 2)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: put_error(e) def _generate_scripts_and_pictures(wf, opt, data): blobs = data["blobs"] if data else [] if not blobs: comment("\nUnmodelled blobs not found.") elif opt.img_format and _check_picture_tools(): if len(blobs) == 1: comment("\nRendering density blob at (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)" % blobs[0]) else: comment("\nRendering 2 largest blobs: at (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) " "and at (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)" % (blobs[0]+blobs[1])) com = data and data["center"] # run-coot.py centers on the biggest blob. It uses relative paths - # it can be run only from the output directory, but is not affected # by moving that directory to different location. # There are blobN-coot.py scripts generated below with absolute paths. # write coot script (apart from pictures) that centers on the biggest blob script_path = os.path.join(wf.output_dir, "run-coot.py") script = coots.basic_script(pdb=opt.xyzout, mtz=opt.hklout, center=(blobs and blobs[0]), toward=com) _write_script(script_path, script, executable=True) # blob images, for now for not more than two blobs d = os.path.abspath(wf.output_dir) for n, b in enumerate(blobs[:2]): py_path = os.path.join(wf.output_dir, "blob%d-coot.py" % (n+1)) content = coots.basic_script(pdb=os.path.join(d, opt.xyzout), mtz=os.path.join(d, opt.hklout), center=blobs[n], toward=com) _write_script(py_path, content) # coot.sh - one-line script for convenience if blobs: coot_sh_text = '{coot} --no-guano {out}/blob1-coot.py\n' else: coot_sh_text = '{coot} --no-guano {out}/final.mtz {out}/final.pdb\n' coot_sh_path = os.path.join(wf.output_dir, "coot.sh") _write_script(coot_sh_path, coot_sh_text.format(coot=coots.find_path(), out=wf.output_dir), executable=True) if opt.img_format and blobs: script = '' basenames = [] # as a workaround for buggy coot the maps are reloaded for each blob for n, b in enumerate(blobs[:2]): script += coots.basic_script(pdb=opt.xyzout, mtz=opt.hklout, center=b, toward=com) rs, names = coots.r3d_script(b, com, blobname="blob%s"%(n+1)) script += rs basenames += names coot_job = wf.coot_py(script) try: coot_job.run() except workflow.JobError: # check for a possible cause to hint the user # (possible workaround: change $HOME to non-existing directory) if utils.silently_run(coot_job.args, cwd=wf.output_dir)[0] != 0: put_error("coot fails with options: --no-graphics --python", comment="It happens when scripts in .coot or " ".coot-preferences are not compatible\n" "with the --no-graphics mode.") raise for n, basename in enumerate(basenames): job = wf.render_r3d(basename, img_format=opt.img_format) if n % 3 == 0: job.run() else: # minimal output job.run(show_progress=False, new_line=False) wf.delete_files([name+".r3d" for name in basenames]) return coot_sh_path def parse_dimple_commands(args): dstr = ' (default: %(default)s)' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage=USAGE_SHORT, epilog=workflow.commands_help, prog=PROG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) # positional args can be separated by options, but not after the 3rd one # see http://bugs.python.org/issue15112 , http://bugs.python.org/issue14191 parser.add_argument('pos_arg1') parser.add_argument('pos_arg2') parser.add_argument('pos_arg3') parser.add_argument('more_args', nargs='*') group1 = parser.add_argument_group('most commonly used options') group1.add_argument('-s', '--slow', action='count', help='more refinement, etc. (can be used 2x)') group1.add_argument('-M', '--mr-when-r', type=float, default=0.4, metavar='NUM', help='threshold for Molecular Replacement'+dstr) group2 = parser.add_argument_group('options contolling input/output') group2.add_argument('-I', '--icolumn', metavar='ICOL', help='I column label (default: IMEAN)') group2.add_argument('--sigicolumn', metavar='SIGICOL', default='SIG', help='SIGI column label'+dstr) group2.add_argument('--fcolumn', metavar='FCOL', help='F column label (default: F)') group2.add_argument('--sigfcolumn', metavar='SIGFCOL', default='SIG', help='SIGF column label'+dstr) group2.add_argument('--libin', metavar='CIF', help='ligand descriptions for refmac (LIBIN)') group2.add_argument('-R', '--free-r-flags', metavar='MTZ_FILE', help='file with freeR flags ' '("-" = use flags from data mtz)') group2.add_argument('--freecolumn', metavar='COL[=N]', help='Rfree column with optional value (default: 0)') group2.add_argument('--hklout', metavar='out.mtz', default='final.mtz', help='output mtz file'+dstr) group2.add_argument('--xyzout', metavar='out.pdb', default='final.pdb', help='output pdb file'+dstr) group2.add_argument('-f', choices=['png', 'jpeg', 'tiff', 'none'], dest='img_format', help='format of generated images'+dstr) group2.add_argument('--no-cleanup', dest='cleanup', action='store_false', help='leave intermediate files') group2.add_argument('--cleanup', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # obsolete group3 = parser.add_argument_group('options customizing the run') group3.add_argument('--no-hetatm', action='store_true', help='remove HETATM atoms from the given model') group3.add_argument('--jelly', metavar='N_ITER', type=int, help='run refmac jelly-body before the final refinement') group3.add_argument('--reso', type=float, help='limit the resolution [A]') group3.add_argument('--restr-cycles', metavar='N', type=int, help='cycles of refmac final refinement (default: 8)') group3.add_argument('--weight', metavar='VALUE', type=float, help='refmac matrix weight (default: auto-weight)') group3.add_argument('--mr-prog', choices=['phaser', 'molrep'], default='phaser', help='Molecular Replacement program' + dstr) group3.add_argument('--mr-num', type=int, help='number of molecules for MR (default: auto)') group3.add_argument('--mr-reso', type=float, default=3.25, help='high resolution for MR ' '(if >10 interpreted as eLLG)' + dstr) group3.add_argument('--ItoF-prog', choices=['truncate', 'ctruncate'], help='program to calculate amplitudes') group3.add_argument('--seed-freerflag', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) group3.add_argument('--dls-naming', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) group3.add_argument('--from-step', metavar='N', type=int, default=0, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+__version__) # customize usage message: get rid of 'positional arguments', # rename default 'optional arguments' and shift it to the end. # pylint: disable=protected-access default_group = parser._action_groups[1] default_group.title = 'other options' parser._action_groups = parser._action_groups[2:] + [default_group] # special mode for compatibility with ccp4i legacy_args = {"HKLIN": "", "XYZIN": "", "HKLOUT": "--hklout", "XYZOUT": "--xyzout"} if len(args) == 8 and args[0] in legacy_args: args = [legacy_args.get(a) or a for a in args if legacy_args.get(a) != ""] output_dir = os.path.join(os.environ.get("CCP4_SCR", ''), "dimple_out") args.append(output_dir) # special mode for checking pdb file[s] if len(args) >= 1 and all(arg.endswith('.pdb') for arg in args): special_pdb_mode(args) sys.exit(0) # special mode for checking mtz file if len(args) == 1 and args[0].endswith('.mtz'): special_mtz_mode(args) sys.exit(1) opt = parser.parse_args(args) all_args = [opt.pos_arg1, opt.pos_arg2, opt.pos_arg3] + opt.more_args # all_args should be one mtz, one or more pdbs and output_dir opt.output_dir = all_args.pop() if opt.img_format == 'none': # this option is kept for compatibility only opt.img_format = None if (opt.output_dir.endswith('.mtz') or opt.output_dir.endswith('.pdb') or opt.output_dir.endswith('.gz')): put_error('The last argument should be output directory') sys.exit(1) # special mode for re-running jobs if all_args[0] == 'rerun': if os.path.isdir(all_args[1]): logfile = os.path.join(all_args[1], 'dimple.log') else: logfile = all_args[1] old_wf = utils.read_section_from_log(logfile, 'workflow') try: old_dir = os.path.join(old_wf['cwd'], old_wf['output_dir']) old_pdb = os.path.join(old_dir, 'ini.pdb') if not os.path.exists(old_pdb): if not old_wf.get('pdb_files'): put_error('No pdb files in the original run?') sys.exit(1) old_pdb = os.path.join(old_dir, old_wf['pdb_files'][0]) if 'data_file' not in old_wf: # temporary, to be removed soon old_mtz_arg = [a for a in old_wf['args'].split() if a.endswith('.mtz')][0] old_wf['data_file'] = os.path.join(old_wf['cwd'], old_mtz_arg) old_mtz = os.path.join(old_dir, old_wf['data_file']) except (TypeError, KeyError): put_error('Reading logfile failed', comment='is it dimple.log?') sys.exit(1) all_args[0:2] = [old_pdb, old_mtz] mtz_args = [a for a in all_args if a.lower().endswith('.mtz')] if len(mtz_args) != 1: put_error("One mtz file should be given") sys.exit(1) opt.mtz = mtz_args[0] all_args.remove(opt.mtz) opt.pdbs = all_args for n, a in enumerate(opt.pdbs): if is_pdb_id(a): opt.pdbs[n] = download_pdb(a, opt.output_dir) elif not (a.lower().endswith('.pdb') or a.lower().endswith('.pdb.gz')): put_error("unexpected arg (neither mtz nor pdb): %s" % a) sys.exit(1) if len(opt.pdbs) == 0: put_error("At least one pdb file should be given") sys.exit(1) if opt.seed_freerflag and opt.free_r_flags: put_error("Option --seed-freerflag and --free-r-flags" " don't make sense together") sys.exit(1) if opt.free_r_flags == '-': opt.free_r_flags = opt.mtz opt.freecolumn_val = None if opt.freecolumn and '=' in opt.freecolumn: opt.freecolumn, opt.freecolumn_val = opt.freecolumn.rsplit('=', 1) if opt.freecolumn and not opt.free_r_flags: if opt.freecolumn == DEFAULT_FREE_COLS[0] and opt.freecolumn_val: pass # this may be useful for excluding different set else: put_error("--freecolumn suggests that you want to use existing free" " flags.\nFor this you need also option --free-r-flags") sys.exit(1) # extra checks for filename in opt.pdbs + [opt.mtz, opt.free_r_flags, opt.libin]: if filename and not os.path.isfile(filename): put_error("File not found: " + filename) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(opt.output_dir) and not os.path.isdir(opt.output_dir): put_error("Not a directory: " + opt.output_dir) sys.exit(1) # Since we'll execute programs from opt.output_dir, adjust paths. opt.mtz = utils.adjust_path(opt.mtz, opt.output_dir) opt.pdbs = [utils.adjust_path(a, opt.output_dir) for a in opt.pdbs] if opt.free_r_flags: opt.free_r_flags = utils.adjust_path(opt.free_r_flags, opt.output_dir) if opt.libin: opt.libin = utils.adjust_path(opt.libin, opt.output_dir) # the default value of sigicolumn ('SIG') needs substitution opt.sigicolumn = opt.sigicolumn.replace('', opt.icolumn or 'IMEAN') # set defaults that depend on the 'slow' level if opt.slow is None: opt.slow = 0 elif opt.slow > 2: opt.slow = 2 if opt.restr_cycles is None: opt.restr_cycles = [8, 10, 12][opt.slow] if opt.jelly is None: opt.jelly = [4, 10, 100][opt.slow] return opt def special_pdb_mode(args): print 'Proper usage: %s' % USAGE_SHORT check_ccp4_envvars() print '...actually we can run rwcontents for you' wf = workflow.Workflow('') wf.enable_logs = False for p in args: try: wf.read_pdb_metadata(p, print_errors=True) _comment_summary_line(os.path.basename(p), wf.file_info[p]) wf.rwcontents(xyzin=p).run() except (IOError, RuntimeError) as e: put_error(e) except workflow.JobError as e: put_error(e.msg, comment=e.note) print '\n\n...but this is NOT how dimple is supposed to be run.' def special_mtz_mode(args): print 'Usage: %s' % USAGE_SHORT check_ccp4_envvars() wf = workflow.Workflow('') wf.enable_logs = False try: mtz_meta = wf.read_mtz_metadata(args[0]) print 'Basic MTZ file info:' print mtz_meta.info() contam_info = contaminants.get_info(mtz_meta) if contam_info: print contam_info except (IOError, RuntimeError) as e: put_error(e) def dls_name_filter(pdbs): # Filename matching used in Diamond synchrotron. PDB filenames # are matched against the current (!) directory. # It's more relaxed than in solve_o_matic's select_pdb.py: # case-insensitive and ignoring non-alphanumeric characters. pattern = ''.join(a for a in os.getcwd().lower() if a.isalnum() or a == '/') def token(arg): part = os.path.basename(arg).split('.')[0] return ''.join(a for a in part.lower() if a.isalnum()) matched_pdbs = [arg for arg in pdbs if token(arg) in pattern] if matched_pdbs != pdbs: comment("\n%d of %d PDBs have filenames matching data directory" % (len(matched_pdbs), len(pdbs))) return matched_pdbs def check_ccp4_envvars(): for necessary_var in ("CCP4", "CCP4_SCR"): if necessary_var not in os.environ: put_error('$%s not found, giving up' % necessary_var) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(os.environ["CCP4_SCR"]): put_error('No such directory: $CCP4_SCR, refmac shall not work!') def check_contaminants_if_bad(wf, mtz): ref_job = wf.get_final_refinement_job() if not ref_job or ref_job.data.get('free_r', 1) > GOOD_FINAL_RFREE: mtz_meta = wf.read_mtz_metadata(mtz) # it's cached info = contaminants.get_info(mtz_meta) if info: comment('\n' + info) def main(args): if workflow.parse_workflow_commands(): return options = parse_dimple_commands(args) check_ccp4_envvars() wf = workflow.Workflow(options.output_dir, from_job=options.from_step) utils.start_log(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "dimple.log"), output_dir=options.output_dir) utils.log_value("version", __version__) utils.start_log_screen(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "screen.log")) try: dimple(wf=wf, opt=options) check_contaminants_if_bad(wf, mtz=options.mtz) exit_status = 0 except workflow.JobError as e: put_error(e.msg, comment=e.note) try: utils.report_disk_space([wf.output_dir, os.getenv("CCP4_SCR")]) except KeyboardInterrupt: comment("\nok, exiting...") exit_status = 1 except RuntimeError as e: put_error(e) exit_status = 1 finally: comment("\n") if options.cleanup: wf.delete_files(wf.temporary_files) wf.options = options wf.dump_pickle() return exit_status if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))