"""Module to skim the PDB for similar unit cells""" from __future__ import division __author__ = "Adam Simpkin & Felix Simkovic" __date__ = "30 Jun 2017" __version__ = "1.0" import ast import cctbx.crystal import cctbx.uctbx import datetime import logging import numpy as np import os from simbad.lattice.latticescore import LatticeSearchResult from simbad.util.pdb_util import get_pdb_content logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LatticeSearch(object): """A class to do a search for PDB entries with similar unit cell dimensions """ def __init__(self, lattice_db_fname, model_dir): """Initialize a new Lattice Search class Parameters ---------- lattice_db_fname : str The path to the lattice database [pickle format] max_to_keep : int, optional The maximum number of results to keep [default: 20] """ self._lattice_db_fname = None self._model_dir = None self.lattice_db_fname = lattice_db_fname self.model_dir = model_dir self.results = [] @property def lattice_db_fname(self): """The path to the lattice database""" return self._lattice_db_fname @lattice_db_fname.setter def lattice_db_fname(self, lattice_db_fname): """Define the lattice database filename""" # Check how old the database is, if older than 90 days print # message to suggest updating timestamp = os.path.getmtime(lattice_db_fname) if (datetime.date.today() - datetime.date.fromtimestamp(timestamp)).days > 90: logger.info('Lattice database is older than 90 days, consider updating!\n' 'Use the "simbad-create-lattice-db" script in your Terminal') self._lattice_db_fname = lattice_db_fname @property def model_dir(self): """The path to the model directory""" return self._model_dir @model_dir.setter def model_dir(self, model_dir): """Define the model directory""" self._model_dir = model_dir def search(self, space_group, unit_cell, tolerance=0.05, max_to_keep=50, max_penalty=12): """Search for similar Niggli cells Parameters ---------- unit_cell : list, tuple The parameters of the unit cell space_group : str The space group tolerance : int, float, optional The tolerance applied for Niggli cell comparison [default: 0.05] max_to_keep : int, optional The top-N number of results to return [default: 50] max_penalty : int, optional The total penalty score over which results are ignored [default: 12] """ space_group = LatticeSearch.check_sg(space_group) niggli_cell = LatticeSearch.calculate_niggli_cell(unit_cell, space_group) niggli_cell = np.array(niggli_cell) tol_niggli_cell = niggli_cell * tolerance results = [] with np.load(self.lattice_db_fname) as compressed: for entry in compressed["arr_0"]: pdb_code = "".join(chr(c) for c in entry[:4].astype('uint8')) pdb_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, '{0}.pdb'.format(pdb_code)) alt_cell = chr(int(entry[4])) if entry[4] != 0.0 else ' ' db_cell = entry[5:] if self.cell_within_tolerance(niggli_cell, db_cell, tol_niggli_cell): total_pen, length_pen, angle_pen = self.calculate_penalty(niggli_cell, db_cell) vol_diff = self.calculate_volume_difference(niggli_cell, db_cell) if total_pen < max_penalty: prob = self.calculate_probability(total_pen) score = LatticeSearchResult(pdb_code, pdb_path, alt_cell, db_cell, vol_diff, total_pen, length_pen, angle_pen, prob) if not LatticeSearch.pdb_in_results(pdb_code, results): results.append(score) results_sorted = sorted(results, key=lambda x: float(x.total_penalty), reverse=False) self.results = results_sorted[:max_to_keep] @classmethod def calculate_penalty(cls, query, reference): """Calculate the linear cell variation between unit cells Parameters ---------- query : list, tuple The query cell parameters reference : list, tuple The reference cell parameters Returns ------- float Total penalty float Length penalty float Angle penalty """ def penalty(q, r): delta = np.absolute(np.array(q) - np.array(r)) return delta[:3].sum().item(), delta[3:].sum().item() length_penalty, angle_penalty = penalty(query, reference) total_penalty = length_penalty + angle_penalty return total_penalty, length_penalty, angle_penalty @classmethod def calculate_probability(cls, penalty_score): """Calculate the probability that a penalty score will give a solution Parameters ---------- penalty_score : float The total penalty score calculate for a search result Returns ------- float Probability score """ return np.exp(-0.41208106 * penalty_score).round(decimals=3).item() @classmethod def cell_within_tolerance(cls, query, reference, tolerance): """Compare two cells and determine if ``query`` is within ``reference`` cell parameter tolerance Parameters ---------- query : list, tuple The query cell parameters reference : list, tuple The reference cell parameters tolerance : list, tuple The tolerance cell parameter values Returns ------- bool """ for q, r, t in zip(query, reference, tolerance): if np.allclose(q, r, atol=t): continue else: return False return True @classmethod def calculate_volume_difference(cls, query, reference): """Calculate the difference in volume between the query unit cell and the reference unit cell Parameters ---------- query : list, tuple The query cell parameters reference : list, tuple The reference cell parameters Returns ------- float The absolute difference in cell volumes """ cell_volume_1 = cctbx.uctbx.unit_cell(list(query)).volume() cell_volume_2 = cctbx.uctbx.unit_cell(list(reference)).volume() return np.absolute(cell_volume_1 - cell_volume_2).round(decimals=3).item() @staticmethod def calculate_niggli_cell(unit_cell, space_group): """Calculate the parameters of the Niggli cell Parameters ---------- unit_cell : list, tuple The parameters of the unit cell space_group : str The space group Returns ------- list The Niggli cell parameters """ unit_cell = list(unit_cell) unit_cell = cctbx.uctbx.unit_cell(unit_cell) xs = cctbx.crystal.symmetry( unit_cell=unit_cell, space_group=space_group, correct_rhombohedral_setting_if_necessary=True) niggli_cell = xs.change_basis(xs.change_of_basis_op_to_niggli_cell()).unit_cell() niggli_cell = list(ast.literal_eval(str(niggli_cell))) logger.info("Niggli cell calculated as: [%s]", ", ".join(map(str, niggli_cell))) return niggli_cell @staticmethod def check_sg(sg): """Check the space group for known anomalies""" sg_conversion = { 'A1': 'P1', 'B2': 'B112', 'C1211': 'C2', 'F422': 'I422', 'I21': 'I2', 'I1211': 'I2', 'P21212A': 'P212121', 'R3': 'R3:R', 'C4212': 'P422', } return sg_conversion.get(sg, sg) @staticmethod def pdb_in_results(pdb_code, results): """Check to see if a pdb_code has already been appended to the results""" return pdb_code.upper() in set([r.pdb_code.upper() for r in results]) def copy_results(self, source, destination): """Copy the results from a local copy of the PDB Parameters ---------- source : str The path to copy results from destination : str The path to save results to Raises ------ ValueError No search results found/available ValueError Output directory does not exist IOError Search result not found in installed PDB """ if not self.results: raise ValueError("No search results found/available") if not os.path.isdir(destination): msg = "Output directory does not exist: {0}".format(destination) raise ValueError(msg) import gzip to_del = [] for count, result in enumerate(self.results): f_name = os.path.join(source, '{0}', 'pdb{1}.ent.gz').format(result.pdb_code[1:3].lower(), result.pdb_code.lower()) f_name_out = os.path.join(destination, '{0}.pdb'.format(result.pdb_code)) try: with gzip.open(f_name, 'rb') as f_in, open(f_name_out, 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(f_in.read()) except IOError: logger.warning("Encountered problem copying PDB %s from %s - removing entry from list", result.pdb_code, source) to_del.append(count) for i in reversed(to_del): self.results.pop(i) def download_results(self, destination): """Download the results directly from the PDB Parameters ---------- destination : str The path to save results to Raises ------ ValueError No search results found/available ValueError Output directory does not exist RuntimeError Unable to download PDB """ if not self.results: raise ValueError("No search results found/available") if not os.path.isdir(destination): msg = "Output directory does not exist: {0}".format(destination) raise ValueError(msg) to_del = [] for count, result in enumerate(self.results): content = get_pdb_content(result.pdb_code) if content is None: logger.warning("Encountered problem downloading PDB %s - removing entry from list", result.pdb_code) to_del.append(count) else: f_name_out = os.path.join(destination, result.pdb_code + '.pdb') with open(f_name_out, 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(content) for i in reversed(to_del): self.results.pop(i) def summarize(self, csvfile): """Summarize the search results Parameters ---------- csvfile : str The path to an output CSV file """ from simbad.util import summarize_result columns = [ 'alt', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'length_penalty', 'angle_penalty', 'total_penalty', 'volume_difference', 'probability_score' ] summarize_result(self.results, csv_file=csvfile, columns=columns)