# raster3d.py # # Copyright 2005, 2006 by Bernhard Lohkamp # Copyright 2007 by Bernhard Lohkamp, The University of York # Copyright 2005, 2006 by Paul Emsley, The University of York # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # BL pyton script for rendering images in COOT # args not including the output filename def povray_args(): return ["+FN16", "+A"] # BL says: dont know how usefull this function is/will be.... # run raster3d # def render_image(): import os import webbrowser import sys coot_r3d_file_name="coot.r3d" version = raster3d_version() if (os.name == 'nt' and version[0] == 2): coot_image_file_name = "coot.tif" image_format = " -tiff " else: coot_image_file_name = "coot.png" image_format = " -png " raster3d(coot_r3d_file_name) r3d_exe = find_exe("render", "PATH") if (r3d_exe): r3d_dir = os.path.dirname(r3d_exe) os.environ['R3D_LIB'] = r3d_dir + "/materials" r3d_call = r3d_exe + image_format + coot_image_file_name + " < " + coot_r3d_file_name print "BL DEBUG:: r3d_call is ", r3d_call print "calling render..." major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = sys.version_info if (major >= 2 and minor >=4): # new style import subprocess status = subprocess.call(r3d_call, shell=True) if status: # something went wrong with raster3d # maybe same for system call?!? print "BL WARNING:: some error in raster3d" return else: status = os.system(r3d_call) print "calling display..." try: webbrowser.open(coot_image_file_name,1,1) except OSError: print "BL WARNING:: We can't find rendered file ",coot_image_file_name # Run either raster3d or povray # # @var{image_type} is either 'raster3d' or 'povray' # def raytrace(image_type, source_file_name, image_file_name, x_size, y_size): import os import webbrowser import sys if (image_type == "raster3d"): # BL says: this is for windows, since tif file version = raster3d_version() do_tif = False if version: if version[0] == 2: do_tif = True if (os.name == 'nt' and do_tif): render_exe = "render.exe" image_file_name += ".tif" image_format = " -tiff " else: render_exe = "render" image_format = " -png " r3d_exe = find_exe("render", "CCP4_BIN", "PATH") if (r3d_exe): r3d_dir = os.path.dirname(r3d_exe) os.environ['R3D_LIB'] = r3d_dir + "/materials" #we have to check filenames for spaces for dodgy windows path image_file_name_mod, source_file_name_mod, space_flag = \ check_file_names_for_space_and_move(image_file_name, source_file_name) r3d_call = r3d_exe + image_format + image_file_name_mod + " < " + source_file_name_mod print "BL DEBUG:: r3d_call is ", r3d_call print "calling render..." major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = sys.version_info if (major >= 2 and minor >=4): import subprocess status = subprocess.call(r3d_call, shell=True) if status: # something went wrong with raster3d # maybe same for system call?!? print "BL WARNING:: some error in raster3d" return else: status = os.system(r3d_call) # now we have to copy files back if necessary!! if (space_flag): import shutil shutil.move(image_file_name_mod,image_file_name) shutil.move(source_file_name_mod,source_file_name) print "calling display..." try: webbrowser.open(image_file_name,1,1) except OSError: print "BL WARNING:: We can't find rendered file ",image_file_name elif (image_type == "povray"): image_file_name += ".png" #BL says: conversion of filename, again! Windows is driving me crazy... image_file_name = os.path.normpath(image_file_name) # again, we just assume povray exe is pvengine on all systems povray_exe = find_exe(povray_command_name, "PATH") if (povray_exe): image_file_name_mod, source_file_name_mod, space_flag = \ check_file_names_for_space_and_move(image_file_name, source_file_name) if (os.name == 'nt'): args = ["/EXIT", "/RENDER"] else: args = " " args += [source_file_name_mod] + povray_args() + ["-UV" , "+W" + str(x_size) , "+H" + str(y_size)] print "BL INFO:: run povray with args: ", args povray_call = [povray_exe] + args + ["+o" + image_file_name_mod] print "BL DEBUG:: povray command line", povray_call major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = sys.version_info if (major >= 2 and minor >=4): import subprocess status = subprocess.call(povray_call) if status: # something went wrong with raster3d # maybe same for system call?!? print "BL WARNING:: some error in povray" return else: os.system(povray_call) # now we have to copy files back if necessary!! if (space_flag): import shutil shutil.move(image_file_name_mod,image_file_name) shutil.move(source_file_name_mod,source_file_name) else: pass print "calling display..." try: webbrowser.open(image_file_name,1,1) except OSError: print "BL WARNING:: We can't find rendered file ",image_file_name else: print "Image type ", image_type, " unknown!" # Converts a ppm file to a bmp file (for windows users) and opens in # browser or viewer # actually dont use ppm any more but png, so not needed as such any more # keep for backwards compatibility # def ppm2bmp(ppm_file_name): import os import webbrowser import sys bmp_file_name, extension = os.path.splitext(ppm_file_name) # FIXME: horrible hacks!!! if (extension == ".ppm"): bmp_file_name += ".bmp" # BL says: need to do some wired stuff to make sure cmd/system works with # space in file name , e.g. ' & " thingys cmd = 'ppm2bmp "' ppm2bmp_call = cmd + ppm_file_name + '"' major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = sys.version_info if (major >= 2 and minor >=4): import subprocess status = subprocess.call(ppm2bmp_call, shell=True) if status: # something went wrong with raster3d # maybe same for system call?!? print "BL WARNING:: some error in ppm2bmp" return else: os.system(ppm2bmp_call) if (extension == ".png"): bmp_file_name = ppm_file_name if (not os.path.isfile(bmp_file_name)): print "BL WARNING:: Cannot find png/bmp file ", bmp_file_name else: print "calling display..." try: webbrowser.open(bmp_file_name,1,1) except OSError: print "BL WARNING:: We can't open screendump file ",bmp_file_name # Tests file names for spaces. there is certainly on problem on windows # not sure about other OS, yet def check_file_names_for_space_and_move(image_file_name,source_file_name): import string, os, shutil space_flag = False if (((image_file_name.find(" ") > -1) or (source_file_name.find(" ") > -1)) and (os.name == 'nt')): # we have spaces, so tmp copy src to C: and run there, then # copy tmp back to where it should be image_file_name_mod = "C:\\" + os.path.basename(image_file_name) source_file_name_mod = "C:\\" + os.path.basename(source_file_name) shutil.move(source_file_name,source_file_name_mod) space_flag = True return image_file_name_mod, source_file_name_mod, space_flag else: return image_file_name, source_file_name, space_flag #raytrace("povray","coot.pov","coot.png",600,600) # return version as a tuple of 3 numbers (or 2 plus letter) # or False if not found or problems running raster3d # def raster3d_version(): import os raster3d_exe = find_exe("render", "CCP4_BIN", "PATH") if not raster3d_exe: return False else: log_file = "raster3_version.tmp" # BL note: currently -i is a bogus switch, so gives info status = popen_command(raster3d_exe, ["-i"], [], log_file) if (status != 0): return False else: fin = open(log_file, 'r') lines = fin.readlines() fin.close() os.remove(log_file) for line in lines: if ("Raster3D" in line): version_string = line[9:] tmp = version_string.split(".") try: major_version = int(tmp[0]) except: print "BL INFO:: problem extracting major version " + \ "from raster3d" return False if ("-" in tmp[1]): # have new style version tmp_min = tmp[1].split("-") try: minor = int(tmp_min[0]) micro = int(tmp_min[1]) except: print "BL INFO:: problem extracting minor version " + \ "from raster3d" return False return [major, minor, micro] else: # old style if (len(tmp[1]) != 2): print "BL INFO:: cannot deal with this version." return False else: try: minor = int(tmp[1][0]) except: print "BL INFO:: problem extracting minor " + \ "version of raster3d (old style)." return False micro = tmp[1][1] return [major, minor, micro] return False