Fraggle Readme -------------- This directory contains the scripts used to run Fraggle. The algorithm used in the scripts was described at the 2nd RDKit UGM (October 2013). The presentation can be found at: The benchmarking carried out in the presentation utilised the open source benchmarking platform described in: Riniker, Sereina, and Gregory A. Landrum. "Open-source platform to benchmark fingerprints for ligand-based virtual screening." Journal of cheminformatics 5.1 (2013): 26. With the addition of the following scripts: The information below describes how to run the Fraggle similarity algorithm with a query compound against a file of database compounds. How to run Fraggle: ------------------- Fraggle works in three steps: 1) Need to fragment your query molecule(s) 2) Run a Tversky Search using the generated fragments 3) Post-process results of the Tversky search to give final output It is recommended to run a standard RDK5 similarity alongside Fraggle The scripts requires RDKit ( be installed and properly configured. Help is available for all the scripts using the -h option Step 1 ------ Command: python FRAGGLE_FRAGMENTS Exmaple command: python < data/query.smi > data/query_fragmentation.csv Format of QUERY_FILE is: SMILES ID See query.smi for an example input file Format of FRAGGLE_FRAGMENTS: whole mol smiles,ID,fraggle split smiles See query_fragmentation.csv for an example output file The following help is available using the -h option: Program to run the first part of Fraggle. Program splits the molecule ready for the search USAGE: ./ TVERSKY_OUTPUT Example command: python -f data/query_fragmentation.csv < data/ChEMBL_11265_actives.smi > data/fragmentation_tversky_out Format of FRAGGLE_FRAGMENTS file is: whole mol smiles,ID,fraggle split smiles See query_fragmentation.csv for an example file Format of DB_SMILES_FILE: SMILES ID (space or comma separated) See ChEMBL_11265_actives.smi for an example file Format of TVERSKY_OUTPUT: query_frag_smiles,query_smiles,query_id,retrieved_smi,retrieved_id,tversky_sim See fragmentation_tversky_out for an example file The following help is available using the -h option: Usage: [options] Program to Tversky search results as part of Fraggle Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f F_FILE, --frags=F_FILE File containing the query fragmentations from Fraggle -c CUTOFF, --cutoff=CUTOFF Cutoff for Tversy similarity. Only Tversky results with similarity greater than the cutoff will be output. DEFAULT = 0.8 Format of input file: whole mol smiles,ID,fraggle split smiles Output: query_frag_smiles,query_smiles,query_id,retrieved_smi,retrieved_id,tversky_sim Step 3 ------ The last step is to perform the post-processing to give you the final Fraggle similarity Command: python FINAL_FRAGGLE_RESULTS Example command: python < data/fragmentation_tversky_out > data/final_fraggle_results.csv Format of TVERSKY_OUTPUT file is: query_frag_smiles,query_smiles,query_id,retrieved_smi,retrieved_id,tversky_sim See fragmentation_tversky_out for an example file Format of FINAL_FRAGGLE_RESULTS: SMILES,ID,QuerySMI,QueryID,Fraggle_Similarity,RDK5_Similarity See final_fraggle_results.csv for an example file This program has several options (see help from program below): Usage: [options] Program to post-process Tversky search results as part of Fraggle Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CUTOFF, --cutoff=CUTOFF Cutoff for fraggle similarity. Only results with similarity greater than the cutoff will be output. DEFAULT = 0.7 -p PFP, --pfp=PFP Cutoff for partial fp similarity. DEFAULT = 0.8 Format of input file: query_frag_smiles,query_smiles,query_id,retrieved_smi,retrieved_id,tversky_sim Output: SMILES,ID,QuerySMI,QueryID,Fraggle_Similarity,RDK5_Similarity