import pyrvapi import os,sys,subprocess, time import common flush_time=None output_dir=None uri_prefix=None verbose_err=True def call_pyrvapi(func, *args): # call the requested pyrvapi function, on pyrvapi error print warning and return False, otherwise return True # this ensures backwards compatibility with the older pyrvapi versions and assures crank2 does not stop at each tiny pyrvapi issue # if Andrey adds more specific exceptions to pyrvapi, this can be further improved try: getattr(pyrvapi,func)(*args) except Exception as e: if verbose_err: common.Warning('pyrvapi could not {0}{2} due to error: {1}'.format(func,e.message,args)) return False return True class rvbase(object): def __init__(self, ID, parent=None, param=None): self.ID=ID self.parent=parent self.param=param self.children=[] def Remove(self): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_remove_widget', self.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not remove widget {0} {1}'.format(type(self).__name__,self.ID)) elif self in self.parent.children: self.parent.children.remove(self) def Document(ID, outdir, title=None, mode=1, jsuri=None, viewer=None, header=None, layout=7, \ helpfname=None, htmlfname=None, taskfname=None, rvapidoc=None, i2=False, i2xmlfname="i2.xml"): if title is None: title=ID if jsuri is None or viewer is None: if not os.environ.has_key("CCP4"): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not initialize document because jsrview directory not defined.') return None if jsuri is None: jsuri = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "share", "jsrview") if viewer is None: if not i2: viewer = os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "libexec", "jsrview") # viewer = ['ccp4-python', os.path.join(os.environ["CCP4"], "share", "ccp4i2", "bin", "")] #### for testing purposes only #viewer = os.path.join("/bin/firefox") #if i2: layout = 0 if i2 and i2.rvapi_converter: global flush_time flush_time=0.0 mode=2 try: if rvapidoc: call_pyrvapi('rvapi_restore_document2',rvapidoc) else: call_pyrvapi('rvapi_init_document', ID, outdir, title, mode, layout, jsuri, helpfname, htmlfname, taskfname, i2xmlfname) # error may be returned with a delay time.sleep(0.1) # a specific exception should be caught once returned by pyrvapi except: common.Warning('pyrvapi could not initialize document, probably upgrade needed.') # backwards compatibility. should not be needed after some time. ID=ID+'_backwards' if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_init_document', ID, outdir, title, mode, layout, jsuri, helpfname, htmlfname, taskfname): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not initialize document.') return None global output_dir output_dir = outdir if header and not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_header', header): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add header.') if viewer and os.path.isfile(viewer): if isinstance(viewer,basestring): viewer=[viewer] with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull: proc=subprocess.Popen( viewer + [os.path.join(outdir, "index.html")], stderr=fnull, stdout=fnull) return rvdocument(ID) class rvdocument(rvbase): def Tab(self, ID, title=None, opened=True): if title is None: title=ID if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_tab', ID, title, opened): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add tab.') return None self.children.append( rvtab(ID,self) ) return self.children[-1] def Grid(self, ID, filling=True, row=-1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_grid', ID, filling, self.ID, row, col, rowspan, colspan): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add grid.') return None self.children.append( rvgrid(ID,self) ) return self.children[-1] class rvtab(rvbase): def Section(self, ID, title=None, row=-1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1, opened=True): if title is None: title=ID if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_section', ID, title, self.ID, row, col, rowspan, colspan, opened): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add section.') return None if ID not in [ch.ID for ch in self.children]: self.children.append( rvsection(ID,self) ) return self.children[-1] def Tree(self, ID, title=None, row=-1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1): if title is None: title=ID if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_tree_widget', ID, title, self.ID, row, col, rowspan, colspan): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add section.') return None self.children.append( rvtree(ID,self) ) return self.children[-1] class rvgrid(rvtab): pass class rvtree(rvtab): def Section(self, ID, title=None, row=-1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1, opened=True): section = rvtab.Section(self, ID, title, row, col, rowspan, colspan, opened) if title is None: title=ID if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_tree_node', self.ID, section.ID, title, "auto", ""): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add section to tree.') return None return section class rvsection(rvbase): def Text(self, text, append=True, row=None, col=None, rowspan=None, colspan=None, flush=False): if row is not None or col is not None or rowspan is not None or colspan is not None: if append: append=False if row is None: row = -1 if col is None: row = 0 if rowspan is None: rowspan = 1 if colspan is None: colspan = 1 if append: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_append_text', text, self.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add text.') else: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_text', text, self.ID, row,col,rowspan,colspan): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add text.') if flush: Flush() def getgraph(self,graph): # if existing graph is not inputted then a new graph will be created, with one exception: # if no ID is specified and a graph with the default ID exists already, this graph is returned if graph is None: default_graph_ID='g_'+self.ID if not [g for g in self.children if g.ID==default_graph_ID]: return self.Graph(default_graph_ID) else: return [g for g in self.children if g.ID==default_graph_ID][0] elif isinstance(graph,basestring): return self.Graph(graph) else: return graph def PlotLine(self, X, Y, graph=None, block=None, plot=None ): graph = self.getgraph(graph) return graph.PlotLine(X, Y, block, plot) def Plot(self, ID, x_label, y_label=None, title=None, graph=None, block=None, legendloc=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, intx=None, inty=None): graph = self.getgraph(graph) return graph.Plot(ID, x_label, y_label, title, block, legendloc, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, intx, inty) def Graph(self, ID): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_append_loggraph', ID, self.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add graph.') return None self.children.append( rvgraph(ID,self) ) return self.children[-1] def DataFile(self, fname, ftype, title=None, ID=None, folded=True, flush=False): if ID is None: ID = 'df_'+self.ID+str(len(self.children)+1) self.children.append( rvfileblock(ID,self) ) self.children[-1].DataFile(fname, ftype, title, folded=folded) if flush: Flush() return self.children[-1] def SetState(self, close=True): # returning 0 on failure if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_section_state', self.ID, not close): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set section state.') return 0 return 1 class rvfileblock(rvbase): empty = True def DataFile(self, fname, ftype, title=None, folded=True, flush=False): if uri_prefix: #common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix( [output_dir, fname] ) #if common_prefix: # fname = os.path.join( uri_prefix, os.path.relpath( fname, common_prefix ) ) if output_dir: fname = os.path.join( uri_prefix, os.path.relpath( fname, output_dir ) ) if self.empty: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_data', self.ID, title, fname, ftype, self.parent.ID, -1, 0, 1, 1, folded): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add data file.') else: self.empty=False else: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_append_to_data', self.ID, fname, ftype): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not append data file.') if flush: Flush() # the structure appears to be graph -> data block -> plot -> plotline class rvgraph(rvbase): def getblock(self,block): if block is None: return self.DataBlock('db_'+self.ID) elif isinstance(block,basestring): return self.DataBlock(block) else: return block def PlotLine(self, X, Y, block=None, plot=None ): block = self.getblock(block) return block.PlotLine(X, Y, plot) def Plot(self, ID, x_label, y_label=None, title=None, block=None, legendloc=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, intx=None, inty=None): if block is None: block = ID block = self.getblock(block) return block.Plot(ID, x_label, y_label, title, legendloc, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, intx, inty) def DataBlock(self, ID, title=None): if title is None: title = ID if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_graph_data', ID, self.ID, title): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add data block.') return None self.children.append( rvdatablock(ID,self,0) ) return self.children[-1] class rvdatablock(rvbase): def PlotLine(self, X, Y, plot=None): if plot is None: plot = self.Plot(self.ID, X[0], Y[0]) elif isinstance(plot,basestring): plot = self.Plot(plot, X[0], Y[0]) return plot.PlotLine(X[1:], Y[1:], self.ID) def Plot(self, ID, x_label, y_label=None, title=None, legendloc=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, intx=None, inty=None): if title is None: title = ID if y_label is None: y_label = title if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_graph_plot', ID, self.parent.ID, title, x_label, y_label): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add data block.') return None self.children.append( rvplot(ID,self) ) self.children[-1].SetProperties(legendloc, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, intx, inty) return self.children[-1] class rvplot(rvbase): def_size=2.5 def_color=["#4BB2C5","#EAA228"] def_color_fill="#B3B3B3" xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax=None,None,None,None # Y = (y_legend, y_header, [y_data]) ; y_header and/or [y_data] are optional (the same holds for X) # color,style,marker,size of plotline; fill>0 creates filling under the curve, fill==1 filling only (plotline hidden) def PlotLine(self, X, Y, ID=None, color="", style="", marker="", size=0, fill=0, custom_x_tick=False, flush=False): # n should be ordernumber of plotline in the datablock n = str( self.parent.param + 1 ) if ID is None: ID = self.parent.ID+n Xhead_omit, Yhead_omit = len(X)<2 or not isinstance(X[1],basestring), len(Y)<2 or not isinstance(Y[1],basestring) X_header, Y_header = X[0] if Xhead_omit else X[1], Y[0] if Xhead_omit else Y[1] if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_graph_dataset', "x"+n, self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, X[0], X_header): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add X dataset.') return None #Y_header = X[0] if Yhead_omit else Y[1] if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_graph_dataset', "y"+n, self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, Y[0], Y_header): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add Y dataset.') return None if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_plot_line', self.ID, self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, "x"+n, "y"+n): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add plot line.') return None if fill: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_line_fill', "y"+n, self.ID, self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, bool(fill), bool(fill-1), "", 0.01): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set fill options.') # setting grey color for automatic shadow fill without curve (showing up in the legend) if fill==1 and not color: color=self.def_color_fill if color or style or marker or size or (not color and len(self.children)<=1): if not size: size=self.def_size if not color: if not self.children: color=self.def_color[0] elif len(self.children)x_data_ind and len(Y)>y_data_ind: self.children[-1].Data(X[x_data_ind],Y[y_data_ind],custom_x_tick=custom_x_tick,flush=flush if flush is not None else True) return self.children[-1] def SetProperties(self, legendloc=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, intx=None, inty=None): if legendloc: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_legend', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, legendloc, ''): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot legend location.') # remembering min/max as rvapi resets them at each call! if xmin is not None: self.xmin=xmin if xmax is not None: self.xmax=xmax if ymin is not None: self.ymin=ymin if ymax is not None: self.ymax=ymax if self.xmin is not None and self.xmax is None: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_xmin', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, self.xmin): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot xmin.') elif self.xmax is not None and self.xmin is None: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_xmax', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, self.xmax): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot xmax.') elif self.xmax is not None and self.xmin is not None: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_xrange', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, self.xmin, self.xmax): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot xrange.') if self.ymin is not None and self.ymax is None: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_ymin', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, self.ymin): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot ymin.') elif self.ymax is not None and self.ymin is None: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_ymax', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, self.ymax): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot ymax.') elif self.ymax is not None and self.ymin is not None: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_yrange', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, self.ymin, self.ymax): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot yrange.') if intx is not None or inty is not None: if intx is None: intx=0 if inty is None: inty=0 if hasattr(pyrvapi,'rvapi_set_plot_int'): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_set_plot_int', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, intx, inty): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not set plot integer type.') else: # backwards compatibility. This should be not needed after some time. common.Warning('pyrvapi function to set plot integer type does not exist. Upgrade needed.') def CustomTick(self,xy,val,label): if xy.startswith('x'): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_plot_xtick', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, val, str(label)): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add x plot tick {0}.'.format(val)) if xy.startswith('y'): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_plot_ytick', self.ID, self.parent.parent.ID, val, str(label)): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add y plot tick {0}.'.format(val)) class rvplotline(rvbase): def singleData(self,xy,val,typ=float,custom_tick=False): n=self.param # implemented, although there seems to be no difference between real and int plotting? if typ is int: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_graph_int', xy+n, self.parent.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID, int(val)): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add {0} integer data {1}.'.format(xy,val)) else: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_graph_real', xy+n, self.parent.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID, float(val), "%g"): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add {0} real data {1}.'.format(xy,val)) if custom_tick is not False: self.CustomTick(xy,val,custom_tick) def CustomTick(self,xy,val,label): self.parent.CustomTick(xy,val,label) #if xy.startswith('x'): # if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_plot_xtick', self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID, val, str(label)): # common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add x plot tick {0}.'.format(val)) #if xy.startswith('y'): # if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_add_plot_ytick', self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID, val, str(label)): # common.Warning('pyrvapi could not add y plot tick {0}.'.format(val)) def Reset(self, reset_data=True, reset_ticks=True): n=self.param if reset_data: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_reset_graph_dataset', "x"+n, self.parent.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not remove dataset x{0}.'.format(n)) if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_reset_graph_dataset', "y"+n, self.parent.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not remove dataset y{0}.'.format(n)) if reset_ticks: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_reset_plot_xticks', self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not remove xticks.') if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_reset_plot_yticks', self.parent.ID, self.parent.parent.parent.ID): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not remove yticks.') def Data(self,x,y, x_type=float, y_type=float, custom_x_tick=False, custom_y_tick=False, flush=False): try: length = min( len(x),len(y) ) except TypeError: if custom_x_tick is False: self.singleData("x",x,x_type,custom_tick=False) else: self.singleData("x",custom_x_tick,x_type,custom_tick=x) if custom_y_tick is False: self.singleData("y",y,y_type,custom_tick=False) else: self.singleData("y",custom_y_tick,y_type,custom_tick=y) else: for i in range( length ): if y[i] is not None: if custom_x_tick is False: self.singleData("x",x[i],x_type,custom_tick=False) else: self.singleData("x",i+1,x_type,custom_tick=x[i]) if custom_y_tick is False: self.singleData("y",y[i],y_type,custom_tick=False) else: self.singleData("y",i+1,y_type,custom_tick=y[i]) if flush: Flush() def AppendContent(file_path, parent_id): if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_append_content', file_path, True, parent_id): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not append content.') def Flush(ignore_timing_restr=False): # workaround for flush flooding issues of jsrview: flush frequency set to at least 1 second # feature disabled for rvapi as treated directly by jsrview/rvapi; needed for rvapi->i2 native though global flush_time if ignore_timing_restr or flush_time is None or (time.time()-flush_time)>3.0: if not call_pyrvapi('rvapi_flush'): common.Warning('pyrvapi could not flush.') elif flush_time is not None: flush_time = time.time()