######################################################################## # # File Name: Printer.py # # """ The printing sub-system. WWW: http://4suite.com/4DOM e-mail: support@4suite.com Copyright (c) 2000 Fourthought Inc, USA. All Rights Reserved. See http://4suite.com/COPYRIGHT for license and copyright information """ import string, re xml_path0= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/unicode/") xml_path1= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/") xml_path2= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/ext") xml_path3= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/ext/reader") xml_path4= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/html") sys.path.append(xml_path0) sys.path.append(xml_path1) sys.path.append(xml_path2) sys.path.append(xml_path3) sys.path.append(xml_path4) from xml.dom import Node from Visitor import Visitor, WalkerInterface from xml.dom import XMLNS_NAMESPACE, XML_NAMESPACE, XHTML_NAMESPACE import ext from html import TranslateHtmlCdata from html import HTML_4_TRANSITIONAL_INLINE from html import HTML_FORBIDDEN_END from html import HTML_BOOLEAN_ATTRS ILLEGAL_LOW_CHARS = '[\x01-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]' SURROGATE_BLOCK = '[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]' ILLEGAL_HIGH_CHARS = '\xEF\xBF[\xBE\xBF]' #Note: Prolly fuzzy on this, but it looks as if characters from the surrogate block are allowed if in scalar form, which is encoded in UTF8 the same was as in surrogate block form XML_ILLEGAL_CHAR_PATTERN = re.compile('%s|%s'%(ILLEGAL_LOW_CHARS, ILLEGAL_HIGH_CHARS)) g_utf8TwoBytePattern = re.compile('([\xC0-\xC3])([\x80-\xBF])') g_cdataCharPattern = re.compile('[&<]|]]>') g_charToEntity = { '&': '&', '<': '<', ']]>': ']]>', } try: #The following stanza courtesy Martin von Loewis import codecs # Python 1.6+ only from types import UnicodeType def utf8_to_code(text, encoding): encoder = codecs.lookup(encoding)[0] # encode,decode,reader,writer if type(text) is not UnicodeType: text = unicode(text, "utf-8") return encoder(text)[0] # result,size def strobj_to_utf8str(text, encoding): if string.upper(encoding) not in ["UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", "LATIN-1"]: raise ValueError("Invalid encoding: %s"%encoding) encoder = codecs.lookup(encoding)[0] # encode,decode,reader,writer if type(text) is not UnicodeType: text = unicode(text, "utf-8") #FIXME return str(encoder(text)[0]) except ImportError: def utf8_to_code(text, encoding): encoding = string.upper(encoding) if encoding == 'UTF-8': return text from iso8859 import wstring wstring.install_alias('ISO-8859-1', 'ISO_8859-1:1987') #Note: Pass through to wstrop. This means we don't play nice and #Escape characters that are not in the target encoding. ws = wstring.from_utf8(text) text = ws.encode(encoding) #This version would skip all untranslatable chars: see wstrop.c #text = ws.encode(encoding, 1) return text strobj_to_utf8str = utf8_to_code def TranslateCdataAttr(characters): '''Handles normalization and some intelligence about quoting''' if not characters: return '', "'" if "'" in characters: delimiter = '"' new_chars = re.sub('"', '"', characters) else: delimiter = "'" new_chars = re.sub("'", ''', characters) #FIXME: There's more to normalization #Convert attribute new-lines to character entity # characters is possibly shorter than new_chars (no entities) if "\n" in characters: new_chars = re.sub('\n', ' ', new_chars) return new_chars, delimiter #Note: Unicode object only for now def TranslateCdata(characters, encoding='UTF-8', prev_chars='', markupSafe=0, charsetHandler=utf8_to_code): """ charsetHandler is a function that takes a string or unicode object as the first argument, representing the string to be procesed, and an encoding specifier as the second argument. It must return a string or unicode object """ if not characters: return '' if not markupSafe: if g_cdataCharPattern.search(characters): new_string = g_cdataCharPattern.subn( lambda m, d=g_charToEntity: d[m.group()], characters)[0] else: new_string = characters if prev_chars[-2:] == ']]' and characters[0] == '>': new_string = '>' + new_string[1:] else: new_string = characters #Note: use decimal char entity rep because some browsers are broken #FIXME: This will bomb for high characters. Should, for instance, detect #The UTF-8 for 0xFFFE and put out ￾ if XML_ILLEGAL_CHAR_PATTERN.search(new_string): new_string = XML_ILLEGAL_CHAR_PATTERN.subn( lambda m: '&#%i;' % ord(m.group()), new_string)[0] new_string = charsetHandler(new_string, encoding) return new_string class PrintVisitor(Visitor): def __init__(self, stream, encoding, indent='', plainElements=None, nsHints=None, isXhtml=0, force8bit=0): self.stream = stream self.encoding = encoding # Namespaces self._namespaces = [{}] self._nsHints = nsHints or {} # PrettyPrint self._indent = indent self._depth = 0 self._inText = 0 self._plainElements = plainElements or [] # HTML support self._html = None self._isXhtml = isXhtml self.force8bit = force8bit return def _write(self, text): if self.force8bit: obj = strobj_to_utf8str(text, self.encoding) else: obj = utf8_to_code(text, self.encoding) self.stream.write(obj) return def _tryIndent(self): if not self._inText and self._indent: self._write('\n' + self._indent*self._depth) return def visit(self, node): if self._html is None: # Set HTMLDocument flag here for speed self._html = hasattr(node.ownerDocument, 'getElementsByName') nodeType = node.nodeType if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return self.visitElement(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return self.visitAttr(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: return self.visitText(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return self.visitCDATASection(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return self.visitEntityReference(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.ENTITY_NODE: return self.visitEntity(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return self.visitProcessingInstruction(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE: return self.visitComment(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: return self.visitDocument(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return self.visitDocumentType(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return self.visitDocumentFragment(node) elif node.nodeType == Node.NOTATION_NODE: return self.visitNotation(node) # It has a node type, but we don't know how to handle it raise Exception("Unknown node type: %s" % repr(node)) def visitNodeList(self, node, exclude=None): for curr in node: curr is not exclude and self.visit(curr) return def visitNamedNodeMap(self, node): for item in node.values(): self.visit(item) return def visitAttr(self, node): if node.namespaceURI == XMLNS_NAMESPACE: # Skip namespace declarations return self._write(' ' + node.name) value = node.value if value or not self._html: text = TranslateCdata(value, self.encoding) text, delimiter = TranslateCdataAttr(text) self.stream.write("=%s%s%s" % (delimiter, text, delimiter)) return def visitProlog(self): self._write("" % ( self.encoding or 'utf-8' )) self._inText = 0 return def visitDocument(self, node): not self._html and self.visitProlog() node.doctype and self.visitDocumentType(node.doctype) self.visitNodeList(node.childNodes, exclude=node.doctype) return def visitDocumentFragment(self, node): self.visitNodeList(node.childNodes) return def visitElement(self, node): self._namespaces.append(self._namespaces[-1].copy()) inline = node.tagName in self._plainElements not inline and self._tryIndent() self._write('<%s' % node.tagName) if self._isXhtml or not self._html: namespaces = '' if self._isXhtml: nss = {'xml': XML_NAMESPACE, None: XHTML_NAMESPACE} else: nss = ext.GetAllNs(node) if self._nsHints: self._nsHints.update(nss) nss = self._nsHints self._nsHints = {} del nss['xml'] for prefix in nss.keys(): if not self._namespaces[-1].has_key(prefix) or self._namespaces[-1][prefix] != nss[prefix]: nsuri, delimiter = TranslateCdataAttr(nss[prefix]) if prefix: xmlns = " xmlns:%s=%s%s%s" % (prefix, delimiter,nsuri,delimiter) else: xmlns = " xmlns=%s%s%s" % (delimiter,nsuri,delimiter) namespaces = namespaces + xmlns self._namespaces[-1][prefix] = nss[prefix] self._write(namespaces) for attr in node.attributes.values(): self.visitAttr(attr) if len(node.childNodes): self._write('>') self._depth = self._depth + 1 self.visitNodeList(node.childNodes) self._depth = self._depth - 1 if not self._html or (node.tagName not in HTML_FORBIDDEN_END): not (self._inText and inline) and self._tryIndent() self._write('' % node.tagName) elif not self._html: self._write('/>') elif node.tagName not in HTML_FORBIDDEN_END: self._write('>' % node.tagName) else: self._write('>') del self._namespaces[-1] self._inText = 0 return def visitText(self, node): text = node.data if self._indent: text = string.strip(text) and text if text: if self._html: text = TranslateHtmlCdata(text, self.encoding) else: text = TranslateCdata(text, self.encoding) self.stream.write(text) self._inText = 1 return def visitDocumentType(self, doctype): if not doctype.systemId and not doctype.publicId: return self._tryIndent() self._write(' | | | # [a-zA-Z0-9] | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%] public = "'%s'" % doctype.publicId else: public = '"%s"' % doctype.publicId if doctype.publicId and doctype.systemId: self._write(' PUBLIC %s %s' % (public, system)) elif doctype.systemId: self._write(' SYSTEM %s' % system) if doctype.entities or doctype.notations: self._write(' [') self._depth = self._depth + 1 self.visitNamedNodeMap(doctype.entities) self.visitNamedNodeMap(doctype.notations) self._depth = self._depth - 1 self._tryIndent() self._write(']>') else: self._write('>') self._inText = 0 return def visitEntity(self, node): """Visited from a NamedNodeMap in DocumentType""" self._tryIndent() self._write('') return def visitNotation(self, node): """Visited from a NamedNodeMap in DocumentType""" self._tryIndent() self._write('') return def visitCDATASection(self, node): self._tryIndent() self._write('' % (node.data)) self._inText = 0 return def visitComment(self, node): self._tryIndent() self._write('' % (node.data)) self._inText = 0 return def visitEntityReference(self, node): self._write('&%s;' % node.nodeName) self._inText = 1 return def visitProcessingInstruction(self, node): self._tryIndent() self._write('' % (node.target, node.data)) self._inText = 0 return class PrintWalker(WalkerInterface): def __init__(self, visitor, startNode): WalkerInterface.__init__(self, visitor) self.start_node = startNode return def step(self): """There is really no step to printing. It prints the whole thing""" self.visitor.visit(self.start_node) return def run(self): return self.step()