######################################################################## # # File Name: __init__.py # # """ WWW: http://4suite.com/4DOM e-mail: support@4suite.com Copyright (c) 2000 Fourthought Inc, USA. All Rights Reserved. See http://4suite.com/COPYRIGHT for license and copyright information """ """Some Helper functions: 4DOM/PyXML-specific Extensions to the DOM, and DOM-related utilities.""" import os, sys,string xml_path1= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/") xml_path2= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/ext") xml_path3= os.path.join(os.getenv("BALBES_ROOT"),"PyXML-0.8.4/xml/dom/ext/reader") sys.path.append(xml_path1) sys.path.append(xml_path2) sys.path.append(xml_path3) from xml.dom import Node from NodeFilter import NodeFilter from xml.dom import XML_NAMESPACE, XMLNS_NAMESPACE, DOMException # from xml.dom.html import HTML_4_TRANSITIONAL_INLINE from c14n import Canonicalize import re import types if (sys.hexversion >> 8) > 0x10502: IsDOMString = lambda s: type(s) in [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType] else: IsDOMString = lambda s: type(s) == types.StringType class FtDomException(DOMException): def __init__(self, *args): apply(DOMException.__init__,(self,)+ args) return NodeTypeDict = { Node.ELEMENT_NODE : "Element", Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE : "Attr", Node.TEXT_NODE : "Text", Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : "CDATASection", Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : "EntityReference", Node.ENTITY_NODE : "Entity", Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : "ProcessingInstruction", Node.COMMENT_NODE : "Comment", Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : "Document", Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE : "DocumentType", Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : "DocumentFragment", Node.NOTATION_NODE : "Notation" } def NodeTypeToClassName(nodeType): return NodeTypeDict[nodeType] def Print(root, stream=sys.stdout, encoding='UTF-8'): if not hasattr(root, "nodeType"): return # from xml.dom.ext import Printer from ext import Printer nss = SeekNss(root) visitor = Printer.PrintVisitor(stream, encoding, nsHints=nss) Printer.PrintWalker(visitor, root).run() return def PrettyPrint(root, stream=sys.stdout, encoding='UTF-8', indent=' ', preserveElements=None): if not hasattr(root, "nodeType"): return from ext import Printer nss_hints = SeekNss(root) preserveElements = preserveElements or [] owner_doc = root.ownerDocument or root if hasattr(owner_doc, 'getElementsByName'): #We don't want to insert any whitespace into HTML inline elements preserveElements = preserveElements + HTML_4_TRANSITIONAL_INLINE visitor = Printer.PrintVisitor(stream, encoding, indent, preserveElements, nss_hints) Printer.PrintWalker(visitor, root).run() stream.write('\n') return def XHtmlPrettyPrint(root, stream=sys.stdout, encoding='UTF-8', indent=' '): if not hasattr(root, "nodeType"): return from ext import XHtmlPrinter visitor = XHtmlPrinter.XHtmlPrintVisitor(stream, encoding, indent) Printer.PrintWalker(visitor, root).run() stream.write('\n') return def XHtmlPrint(root, stream=sys.stdout, encoding='UTF-8'): XHtmlPrettyPrint(root, stream, encoding, '') def ReleaseNode(node): cn = node.childNodes[:] for child in cn: if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: ReleaseNode(child) node.removeChild(child) if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: for ctr in range(node.attributes.length): attr = node.attributes.item(0) node.removeAttributeNode(attr) ReleaseNode(attr) def StripHtml(startNode, preserveElements=None): ''' Remove all text nodes in a given tree that do not have at least one non-whitespace character, taking into account special HTML elements ''' preserveElements = preserveElements or [] preserveElements = preserveElements + HTML_4_TRANSITIONAL_INLINE remove_list = [] owner_doc = startNode.ownerDocument or startNode snit = owner_doc.createNodeIterator(startNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, None, 0) curr_node = snit.nextNode() while curr_node: #first of all make sure it is not inside one of the preserve_elements ancestor = curr_node while ancestor != startNode: if ancestor.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if ancestor.nodeName in preserveElements: break ancestor = ancestor.parentNode else: if not string.strip(curr_node.data): remove_list.append(curr_node) ancestor = ancestor.parentNode curr_node = snit.nextNode() for node_to_remove in remove_list: node_to_remove.parentNode.removeChild(node_to_remove) return startNode def StripXml(startNode, preserveElements=None): ''' Remove all text nodes in a given tree that do not have at least one non-whitespace character, taking into account xml:space ''' preserveElements = preserveElements or [] remove_list = [] owner_doc = startNode.ownerDocument or startNode snit = owner_doc.createNodeIterator(startNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, None, 0) curr_node = snit.nextNode() while curr_node: #first of all make sure it is not inside xml:space='preserve' if XmlSpaceState(curr_node) != 'preserve': if not string.strip(curr_node.data): #also make sure it is not inside one of the preserve elements ancestor = curr_node while ancestor != startNode: if ancestor.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if ancestor.localName in preserveElements or (ancestor.namespaceURI, ancestor.localName) in preserveElements: break ancestor = ancestor.parentNode else: remove_list.append(curr_node) ancestor = ancestor.parentNode curr_node = snit.nextNode() for node_to_remove in remove_list: node_to_remove.parentNode.removeChild(node_to_remove) return startNode _id_key = ('', 'ID') def GetElementById(startNode, targetId): ''' Return the element in the given tree with an ID attribute of the given value ''' owner_doc = startNode.ownerDocument or startNode snit = owner_doc.createNodeIterator(startNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, None, 0) curr_node = snit.nextNode() while curr_node: attr = curr_node.attributes.get(_id_key, None) if attr and attr._get_nodeValue() == targetId: return curr_node curr_node = snit.nextNode() return None def XmlSpaceState(node): ''' Return the valid value of the xml:space attribute currently in effect ''' valid_values = ['', 'preserve', 'default'] xml_space_found = 0 root_reached = 0 xml_space_state = '' while not(xml_space_state or root_reached): if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: xml_space_state = node.getAttributeNS(XML_NAMESPACE, 'space') if xml_space_state not in valid_values: xml_space_state = '' parent_node = node.parentNode if not (parent_node and parent_node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE): root_reached = 1 node = parent_node return xml_space_state def GetAllNs(node): #The xml namespace is implicit nss = {'xml': XML_NAMESPACE} if node.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE and node.ownerElement: return GetAllNs(node.ownerElement) if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if node.namespaceURI: nss[node.prefix] = node.namespaceURI for attr in node.attributes.values(): if attr.namespaceURI == XMLNS_NAMESPACE: if attr.localName == 'xmlns': nss[None] = attr.value else: nss[attr.localName] = attr.value elif attr.namespaceURI: nss[attr.prefix] = attr.namespaceURI if node.parentNode: #Inner NS/Prefix mappings take precedence over outer ones parent_nss = GetAllNs(node.parentNode) parent_nss.update(nss) nss = parent_nss return nss #FIXME: this dict is a small memory leak: a splay tree that rotates out #out of the tree would be perfect. #g_splitNames = {} def SplitQName(qname): """ Input a QName according to XML Namespaces 1.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names Return the name parts according to the spec In the case of namespace declarations the tuple returned is (prefix, 'xmlns') Note that this won't hurt users since prefixes and local parts starting with "xml" are reserved, but it makes ns-aware builders easier to write """ #sName = g_splitNames.get(qname) sName = None if sName == None: fields = string.splitfields(qname, ':') if len(fields) == 1: #Note: we could gain a tad more performance by interning 'xmlns' if qname == 'xmlns': sName = (None, 'xmlns') else: sName = (None, qname) elif len(fields) == 2: if fields[0] == 'xmlns': sName = (fields[1], 'xmlns') else: sName = (fields[0], fields[1]) else: sname = (None, None) #g_splitNames[qname] = sName return sName def SeekNss(node, nss=None): '''traverses the tree to seek an approximate set of defined namespaces''' nss = nss or {} for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if child.namespaceURI: nss[child.prefix] = child.namespaceURI for attr in child.attributes.values(): if attr.namespaceURI == XMLNS_NAMESPACE: if attr.localName == 'xmlns': nss[None] = attr.value else: nss[attr.localName] = attr.value elif attr.namespaceURI: nss[attr.prefix] = attr.namespaceURI SeekNss(child, nss) return nss