#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 1.3.9 #CCP4I SCRIPT LOG scaleit #CCP4I DATE 24 Jun 2003 13:24:24 #CCP4I USER mgwt #CCP4I PROJECT 2003test #CCP4I JOB_ID 32 #CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/mgwt #CCP4I HOSTNAME bragg3 #CCP4I PID 1940


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:24

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- title Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1) Data line--- NOWT Calculate scales WITHOUT any sigma weighting. Data line--- converge NCYC 4 Maximum number of cycles 4 Data line--- converge ABS 0.001 Absolute convergence limit 0.0010 Data line--- converge TOLR -7 Tolerance -7.00000 Data line--- REFINE ANISOTROPIC Data line--- auto Automatic scaling of all columns in given datasets Data line--- LABIN FP=FNAT SIGFP=SIGFNAT FPH1=FHG2 SIGFPH1=SIGFHG2 DPH1=DANOHG2 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOHG2 FPH2=FPTNCD25 SIGFPH2= SIGFPTNCD25 DPH2=DANOPTNCD25 SIGDPH2=SIGDANOPTNCD25 FPH3=FIOD25 SIGFPH3=SIGFIOD25 DPH3=DANOIOD25 SIGDPH3=SIGDANOIOD25 FP= FP= FNAT FP= FNAT FPH= FHG2 SIGFHG2 FP= FP= FNAT FP= FNAT FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 FP= FP= FNAT FP= FNAT FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/CCP4/examples/tut2003/data/rnase25.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.m tz Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/CCP4/examples/tut2003/data/rnase25.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: rename column labels for rnase25.mtz Scaleit tests........ * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) AUTOMATIC COLUMN SELECTION ========================== The program will use DATASET information from the MTZ file to identify all scalable columns for each specified derivative i.e. FPH, DPH, IMEAN etc and apply the scale factor to all these columns. This is a new feature and there may be problems - check the information below for warnings or errors and report any problems to ccp4@dl.ac.uk * Automatic column selection completed * * You should check the above output for errors * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) FPH2 SIGFPH2 DPH2 SIGDPH2 FPH2(+) SIGFPH2(+) FPH2(-) SIGFPH2(-) IMEAN2 SIGIMEAN2 I2(+) SIGI2(+) I2(-) SIGI2(-) FPH3 SIGFPH3 DPH3 SIGDPH3 FPH3(+) SIGFPH3(+) FPH3(-) SIGFPH3(-) IMEAN3 SIGIMEAN3 I3(+) SIGI3(+) I3(-) SIGI3(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 16 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ANISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 4 Position of Derivative F 6 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FNAT FPH= FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 0.9182 from 3701 reflections The anisotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - (B11*H**2 + B22*K**2 + B33*L**2 + 2*(B12*H*K + B13*H*L + B23*K*L) ) ) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :     443520985.97495                 FOR     3701   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11       B22       B33       B12       B13       B23 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
 SD 'S         0.0009    0.0007  0.000014  0.000010  0.000040  0.000008  0.000016  0.000015

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is   71.37
  Number of observations: 3701

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   63.71
  Number of observations: 3405


 Position of Native F         4
 Position of Derivative F    10
 Number of Cycles             4
 Convergence Limit          0.001000

 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled

 Derivative:       FP=  FNAT   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             
 Initial derivative scale factor (for F)  =     0.9928  from    6919  reflections





   -- Cycle  Number:       4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :     469935050.46256                 FOR     6919   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11       B22       B33       B12       B13       B23 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
 SD 'S         0.0011    0.0012  0.000012  0.000009  0.000036  0.000007  0.000014  0.000013

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   2 is   80.80
  Number of observations: 6919

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   2 is   21.05
  Number of observations: 5746


 Position of Native F         4
 Position of Derivative F    14
 Number of Cycles             4
 Convergence Limit          0.001000

 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled

 Derivative:       FP=  FNAT   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     
 Initial derivative scale factor (for F)  =     1.0291  from    6894  reflections





   -- Cycle  Number:       4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :     538774649.41532                 FOR     6894   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11       B22       B33       B12       B13       B23 
 SHIFTS        0.0000   -0.0001 -0.000001  0.000000  0.000001  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
 SD 'S         0.0014    0.0015  0.000013  0.000011  0.000043  0.000007  0.000014  0.000015

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   3 is   92.62
  Number of observations: 6894

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   3 is   24.60
  Number of observations: 5652

 Remember: the scale is applied to the derivative F as
 (derivative scale)* exp( - (B11*H**2 + B22*K**2 + B33*L**2 +  2*(B12*H*K + B13*H*L + B23*K*L) )  )

           An equivalent  form of the anisotropic temperature factor is 

 exp(-0.25(  h**2 * (a*)**2 * beta11 + k**2 * (b*)**2 * beta22 + l**2 * (c*)**2 * beta33 
           + 2*k*l*(b*)*(c*)*beta23 + 2*l*h*(c*)*(a*) *beta31 + 2*h*k*(a*)*(b*) *beta12))

 (This means the Uij terms of an anisotropic temperature  factor is equal to betaij/(8*pi**2.)

    The isotropic equivalent is ::
  exp(-B (sin**2(theta)/lamda**2) )  =  

 exp(-0.25( h**2 * (a*)**2 * B       + k**2 * (b*)**2 * B     +  l**2 * (c*)**2 * B 
         + 2*k*l*(b*)*(c*)*cosAS*B  +  2*l*h*(c*)*(a*)*cosBS*B  + 2*h*k*(a*)*(b*)*cosGS*B))

 For derivative :  1
 beta matrix - array elements beta11 beta12 beta13
                              beta21 beta22 beta23,
                              beta31 beta32 beta33

                -15.6146        0.0000        0.0000
                  0.0000       -6.1605        0.0000
                  0.0000        0.0000      -14.9181

 Latent roots and vectors of "BETA" - 
 Vectors are relative to orthogonal axial system parallel to  a*   cXa*   c

 LAMBDA  1         -3.90365887
                                             0.000   length  1.0000

 LAMBDA  2         -3.72952914
                                            -1.000   length  1.0000

 LAMBDA  3         -1.54011869
                                             0.000   length  1.0000

  The equivalent isotropic temperature factor is        -2.8196
  This gives a spherical temperature "volume" equal to  the ellipsoidal "volume",

 For derivative :  2
 beta matrix - array elements beta11 beta12 beta13
                              beta21 beta22 beta23,
                              beta31 beta32 beta33

                 -1.5381        0.0000        0.0000
                  0.0000        6.5757        0.0000
                  0.0000        0.0000        1.8895

 Latent roots and vectors of "BETA" - 
 Vectors are relative to orthogonal axial system parallel to  a*   cXa*   c

 LAMBDA  1         -0.38452160
                                             0.000   length  1.0000

 LAMBDA  2          1.64391494
                                             0.000   length  1.0000

 LAMBDA  3          0.47236428
                                             1.000   length  1.0000

  The equivalent isotropic temperature factor is        -0.6684
  This gives a spherical temperature "volume" equal to  the ellipsoidal "volume",

 For derivative :  3
 beta matrix - array elements beta11 beta12 beta13
                              beta21 beta22 beta23,
                              beta31 beta32 beta33

                  4.3392        0.0000        0.0000
                  0.0000        3.0815        0.0000
                  0.0000        0.0000       -0.9292

 Latent roots and vectors of "BETA" - 
 Vectors are relative to orthogonal axial system parallel to  a*   cXa*   c

 LAMBDA  1          1.08479500
                                             0.000   length  1.0000

 LAMBDA  2          0.77036947
                                             0.000   length  1.0000

 LAMBDA  3         -0.23229219
                                             1.000   length  1.0000

  The equivalent isotropic temperature factor is        -0.5791
  This gives a spherical temperature "volume" equal to  the ellipsoidal "volume",


SCALE (F) B11 B22 B33 B12 B13 B23 Derivative 1 0.795 -0.00371 -0.00100 -0.00991 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Derivative 2 1.039 -0.00037 0.00107 0.00126 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Derivative 3 1.064 0.00103 0.00050 -0.00062 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FNAT FPH= FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 Differences greater than 3.8323 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 273.50 Maximum difference 307.00 Difference interval for Histogram 36 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.8120 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 242.85 Maximum difference 293.00 Difference interval for Histogram 32 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FNAT FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 Differences greater than 3.9807 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 321.65 Maximum difference 468.00 Difference interval for Histogram 40 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.9380 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 82.88 Maximum difference 144.00 Difference interval for Histogram 11 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FNAT FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Differences greater than 3.9798 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 368.63 Maximum difference 627.00 Difference interval for Histogram 46 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.9341 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 96.78 Maximum difference 171.00 Difference interval for Histogram 12


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1  FPH2  SIGF2  DPH2  SIGD2  FPH3  SIGF3  DPH3  SIGD3

    0   0   2 0.003    29   88    104   17   -49   41    63    8     0    0   622    9     0    0
    0   2   0 0.001  1486   17   1748   11  -104   20  1023   11     0    0     0    0     0    0
    0   2   1 0.001  1139    9    978    9    90   17   772    8     0    0     0    0     0    0
    0   2   9 0.054   367    7    193   41     0    0   486    3     0    0   887   11     0    0
    0   3   8 0.044    13   14    120   58     0    0   362    3     0    0    68   29     0    0
    0   5   3 0.010   112    2    225   17    64   34   529    7     0    0    20   18     0    0
    0   6   0 0.006  1391   12   1132   11   -15   20  1197   13     0    0   763    9     0    0
    0   7   1 0.009   625   12    483   11    -9   23   631    8     0    0   180    3     0    0
    0   8   2 0.013   886   12    626   11    45   19   436    7     0    0   892    6     0    0
    0   8   6 0.034   292    5    454   11    -2   23   711    3     0    0   182    3     0    0
    0  10   9 0.070   145    2     49  219     0    0   175    2     0    0   534    6     0    0
    0  12   4 0.034   349    7    357   17   -42   36   718    3     0    0   293    2     0    0
    0  13   3 0.034   414    8    341   19    50   42   882    6     0    0   272    6     0    0
    1   2  13 0.113   105    2      0    0     0    0   190    2     0    8    48   40   -97   77
    1   3  12 0.097   115    2    130   88     0    0    84    6    -8   13    71   37    97   80
    1   3  15 0.151   102    2      0    0     0    0    83   10   -12   16   127   34   102   68
    1   4   2 0.006   647    6    632    9   -23   17   321    5    -1    9   355    3     9    3
    1   9  14 0.144   202    2      0    0     0    0   197    4     2    8    65   45   123   90
    1  22   9 0.133    86    2      0    0     0    0    40   29    83   63   193    6     0   11
    2   1   0 0.001   782    6   1078    9   -11   17   815   10     0    0     0    0     0    0
    2   1   2 0.004   486   10    513    2   -15    9   453    5     3   11   104    3    14    3
    2   2  14 0.132   117    2      0    0     0    0    71    8     0   18    68   48   136   93
    2   6  13 0.119   266    5      0    0     0    0   255    2    10    5   142   25   104   45
    2  15   0 0.038  1002   14    923   11     8   22   705    9     0    0   546    6     0    0
    2  18   6 0.078   217    4    314   37   247  171   311    2   -13    2   274    6     2    8
    3   0   2 0.005   484    6    531    2     0    9   503    5     0    0   913    6     0    0
    3   5  14 0.136    79    2      0    0     0    0    92   10   -14   20    63   56   127  110
    3   9   2 0.018    84    1    116   51   -62  125   437    7   -31   12    91    6    54   14
    4   1  12 0.100   182    2    163   70     0    0   161    6     8    8   117   31    99   57
    4   2   0 0.004   774    6    733    9    20   17   652    8     0    0  1152    9     0    0
    4   2   1 0.005   444    6    511    9    17   17   465    5   -23   11   442    3  -158    6
    4   3   0 0.005  1167    9   1285   11    93   20  1063   12     0    0   744    9     0    0
    4   5   0 0.008   490   10    403   15     9   26   576    7     0    0    86    6     0    0
    4   5   1 0.009   800    9    784    9    15   17   857    9    13   19   761    3   112    9
    4  14   3 0.042   270    4    297   39  -251  214   366    2   -11    6   271    2    22    6
    5   0  10 0.072   513    7    664   16    32   30   873    6     0    0   350    3     0    0
    5   1  15 0.156   106    2      0    0     0    0   142    4    -4   12    63   54   119  104
    5   2  13 0.119   178    2      0    0     0    0   173    5    10    8   104   25   102   48
    5   3   2 0.010    56    1    169   20   -76   43   469    5    -5   12   223    3    18    3
    5   4  11 0.089   165    2    189   39    69   90   254    2   -17    6   117   23  -110   40
    5  15   0 0.043     7   10    288   30    95   74   168    6     0    0    61   19     0    0
    5  19   2 0.067   185    2    332   50   294  394   193    6    31    8   177    6    -8   13
    6   0   0 0.009   875    6    963    9    -9   17   846   11     0    0   417    6     0    0
    6   0  10 0.075   687   14    706   16   -80   30   556    2     0    0   144    3     0    0
    6   3   1 0.011   386    5    355   11    52   24   222    4    23    9   377    3  -114    6
    6  10   0 0.025     4   13    187   45     0    0    95   10     0    0   382    2     0    0
    7   1  14 0.142   163    2      0    0     0    0   220    4    -4    8    51   47   101   92
    7   3  12 0.109   163    2      0    0     0    0    76    5   -23    8   188   14  -112   31
    7   7  10 0.086    94    1    277   32   245  286    57    8   -32   17    98    9     0    0
    7  23   1 0.099   257    5    331   40  -263  201   215    7    31   15   176    6     0   13
    7  23   3 0.104   186    2      0    0     0    0   157    2    36    4   203    8   -98   13
    8   0   1 0.016   466   10    465    9     0   17   566    7     0    0    85    9     0    0
    8   6   0 0.021   148    4    238   26     0   52   582    7     0    0    71   11     0    0
    9   7  12 0.123   112    2      0    0     0    0    84    5   -23    8    88   42  -171   83
    9  23   3 0.111   105    2      0    0     0    0    80   23  -144   47   187    6    -2   10
   10   6   2 0.032    27    6    175   29   -52   61    43   28    88   53    50   11   -31   22
   11  19   2 0.090   236    4    297   61  -268  577   128    8    -2   16   179    6     2   10
   12   7   1 0.043   102    2    295   53  -248  262   354    3    18    9   314    2   -11    6
   13   3   0 0.042    39    7    346   56     0    0   177    9     0    0   139    8     0    0
   13   5   0 0.044    79    4    362   53     0    0    88   18     0    0    28   28     0    0
   13  13   3 0.074   197    4    329   45   247  190   261    6    -9    9   285    2    13    8
   13  21   7 0.145    40    4      0    0     0    0    62   48   121   91    62   12   -22   26
   13  23   4 0.137   132    2      0    0     0    0    57   32  -109   66   104   10    -5   20
   14  16   1 0.089   156    4    326   55  -285  440    64   24    48   48   100    8    31   18
   14  25   2 0.151    61    2      0    0     0    0    48   33   -92   64    44   19    25   39
   15  18   5 0.123    47    4      0    0     0    0    96   18    91   37   171    6    46   12
   17  10   4 0.096    52    2    203   50    86  115    42   33    83   69    98   10     0   20
   17  12   1 0.093   262    4    377   52   275  196   245    9   -17   13   255    8   -30   12
   17  14   6 0.124   135    2      0    0     0    0    82   21   -92   38   134    8    -6   16
   17  20   4 0.144     8   12      0    0     0    0    52   41    90   76    95   10     0   19
   18   2   2 0.080   118    2    191   46   -51   91   138   14   -94   26    96   10    10   18
   18  10   9 0.147   238    2      0    0     0    0   268    5   -23    8    97   20   139   40
   18  14   7 0.141   137    2      0    0     0    0    50   37    95   78    12   30   -25   60
   18  16   5 0.135   137    2      0    0     0    0    45   33   -88   67   207    8   -15   15
   19   2   9 0.140    56    2      0    0     0    0    54   32  -101   65    77   12   -33   23
   19   3   7 0.120    79    2      0    0     0    0    51   30  -101   62   178    8    41   12
   19   3  10 0.154    78    2      0    0     0    0    51   40   102   76    16   28    30   56
   19   5  10 0.156   107    2      0    0     0    0    46   33    88   63   167    6    33   10
   19  11   7 0.138    37    4      0    0     0    0    67   23   -74   46    62   30  -125   58
   19  12   5 0.126    56    2      0    0     0    0   117   15    49   32    69   45   137   87
   20  14   4 0.138    78    2      0    0     0    0    46   38   -86   76    73   15    -5   29
   21   8   6 0.139    55    5      0    0     0    0    42   28    87   58    57   17   -32   35
   21  14   3 0.143    46    4      0    0     0    0    59   21    36   46    53   34  -103   65
   21  14   5 0.153   121    2      0    0     0    0    45   37    89   70     0   34     0   67
   22   1   4 0.126   125    4      0    0     0    0    41   33    88   63   209    8     8   17
   22   4   1 0.118    97    4      0    0     0    0   106   22   -16   45    51   35   105   64
   22   5   6 0.143   214    2      0    0     0    0    64   50   125   98   197    5   -15   10
   22   7   7 0.155    38    3      0    0     0    0    49   28    95   59    70   17   -15   34
   22  11   1 0.135   293    4      0    0     0    0   219   11   -89   19   214    7    24   15
   22  11   2 0.137    37    4      0    0     0    0    87   29  -100   61   139    7    19   15
   23   1   3 0.132    18   16      0    0     0    0    63   27   -88   58    75   19    25   39
   24   2   1 0.138    64    7      0    0     0    0    43   38    88   79    40   26    12   50
   24   4   5 0.156    36    5      0    0     0    0    71   42  -139   82    43   34     0    0
   24   6   4 0.153   202    2      0    0     0    0   116   22    90   42   238    7    -5   15
   24   7   3 0.151    62    2      0    0     0    0   137   22   -90   44    68   15    30   26
   24   9   1 0.151    70    4      0    0     0    0    44   48   -84   92   225    7    -7   15

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1)
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)




    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FHG2  SIGFHG2 DANOHG2  SIGDANOHG2                             

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FHG2  SIGFHG2 DANOHG2  SIGDANOHG2                             

     d     -288  -252  -216  -180  -144  -108   -72   -36     0    36    72   108   144   180   216   252   288

    15.81     1     1     1     2     4     2     2     5     4     3     6     4     4     0     0     1     0
     9.13     0     0     0     3     5    11    27    18    20    20    15     8     5     6     1     1     0
     7.07     0     1     1     2     3    19    33    36    38    27    17     6     4     1     0     1     0
     5.98     0     0     1     3     4    20    36    49    51    33    14    11     3     1     0     0     0
     5.27     0     0     1     1    13    25    36    48    59    39    24     7     1     0     0     0     0
     4.77     2     0     0     3    14    19    26    50    68    48    23    18     2     0     0     0     0
     4.39     1     1     4     2     5    25    40    59    63    57    24    11     3     1     1     0     0
     4.08     0     0     1     1    12    27    32    57    82    48    35    11     6     1     1     0     0
     3.83     0     1     2     8    14    17    34    72    90    43    36     9     3     0     0     0     0
     3.63     0     0     2     6    21    25    44    65    76    66    29    10     6     0     1     0     0
     3.45     0     2     5     6    19    23    51    84    98    55    27    11     1     1     0     0     0
     3.30     0     0     3    10    19    31    75    77    96    53    22     1     0     0     0     0     0
     3.16     0     1     0     8    25    36    71   103   101    55    12     4     1     0     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     3     7     5    18    24    24    12     6     2     0     0     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     4     7    21    58   165   285   525   747   870   559   290   113    39    11     4     3     0

     Anomolous Differences

     d     -256  -224  -192  -160  -128   -96   -64   -32     0    32    64    96   128   160   192   224   256

    15.81     0     0     0     0     0     3     4    11     9    10     1     2     0     0     0     0     0
     9.13     0     0     0     0     2     2     9    30    58    28    10     1     0     0     0     0     0
     7.07     0     0     0     0     1     1    13    31    79    47    15     1     1     0     0     0     0
     5.98     0     0     0     0     1     5    18    45    69    55    25     5     2     1     0     0     0
     5.27     0     0     0     2     1     9    27    51    81    47    28     5     1     2     0     0     0
     4.77     2     0     0     1     2     9    20    59    94    52    19    10     3     0     1     1     0
     4.39     0     1     0     2     4    10    31    48    96    49    30    14     7     4     1     0     0
     4.08     0     1     1     1     7    12    37    56   106    43    26    15     5     2     0     2     0
     3.83     0     1     2     5     4    12    30    54    91    55    38    11    14     8     2     1     1
     3.63     0     1     3     7     9    10    37    66    98    52    30    20    10     4     3     0     1
     3.45     0     1     1     4    11    19    35    65    97    62    42    19    14     6     3     3     1
     3.30     2     0     5     3    13    23    41    56    98    50    45    27    12     7     3     1     1
     3.16     2     1     2     4    16    23    54    50   103    69    45    22    16     6     3     0     1
     3.04     0     0     1     0     3     6    14    10    28    15    14     7     2     1     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     6     6    15    29    74   144   370   632  1107   634   368   159    87    41    16     8     5

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    3701.    131445.  0.996  0.977  0.175  0.253  0.010    55.0    307.   3405.   1.4    47.7    293.  2.2178


    Scaling for derivative no. 2 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             

     d     -320  -280  -240  -200  -160  -120   -80   -40     0    40    80   120   160   200   240   280   320

    15.81     1     1     2     1     2     2     2     7     5     3     3     4     0     1     1     1     3
     9.13     2     2     4     7     9     7    16    19    16    24     6    10     3     7     4     1     3
     7.07     3     3     7    14    14    19    22    29    24    19    18     8     7     1     1     0     1
     5.98     3     5     4     9    14    26    35    44    30    16    18    13     5     2     2     0     0
     5.27     3     1     7    13    18    23    26    34    40    34    16    13     4     1     0     1     0
     4.77     1     0     8     5    29    15    39    28    45    39    30    15     8     4     2     1     0
     4.39     1     1     7     7     9    20    38    54    48    39    33    23     6     4     0     1     0
     4.08     1     1     0     4    11    21    40    42    62    54    37    17    11     3     3     1     2
     3.83     1     0     2     6    17    23    42    54    58    56    32    21    14     4     2     0     1
     3.63     1     1     2     2    11    18    42    52    57    75    44    25    10     9     0     2     0
     3.45     0     2     1     4    11    20    44    65    76    74    51    23    12     2     2     0     1
     3.30     0     0     1     6     7    28    38    69    67    77    44    27    13     8     2     0     0
     3.16     0     0     0     4     9    14    59    75    92    83    44    20    10     1     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     1     0     9    16    44    68   108    77    65    14    12     5     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     3    19    45    90   108    99    60    15     2     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     1     1     5    34    88   119   115    60    20     7     2     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     3    13    43    93   117   106    65    19     2     1     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     1     9    42    87   145   111    59    18     1     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     7    27   106   132   126    55    17     7     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     4     8    37   124   213   159    58    20     3     0     0     0     0

    Total    17    17    46    83   182   313   715  1228  1562  1386   798   342   137    55    19     8    11

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -88   -77   -66   -55   -44   -33   -22   -11     0    11    22    33    44    55    66    77    88

    15.81     0     0     0     0     1     0     3     0    30     1     3     1     0     0     0     0     0
     9.13     0     0     0     2     3     2     8    11    79    17     8     5     3     2     0     0     0
     7.07     0     0     1     0     4     9    19    21    86    23    11    12     3     1     0     0     0
     5.98     0     0     3     1     4    10    21    28   102    27    13    12     3     1     0     1     0
     5.27     0     0     0     1     1     9    14    19   102    40    29    14     2     2     0     0     1
     4.77     0     1     1     0     1     9    22    39   101    43    27    22     1     1     1     0     0
     4.39     0     0     0     2     5     7    12    37   113    53    30    19     8     2     3     0     0
     4.08     0     0     1     1     1    11    15    42   116    56    35    21     8     2     0     1     0
     3.83     0     0     1     1     4     5    22    48   126    56    40    20     8     2     0     0     0
     3.63     0     0     1     2     2     9    23    46   121    69    47    25     4     2     0     0     0
     3.45     1     0     0     3     3     6    25    69   123    68    61    17     9     2     1     0     0
     3.30     0     1     3     1     1     9    30    62   125    89    46    15     3     1     0     1     0
     3.16     0     0     0     1     5    11    21    61   154    89    42    17     4     1     3     1     1
     3.04     0     1     2     3     3    10    27    59   163    84    41    15     6     2     2     1     0
     2.94     1     0     0     2     6     8    28    51   193    72    53    18     4     3     0     2     0
     2.84     1     1     1     3     4    11    25    51   186    86    44    22     6     2     2     6     1
     2.75     2     0     0     3     3    13    29    56   207    71    51    12     9     2     0     3     1
     2.67     5     2     3     4     7    16    19    57   207    78    47    14     4     5     2     0     3
     2.60     1     0     3     5     5    10    33    74   182    86    42    19     4     6     2     1     4
     2.53     4     1     3     5     7    16    30    77   247   128    49    26    10    12     4     2     5

    Total    15     7    23    40    70   181   426   908  2763  1236   719   326    99    51    20    19    16

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    6919.     90708.  1.056  0.993  0.240  0.382  0.166    60.6    468.   5746.   3.0    15.0    144.  7.4020


    Scaling for derivative no. 3 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     

     d     -368  -322  -276  -230  -184  -138   -92   -46     0    46    92   138   184   230   276   322   368

    15.81     1     0     0     0     1     1     2     6     3     5     0     4     1     0     1     0     2
     9.13     2     1     1     6     6    13    10    20    18    18    14    10     2     9     3     1     5
     7.07     0     0     1     3     9    17    17    28    33    30    21    16     8     4     1     1     1
     5.98     1     0     1     5     4    21    21    34    43    36    23    22     7     5     1     0     0
     5.27     1     0     1     4    11    15    34    43    36    36    33    25     4     7     2     0     0
     4.77     0     1     2     6     6    17    43    46    42    41    32    19    14     2     2     0     2
     4.39     0     2     1     4    10    26    30    52    55    51    28    14    17     6     0     0     0
     4.08     1     3     2     1    12    22    36    51    55    66    30    18    12     2     2     0     0
     3.83     0     1     7     9     9    26    37    62    61    42    44    16    12     4     3     0     0
     3.63     1     1     2     8    15    23    44    52    55    56    41    28    15     6     2     3     2
     3.45     0     2     2     5     8    26    48    70    75    61    40    35    11     4     2     0     0
     3.30     0     0     2     2    10    31    36    71    62    62    57    23    20     6     7     1     0
     3.16     0     0     1     2     8    26    62    72    87    66    46    28    17     3     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     1     7    24    51    76    90    76    54    33     4     2     2     1     0
     2.94     0     0     1     2     7    20    50    98    90    73    72    29     3     3     1     0     0
     2.84     0     0     1     2     5    17    51    83   111   103    47    33     5     0     0     1     0
     2.75     0     0     0     1     6    16    54    85   124   118    41    15     5     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     1     2    16    50    98   134    97    50    14     4     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     1     9    45    80   153   122    51    11     6     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     2    14    51   114   156   135    61    18     3     1     1     0     0

    Total     7    11    25    62   139   380   772  1241  1483  1294   785   411   170    64    30     8    12

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -96   -84   -72   -60   -48   -36   -24   -12     0    12    24    36    48    60    72    84    96

    15.81     0     0     0     1     0     2     1     1    19     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0
     9.13     3     1     2     5     4     5     5    12    70     6     6     7     2     3     4     3     1
     7.07     0     2     5     3    12     8    10    23    77    21     9     8     9     2     1     0     0
     5.98     0     0     0     5    13     8    10    32    95    34    10     7     7     2     0     1     0
     5.27     0     3     1     4    10    11    20    27    88    29    34    13     7     4     1     0     0
     4.77     0     0     2     8     5    20    24    30    93    40    30    14     4     4     0     1     0
     4.39     0     0     0     3     5    14    32    40   109    37    23    19     8     4     2     0     0
     4.08     0     0     2     0     7    18    45    44   104    50    25    10     5     2     1     0     0
     3.83     0     0     0     1     7    10    28    59   137    42    31     9     6     2     1     0     0
     3.63     0     0     0     0     3    11    35    60   128    48    46    13     8     2     0     0     0
     3.45     0     0     0     1     4     9    45    67   140    64    42    11     5     0     1     0     0
     3.30     1     0     1     3     3     7    42    57   146    57    45    19     6     1     0     2     0
     3.16     0     1     0     1     6    20    36    66   156    50    58    15     5     2     0     0     2
     3.04     1     0     1     1     3    21    29    53   162    69    44    26     7     3     1     0     0
     2.94     2     0     1     2     7    18    42    65   176    67    32    21    10     2     3     1     0
     2.84     1     2     0     7     3    13    32    68   179    84    34    18    11     2     2     0     3
     2.75     0     1     0     2     3    24    49    71   175    72    41    17     5     2     0     1     2
     2.67     1     1     1     2     4    19    50    69   171    67    49    19     4     4     4     0     1
     2.60     1     0     2     2    12    24    44    74   168    61    42    23    13     4     3     1     4
     2.53     0     2     4     8    10    24    47    93   196    85    42    22    11     4     3     2     3

    Total    10    13    22    59   121   286   626  1011  2589   984   644   291   133    50    27    12    16

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    6894.     89995.  1.101  1.008  0.281  0.442  0.170    70.9    627.   5652.   0.2    18.1    171.  7.3796

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.6s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:01


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:25

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- refine isotropic Data line--- LABIN FP=FNAT SIGFP=SIGFNAT FPH1=FHG2 SIGFPH1=SIGFHG2 DPH1=DANOHG2 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOHG2 FP= FP= FNAT FP= FNAT FPH= FHG2 SIGFHG2 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1). * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 4 Position of Derivative F 6 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FNAT FPH= FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 0.9772 from 3701 reflections The isotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - B (sin theta/lambda)**2) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :    1332717972.71639                 FOR     3701   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0000 -0.000068
 SD 'S         0.0019    0.0019  0.280580

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is   71.11
  Number of observations: 3701

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   63.49
  Number of observations: 3405


SCALE (F) B11 Derivative 1 0.997 0.11230
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FNAT FPH= FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 Differences greater than 3.8323 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 272.51 Maximum difference 306.00 Difference interval for Histogram 36 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.8120 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 242.02 Maximum difference 292.00 Difference interval for Histogram 32 1 sort keys, in columns 8


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1

    2   1   0 0.001   782    6   1074    9   -11   17
    2  18   6 0.078   217    4    313   37   247  170
    4  14   3 0.042   270    4    296   39  -250  213
    5  15   0 0.043     7   10    287   30    95   74
    5  19   2 0.067   185    2    331   50   293  392
    7   7  10 0.086    94    1    276   32   244  285
    7  23   1 0.099   257    5    329   40  -262  200
   11  19   2 0.090   236    4    296   61  -267  575
   12   7   1 0.043   102    2    294   52  -247  261
   13   3   0 0.042    39    7    345   56     0    0
   13   5   0 0.044    79    4    361   53     0    0
   13  13   3 0.074   197    4    328   45   246  190
   14  16   1 0.089   156    4    325   55  -284  439
   17  12   1 0.093   262    4    375   51   274  196

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1).
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)



     3701 records passed to sort
    2917 acentric,     784 centric.

 Least squares line : Gradient - intercept SUMDEL Npoints
  Gradient should be 1 for 2 equivalent data sets
  Gradient should be >> 1 for derivative v native data sets
  $$ Normal probability $$
 Dave Smith and Lynne Howell ( J.Appl. Cryst 1992 25 81-86) $$

For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (cent)     784       3.833     1.044    1375.2     496       2.517     1.090       1.9
For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (acen)    2917       2.592     0.411    1132.6    1843       2.049     0.444       3.5


    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FHG2  SIGFHG2 DANOHG2  SIGDANOHG2                             

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FHG2  SIGFHG2 DANOHG2  SIGDANOHG2                             

     d     -288  -252  -216  -180  -144  -108   -72   -36     0    36    72   108   144   180   216   252   288

    15.81     1     1     1     2     4     2     2     5     4     2     7     4     3     1     0     1     0
     9.13     0     0     0     3     4    12    27    18    19    20    16     8     5     6     0     2     0
     7.07     0     1     1     2     3    18    33    37    36    29    17     5     5     1     0     1     0
     5.98     0     0     1     2     4    21    35    48    52    33    15    11     3     1     0     0     0
     5.27     0     0     1     1    13    25    34    48    59    40    25     7     1     0     0     0     0
     4.77     2     0     0     3    13    19    27    50    64    50    24    19     2     0     0     0     0
     4.39     1     1     3     3     4    24    41    58    63    59    24    11     3     1     1     0     0
     4.08     0     0     1     1    11    26    32    59    77    52    35    12     6     1     1     0     0
     3.83     0     1     2     8    13    16    34    73    89    45    35    10     3     0     0     0     0
     3.63     0     0     2     5    22    24    44    62    79    66    30    10     6     0     1     0     0
     3.45     0     2     5     6    18    20    49    87    98    56    28    12     1     1     0     0     0
     3.30     0     0     3    10    19    30    75    72   100    54    23     1     0     0     0     0     0
     3.16     0     1     0     8    24    35    72   101   103    56    12     4     1     0     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     2     7     5    19    24    24    11     7     2     0     0     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     4     7    20    56   159   277   524   742   867   573   298   116    39    12     3     4     0

     Anomolous Differences

     d     -256  -224  -192  -160  -128   -96   -64   -32     0    32    64    96   128   160   192   224   256

    15.81     0     0     0     0     0     3     4    11     9    10     1     2     0     0     0     0     0
     9.13     0     0     0     0     2     2     9    30    58    28    10     1     0     0     0     0     0
     7.07     0     0     0     0     1     1    13    31    79    47    15     1     1     0     0     0     0
     5.98     0     0     0     0     1     5    18    45    69    55    25     5     2     1     0     0     0
     5.27     0     0     0     2     1     9    27    51    81    48    27     5     1     2     0     0     0
     4.77     2     0     0     1     2     9    20    59    94    52    19    10     3     0     1     1     0
     4.39     0     1     0     2     4     9    32    48    96    49    30    14     7     4     1     0     0
     4.08     0     1     1     1     7    12    37    56   106    43    26    15     5     2     0     2     0
     3.83     0     1     2     5     4    12    29    55    92    54    38    11    14     8     2     1     1
     3.63     0     1     3     7     9    10    37    66    98    53    29    20    10     4     3     0     1
     3.45     0     1     1     4    11    18    35    66    97    64    40    19    14     6     3     3     1
     3.30     2     0     5     3    13    23    41    56    98    50    45    27    12     7     3     1     1
     3.16     2     0     3     4    16    23    54    50   103    70    44    23    16     5     3     0     1
     3.04     0     0     1     0     3     6    14    10    28    15    14     7     2     1     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     6     5    16    29    74   142   370   634  1108   638   363   160    87    40    16     8     5

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    3701.    131445.  0.999  0.980  0.175  0.252  0.010    54.8    306.   3405.   1.4    47.5    292.  2.2171

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.1s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:01


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:26

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- refine isotropic Data line--- LABIN FP=FNAT SIGFP=SIGFNAT FPH1=FPTNCD25 SIGFPH1=SIGFPTNCD25 DPH1=DANOPTNCD25 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOPTNCD25 FP= FP= FNAT FP= FNAT FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1). * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 4 Position of Derivative F 10 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FNAT FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 0.9928 from 6919 reflections The isotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - B (sin theta/lambda)**2) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :    1909721308.99882                 FOR     6919   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0000 -0.000656
 SD 'S         0.0022    0.0023  0.283852

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is   80.92
  Number of observations: 6919

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   20.98
  Number of observations: 5746


SCALE (F) B11 Derivative 1 1.005 1.38403
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FNAT FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 Differences greater than 3.9807 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 322.11 Maximum difference 470.00 Difference interval for Histogram 40 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.9380 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 82.62 Maximum difference 143.00 Difference interval for Histogram 10 1 sort keys, in columns 8


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1

    0   2   0 0.001  1486   17   1029   11     0    0
    0   2   1 0.001  1139    9    776    8     0    0
    0   3   8 0.044    13   14    362    3     0    0
    0   5   3 0.010   112    2    532    7     0    0
    0   8   2 0.013   886   12    437    7     0    0
    0   8   6 0.034   292    5    712    3     0    0
    0  12   4 0.034   349    7    719    3     0    0
    0  13   3 0.034   414    8    884    6     0    0
    1   4   2 0.006   647    6    322    5    -1   10
    3   9   2 0.018    84    1    439    7   -32   12
    5   0  10 0.072   513    7    873    6     0    0
    5   3   2 0.010    56    1    471    5    -5   12
    8   6   0 0.021   148    4    584    7     0    0
    9  23   3 0.111   105    2     80   23  -144   47
   10   6   2 0.032    27    6     44   28    89   53
   13  21   7 0.145    40    4     62   47   120   91
   13  23   4 0.137   132    2     56   32  -109   66
   14  25   2 0.151    61    2     47   33   -91   63
   15  18   5 0.123    47    4     96   18    90   36
   17  10   4 0.096    52    2     42   33    83   68
   17  14   6 0.124   135    2     81   21   -91   38
   17  20   4 0.144     8   12     52   40    89   75
   18   2   2 0.080   118    2    137   14   -94   26
   18  14   7 0.141   137    2     49   37    94   77
   18  16   5 0.135   137    2     45   32   -87   67
   19   2   9 0.140    56    2     54   32  -101   64
   19   3   7 0.120    79    2     51   30  -100   62
   19   3  10 0.154    78    2     50   40   101   76
   19   5  10 0.156   107    2     45   33    87   62
   20  14   4 0.138    78    2     46   38   -86   75
   21   8   6 0.139    55    5     41   28    86   58
   21  14   5 0.153   121    2     45   37    89   70
   22   1   4 0.126   125    4     41   33    87   63
   22   5   6 0.143   214    2     63   50   124   98
   22   7   7 0.155    38    3     49   28    94   58
   22  11   1 0.135   293    4    218   11   -89   19
   22  11   2 0.137    37    4     86   28   -99   60
   23   1   3 0.132    18   16     63   27   -87   58
   24   2   1 0.138    64    7     43   38    87   79
   24   4   5 0.156    36    5     70   42  -138   81
   24   6   4 0.153   202    2    115   21    89   42
   24   7   3 0.151    62    2    136   21   -89   44
   24   9   1 0.151    70    4     44   47   -83   91

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1).
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)



     6919 records passed to sort
    5759 acentric,    1160 centric.

 Least squares line : Gradient - intercept SUMDEL Npoints
  Gradient should be 1 for 2 equivalent data sets
  Gradient should be >> 1 for derivative v native data sets
  $$ Normal probability $$
 Dave Smith and Lynne Howell ( J.Appl. Cryst 1992 25 81-86) $$

For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (cent)    1160      13.068     3.430   18942.8     732       9.523     1.825     334.0
For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (acen)    5759      12.991     0.609   66660.3    3639       9.453    -0.390     444.1


    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             

     d     -320  -280  -240  -200  -160  -120   -80   -40     0    40    80   120   160   200   240   280   320

    15.81     1     1     2     1     2     2     2     7     6     2     3     4     0     1     1     1     3
     9.13     2     2     4     7     9     7    17    19    17    23     6     9     3     7     4     1     3
     7.07     3     4     6    15    13    22    19    31    22    20    17     8     7     1     1     0     1
     5.98     3     5     4     9    15    26    34    44    30    16    18    13     5     2     2     0     0
     5.27     3     1     7    13    18    24    27    32    41    33    17    12     4     1     0     1     0
     4.77     1     0     8     5    30    16    38    27    46    38    30    16     7     4     2     1     0
     4.39     1     1     8     6     9    22    36    55    48    38    33    23     6     4     0     1     0
     4.08     1     1     0     4    11    21    40    42    62    54    37    17    11     3     3     1     2
     3.83     1     0     2     6    17    23    42    54    58    56    32    21    14     4     2     0     1
     3.63     1     1     2     2    11    17    43    52    55    75    46    25    10     9     0     2     0
     3.45     0     1     2     4    11    20    43    64    77    75    51    23    12     2     2     0     1
     3.30     0     0     1     6     7    28    37    70    66    77    45    27    13     8     2     0     0
     3.16     0     0     0     4     9    14    58    75    91    82    45    22    10     1     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     1     0     7    18    42    70   106    76    68    14    12     5     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     3    19    41    93   106   101    59    17     2     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     1     1     5    33    85   122   115    60    21     7     2     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     2    13    43    92   117   107    65    20     2     1     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     1     9    37    92   140   114    61    18     1     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     6    27   104   132   126    56    19     7     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     3     7    37   121   211   162    61    21     3     0     0     0     0

    Total    17    17    47    83   179   319   696  1229  1553  1390   810   350   136    55    19     8    11

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -80   -70   -60   -50   -40   -30   -20   -10     0    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80

    15.81     0     0     0     1     0     1     2     0    30     1     1     2     1     0     0     0     0
     9.13     0     0     1     2     2     3     8    13    73    14    13     4     4     3     0     0     0
     7.07     0     0     1     1     4    14    17    20    81    25     7    15     2     2     1     0     0
     5.98     0     2     1     2     7     8    21    31    92    28    12    13     6     1     1     0     1
     5.27     0     0     1     1     0    10    19    13   102    28    34    20     1     2     2     0     1
     4.77     0     2     0     1     2    13    21    34   101    38    27    23     5     1     1     0     0
     4.39     0     0     1     3     6     6    12    35   113    44    34    20    11     3     2     1     0
     4.08     0     0     1     1     3    13    12    41   116    53    31    21    11     6     0     0     1
     3.83     0     1     1     1     4     5    22    47   126    56    32    22    10     5     1     0     0
     3.63     0     1     1     2     4    10    20    45   121    67    40    30     7     3     0     0     0
     3.45     1     0     3     0     3    10    29    61   123    66    60    16     8     6     1     1     0
     3.30     1     1     2     2     2    11    32    57   122    88    44    15     6     2     1     1     0
     3.16     0     0     0     3     4    12    23    61   149    83    44    18     8     0     3     1     2
     3.04     1     2     0     4     4    10    28    58   160    76    43    20     5     5     1     2     0
     2.94     1     0     1     2     6     9    29    48   193    67    49    24     6     2     2     2     0
     2.84     2     0     4     2     6    10    26    47   186    77    47    25     5     4     2     6     3
     2.75     2     0     0     4     4    17    25    54   207    63    53    18     6     4     1     2     2
     2.67     5     5     0     4    10    19    17    53   207    71    48    15     7     6     2     1     3
     2.60     1     1     4     6     4    16    31    68   182    77    45    21     7     3     6     1     4
     2.53     5     2     2     5    10    13    35    71   247   116    55    26    13    11     6     2     7

    Total    19    17    24    47    85   210   429   857  2731  1138   719   368   129    69    33    20    24

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    6919.     90708.  1.057  0.993  0.241  0.383  0.166    60.7    470.   5746.   3.0    15.0    143.  7.4347

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.1s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:00


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:26

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- refine isotropic Data line--- LABIN FP=FNAT SIGFP=SIGFNAT FPH1=FIOD25 SIGFPH1=SIGFIOD25 DPH1=DANOIOD25 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOIOD25 FP= FP= FNAT FP= FNAT FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1). * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 4 Position of Derivative F 14 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FNAT FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 1.0078 from 6894 reflections The isotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - B (sin theta/lambda)**2) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :    2299159130.67643                 FOR     6894   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0000 -0.000588
 SD 'S         0.0027    0.0028  0.333836

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is   92.72
  Number of observations: 6894

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   24.61
  Number of observations: 5652


SCALE (F) B11 Derivative 1 1.008 1.32800
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FNAT FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Differences greater than 3.9798 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 369.02 Maximum difference 621.00 Difference interval for Histogram 46 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.9341 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 96.83 Maximum difference 170.00 Difference interval for Histogram 12 1 sort keys, in columns 8


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1

    0   0   2 0.003    29   88    627    9     0    0
    0   2   9 0.054   367    7    890   11     0    0
    0   6   0 0.006  1391   12    769    9     0    0
    0   7   1 0.009   625   12    182    3     0    0
    0  10   9 0.070   145    2    535    6     0    0
    1   2  13 0.113   105    2     48   40   -97   77
    1   3  12 0.097   115    2     71   37    97   80
    1   3  15 0.151   102    2    127   34   102   68
    1   9  14 0.144   202    2     65   45   123   89
    2   1   2 0.004   486   10    105    3    14    3
    2   2  14 0.132   117    2     68   48   136   93
    2   6  13 0.119   266    5    142   25   104   45
    2  15   0 0.038  1002   14    549    6     0    0
    3   0   2 0.005   484    6    920    6     0    0
    3   5  14 0.136    79    2     63   56   126  110
    4   1  12 0.100   182    2    117   31    99   57
    4   2   0 0.004   774    6   1161    9     0    0
    4   2   1 0.005   444    6    446    3  -159    6
    4   3   0 0.005  1167    9    750    9     0    0
    4   5   0 0.008   490   10     86    6     0    0
    4   5   1 0.009   800    9    766    3   113    9
    5   1  15 0.156   106    2     62   54   118  103
    5   2  13 0.119   178    2    104   25   101   48
    5   4  11 0.089   165    2    117   23  -110   40
    6   0   0 0.009   875    6    420    6     0    0
    6   0  10 0.075   687   14    144    3     0    0
    6   3   1 0.011   386    5    379    3  -115    6
    6  10   0 0.025     4   13    384    2     0    0
    7   1  14 0.142   163    2     51   47   100   92
    7   3  12 0.109   163    2    188   14  -112   31
    7  23   3 0.104   186    2    203    8   -98   13
    8   0   1 0.016   466   10     85    9     0    0
    9   7  12 0.123   112    2     88   41  -171   83
   18  10   9 0.147   238    2     96   20   139   40
   19  11   7 0.138    37    4     62   30  -125   57
   19  12   5 0.126    56    2     69   45   136   87
   21  14   3 0.143    46    4     53   34  -103   65
   22   4   1 0.118    97    4     51   35   105   64

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1).
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)



     6894 records passed to sort
    5718 acentric,    1176 centric.

 Least squares line : Gradient - intercept SUMDEL Npoints
  Gradient should be 1 for 2 equivalent data sets
  Gradient should be >> 1 for derivative v native data sets
  $$ Normal probability $$
 Dave Smith and Lynne Howell ( J.Appl. Cryst 1992 25 81-86) $$

For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (cent)    1176      12.497     0.950   13613.5     744       8.941     0.181     135.7
For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (acen)    5718      14.639     1.391   89967.9    3614      10.869     0.150     819.9


    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FNAT   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     

     d     -368  -322  -276  -230  -184  -138   -92   -46     0    46    92   138   184   230   276   322   368

    15.81     1     0     0     0     1     1     2     6     3     5     0     4     1     0     1     0     2
     9.13     2     1     1     6     7    13    10    21    16    20    12    10     4     7     4     0     5
     7.07     0     0     1     3    10    18    15    28    34    31    19    16     8     4     1     1     1
     5.98     1     0     2     4     4    22    21    35    42    35    23    22     7     5     1     0     0
     5.27     1     0     1     4    11    19    32    41    37    35    34    24     6     5     2     0     0
     4.77     0     1     2     7     5    18    43    46    41    42    33    17    14     2     2     0     2
     4.39     0     2     1     4    11    28    27    54    54    50    29    13    17     6     0     0     0
     4.08     1     3     2     2    11    22    39    48    56    65    31    17    12     2     2     0     0
     3.83     0     1     8     8     9    26    40    60    61    43    43    15    12     4     3     0     0
     3.63     1     1     2     8    15    23    44    53    55    56    41    27    15     6     2     3     2
     3.45     0     2     2     5     8    26    48    71    75    60    40    35    11     4     2     0     0
     3.30     0     0     2     2    10    31    37    71    61    63    56    23    20     6     7     1     0
     3.16     0     0     1     2     8    26    62    72    87    66    46    28    17     3     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     1     7    24    51    75    90    77    53    34     4     2     2     1     0
     2.94     0     0     1     2     6    21    50    98    90    73    71    29     4     3     1     0     0
     2.84     0     0     1     2     5    16    51    83   112   102    48    33     5     0     0     1     0
     2.75     0     0     0     1     6    15    53    83   126   119    42    15     5     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     1     2    16    49    96   137    95    52    14     4     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     1     9    45    79   153   122    52    11     6     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     1    15    48   113   156   137    63    18     3     1     1     0     0

    Total     7    11    27    62   138   389   767  1233  1486  1296   788   405   175    60    31     7    12

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -96   -84   -72   -60   -48   -36   -24   -12     0    12    24    36    48    60    72    84    96

    15.81     0     0     0     1     0     2     1     1    19     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0
     9.13     3     1     3     4     4     5     5    12    70     6     6     7     2     3     4     3     1
     7.07     0     2     5     6     9     8    10    23    77    21     9     8     8     3     1     0     0
     5.98     0     0     0     6    12     8    10    32    95    34    10     7     5     4     0     1     0
     5.27     0     3     1     5     9    11    20    27    88    29    34    13     7     4     1     0     0
     4.77     0     0     2     8     5    20    24    30    93    40    30    14     4     4     0     1     0
     4.39     0     0     0     3     5    15    31    40   109    37    23    19     7     4     3     0     0
     4.08     0     0     2     1     6    19    44    45   103    50    25    10     4     3     1     0     0
     3.83     0     0     0     1     7    10    28    60   135    43    30    10     5     3     1     0     0
     3.63     0     0     0     0     3    11    35    61   127    48    46    13     8     2     0     0     0
     3.45     0     0     0     1     4     9    45    67   140    64    42    11     5     0     1     0     0
     3.30     1     0     1     3     3     7    42    57   146    57    45    19     6     1     0     2     0
     3.16     0     1     0     1     6    20    36    66   156    50    58    15     5     2     0     0     2
     3.04     1     0     1     1     3    21    29    53   162    69    44    26     7     3     1     0     0
     2.94     2     0     1     2     7    18    42    65   176    67    32    21    10     2     3     1     0
     2.84     1     2     0     7     3    13    32    68   180    83    34    18    11     2     2     0     3
     2.75     0     1     0     2     3    24    48    72   175    72    41    17     5     2     0     1     2
     2.67     1     1     1     2     4    19    50    69   171    67    49    19     5     3     4     0     1
     2.60     1     0     1     3    12    24    43    75   169    61    41    23    13     4     3     1     4
     2.53     0     2     4     8    10    24    47    93   197    85    42    21    11     4     3     2     3

    Total    10    13    22    65   115   288   622  1016  2588   984   642   291   128    54    28    12    16

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    6894.     89995.  1.098  1.006  0.282  0.443  0.171    70.9    621.   5652.   0.2    18.1    170.  7.3852

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.2s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:00


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:26

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- refine isotropic Data line--- LABIN FP=FHG2 SIGFP=SIGFHG2 FPH1=FPTNCD25 SIGFPH1=SIGFPTNCD25 DPH1=DANOPTNCD25 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOPTNCD25 FP= FP= FHG2 FP= FHG2 FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1). * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 6 7 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 6 Position of Derivative F 10 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FHG2 FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 1.0034 from 3674 reflections The isotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - B (sin theta/lambda)**2) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :    3490589261.56753                 FOR     3674   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0000 -0.002125
 SD 'S         0.0033    0.0033  0.470080

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is   97.08
  Number of observations: 3674

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   20.01
  Number of observations: 2890


SCALE (F) B11 Derivative 1 1.022 5.90556
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FHG2 FPH= FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 Differences greater than 3.8306 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 371.87 Maximum difference 701.00 Difference interval for Histogram 49 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.7718 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 75.49 Maximum difference 93.00 Difference interval for Histogram 10 1 sort keys, in columns 8


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1

    0   1   1 0.001  1500    9   1084   13     0    0
    0   2   0 0.001  1748   11   1046   11     0    0
    0  13   3 0.034   341   19    891    6     0    0
    5  11   1 0.026   162   40     40   30    81   60
    5  16   3 0.054   268   35    113   11    77   19
   10   6   2 0.032   175   29     44   28    89   53
   17   9   5 0.098   190   48     39   30    76   63
   17  10   4 0.096   203   50     41   33    82   68
   17  11   2 0.091   283   65     41   39   -77   77
   18   2   2 0.080   191   46    137   14   -93   26

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1).
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)



     3674 records passed to sort
    2892 acentric,     782 centric.

 Least squares line : Gradient - intercept SUMDEL Npoints
  Gradient should be 1 for 2 equivalent data sets
  Gradient should be >> 1 for derivative v native data sets
  $$ Normal probability $$
 Dave Smith and Lynne Howell ( J.Appl. Cryst 1992 25 81-86) $$

For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (cent)     782       5.837    -0.145    2792.3     494       3.483    -0.464      18.3
For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (acen)    2892       4.151    -0.189    2525.2    1828       3.123    -0.440      12.1


    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FHG2   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FHG2   FPH= FPTNCD25  SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25  SIGDANOPTNCD25             

     d     -392  -343  -294  -245  -196  -147   -98   -49     0    49    98   147   196   245   294   343   392

    15.81     0     0     0     0     2     3     6     8     6     6     3     1     1     1     0     0     2
     9.13     0     0     3     4     3    14    20    18    30    18    15     7     6     0     1     1     0
     7.07     0     2     1     4    19    15    19    40    28    25    25     5     6     0     0     0     0
     5.98     0     2     1     2    16    23    34    38    42    34    21    11     1     0     0     1     0
     5.27     2     0     0     7    10    19    33    41    37    45    27    11     2     0     0     0     0
     4.77     0     0     0     3    12    20    36    48    48    42    26    28     3     0     0     0     0
     4.39     0     0     1     2    11    16    38    52    53    45    47    15     8     3     1     0     0
     4.08     0     0     1     5     5    18    29    63    64    55    36    32    15     4     0     0     0
     3.83     0     0     0     1     4    20    22    65    76    65    51    16    10     3     0     0     0
     3.63     0     0     1     0     5    15    23    50    83    69    47    38    15     3     2     0     0
     3.45     0     0     1     1     3    10    24    55    88    98    64    27    10     2     0     1     0
     3.30     0     0     0     1     1     5    21    54    75    82    78    46    12     8     0     0     0
     3.16     0     0     0     0     1     5    25    44   105   117    57    42    13     1     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     0     0     1     3    16    17    33    17    10     3     0     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     2     4     9    30    92   184   333   592   752   734   514   289   105    25     4     3     2

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -80   -70   -60   -50   -40   -30   -20   -10     0    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80

    15.81     0     0     0     1     0     1     2     0    30     1     1     2     1     0     0     0     0
     9.13     0     0     1     2     2     3     8    13    73    13    14     4     4     2     1     0     0
     7.07     0     0     1     1     4    14    17    20    80    24     8    15     2     2     1     0     0
     5.98     0     2     1     2     7     8    21    31    92    28    11    14     6     1     1     0     1
     5.27     0     0     1     1     0    10    19    13   102    28    34    20     1     2     2     0     1
     4.77     0     2     0     1     2    13    20    34   100    37    27    23     5     1     1     0     0
     4.39     0     0     1     3     7     5    12    35   113    43    35    21    11     3     2     1     0
     4.08     0     0     1     1     3    12    12    41   128    54    33    21    13     7     0     0     1
     3.83     0     1     1     1     4     5    22    45   128    56    32    22    10     5     1     0     0
     3.63     0     1     1     1     4     9    20    46   121    68    41    29     7     3     0     0     0
     3.45     1     0     2     1     3    10    29    59   121    66    60    16     9     5     1     1     0
     3.30     1     1     2     2     2    11    32    57   120    87    44    14     6     2     1     1     0
     3.16     0     0     0     2     4    13    23    60   149    84    43    18     8     0     3     1     2
     3.04     0     0     0     0     0     2    11    18    34    23     8     2     1     1     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     2     7    12    19    42   116   248   472  1391   612   391   221    84    34    14     4     5

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    3674.    143490.  1.049  1.001  0.225  0.365  0.020    76.3    701.   2890.   3.4    15.1     93.  9.4646

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.1s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:00


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:27

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- refine isotropic Data line--- LABIN FP=FHG2 SIGFP=SIGFHG2 FPH1=FIOD25 SIGFPH1=SIGFIOD25 DPH1=DANOIOD25 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOIOD25 FP= FP= FHG2 FP= FHG2 FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1). * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 6 7 14 15 16 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 6 Position of Derivative F 14 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FHG2 FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 1.0260 from 3704 reflections The isotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - B (sin theta/lambda)**2) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :    4703327517.47677                 FOR     3704   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11 
 SHIFTS        0.0000    0.0001  0.005656
 SD 'S         0.0045    0.0044  0.612661

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is  119.93
  Number of observations: 3704

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   24.91
  Number of observations: 2900


SCALE (F) B11 Derivative 1 0.981 -5.07756
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FHG2 FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Differences greater than 3.8325 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 459.64 Maximum difference 692.00 Difference interval for Histogram 60 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.7727 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 94.00 Maximum difference 155.00 Difference interval for Histogram 12 1 sort keys, in columns 8


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1

    0   0   2 0.003   104   17    610    9     0    0
    0   2   9 0.054   193   41    885   11     0    0
    0  10   9 0.070    49  219    535    6     0    0
    1   3  12 0.097   130   88     72   37    98   80
    4   1  12 0.100   163   70    118   32   101   57
    4   2   1 0.005   511    9    435    2  -155    6
    4   3   0 0.005  1285   11    731    9     0    0
    4   5   1 0.009   784    9    748    2   110    9
    5   4  11 0.089   189   39    118   23  -111   40
    6   0   0 0.009   963    9    410    6     0    0
    6   0  10 0.075   706   16    145    3     0    0
    6   3   1 0.011   355   11    370    2  -112    6

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1).
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)



     3704 records passed to sort
    2927 acentric,     777 centric.

 Least squares line : Gradient - intercept SUMDEL Npoints
  Gradient should be 1 for 2 equivalent data sets
  Gradient should be >> 1 for derivative v native data sets
  $$ Normal probability $$
 Dave Smith and Lynne Howell ( J.Appl. Cryst 1992 25 81-86) $$

For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (cent)     777       7.751    -2.241   13343.9     491       4.050    -1.642      21.0
For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (acen)    2927       5.506    -0.918   15196.9    1849       3.805    -0.670      22.4


    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FHG2   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FHG2   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                     

     d     -480  -420  -360  -300  -240  -180  -120   -60     0    60   120   180   240   300   360   420   480

    15.81     1     0     0     0     1     1     2     2     7     2     4     4     1     1     0     1     0
     9.13     0     1     5     2     3     8    15    16    20    20    24    11     4     5     3     0     2
     7.07     0     0     0     1     4     6    17    33    34    48    17    16     9     1     2     1     0
     5.98     0     0     0     3     4     9    22    30    44    51    34    20     2     3     2     0     0
     5.27     0     0     2     1     4    13    18    35    44    60    48    20     4     3     0     0     0
     4.77     0     0     0     0     5    17    24    52    55    51    39    19     8     1     1     0     0
     4.39     0     0     1     4     6     6    35    48    63    63    38    19    10     1     1     2     0
     4.08     1     1     0     1    11    17    35    49    76    65    43    17     7     5     2     0     0
     3.83     0     0     1     5    11    13    33    52    72    67    41    26    10     1     1     0     0
     3.63     1     0     0     1     8    22    34    58    56    76    55    18    14     9     1     0     1
     3.45     0     0     0     2     3    13    41    59    83    77    69    25    10     2     0     1     0
     3.30     0     0     1     0     3    10    29    53    75    87    65    32    22     8     1     0     0
     3.16     0     0     1     1     1    10    39    62    85    92    75    38    11     1     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     0     2     2     7    12    19    25    24     7     1     1     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     3     2    11    21    66   147   351   561   733   784   576   272   113    42    14     5     3

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -96   -84   -72   -60   -48   -36   -24   -12     0    12    24    36    48    60    72    84    96

    15.81     0     0     0     1     0     2     1     1    19     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0
     9.13     3     1     2     3     6     5     5    12    70     6     6     7     2     3     4     3     1
     7.07     0     2     5     3     9    11    10    23    76    21     9     9     8     2     1     0     0
     5.98     0     0     0     5    11    10    10    32    95    34    10     7     7     2     0     1     0
     5.27     0     3     0     5     8    13    20    27    88    29    34    13     7     4     1     0     0
     4.77     0     0     2     8     5    20    24    29    92    40    30    14     3     4     0     1     0
     4.39     0     0     0     3     5    14    33    39   110    37    23    19     8     4     2     0     0
     4.08     0     0     2     0     8    17    47    47   116    48    27    10     5     2     1     0     0
     3.83     0     0     0     1     7    10    28    57   138    41    33     9     6     2     1     0     0
     3.63     0     0     0     0     2    11    35    60   127    49    46    14     8     2     0     0     0
     3.45     0     0     0     1     4     9    44    67   137    64    42    11     5     0     1     0     0
     3.30     1     0     1     3     3     8    41    57   142    58    41    22     6     1     0     2     0
     3.16     0     1     0     1     6    19    39    67   150    50    59    14     6     2     0     0     2
     3.04     0     0     1     1     1     6    10    14    35    17     5     7     2     1     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0

    Total     4     7    13    35    75   155   347   532  1395   495   366   156    73    30    11     7     3

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    3704.    140668.  1.117  1.028  0.279  0.451  0.027    94.0    692.   2900.  -0.3    18.9    155.  9.2299

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.2s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:01


 ### CCP4 4.2: SCALEIT            version 4.2       : 07/08/02##
 User: mgwt  Run date: 24/ 6/03  Run time:13:24:27

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.

 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Command Input

Data line--- refine isotropic Data line--- LABIN FP=FPTNCD25 SIGFP=SIGFPTNCD25 FPH1=FIOD25 SIGFPH1=SIGFIOD25 DPH1=DANOIOD25 SIGDPH1=SIGDANOIOD25 FP= FP= FPTNCD25 FP= FPTNCD25 FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 Comment line--- ## This script run with the command ########## Comment line--- # scaleit HKLIN /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HKLOUT /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp Comment line--- ################################################

Input MTZ File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 1 Status: READONLY Logical Name: HKLIN Filename: /y/people/mgwt/TEST/rnase25_scaleit1.mtz HEADER INFORMATION FROM INPUT MTZ FILE ON INDEX 1 * Title: Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1). * Number of Datasets = 4 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength: 1 RNASE / NATIVE 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 2 RNASE / DERIV_HG 64.9000 78.3200 38.7900 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 3 RNASE / DERIV_PT 64.8500 78.5600 39.5100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 4 RNASE / DERIV_I 65.0000 78.6600 38.8100 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 1.54200 * Number of Columns = 18 * Number of Reflections = 7262 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file * Column Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Column Types : H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I * Associated datasets : 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 * Cell Dimensions : 64.8970 78.3230 38.7920 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 * Resolution Range : 0.00040 0.16000 ( 50.000 - 2.500 A ) * Sort Order : 1 2 3 0 0 * Space group = P212121 (number 19) * Input Program Labels : H K L FP SIGFP FPH1 SIGFPH1 DPH1 SIGDPH1 FPH1(+) SIGFPH1(+) FPH1(-) SIGFPH1(-) IMEAN1 SIGIMEAN1 I1(+) SIGI1(+) I1(-) SIGI1(-) * Input File Labels : H K L FNAT SIGFNAT FHG2 SIGFHG2 DANOHG2 SIGDANOHG2 FPTNCD25 SIGFPTNCD25 DANOPTNCD25 SIGDANOPTNCD25 FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 FreeR_flag * Lookup Table : the number indicates the input column no. * Array element n corresponds to the nth program label 1 2 3 10 11 14 15 16 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Centric Zone 1 Reflections of Type 0kl Centric Zone 2 Reflections of Type h0l Centric Zone 3 Reflections of Type hk0

Output File

(Q)QOPEN: file opened on unit 2 Status: UNKNOWN Logical Name: HKLOUT Filename: /y/people/mgwt/work/2003test_32_3_mtz.tmp SPACE GROUP NUMBER 19 SPACE GROUP NAME P212121 POINT GROUP NAME PG222 NUMBER OF SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 NUMBER OF PRIMITIVE SYMMETRY OPERATORS 4 ISOTROPIC DERIVATIVE TO NATIVE SCALING ======================================== Position of Native F 10 Position of Derivative F 14 Number of Cycles 4 Convergence Limit 0.001000 Derivative has Anomalous Difference to be Scaled Derivative: FP= FPTNCD25 FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Initial derivative scale factor (for F) = 1.0172 from 6781 reflections The isotropic scale is applied to the derivative F as (derivative scale)* exp( - B (sin theta/lambda)**2) CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 CORRELATION MATRIX ELEMENTS > 0.7 -- Cycle Number: 4

 MEAN RESIDUAL  W D**2/( M - N) :    3579516833.86808                 FOR     6781   REFLECTIONS

                 SCALES (for F)

              NATIVE  DERIVATIVE      B11 
 SHIFTS        0.0000   -0.0002 -0.015954
 SD 'S         0.0034    0.0035  0.425319

 RMS  isomorphous difference for derivative   1 is  115.28
  Number of observations: 6781

 RMS  anomalous   difference for derivative   1 is   24.36
  Number of observations: 5603


SCALE (F) B11 Derivative 1 1.039 8.25809
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Isomorphous Differences Derivative title: FP= FPTNCD25 FPH= FIOD25 SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25 SIGDANOIOD25 Differences greater than 3.9757 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 458.32 Maximum difference 604.00 Difference interval for Histogram 58 ---------------------------------------------------------- Anomalous Differences Differences greater than 3.9320 * RMSDIF are unlikely, ie acceptable differences are less than 95.78 Maximum difference 166.00 Difference interval for Histogram 12 1 sort keys, in columns 8


  Large differences (isomorphous & anomalous)

    H   K   L   RES     FP  SIGP   FPH1  SIGF1  DPH1  SIGD1

    0   0   2 0.003    63    8    645    9     0    0
    0   5   3 0.010   529    7     21   18     0    0
    0   5  10 0.071   568    2     66   29     0    0
    0   6   8 0.048   866    3    405    3     0    0
    0   8   0 0.010   589    8    121    9     0    0
    0   8   2 0.013   436    7    920    6     0    0
    0   8   6 0.034   711    3    186    3     0    0
    0  13   3 0.034   882    6    277    6     0    0
    1   3  12 0.097    84    6     70   36    96   79
    1   3  15 0.151    83   10    122   33    98   65
    1   9  14 0.144   197    4     62   43   119   87
    2   2  14 0.132    71    8     66   47   132   91
    2   6  13 0.119   255    2    139   25   102   44
    3   5  14 0.136    92   10     61   55   123  107
    4   1  12 0.100   161    6    116   31    98   56
    4   2   0 0.004   652    8   1194    9     0    0
    4   2   1 0.005   465    5    459    3  -164    7
    4   5   0 0.008   576    7     89    7     0    0
    4   5   1 0.009   857    9    787    3   116    9
    5   0  10 0.072   873    6    350    3     0    0
    5   1  15 0.156   142    4     60   52   114  100
    5   2  13 0.119   173    5    102   24    99   47
    5   4  11 0.089   254    2    116   22  -109   40
    6   3   1 0.011   222    4    389    3  -118    6
    7   1  14 0.142   220    4     49   46    97   89
    7   3  12 0.109    76    5    184   13  -110   31
    7  23   3 0.104   157    2    200    8   -97   12
    8   0   1 0.016   566    7     87    9     0    0
    8   6   0 0.021   582    7     73   11     0    0
    9   7  12 0.123    84    5     86   41  -167   81
   10   0   2 0.026   533    7     34   20     0    0
   18  10   9 0.147   268    5     93   19   134   39
   19  11   7 0.138    67   23     60   29  -121   56
   19  12   5 0.126   117   15     68   44   133   85
   21  14   3 0.143    59   21     51   33  -100   63
   22   4   1 0.118   106   22     50   34   103   62

 * Title:
 Scaling RNAse SA Derivatives (mir tutorial step 1).
 * Number of Datasets =   4
 * Dataset ID, project/crystal name, dataset name, cell dimensions, wavelength:
        1 RNASE /
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE /
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE /
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE /
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 * Number of Columns =  18
 * Number of Reflections =   7262
 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz  file
 * Missing value set to NaN in output mtz  file
 * Column Labels :
 * Column Types :
 H H H F Q F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q I
 * Associated datasets :
    1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   1
 * Cell Dimensions :
    64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
 *  Resolution Range :
      0.00040     0.16000      (   49.972 -     2.500 A )
 * Sort Order :
      1     2     3     0     0
 * Space group = P212121  (number    19)



     6781 records passed to sort
    5664 acentric,    1117 centric.

 Least squares line : Gradient - intercept SUMDEL Npoints
  Gradient should be 1 for 2 equivalent data sets
  Gradient should be >> 1 for derivative v native data sets
  $$ Normal probability $$
 Dave Smith and Lynne Howell ( J.Appl. Cryst 1992 25 81-86) $$

For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (cent)    1117      16.197    -2.679   55917.4     705       9.967    -1.480     194.9
For inline graphs use a Java browser
  Total (acen)    5664      17.953    -0.408  131275.8    3578      11.488    -0.135     971.0


    Scaling for derivative no. 1 Derivative title:  FP=  FPTNCD25   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                 

 Histogram showing distribution of differences

     Table shows the number of reflections in bins of difference, for each resolution shell
     Bins are headed by the difference corresponding to the mid-point of each bin

   Isomorphous Differences
 Derivative title:  FP=  FPTNCD25   FPH= FIOD25  SIGFIOD25 DANOIOD25  SIGDANOIOD25                 

     d     -464  -406  -348  -290  -232  -174  -116   -58     0    58   116   174   232   290   348   406   464

    15.81     1     0     0     0     1     1     0     5     5     6     1     3     1     1     1     1     0
     9.13     4     1     2     6     3     6    12    21    26    14    16     5    10     5     1     3     4
     7.07     1     0     3     3     3     5    13    34    29    29    26    19    14     3     5     2     1
     5.98     0     0     1     5    12     8    13    24    37    44    34    22    12     3     5     2     2
     5.27     0     0     1     5     7    14    23    32    30    36    34    21    11    11     4     1     3
     4.77     0     1     2     5     9    14    31    43    48    45    24    14    15    11     6     0     0
     4.39     0     1     1     4     9     8    44    53    57    43    27    21    11     5     4     2     1
     4.08     0     2     4     7    12    26    35    62    51    45    41    28     5     6     0     1     1
     3.83     0     0     4     4    14    22    50    43    75    56    34    14    13     4     4     0     0
     3.63     0     0     7     7    17    20    46    50    62    51    50    23    14     1     2     1     3
     3.45     0     0     1     4    14    23    45    68    82    57    43    38    11     1     1     1     0
     3.30     0     1     2     1    14    21    46    72    69    55    50    28    19     7     0     1     0
     3.16     0     0     0     3    15    12    46    68    95    85    54    19     7     6     0     0     0
     3.04     0     0     0     1     7    25    48    82    88    76    57    20     8     2     0     0     0
     2.94     0     0     0     0     6    14    54    76   111    89    62    17     9     2     0     0     0
     2.84     0     0     0     2     8    21    37    94   122   101    44    15     4     0     0     0     0
     2.75     0     0     1     1     5    15    36   102   144    87    49    10     1     0     0     0     0
     2.67     0     0     0     0     2    12    41   117   141    91    41     9     1     0     0     0     0
     2.60     0     0     0     0     0    13    32   104   162   101    39    13     1     0     0     0     0
     2.53     0     0     0     0     0     9    36   115   192   114    46    16     6     0     0     0     0

    Total     6     6    29    58   158   289   688  1265  1626  1225   772   355   173    68    33    15    15

     Anomolous Differences

     d      -96   -84   -72   -60   -48   -36   -24   -12     0    12    24    36    48    60    72    84    96

    15.81     0     0     0     1     0     2     2     0    19     1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0
     9.13     4     1     2     4     5     4     9     8    70     5     7     7     2     3     4     3     1
     7.07     0     3     4     7     8     8    16    17    77    13    17     8     8     3     1     0     0
     5.98     0     0     1     5    12     8    13    29    95    30    14     7     3     6     0     1     0
     5.27     0     3     1     4    10     9    20    22    82    28    33     8     7     5     1     0     0
     4.77     0     0     2     8     5    18    24    29    90    40    30    12     5     4     0     1     0
     4.39     0     0     0     2     5    14    32    42   105    36    23    18     7     4     3     0     0
     4.08     0     0     2     1     7    19    43    49   111    49    27    10     4     3     1     0     0
     3.83     0     0     0     1     7    10    27    60   137    44    32    10     5     3     1     0     0
     3.63     0     0     0     0     3    11    35    60   127    48    46    14     8     2     0     0     0
     3.45     0     0     0     1     4     9    45    66   140    65    43    10     5     0     1     0     0
     3.30     1     0     1     3     2     8    40    56   147    55    45    19     6     1     0     2     0
     3.16     0     1     0     1     5    19    35    67   152    49    57    15     6     1     0     0     2
     3.04     1     0     1     0     4    20    28    52   160    69    44    25     7     2     1     0     0
     2.94     2     0     1     1     8    19    41    66   169    68    30    22     9     2     2     0     0
     2.84     1     1     1     6     3    12    34    65   179    78    33    20    10     0     2     0     3
     2.75     0     1     0     1     4    21    44    76   168    71    39    17     5     1     0     1     2
     2.67     1     1     1     1     5    17    47    71   166    67    52    13     6     2     4     0     1
     2.60     1     0     1     2    11    23    41    77   160    61    42    25     9     5     2     1     4
     2.53     0     1     4     5    14    20    45    93   190    84    44    17     7     3     3     1     3

    Total    11    12    22    54   122   271   621  1005  2544   961   659   277   119    51    26    10    16

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    THE TOTALS    6781.     95261.  1.165  1.015  0.338  0.535  0.253    87.0    604.   5603.   0.2    17.9    166.  9.1405

 SCALEIT:   Normal termination of SCALEIT
 Times: User:       0.1s System:    0.0s Elapsed:    0:00
#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 1 #CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 24 Jun 2003 13:24:27 #CCP4I TERMINATION OUTPUT_FILES /y/people/mgwt/TEST/2003test_32_scaleit.summary 2003test #CCP4I MESSAGE Task completed successfully