import os, sys import scipy.cluster from bamboo.common import Info from giant.stats.cluster import find_connected_groups, generate_group_idxs from scitbx.array_family import flex class PointCluster(object): def __init__(self, id, points, values): """Class to hold information about an identified cluster of points, with associated values""" # Check that both are lists for the moment points = list(points) values = list(values) assert len(points) == len(values) self.parent = None = id # Store as flex arrays self.points = flex.vec3_double(points) self.values = flex.double(values) stats = self.values.min_max_mean() self.min = stats.min self.max = stats.max self.mean = stats.mean self.size = len(self.values) self.peak = self.points[values.index(max(values))] self.centroid = self.points.mean() def summary(self): out = [] out.append('Point Cluster {!s} Summary'.format( out.append('{!s} Points'.format(self.size)) out.append('Min:'.format(self.min)) out.append('Max:'.format(self.max)) out.append('Mean:'.format(self.mean)) return '\n'.join(out) class Event(object): _attributes = ['estimated_pseudo_occupancy', 'estimated_bdc'] def __init__(self, id, cluster, info=None): """Class to hold information about an event in a dataset""" # Process cluster object (points and values for Event) assert isinstance(cluster, PointCluster), 'cluster must be of type PointCluster' self.cluster = cluster self.cluster.parent = self # Give it a name if id: = id else: = # Allow a parent self.parent = None # Add Meta to the object if info: assert isinstance(info, Info) for a in self._attributes: assert hasattr(info, a) = info else: = Info(self._attributes) def summary(self): out = [] out.append('Event {!s} Summary'.format( out.append(self.cluster.summary()) out.append( return '\n'.join(out) class Site(object): _attributes = [ 'centroid', 'num_events', 'approx_size', 'nearest_residues', 'near_crystal_contacts'] def __init__(self, events=None, id=None, info=None): """Class to hold information about an identified site (collection of events)""" # List of Events self.children = [] self.parent = None = id # Add Meta to the object if info: assert isinstance(info, Info) for a in self._attributes: assert hasattr(info, a) = info else: = Info(self._attributes) # Add Events if events: self.add_events(events=events, update=True) def add_events(self, events, update=True): if isinstance(events, list): assert isinstance(events[0], Event), 'Added events must be of class Event' self.children.extend(events) else: assert isinstance(events, Event), 'Added events must be of class Event' self.children.append(events) if update: self.update() return self def apply_parentage(self): """Set the site as the parents of the events""" for e in self.children: e.parent = self return self def update(self): centroids = flex.vec3_double([e.cluster.centroid for e in self.children]) = centroids.mean() = (centroids.min(), centroids.max()) = len(self.children) return self def summary(self): out = [] out.append('Site Summary') out.append('{!s} Events'.format( out.append('Centroid: {!s}'.format( out.append('Approx Range: {!s}'.format( for s in self.children: out.append('-----------------------') out.append(s.summary()) return '\n'.join(out) def sort(self, key, reverse=True): self.children.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) return self def find_protein_context(self, hierarchy): return class SiteList(object): def __init__(self, sites=None): """Class to hold information about multiple sites on a protein""" # List of Sites self.children = [] self.parent = None = None # Add Sites if sites: self.add_sites(sites) def add_sites(self, sites, update=True): if isinstance(sites, list): assert isinstance(sites[0], Site), 'Added sites must be of class Site' self.children.extend(sites) else: assert isinstance(sites, Site), 'Added sites must be of class Site' self.children.append(sites) if update: self.update() return self def update(self): # Number of events at the site self.num_sites = len(self.children) return self def summary(self): out = [] out.append('SiteList Summary') out.append('{!s} Sites'.format(self.num_sites)) for s in self.children: out.append('=====================================') out.append(s.summary()) return '\n'.join(out) def sort(self, key, reverse=True): self.children.sort(key=key, reverse=True) return self def renumber(self, start_at=1): for i_c, c in enumerate(self.children): return self def cluster_events(events, cutoff=10, linkage='average'): if len(events) == 1: return SiteList([Site(events=events, id=1).apply_parentage()]) centroids = [e.cluster.centroid for e in events] cluster_ids = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata( X = centroids, t = cutoff, criterion = 'distance', metric = 'euclidean', method = linkage ) cluster_ids = list(cluster_ids) sites = [] for s_idx, e_idxs in generate_group_idxs(cluster_ids): assert s_idx > 0 new_site = Site([events[i] for i in e_idxs], id=s_idx).apply_parentage() sites.append(new_site) return SiteList(sites) def event_distance_centroid(event1, event2): return (flex.double(event1.cluster.centroid) - flex.double(event2.cluster.centroid)).norm() def event_distance_min_cluster_distance(event1, event2): return min([min((event1.cluster.points-x).norms()) for x in event2.cluster.points])