""" Access to the Unix group database. Group entries are reported as 4-tuples containing the following fields from the group database, in order: name - name of the group passwd - group password (encrypted); often empty gid - numeric ID of the group mem - list of members The gid is an integer, name and password are strings. (Note that most users are not explicitly listed as members of the groups they are in according to the password database. Check both databases to get complete membership information.) """ __all__ = ['getgrgid', 'getgrnam', 'getgrall'] from os import _name, _posix_impl from org.python.core.Py import newString if _name == 'nt': raise ImportError, 'grp module not supported on Windows' class struct_group(tuple): """ grp.struct_group: Results from getgr*() routines. This object may be accessed either as a tuple of (gr_name,gr_passwd,gr_gid,gr_mem) or via the object attributes as named in the above tuple. """ attrs = ['gr_name', 'gr_passwd', 'gr_gid', 'gr_mem'] def __new__(cls, grp): grp = (newString(grp.name), newString(grp.password), int(grp.GID), [newString(member) for member in grp.members]) return tuple.__new__(cls, grp) def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return self[self.attrs.index(attr)] except ValueError: raise AttributeError def getgrgid(uid): """ getgrgid(id) -> tuple Return the group database entry for the given numeric group ID. If id is not valid, raise KeyError. """ entry = _posix_impl.getgrgid(uid) if not entry: raise KeyError(uid) return struct_group(entry) def getgrnam(name): """ getgrnam(name) -> tuple Return the group database entry for the given group name. If name is not valid, raise KeyError. """ entry = _posix_impl.getgrnam(name) if not entry: raise KeyError(name) return struct_group(entry) def getgrall(): """ getgrall() -> list of tuples Return a list of all available group database entries, in arbitrary order. """ groups = [] while True: group = _posix_impl.getgrent() if not group: break groups.append(struct_group(group)) return groups