''' Entry-point module to start the code-completion server for PyDev. @author Fabio Zadrozny ''' IS_PYTHON3K = 0 try: import __builtin__ except ImportError: import builtins as __builtin__ # Python 3.0 IS_PYTHON3K = 1 try: True False except NameError: # If it's not defined, let's define it now. setattr(__builtin__, 'True', 1) # Python 3.0 does not accept __builtin__.True = 1 in its syntax setattr(__builtin__, 'False', 0) from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import IS_JYTHON if IS_JYTHON: import java.lang # @UnresolvedImport SERVER_NAME = 'jycompletionserver' from _pydev_bundle import _pydev_jy_imports_tipper _pydev_imports_tipper = _pydev_jy_imports_tipper else: # it is python SERVER_NAME = 'pycompletionserver' from _pydev_bundle import _pydev_imports_tipper from _pydev_imps._pydev_saved_modules import socket import sys if sys.platform == "darwin": # See: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pydev/forums/forum/293649/topic/3454227 try: import _CF # Don't fail if it doesn't work -- do it because it must be loaded on the main thread! @UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport except: pass # initial sys.path _sys_path = [] for p in sys.path: # changed to be compatible with 1.5 _sys_path.append(p) # initial sys.modules _sys_modules = {} for name, mod in sys.modules.items(): _sys_modules[name] = mod import traceback from _pydev_imps._pydev_saved_modules import time try: import StringIO except: import io as StringIO #Python 3.0 try: from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus except ImportError: from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus #Python 3.0 INFO1 = 1 INFO2 = 2 WARN = 4 ERROR = 8 DEBUG = INFO1 | ERROR def dbg(s, prior): if prior & DEBUG != 0: sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (s,)) # f = open('c:/temp/test.txt', 'a') # print_ >> f, s # f.close() from _pydev_bundle import pydev_localhost HOST = pydev_localhost.get_localhost() # Symbolic name meaning the local host MSG_KILL_SERVER = '@@KILL_SERVER_END@@' MSG_COMPLETIONS = '@@COMPLETIONS' MSG_END = 'END@@' MSG_INVALID_REQUEST = '@@INVALID_REQUEST' MSG_JYTHON_INVALID_REQUEST = '@@JYTHON_INVALID_REQUEST' MSG_CHANGE_DIR = '@@CHANGE_DIR:' MSG_OK = '@@MSG_OK_END@@' MSG_IMPORTS = '@@IMPORTS:' MSG_PYTHONPATH = '@@PYTHONPATH_END@@' MSG_CHANGE_PYTHONPATH = '@@CHANGE_PYTHONPATH:' MSG_JEDI = '@@MSG_JEDI:' MSG_SEARCH = '@@SEARCH' BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 currDirModule = None def complete_from_dir(directory): ''' This is necessary so that we get the imports from the same directory where the file we are completing is located. ''' global currDirModule if currDirModule is not None: if len(sys.path) > 0 and sys.path[0] == currDirModule: del sys.path[0] currDirModule = directory sys.path.insert(0, directory) def change_python_path(pythonpath): '''Changes the pythonpath (clears all the previous pythonpath) @param pythonpath: string with paths separated by | ''' split = pythonpath.split('|') sys.path = [] for path in split: path = path.strip() if len(path) > 0: sys.path.append(path) class Processor: def __init__(self): # nothing to do return def remove_invalid_chars(self, msg): try: msg = str(msg) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if msg: try: return quote_plus(msg) except: sys.stdout.write('error making quote plus in %s\n' % (msg,)) raise return ' ' def format_completion_message(self, defFile, completionsList): ''' Format the completions suggestions in the following format: @@COMPLETIONS(modFile(token,description),(token,description),(token,description))END@@ ''' compMsg = [] compMsg.append('%s' % defFile) for tup in completionsList: compMsg.append(',') compMsg.append('(') compMsg.append(str(self.remove_invalid_chars(tup[0]))) # token compMsg.append(',') compMsg.append(self.remove_invalid_chars(tup[1])) # description if(len(tup) > 2): compMsg.append(',') compMsg.append(self.remove_invalid_chars(tup[2])) # args - only if function. if(len(tup) > 3): compMsg.append(',') compMsg.append(self.remove_invalid_chars(tup[3])) # TYPE compMsg.append(')') return '%s(%s)%s' % (MSG_COMPLETIONS, ''.join(compMsg), MSG_END) class Exit(Exception): pass class CompletionServer: def __init__(self, port): self.ended = False self.port = port self.socket = None # socket to send messages. self.exit_process_on_kill = True self.processor = Processor() def connect_to_server(self): from _pydev_imps._pydev_saved_modules import socket self.socket = s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((HOST, self.port)) except: sys.stderr.write('Error on connect_to_server with parameters: host: %s port: %s\n' % (HOST, self.port)) raise def get_completions_message(self, defFile, completionsList): ''' get message with completions. ''' return self.processor.format_completion_message(defFile, completionsList) def get_token_and_data(self, data): ''' When we receive this, we have 'token):data' ''' token = '' for c in data: if c != ')': token = token + c else: break; return token, data.lstrip(token + '):') def emulated_sendall(self, msg): MSGLEN = 1024 * 20 totalsent = 0 while totalsent < MSGLEN: sent = self.socket.send(msg[totalsent:]) if sent == 0: return totalsent = totalsent + sent def send(self, msg): if not hasattr(self.socket, 'sendall'): #Older versions (jython 2.1) self.emulated_sendall(msg) else: if IS_PYTHON3K: self.socket.sendall(bytearray(msg, 'utf-8')) else: self.socket.sendall(msg) def run(self): # Echo server program try: from _pydev_bundle import _pydev_log log = _pydev_log.Log() dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' connecting to java server on %s (%s)' % (HOST, self.port) , INFO1) # after being connected, create a socket as a client. self.connect_to_server() dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' Connected to java server', INFO1) while not self.ended: data = '' while data.find(MSG_END) == -1: received = self.socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) if len(received) == 0: raise Exit() # ok, connection ended if IS_PYTHON3K: data = data + received.decode('utf-8') else: data = data + received try: try: if data.find(MSG_KILL_SERVER) != -1: dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' kill message received', INFO1) # break if we received kill message. self.ended = True raise Exit() dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' starting keep alive thread', INFO2) if data.find(MSG_PYTHONPATH) != -1: comps = [] for p in _sys_path: comps.append((p, ' ')) self.send(self.get_completions_message(None, comps)) else: data = data[:data.rfind(MSG_END)] if data.startswith(MSG_IMPORTS): data = data[len(MSG_IMPORTS):] data = unquote_plus(data) defFile, comps = _pydev_imports_tipper.generate_tip(data, log) self.send(self.get_completions_message(defFile, comps)) elif data.startswith(MSG_CHANGE_PYTHONPATH): data = data[len(MSG_CHANGE_PYTHONPATH):] data = unquote_plus(data) change_python_path(data) self.send(MSG_OK) elif data.startswith(MSG_JEDI): data = data[len(MSG_JEDI):] data = unquote_plus(data) line, column, encoding, path, source = data.split('|', 4) try: import jedi # @UnresolvedImport except: self.send(self.get_completions_message(None, [('Error on import jedi', 'Error importing jedi', '')])) else: script = jedi.Script( # Line +1 because it expects lines 1-based (and col 0-based) source=source, line=int(line) + 1, column=int(column), source_encoding=encoding, path=path, ) lst = [] for completion in script.completions(): t = completion.type if t == 'class': t = '1' elif t == 'function': t = '2' elif t == 'import': t = '0' elif t == 'keyword': continue # Keywords are already handled in PyDev elif t == 'statement': t = '3' else: t = '-1' # gen list(tuple(name, doc, args, type)) lst.append((completion.name, '', '', t)) self.send(self.get_completions_message('empty', lst)) elif data.startswith(MSG_SEARCH): data = data[len(MSG_SEARCH):] data = unquote_plus(data) (f, line, col), foundAs = _pydev_imports_tipper.search_definition(data) self.send(self.get_completions_message(f, [(line, col, foundAs)])) elif data.startswith(MSG_CHANGE_DIR): data = data[len(MSG_CHANGE_DIR):] data = unquote_plus(data) complete_from_dir(data) self.send(MSG_OK) else: self.send(MSG_INVALID_REQUEST) except Exit: self.send(self.get_completions_message(None, [('Exit:', 'SystemExit', '')])) raise except: dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' exception occurred', ERROR) s = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=s) err = s.getvalue() dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' received error: ' + str(err), ERROR) self.send(self.get_completions_message(None, [('ERROR:', '%s\nLog:%s' % (err, log.get_contents()), '')])) finally: log.clear_log() self.socket.close() self.ended = True raise Exit() # connection broken except Exit: if self.exit_process_on_kill: sys.exit(0) # No need to log SystemExit error except: s = StringIO.StringIO() exc_info = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2], limit=None, file=s) err = s.getvalue() dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' received error: ' + str(err), ERROR) raise if __name__ == '__main__': port = int(sys.argv[1]) # this is from where we want to receive messages. t = CompletionServer(port) dbg(SERVER_NAME + ' will start', INFO1) t.run()