{% set version = "2.13.0" %} package: name: fontconfig version: {{ version }} source: url: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/release/fontconfig-{{ version }}.tar.bz2 sha256: 91dde8492155b7f34bb95079e79be92f1df353fcc682c19be90762fd3e12eeb9 patches: # This patch won't be submitted upstream. It's use here is to ensure the prefix used # to refer to the `fonts.conf` file. - fcf.patch # [linux] build: number: 0 skip: True # [win] binary_has_prefix_files: # [linux] - lib/libfontconfig.so.1.11.1 # [linux] requirements: build: - pkg-config - gperf - libtool - freetype 2.8.1 - libiconv 1.15 - libpng >=1.6.32,<1.6.35 - libxml2 2.9.* - icu 58.* # [not win] - libuuid # [not win] run: - freetype 2.8.1 - libiconv 1.15 - libpng >=1.6.32,<1.6.35 - libxml2 2.9.* - icu 58.* # [not win] - libuuid # [not win] test: commands: # Test CLI. - fc-cache --help - fc-cat --help - fc-list --help - fc-match --help - fc-pattern --help - fc-query --help - fc-scan --help - fc-validate --help # Test for libraries. - test -f "${PREFIX}/lib/libfontconfig.a" - test -f "${PREFIX}/lib/libfontconfig.dylib" # [osx] - test -f "${PREFIX}/lib/libfontconfig.so" # [linux] - conda inspect linkages -p $PREFIX $PKG_NAME # [not win] - conda inspect objects -p $PREFIX $PKG_NAME # [osx] about: home: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fontconfig/ license: MIT license_file: COPYING summary: 'A library for configuring and customizing font access.' extra: recipe-maintainers: - ccordoba12 - jakirkham - ocefpaf - pkgw