{% set name = "pip" %} {% set version = "9.0.1" %} {% set sha256 = "09f243e1a7b461f654c26a725fa373211bb7ff17a9300058b205c61658ca940d" %} package: name: {{ name|lower }} version: {{ version }} source: fn: {{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz url: https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: {{ sha256 }} # We update windows to avoid path length issues. Requests was the offender, with vendoring its stuff, too. # Requests has unvendored in more recent versions, so updating the vendoring is enough to fix things. patches: - 0001-update-vendorings-to-match-master.patch # [win] - 0002-fix-up-references-to-vendored-requests-deps.patch # [win] build: number: 4 disable_pip: True entry_points: - pip = pip:main requirements: host: - python - setuptools run: - python - setuptools - wheel test: commands: - pip -h - pip list imports: - pip about: home: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ license: MIT license_family: MIT license_file: LICENSE.txt summary: PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages doc_url: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ dev_url: https://github.com/pypa/pip extra: recipe-maintainers: - jakirkham - jjhelmus - msarahan - pelson - ocefpaf - mingwandroid