/* shrlibsample.c
 * Sample C shared library for use with MATLAB Shared 
 * Library Calling (CALLLIB)
 * Copyright 2002-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.

/* shrlibsample.c
* Sample C shared library for use with MATLAB Shared 
 * Library Calling (CALLLIB)
* Copyright 2002-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mex.h>  /* only needed because of mexFunction below and mexPrintf */
/*#include "windows.h"*/
#include "shrhelp.h"

#include "shrlibsample.h"

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void multDoubleArray(double *x,int size)
    /* Multiple each element of the array by 3 */
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<size;i++)
    *x++ *= 3;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addMixedTypes(short x,int y,double z)
    return (x + y + z);

EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addDoubleRef(double x,double *y,double z)
    return (x + *y + z);

EXPORTED_FUNCTION const char* stringToUpper(char *input)
    char *p = input;

    if (p!=NULL) 
        while (*p!=0)
            *p = toupper(*p);
		return input;
		static const char * output = "Null pointer passed to stringToUpper.";
 		return output;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION char* readEnum(TEnum1 val)
	static char outputs[][20] = { {"You chose en1"}, {"You chose en2"}, {"You chose en4"}, {"enum not defined"}, {"ERROR"} };
	switch (val) {
    case en1: return outputs[0];
    case en2: return outputs[1];
    case en4: return outputs[2];
    default : return outputs[3];
    return outputs[4];

EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addStructFields(struct c_struct st)
    double t = st.p1 + st.p2 + st.p3;
    return t;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION double *multDoubleRef(double *x)
     *x *= 5;
     return x;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addStructByRef(struct c_struct *st)
    double t = st->p1+st->p2+st->p3;
    return t;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void allocateStruct(struct c_struct** val)
    /* allocate zeroed space for 5 copies of c_struct */
    struct c_struct* local=(struct c_struct*) calloc(sizeof(struct c_struct),5);
    *val=local; /* assign val to the first set of values */
    local->p1 = 12.4;
    local->p2 = 222;
    local->p3 = 333333;
    local->p1 = 2.1;
    local->p2 = 22;
    local->p3 = 23;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void deallocateStruct(void *ptr)

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void multiplyShort(short *x, int size)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<size; i++)
    *x++ *= i;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void print2darray(double my2d[][3],int len)
    int indxi,indxj;

EXPORTED_FUNCTION const char ** getListOfStrings(void)
    static const char *strings[5];
    strings[0]="String 1";
    strings[1]="String Two";
    strings[2]=""; /* empty string */
    strings[3]="Last string";
    return strings;

double exportedDoubleValue=10.0;  /* this is not a function, it is an exported variable*/

EXPORTED_FUNCTION void printExportedDoubleValue(void)
  /* this function allows independent verification of exportedDoubleValue */
    mexPrintf("The value of exportedDoubleValue is %f.\n",exportedDoubleValue);

/* this function exists so that mex may be used to compile the library
   it is not otherwise needed */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
          int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] )