/* * shrlibsample.h * * Copyright 2002-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. */ #ifndef shrlibsample_h #define shrlibsample_h #include "shrhelp.h" typedef enum Enum1 {en1=1,en2,en4=4} TEnum1; struct c_struct { double p1; short p2; long p3; }; /* Function declarations */ EXPORTED_FUNCTION void multDoubleArray(double *,int); EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addMixedTypes(short,int,double); EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addDoubleRef(double,double *,double); EXPORTED_FUNCTION const char* stringToUpper(char *); EXPORTED_FUNCTION char* readEnum(TEnum1); EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addStructFields(struct c_struct); EXPORTED_FUNCTION double *multDoubleRef(double *x); EXPORTED_FUNCTION double addStructByRef(struct c_struct *); EXPORTED_FUNCTION void allocateStruct(struct c_struct**); EXPORTED_FUNCTION void deallocateStruct(void *ptr); EXPORTED_FUNCTION void multiplyShort(short *,int); EXPORTED_FUNCTION void print2darray(double my2d[][3],int len); EXPORTED_FUNCTION const char ** getListOfStrings(void); EXPORTED_FUNCTION extern double exportedDoubleValue; /* this is not a function, it is an exported variable*/ EXPORTED_FUNCTION void printExportedDoubleValue(void); /* this function allows independent verification of exportedDoubleValue */ #endif