/* * @(#)mclmcrrt.h * * apiproxy.published * libmat_proxy.cpp * libmwmclbase_proxy.cpp * libmwmclmcr_proxy.cpp * libmx_proxy.cpp */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma once #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 3)) # pragma once #endif #ifndef mclmcrrt_h #define mclmcrrt_h /* * Copyright 1984-2003 The MathWorks, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. */ /* Copyright 2003-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. */ /* Only define EXTERN_C if it hasn't been defined already. This allows * individual modules to have more control over managing their exports. */ #ifndef EXTERN_C #ifdef __cplusplus #define EXTERN_C extern "C" #else #define EXTERN_C extern #endif #endif #ifdef __LCC__ /* Must undefine EXTERN_C here (and redefine it later) because LCC's version * of windows.h has its own definition of EXTERN_C. */ #undef EXTERN_C #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef __LCC__ #undef EXTERN_C #define EXTERN_C extern #endif #ifndef _WIN32 typedef const struct _GUID *REFCLSID, *REFGUID; typedef long HRESULT; #endif # if defined( linux ) || defined( __linux ) || defined( __linux__ ) /* stdint.h must be included before sys/types.h or loadlibrary will fail. * Because matrix.h includes stdlib.h, which includes sys/types.h, stdint.h * must be included before any include of matrix.h (On Linux systems.) */ #include #endif #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #undef mclmcrInitialize2 #define mclmcrInitialize2 mclmcrInitialize2_proxy #undef mclmcrInitialize #define mclmcrInitialize mclmcrInitialize_proxy #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #undef mclInitializeApplication #define mclInitializeApplication mclInitializeApplication_proxy #undef mclDisplayStartMessage #define mclDisplayStartMessage mclDisplayStartMessage_proxy #endif typedef void * MCREventHandlerArg; typedef void (*MCREventHandlerFcn)(MCREventHandlerArg); typedef enum { MCRStartEvent, MCRCompleteEvent } mcrInitializationEventType; typedef void * MCREventData; EXTERN_C void mclDisplayStartMessage_proxy(mcrInitializationEventType eventType,MCREventHandlerFcn fcn,MCREventHandlerArg arg,MCREventData eventData); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetComponentInfo #define mclGetComponentInfo mclGetComponentInfo_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclGetComponentInfo_proxy(const char* lpszComponent, int nMajorRev, int nMinorRev, int nInfo, int nType, void** info); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLIBIDInfo #define mclGetLIBIDInfo mclGetLIBIDInfo_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclGetLIBIDInfo_proxy(const char* lpszLIBID, int nMajorRev, int nMinorRev, int nInfo, void** info); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclRegisterServer #define mclRegisterServer mclRegisterServer_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclRegisterServer_proxy(const char* szModuleName, REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID libid, unsigned short wMajorRev, unsigned short wMinorRev, const char* szFriendlyName, const char* szVerIndProgID, const char* szProgID, const char* szThreadingModel); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGUIDFromString #define mclGUIDFromString mclGUIDFromString_proxy #endif EXTERN_C int mclGUIDFromString_proxy(const char* lpszGUID, struct _GUID* pguid); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclUnRegisterMatLabCOMComponent #define mclUnRegisterMatLabCOMComponent mclUnRegisterMatLabCOMComponent_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclUnRegisterMatLabCOMComponent_proxy(REFCLSID clsid, const char* szVerIndProgID, const char* szProgID); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclRegisterMatLabXLComponent #define mclRegisterMatLabXLComponent mclRegisterMatLabXLComponent_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclRegisterMatLabXLComponent_proxy(const char* szModuleName, REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID libid, unsigned short wMajorRev, unsigned short wMinorRev, const char* szFriendlyName, const char* szVerIndProgID, const char* szProgID); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGUIDtochar #define mclGUIDtochar mclGUIDtochar_proxy #endif EXTERN_C void mclGUIDtochar_proxy(REFGUID guid, char* szGUID, int length); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclUnregisterServer #define mclUnregisterServer mclUnregisterServer_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclUnregisterServer_proxy(REFCLSID clsid, const char* szVerIndProgID, const char* szProgID); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclCLSIDtochar #define mclCLSIDtochar mclCLSIDtochar_proxy #endif EXTERN_C void mclCLSIDtochar_proxy(REFCLSID clsid, char* szCLSID, int length); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclFreeComponentInfo #define mclFreeComponentInfo mclFreeComponentInfo_proxy #endif EXTERN_C void mclFreeComponentInfo_proxy(void** info); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclUnRegisterMatLabXLComponent #define mclUnRegisterMatLabXLComponent mclUnRegisterMatLabXLComponent_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclUnRegisterMatLabXLComponent_proxy(REFCLSID clsid, const char* szVerIndProgID, const char* szProgID); #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclRegisterMatLabCOMComponent #define mclRegisterMatLabCOMComponent mclRegisterMatLabCOMComponent_proxy #endif EXTERN_C HRESULT mclRegisterMatLabCOMComponent_proxy(const char* szModuleName, REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID libid, unsigned short wMajorRev, unsigned short wMinorRev, const char* szFriendlyName, const char* szVerIndProgID, const char* szProgID); #ifndef MW_CALL_CONV # ifdef _WIN32 # define MW_CALL_CONV __cdecl # else # define MW_CALL_CONV # endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matOpen #define matOpen matOpen_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matClose #define matClose matClose_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matGetFp #define matGetFp matGetFp_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matPutVariable #define matPutVariable matPutVariable_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matPutVariableAsGlobal #define matPutVariableAsGlobal matPutVariableAsGlobal_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matGetVariable #define matGetVariable matGetVariable_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matGetNextVariable #define matGetNextVariable matGetNextVariable_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matGetNextVariableInfo #define matGetNextVariableInfo matGetNextVariableInfo_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matGetVariableInfo #define matGetVariableInfo matGetVariableInfo_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matDeleteVariable #define matDeleteVariable matDeleteVariable_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef matGetDir #define matGetDir matGetDir_proxy #endif /*#ifdef mat_h #error "mclmcrrt.h must be included before mat.h. (Since mclmcrrt.h includes mat.h, additional inclusion is redundant.)" #endif */ #define LIBMWMAT_API_EXTERN_C EXTERN_C #include "mat.h" /* Proxies for functions in mat.h */ EXTERN_C MATFile * matOpen_proxy(const char *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C matError matClose_proxy(MATFile *a0); EXTERN_C FILE * matGetFp_proxy(MATFile *a0); EXTERN_C matError matPutVariable_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char *a1, const mxArray *a2); EXTERN_C matError matPutVariableAsGlobal_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char *a1, const mxArray *a2); EXTERN_C mxArray * matGetVariable_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * matGetNextVariable_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char **a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * matGetNextVariableInfo_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char **a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * matGetVariableInfo_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C matError matDeleteVariable_proxy(MATFile *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C char ** matGetDir_proxy(MATFile *a0, int *a1); #ifndef MW_CALL_CONV # ifdef _WIN32 # define MW_CALL_CONV __cdecl # else # define MW_CALL_CONV # endif #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclSetLastErrIdAndMsg #define mclSetLastErrIdAndMsg mclSetLastErrIdAndMsg_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLastErrorMessage #define mclGetLastErrorMessage mclGetLastErrorMessage_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetStackTrace #define mclGetStackTrace mclGetStackTrace_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclFreeStackTrace #define mclFreeStackTrace mclFreeStackTrace_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclAcquireMutex #define mclAcquireMutex mclAcquireMutex_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclReleaseMutex #define mclReleaseMutex mclReleaseMutex_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsMCRInitialized #define mclIsMCRInitialized mclIsMCRInitialized_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsJVMEnabled #define mclIsJVMEnabled mclIsJVMEnabled_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLogFileName #define mclGetLogFileName mclGetLogFileName_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsNoDisplaySet #define mclIsNoDisplaySet mclIsNoDisplaySet_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeApplicationInternal #define mclInitializeApplicationInternal mclInitializeApplicationInternal_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclTerminateApplication #define mclTerminateApplication mclTerminateApplication_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsMcc #define mclIsMcc mclIsMcc_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef separatePathName #define separatePathName separatePathName_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclFreeStrArray #define mclFreeStrArray mclFreeStrArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclFreeArrayList #define mclFreeArrayList mclFreeArrayList_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclCreateCellArrayFromArrayList #define mclCreateCellArrayFromArrayList mclCreateCellArrayFromArrayList_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclCreateSharedCopy #define mclCreateSharedCopy mclCreateSharedCopy_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclCreateEmptyArray #define mclCreateEmptyArray mclCreateEmptyArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclCreateSimpleFunctionHandle #define mclCreateSimpleFunctionHandle mclCreateSimpleFunctionHandle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxSerialize #define mclMxSerialize mclMxSerialize_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxDeserialize #define mclMxDeserialize mclMxDeserialize_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxDestroyArray #define mclMxDestroyArray mclMxDestroyArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxIsA #define mclMxIsA mclMxIsA_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxIsRef #define mclMxIsRef mclMxIsRef_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxRefIsA #define mclMxRefIsA mclMxRefIsA_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxReleaseRef #define mclMxReleaseRef mclMxReleaseRef_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxRefLocalMvm #define mclMxRefLocalMvm mclMxRefLocalMvm_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxEnterNewArrayListContext #define mclMxEnterNewArrayListContext mclMxEnterNewArrayListContext_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxApplyToAllArraysOnArrayList #define mclMxApplyToAllArraysOnArrayList mclMxApplyToAllArraysOnArrayList_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxExitArrayListContext #define mclMxExitArrayListContext mclMxExitArrayListContext_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMakeMxArrayLocalScope #define mclMakeMxArrayLocalScope mclMakeMxArrayLocalScope_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclRunMain #define mclRunMain mclRunMain_proxy #endif /*#ifdef mclbase_h #error "mclmcrrt.h must be included before mclbase.h. (Since mclmcrrt.h includes mclbase.h, additional inclusion is redundant.)" #endif */ #define LIBMWMCLBASE_API_EXTERN_C EXTERN_C #include "mclbase.h" /* Proxies for functions in mclbase.h */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclSetLastErrIdAndMsg_proxy(const char *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C const char * mclGetLastErrorMessage_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetStackTrace_proxy(char ***a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclFreeStackTrace_proxy(char ***a0, int a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclAcquireMutex_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclReleaseMutex_proxy(); EXTERN_C bool mclIsMCRInitialized_proxy(); EXTERN_C bool mclIsJVMEnabled_proxy(); EXTERN_C const char * mclGetLogFileName_proxy(); EXTERN_C bool mclIsNoDisplaySet_proxy(); EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeApplicationInternal_proxy(const char **a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C bool mclTerminateApplication_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclIsMcc_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void separatePathName_proxy(const char *a0, char *a1, size_t a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclFreeStrArray_proxy(char **a0, size_t a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclFreeArrayList_proxy(int a0, mxArray **a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclCreateCellArrayFromArrayList_proxy(int a0, mxArray **a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclCreateSharedCopy_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclCreateEmptyArray_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclCreateSimpleFunctionHandle_proxy(mxFunctionPtr a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclMxSerialize_proxy(const mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclMxDeserialize_proxy(const void *a0, size_t a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclMxDestroyArray_proxy(mxArray *a0, bool a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclMxIsA_proxy(mxArray *a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclMxIsRef_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclMxRefIsA_proxy(mxArray *a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclMxReleaseRef_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C MVMID_t mclMxRefLocalMvm_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMxEnterNewArrayListContext_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclMxApplyToAllArraysOnArrayList_proxy(mclMxArrayApplyFcn a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclMxExitArrayListContext_proxy(int a0, mxArray **a1, int a2, bool a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclMakeMxArrayLocalScope_proxy(mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int mclRunMain_proxy(mclMainFcnType a0, int a1, const char **a2); #ifndef MW_CALL_CONV # ifdef _WIN32 # define MW_CALL_CONV __cdecl # else # define MW_CALL_CONV # endif #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetStreamFromArraySrc #define mclGetStreamFromArraySrc mclGetStreamFromArraySrc_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclDestroyStream #define mclDestroyStream mclDestroyStream_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetEmbeddedCtfStream #define mclGetEmbeddedCtfStream mclGetEmbeddedCtfStream_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeComponentInstanceNonEmbeddedStandalone #define mclInitializeComponentInstanceNonEmbeddedStandalone mclInitializeComponentInstanceNonEmbeddedStandalone_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeInstanceWithoutComponent #define mclInitializeInstanceWithoutComponent mclInitializeInstanceWithoutComponent_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeComponentInstanceCtfFileToCache #define mclInitializeComponentInstanceCtfFileToCache mclInitializeComponentInstanceCtfFileToCache_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeComponentInstanceEmbedded #define mclInitializeComponentInstanceEmbedded mclInitializeComponentInstanceEmbedded_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeComponentInstanceWithCallbk #define mclInitializeComponentInstanceWithCallbk mclInitializeComponentInstanceWithCallbk_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedComponent #define mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedComponent mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedComponent_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedLocation #define mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedLocation mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedLocation_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetDotNetComponentType #define mclGetDotNetComponentType mclGetDotNetComponentType_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetMCCTargetType #define mclGetMCCTargetType mclGetMCCTargetType_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef getStandaloneFileName #define getStandaloneFileName getStandaloneFileName_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclStandaloneGenericMain #define mclStandaloneGenericMain mclStandaloneGenericMain_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclStandaloneCtfxMain #define mclStandaloneCtfxMain mclStandaloneCtfxMain_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclWaitForFiguresToDie #define mclWaitForFiguresToDie mclWaitForFiguresToDie_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppGetLastError #define mclcppGetLastError mclcppGetLastError_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppCreateError #define mclcppCreateError mclcppCreateError_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppSetLastError #define mclcppSetLastError mclcppSetLastError_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppErrorCheck #define mclcppErrorCheck mclcppErrorCheck_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclCreateCharBuffer #define mclCreateCharBuffer mclCreateCharBuffer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetEps #define mclGetEps mclGetEps_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetInf #define mclGetInf mclGetInf_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetNaN #define mclGetNaN mclGetNaN_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsFinite #define mclIsFinite mclIsFinite_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsInf #define mclIsInf mclIsInf_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsNaN #define mclIsNaN mclIsNaN_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsIdentical #define mclIsIdentical mclIsIdentical_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetEmptyArray #define mclGetEmptyArray mclGetEmptyArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetMatrix #define mclGetMatrix mclGetMatrix_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetArray #define mclGetArray mclGetArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetNumericMatrix #define mclGetNumericMatrix mclGetNumericMatrix_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetNumericArray #define mclGetNumericArray mclGetNumericArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarDouble #define mclGetScalarDouble mclGetScalarDouble_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarSingle #define mclGetScalarSingle mclGetScalarSingle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarInt8 #define mclGetScalarInt8 mclGetScalarInt8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarUint8 #define mclGetScalarUint8 mclGetScalarUint8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarInt16 #define mclGetScalarInt16 mclGetScalarInt16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarUint16 #define mclGetScalarUint16 mclGetScalarUint16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarInt32 #define mclGetScalarInt32 mclGetScalarInt32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarUint32 #define mclGetScalarUint32 mclGetScalarUint32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarInt64 #define mclGetScalarInt64 mclGetScalarInt64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarUint64 #define mclGetScalarUint64 mclGetScalarUint64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetCharMatrix #define mclGetCharMatrix mclGetCharMatrix_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetCharArray #define mclGetCharArray mclGetCharArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarChar #define mclGetScalarChar mclGetScalarChar_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetString #define mclGetString mclGetString_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetCharMatrixFromStrings #define mclGetCharMatrixFromStrings mclGetCharMatrixFromStrings_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLogicalMatrix #define mclGetLogicalMatrix mclGetLogicalMatrix_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLogicalArray #define mclGetLogicalArray mclGetLogicalArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetScalarLogical #define mclGetScalarLogical mclGetScalarLogical_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetCellMatrix #define mclGetCellMatrix mclGetCellMatrix_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetCellArray #define mclGetCellArray mclGetCellArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetStructMatrix #define mclGetStructMatrix mclGetStructMatrix_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetStructArray #define mclGetStructArray mclGetStructArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetNumericSparse #define mclGetNumericSparse mclGetNumericSparse_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetNumericSparseInferRowsCols #define mclGetNumericSparseInferRowsCols mclGetNumericSparseInferRowsCols_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLogicalSparse #define mclGetLogicalSparse mclGetLogicalSparse_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetLogicalSparseInferRowsCols #define mclGetLogicalSparseInferRowsCols mclGetLogicalSparseInferRowsCols_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclDeserializeArray #define mclDeserializeArray mclDeserializeArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppGetArrayBuffer #define mclcppGetArrayBuffer mclcppGetArrayBuffer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppFeval #define mclcppFeval mclcppFeval_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppArrayToString #define mclcppArrayToString mclcppArrayToString_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclcppFreeString #define mclcppFreeString mclcppFreeString_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclmxArray2ArrayHandle #define mclmxArray2ArrayHandle mclmxArray2ArrayHandle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclArrayHandle2mxArray #define mclArrayHandle2mxArray mclArrayHandle2mxArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArrayGetIndexArrays #define mclMXArrayGetIndexArrays mclMXArrayGetIndexArrays_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArrayGet #define mclMXArrayGet mclMXArrayGet_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArrayGetReal #define mclMXArrayGetReal mclMXArrayGetReal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArrayGetImag #define mclMXArrayGetImag mclMXArrayGetImag_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArraySet #define mclMXArraySet mclMXArraySet_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArraySetReal #define mclMXArraySetReal mclMXArraySetReal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArraySetImag #define mclMXArraySetImag mclMXArraySetImag_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMXArraySetLogical #define mclMXArraySetLogical mclMXArraySetLogical_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxRefDestroyArray #define mclMxRefDestroyArray mclMxRefDestroyArray_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxRefSerialize #define mclMxRefSerialize mclMxRefSerialize_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxRefDeserialize #define mclMxRefDeserialize mclMxRefDeserialize_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMxRefMvmId #define mclMxRefMvmId mclMxRefMvmId_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclHashNBytes #define mclHashNBytes mclHashNBytes_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclWrite #define mclWrite mclWrite_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclAddCanonicalPathMacro #define mclAddCanonicalPathMacro mclAddCanonicalPathMacro_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclFevalInternal #define mclFevalInternal mclFevalInternal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetMaxPathLen #define mclGetMaxPathLen mclGetMaxPathLen_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclmcrInitializeInternal2 #define mclmcrInitializeInternal2 mclmcrInitializeInternal2_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclmcrInitializeInternal #define mclmcrInitializeInternal mclmcrInitializeInternal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef deleteWcsStackPointer_hPtr #define deleteWcsStackPointer_hPtr deleteWcsStackPointer_hPtr_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef initializeWcsStackPointer #define initializeWcsStackPointer initializeWcsStackPointer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef deleteWcsStackPointer #define deleteWcsStackPointer deleteWcsStackPointer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef allocWcsStackPointer #define allocWcsStackPointer allocWcsStackPointer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mwMbstowcs #define mwMbstowcs mwMbstowcs_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef utf16_to_lcp_n_fcn #define utf16_to_lcp_n_fcn utf16_to_lcp_n_fcn_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef utf16_strlen_fcn #define utf16_strlen_fcn utf16_strlen_fcn_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef utf16_strncpy_fcn #define utf16_strncpy_fcn utf16_strncpy_fcn_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef utf16_strdup_fcn #define utf16_strdup_fcn utf16_strdup_fcn_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclSetGlobal #define mclSetGlobal mclSetGlobal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclIsStandaloneMode #define mclIsStandaloneMode mclIsStandaloneMode_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclImpersonationFeval #define mclImpersonationFeval mclImpersonationFeval_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetGlobal #define mclGetGlobal mclGetGlobal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetID #define mclGetID mclGetID_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMain #define mclMain mclMain_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclMlfVFevalInternal #define mclMlfVFevalInternal mclMlfVFevalInternal_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclRegisterEventFunction #define mclRegisterEventFunction mclRegisterEventFunction_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclRegisterExternalFunction #define mclRegisterExternalFunction mclRegisterExternalFunction_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetMCRVersion #define mclGetMCRVersion mclGetMCRVersion_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetActiveID #define mclGetActiveID mclGetActiveID_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclGetTempFileName #define mclGetTempFileName mclGetTempFileName_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mclTerminateInstance #define mclTerminateInstance mclTerminateInstance_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef stopImpersonationOnMCRThread #define stopImpersonationOnMCRThread stopImpersonationOnMCRThread_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef ref_count_obj_addref #define ref_count_obj_addref ref_count_obj_addref_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef ref_count_obj_release #define ref_count_obj_release ref_count_obj_release_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef char_buffer_size #define char_buffer_size char_buffer_size_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef char_buffer_get_buffer #define char_buffer_get_buffer char_buffer_get_buffer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef char_buffer_set_buffer #define char_buffer_set_buffer char_buffer_set_buffer_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef char_buffer_compare_to #define char_buffer_compare_to char_buffer_compare_to_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_classID #define array_ref_classID array_ref_classID_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_deep_copy #define array_ref_deep_copy array_ref_deep_copy_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_detach #define array_ref_detach array_ref_detach_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_shared_copy #define array_ref_shared_copy array_ref_shared_copy_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_serialize #define array_ref_serialize array_ref_serialize_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_element_size #define array_ref_element_size array_ref_element_size_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_number_of_elements #define array_ref_number_of_elements array_ref_number_of_elements_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_number_of_nonzeros #define array_ref_number_of_nonzeros array_ref_number_of_nonzeros_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_maximum_nonzeros #define array_ref_maximum_nonzeros array_ref_maximum_nonzeros_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_number_of_dimensions #define array_ref_number_of_dimensions array_ref_number_of_dimensions_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_dimensions #define array_ref_get_dimensions array_ref_get_dimensions_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_number_of_fields #define array_ref_number_of_fields array_ref_number_of_fields_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_field_name #define array_ref_get_field_name array_ref_get_field_name_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_is_empty #define array_ref_is_empty array_ref_is_empty_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_is_sparse #define array_ref_is_sparse array_ref_is_sparse_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_is_numeric #define array_ref_is_numeric array_ref_is_numeric_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_is_complex #define array_ref_is_complex array_ref_is_complex_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_make_complex #define array_ref_make_complex array_ref_make_complex_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_equals #define array_ref_equals array_ref_equals_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_compare_to #define array_ref_compare_to array_ref_compare_to_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_hash_code #define array_ref_hash_code array_ref_hash_code_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_to_string #define array_ref_to_string array_ref_to_string_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_row_index #define array_ref_row_index array_ref_row_index_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_column_index #define array_ref_column_index array_ref_column_index_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_int #define array_ref_get_int array_ref_get_int_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_const_char #define array_ref_get_const_char array_ref_get_const_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_getV_int #define array_ref_getV_int array_ref_getV_int_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_getV_const_char #define array_ref_getV_const_char array_ref_getV_const_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set #define array_ref_set array_ref_set_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_real #define array_ref_real array_ref_real_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_imag #define array_ref_imag array_ref_imag_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxDouble #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxDouble array_ref_get_numeric_mxDouble_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxSingle #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxSingle array_ref_get_numeric_mxSingle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt8 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt8 array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint8 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint8 array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt16 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt16 array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint16 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint16 array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt32 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt32 array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint32 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint32 array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt64 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt64 array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint64 #define array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint64 array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_char #define array_ref_get_char array_ref_get_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_get_logical #define array_ref_get_logical array_ref_get_logical_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxDouble #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxDouble array_ref_set_numeric_mxDouble_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxSingle #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxSingle array_ref_set_numeric_mxSingle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt8 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt8 array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint8 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint8 array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt16 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt16 array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint16 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint16 array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt32 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt32 array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint32 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint32 array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt64 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt64 array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint64 #define array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint64 array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_char #define array_ref_set_char array_ref_set_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_ref_set_logical #define array_ref_set_logical array_ref_set_logical_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_size #define array_buffer_size array_buffer_size_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_get #define array_buffer_get array_buffer_get_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_set #define array_buffer_set array_buffer_set_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_add #define array_buffer_add array_buffer_add_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_remove #define array_buffer_remove array_buffer_remove_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_clear #define array_buffer_clear array_buffer_clear_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_buffer_to_cell #define array_buffer_to_cell array_buffer_to_cell_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef error_info_get_message #define error_info_get_message error_info_get_message_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef error_info_get_stack_trace #define error_info_get_stack_trace error_info_get_stack_trace_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_classID #define array_handle_classID array_handle_classID_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_deep_copy #define array_handle_deep_copy array_handle_deep_copy_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_detach #define array_handle_detach array_handle_detach_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_shared_copy #define array_handle_shared_copy array_handle_shared_copy_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_serialize #define array_handle_serialize array_handle_serialize_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_element_size #define array_handle_element_size array_handle_element_size_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_number_of_elements #define array_handle_number_of_elements array_handle_number_of_elements_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_number_of_nonzeros #define array_handle_number_of_nonzeros array_handle_number_of_nonzeros_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_maximum_nonzeros #define array_handle_maximum_nonzeros array_handle_maximum_nonzeros_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_number_of_dimensions #define array_handle_number_of_dimensions array_handle_number_of_dimensions_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_dimensions #define array_handle_get_dimensions array_handle_get_dimensions_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_number_of_fields #define array_handle_number_of_fields array_handle_number_of_fields_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_field_name #define array_handle_get_field_name array_handle_get_field_name_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_is_empty #define array_handle_is_empty array_handle_is_empty_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_is_sparse #define array_handle_is_sparse array_handle_is_sparse_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_is_numeric #define array_handle_is_numeric array_handle_is_numeric_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_is_complex #define array_handle_is_complex array_handle_is_complex_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_make_complex #define array_handle_make_complex array_handle_make_complex_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_equals #define array_handle_equals array_handle_equals_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_compare_to #define array_handle_compare_to array_handle_compare_to_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_hash_code #define array_handle_hash_code array_handle_hash_code_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_to_string #define array_handle_to_string array_handle_to_string_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_row_index #define array_handle_row_index array_handle_row_index_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_column_index #define array_handle_column_index array_handle_column_index_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_int #define array_handle_get_int array_handle_get_int_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_const_char #define array_handle_get_const_char array_handle_get_const_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_getV_int #define array_handle_getV_int array_handle_getV_int_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_getV_const_char #define array_handle_getV_const_char array_handle_getV_const_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set #define array_handle_set array_handle_set_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_real #define array_handle_real array_handle_real_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_imag #define array_handle_imag array_handle_imag_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxDouble #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxDouble array_handle_get_numeric_mxDouble_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxSingle #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxSingle array_handle_get_numeric_mxSingle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt8 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt8 array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint8 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint8 array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt16 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt16 array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint16 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint16 array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt32 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt32 array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint32 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint32 array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt64 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt64 array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint64 #define array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint64 array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_char #define array_handle_get_char array_handle_get_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_get_logical #define array_handle_get_logical array_handle_get_logical_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxDouble #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxDouble array_handle_set_numeric_mxDouble_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxSingle #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxSingle array_handle_set_numeric_mxSingle_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt8 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt8 array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint8 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint8 array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint8_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt16 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt16 array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint16 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint16 array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint16_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt32 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt32 array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint32 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint32 array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint32_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt64 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt64 array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint64 #define array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint64 array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint64_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_char #define array_handle_set_char array_handle_set_char_proxy #endif /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef array_handle_set_logical #define array_handle_set_logical array_handle_set_logical_proxy #endif /*#ifdef mclmcr_h #error "mclmcrrt.h must be included before mclmcr.h. (Since mclmcrrt.h includes mclmcr.h, additional inclusion is redundant.)" #endif */ #define LIBMWMCLMCR_API_EXTERN_C EXTERN_C #include "mclmcr.h" /* Proxies for functions in mclmcr.h */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mclCtfStream mclGetStreamFromArraySrc_proxy(char *a0, int a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclDestroyStream_proxy(mclCtfStream a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mclCtfStream mclGetEmbeddedCtfStream_proxy(void *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeComponentInstanceNonEmbeddedStandalone_proxy( HMCRINSTANCE *a0, const char *a1, const char *a2, mccTargetType a3, mclOutputHandlerFcn a4, mclOutputHandlerFcn a5); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeInstanceWithoutComponent_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE *a0, const char **a1, size_t a2, mclOutputHandlerFcn a3, mclOutputHandlerFcn a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeComponentInstanceCtfFileToCache_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE *a0, mclOutputHandlerFcn a1, mclOutputHandlerFcn a2, const char *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeComponentInstanceEmbedded_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE *a0, mclOutputHandlerFcn a1, mclOutputHandlerFcn a2, mclCtfStream a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeComponentInstanceWithCallbk_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE *a0, mclOutputHandlerFcn a1, mclOutputHandlerFcn a2, mclReadCtfStreamFcn a3, size_t a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedComponent_proxy( HMCRINSTANCE *a0, mclOutputHandlerFcn a1, mclOutputHandlerFcn a2, const char *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeComponentInstanceFromExtractedLocation_proxy( HMCRINSTANCE *a0, mclOutputHandlerFcn a1, mclOutputHandlerFcn a2, const char *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetDotNetComponentType_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetMCCTargetType_proxy(bool a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C const char * getStandaloneFileName_proxy(const char *a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclStandaloneGenericMain_proxy(size_t a0, const char **a1, const char *a2, bool a3, void *a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclStandaloneCtfxMain_proxy(size_t a0, const char **a1); EXTERN_C void mclWaitForFiguresToDie_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclcppGetLastError_proxy(void **a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclcppCreateError_proxy(void **a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclcppSetLastError_proxy(const char *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclcppErrorCheck_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclCreateCharBuffer_proxy(void **a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C double mclGetEps_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C double mclGetInf_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C double mclGetNaN_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclIsFinite_proxy(double a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclIsInf_proxy(double a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclIsNaN_proxy(double a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclIsIdentical_proxy(mxArray *a0, mxArray *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetEmptyArray_proxy(void **a0, mxClassID a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetMatrix_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, mwSize a2, mxClassID a3, mxComplexity a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetArray_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2, mxClassID a3, mxComplexity a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetNumericMatrix_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, mwSize a2, mxClassID a3, mxComplexity a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetNumericArray_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2, mxClassID a3, mxComplexity a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarDouble_proxy(void **a0, mxDouble a1, mxDouble a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarSingle_proxy(void **a0, mxSingle a1, mxSingle a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarInt8_proxy(void **a0, mxInt8 a1, mxInt8 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarUint8_proxy(void **a0, mxUint8 a1, mxUint8 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarInt16_proxy(void **a0, mxInt16 a1, mxInt16 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarUint16_proxy(void **a0, mxUint16 a1, mxUint16 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarInt32_proxy(void **a0, mxInt32 a1, mxInt32 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarUint32_proxy(void **a0, mxUint32 a1, mxUint32 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarInt64_proxy(void **a0, mxInt64 a1, mxInt64 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarUint64_proxy(void **a0, mxUint64 a1, mxUint64 a2, mxComplexity a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetCharMatrix_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, mwSize a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetCharArray_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarChar_proxy(void **a0, mxChar a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetString_proxy(void **a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetCharMatrixFromStrings_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const char **a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetLogicalMatrix_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, mwSize a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetLogicalArray_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetScalarLogical_proxy(void **a0, mxLogical a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetCellMatrix_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, mwSize a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetCellArray_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetStructMatrix_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, mwSize a2, int a3, const char **a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetStructArray_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2, int a3, const char **a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetNumericSparse_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2, mwSize a3, const mwSize *a4, mwSize a5, const void *a6, const void *a7, mwSize a8, mwSize a9, mwSize a10, mxClassID a11, mxComplexity a12); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetNumericSparseInferRowsCols_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwSize *a2, mwSize a3, const mwSize *a4, mwSize a5, const void *a6, const void *a7, mwSize a8, mxClassID a9, mxComplexity a10); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetLogicalSparse_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwIndex *a2, mwSize a3, const mwIndex *a4, mwSize a5, const mxLogical *a6, mwSize a7, mwSize a8, mwSize a9); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetLogicalSparseInferRowsCols_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1, const mwIndex *a2, mwSize a3, const mwIndex *a4, mwSize a5, const mxLogical *a6, mwSize a7); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclDeserializeArray_proxy(void **a0, void **a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclcppGetArrayBuffer_proxy(void **a0, mwSize a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclcppFeval_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, int a2, void **a3, void *a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclcppArrayToString_proxy(const mxArray *a0, char **a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclcppFreeString_proxy(char *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclmxArray2ArrayHandle_proxy(void **a0, mxArray *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclArrayHandle2mxArray_proxy(mxArray **a0, void *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArrayGetIndexArrays_proxy(mxArray **a0, mxArray **a1, mxArray *a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArrayGet_proxy(mxArray **a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArrayGetReal_proxy(mxArray **a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArrayGetImag_proxy(mxArray **a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArraySet_proxy(mxArray *a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArraySetReal_proxy(mxArray *a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArraySetImag_proxy(mxArray *a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMXArraySetLogical_proxy(mxArray *a0, mxArray *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclMxRefDestroyArray_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclMxRefSerialize_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxArray * mclMxRefDeserialize_proxy(const void *a0, size_t a1, size_t a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t mclMxRefMvmId_proxy(mxArray *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t mclHashNBytes_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, const char *a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclWrite_proxy(int a0, const void *a1, size_t a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void mclAddCanonicalPathMacro_proxy(const char *a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclFevalInternal_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, int a2, mxArray **a3, int a4, mxArray **a5); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclGetMaxPathLen_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclmcrInitializeInternal2_proxy(int a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclmcrInitializeInternal_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void deleteWcsStackPointer_hPtr_proxy(pwcsStackPointer a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void initializeWcsStackPointer_proxy(pwcsStackPointer *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void deleteWcsStackPointer_proxy(pwcsStackPointer a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool allocWcsStackPointer_proxy(pwcsStackPointer *a0, int a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mwMbstowcs_proxy(pwcsStackPointer a0, const char *a1); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void utf16_to_lcp_n_fcn_proxy(char *a0, int32_t *a1, const CHAR16_T *a2, int32_t a3); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int32_t utf16_strlen_fcn_proxy(const CHAR16_T *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C CHAR16_T * utf16_strncpy_fcn_proxy(CHAR16_T *a0, const CHAR16_T *a1, int32_t a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C CHAR16_T * utf16_strdup_fcn_proxy(const CHAR16_T *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclSetGlobal_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, mxArray *a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclIsStandaloneMode_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclImpersonationFeval_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, int a2, mxArray **a3, int a4, mxArray **a5, void *a6); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclGetGlobal_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, mxArray **a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C long int mclGetID_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int mclMain_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, int a1, const char **a2, const char *a3, int a4); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclMlfVFevalInternal_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, va_list a5); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclRegisterEventFunction_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, mclEventFunctionPtr a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclRegisterExternalFunction_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, mxFunctionPtr a2); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclGetMCRVersion_proxy(const char **a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t mclGetActiveID_proxy(); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C char * mclGetTempFileName_proxy(char *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool mclTerminateInstance_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE *a0); /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void stopImpersonationOnMCRThread_proxy(); #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int ref_count_obj_addref_proxy(class ref_count_obj *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int ref_count_obj_release_proxy(class ref_count_obj *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t char_buffer_size_proxy(class char_buffer *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C const char * char_buffer_get_buffer_proxy(class char_buffer *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int char_buffer_set_buffer_proxy(class char_buffer *a0, const char *a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int char_buffer_compare_to_proxy(class char_buffer *a0, class char_buffer *a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxClassID array_ref_classID_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_deep_copy_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void array_ref_detach_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_shared_copy_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_serialize_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t array_ref_element_size_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_ref_number_of_elements_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_ref_number_of_nonzeros_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_ref_maximum_nonzeros_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_ref_number_of_dimensions_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_get_dimensions_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_number_of_fields_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class char_buffer * array_ref_get_field_name_proxy(class array_ref *a0, int a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_ref_is_empty_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_ref_is_sparse_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_ref_is_numeric_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_ref_is_complex_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_make_complex_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_ref_equals_proxy(class array_ref *a0, class array_ref *a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_compare_to_proxy(class array_ref *a0, class array_ref *a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_hash_code_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class char_buffer * array_ref_to_string_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_row_index_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_column_index_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_get_int_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mwSize a1, const mwIndex *a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_get_const_char_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const char *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_getV_int_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mwSize a1, va_list a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_getV_const_char_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const char *a1, mwSize a2, va_list a3); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_proxy(class array_ref *a0, class array_ref *a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_real_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_ref_imag_proxy(class array_ref *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxDouble_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxDouble *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxSingle_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxSingle *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt8_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxInt8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint8_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxUint8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt16_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxInt16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint16_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxUint16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt32_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxInt32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint32_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxUint32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxInt64_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxInt64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_numeric_mxUint64_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxUint64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_char_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxChar *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_get_logical_proxy(class array_ref *a0, mxLogical *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxDouble_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxDouble *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxSingle_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxSingle *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt8_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxInt8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint8_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxUint8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt16_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxInt16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint16_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxUint16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt32_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxInt32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint32_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxUint32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxInt64_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxInt64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_numeric_mxUint64_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxUint64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_char_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxChar *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_ref_set_logical_proxy(class array_ref *a0, const mxLogical *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_buffer_size_proxy(class array_buffer *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_buffer_get_proxy(class array_buffer *a0, mwIndex a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_buffer_set_proxy(class array_buffer *a0, mwIndex a1, class array_ref *a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_buffer_add_proxy(class array_buffer *a0, class array_ref *a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_buffer_remove_proxy(class array_buffer *a0, mwIndex a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_buffer_clear_proxy(class array_buffer *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class array_ref * array_buffer_to_cell_proxy(class array_buffer *a0, mwIndex a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C const char * error_info_get_message_proxy(class error_info *a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t error_info_get_stack_trace_proxy(class error_info *a0, char ***a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mxClassID array_handle_classID_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_deep_copy_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C void array_handle_detach_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_shared_copy_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_serialize_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C size_t array_handle_element_size_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_handle_number_of_elements_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_handle_number_of_nonzeros_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_handle_maximum_nonzeros_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C mwSize array_handle_number_of_dimensions_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_get_dimensions_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_number_of_fields_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class char_buffer * array_handle_get_field_name_proxy(array_handle a0, int a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_handle_is_empty_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_handle_is_sparse_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_handle_is_numeric_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_handle_is_complex_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_make_complex_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C bool array_handle_equals_proxy(array_handle a0, array_handle a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_compare_to_proxy(array_handle a0, array_handle a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_hash_code_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C class char_buffer * array_handle_to_string_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_row_index_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_column_index_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_get_int_proxy(array_handle a0, mwSize a1, const mwIndex *a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_get_const_char_proxy(array_handle a0, const char *a1, mwSize a2, const mwIndex *a3); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_getV_int_proxy(array_handle a0, mwSize a1, va_list a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_getV_const_char_proxy(array_handle a0, const char *a1, mwSize a2, va_list a3); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_proxy(array_handle a0, array_handle a1); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_real_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C array_handle array_handle_imag_proxy(array_handle a0); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxDouble_proxy(array_handle a0, mxDouble *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxSingle_proxy(array_handle a0, mxSingle *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt8_proxy(array_handle a0, mxInt8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint8_proxy(array_handle a0, mxUint8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt16_proxy(array_handle a0, mxInt16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint16_proxy(array_handle a0, mxUint16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt32_proxy(array_handle a0, mxInt32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint32_proxy(array_handle a0, mxUint32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxInt64_proxy(array_handle a0, mxInt64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_numeric_mxUint64_proxy(array_handle a0, mxUint64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_char_proxy(array_handle a0, mxChar *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_get_logical_proxy(array_handle a0, mxLogical *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxDouble_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxDouble *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxSingle_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxSingle *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt8_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxInt8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint8_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxUint8 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt16_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxInt16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint16_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxUint16 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt32_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxInt32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint32_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxUint32 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxInt64_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxInt64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_numeric_mxUint64_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxUint64 *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_char_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxChar *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ /**This function is for INTERNAL USE ONLY.**/ EXTERN_C int array_handle_set_logical_proxy(array_handle a0, const mxLogical *a1, mwSize a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #undef mclMlfVFeval #define mclMlfVFeval mclMlfVFeval_proxy #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #undef mclFeval #define mclFeval mclFeval_proxy EXTERN_C bool MW_CALL_CONV mclFeval_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, int a2, mxArray **a3, int a4, mxArray **a5); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #undef mclMlfFeval #define mclMlfFeval mclMlfFeval_proxy EXTERN_C bool MW_CALL_CONV mclMlfFeval_proxy(HMCRINSTANCE a0, const char *a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, ...); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifndef MW_CALL_CONV # ifdef _WIN32 # define MW_CALL_CONV __cdecl # else # define MW_CALL_CONV # endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNumberOfDimensions_700 #define mxGetNumberOfDimensions_700 mxGetNumberOfDimensions_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetNumberOfDimensions #define mxGetNumberOfDimensions mxGetNumberOfDimensions_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetDimensions_700 #define mxGetDimensions_700 mxGetDimensions_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetDimensions #define mxGetDimensions mxGetDimensions_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetIr_700 #define mxGetIr_700 mxGetIr_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetIr #define mxGetIr mxGetIr_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetJc_700 #define mxGetJc_700 mxGetJc_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetJc #define mxGetJc mxGetJc_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNzmax_700 #define mxGetNzmax_700 mxGetNzmax_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetNzmax #define mxGetNzmax mxGetNzmax_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetNzmax_700 #define mxSetNzmax_700 mxSetNzmax_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetNzmax #define mxSetNzmax mxSetNzmax_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetFieldByNumber_700 #define mxGetFieldByNumber_700 mxGetFieldByNumber_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetFieldByNumber #define mxGetFieldByNumber mxGetFieldByNumber_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetCell_700 #define mxGetCell_700 mxGetCell_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetCell #define mxGetCell mxGetCell_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetM_700 #define mxSetM_700 mxSetM_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetM #define mxSetM mxSetM_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetIr_700 #define mxSetIr_700 mxSetIr_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetIr #define mxSetIr mxSetIr_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetJc_700 #define mxSetJc_700 mxSetJc_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetJc #define mxSetJc mxSetJc_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCalcSingleSubscript_700 #define mxCalcSingleSubscript_700 mxCalcSingleSubscript_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCalcSingleSubscript #define mxCalcSingleSubscript mxCalcSingleSubscript_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetCell_700 #define mxSetCell_700 mxSetCell_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetCell #define mxSetCell mxSetCell_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetFieldByNumber_700 #define mxSetFieldByNumber_700 mxSetFieldByNumber_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetFieldByNumber #define mxSetFieldByNumber mxSetFieldByNumber_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetField_700 #define mxGetField_700 mxGetField_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetField #define mxGetField mxGetField_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetField_700 #define mxSetField_700 mxSetField_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetField #define mxSetField mxSetField_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetProperty_700 #define mxGetProperty_700 mxGetProperty_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetProperty #define mxGetProperty mxGetProperty_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetProperty_700 #define mxSetProperty_700 mxSetProperty_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetProperty #define mxSetProperty mxSetProperty_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateNumericMatrix_700 #define mxCreateNumericMatrix_700 mxCreateNumericMatrix_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateNumericMatrix #define mxCreateNumericMatrix mxCreateNumericMatrix_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetN_700 #define mxSetN_700 mxSetN_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetN #define mxSetN mxSetN_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetDimensions_700 #define mxSetDimensions_700 mxSetDimensions_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetDimensions #define mxSetDimensions mxSetDimensions_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateNumericArray_700 #define mxCreateNumericArray_700 mxCreateNumericArray_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateNumericArray #define mxCreateNumericArray mxCreateNumericArray_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCharArray_700 #define mxCreateCharArray_700 mxCreateCharArray_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCharArray #define mxCreateCharArray mxCreateCharArray_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateDoubleMatrix_700 #define mxCreateDoubleMatrix_700 mxCreateDoubleMatrix_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateDoubleMatrix #define mxCreateDoubleMatrix mxCreateDoubleMatrix_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateLogicalArray_700 #define mxCreateLogicalArray_700 mxCreateLogicalArray_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateLogicalArray #define mxCreateLogicalArray mxCreateLogicalArray_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateLogicalMatrix_700 #define mxCreateLogicalMatrix_700 mxCreateLogicalMatrix_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateLogicalMatrix #define mxCreateLogicalMatrix mxCreateLogicalMatrix_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateSparse_700 #define mxCreateSparse_700 mxCreateSparse_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateSparse #define mxCreateSparse mxCreateSparse_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_700 #define mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_700 mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix #define mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNChars_700 #define mxGetNChars_700 mxGetNChars_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetNChars #define mxGetNChars mxGetNChars_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetString_700 #define mxGetString_700 mxGetString_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetString #define mxGetString mxGetString_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateStringFromNChars_700 #define mxCreateStringFromNChars_700 mxCreateStringFromNChars_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateStringFromNChars #define mxCreateStringFromNChars mxCreateStringFromNChars_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_700 #define mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_700 mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings #define mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCellMatrix_700 #define mxCreateCellMatrix_700 mxCreateCellMatrix_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCellMatrix #define mxCreateCellMatrix mxCreateCellMatrix_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCellArray_700 #define mxCreateCellArray_700 mxCreateCellArray_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCellArray #define mxCreateCellArray mxCreateCellArray_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateStructMatrix_700 #define mxCreateStructMatrix_700 mxCreateStructMatrix_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateStructMatrix #define mxCreateStructMatrix mxCreateStructMatrix_700 #endif #endif #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateStructArray_700 #define mxCreateStructArray_700 mxCreateStructArray_700_proxy #endif #endif /* defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateStructArray #define mxCreateStructArray mxCreateStructArray_700 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxMalloc #define mxMalloc mxMalloc_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCalloc #define mxCalloc mxCalloc_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxFree #define mxFree mxFree_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxRealloc #define mxRealloc mxRealloc_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNumberOfDimensions_730 #define mxGetNumberOfDimensions_730 mxGetNumberOfDimensions_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetNumberOfDimensions #define mxGetNumberOfDimensions mxGetNumberOfDimensions_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetDimensions_730 #define mxGetDimensions_730 mxGetDimensions_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetDimensions #define mxGetDimensions mxGetDimensions_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetM #define mxGetM mxGetM_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetIr_730 #define mxGetIr_730 mxGetIr_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetIr #define mxGetIr mxGetIr_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetJc_730 #define mxGetJc_730 mxGetJc_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetJc #define mxGetJc mxGetJc_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNzmax_730 #define mxGetNzmax_730 mxGetNzmax_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetNzmax #define mxGetNzmax mxGetNzmax_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetNzmax_730 #define mxSetNzmax_730 mxSetNzmax_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetNzmax #define mxSetNzmax mxSetNzmax_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetFieldNameByNumber #define mxGetFieldNameByNumber mxGetFieldNameByNumber_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetFieldByNumber_730 #define mxGetFieldByNumber_730 mxGetFieldByNumber_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetFieldByNumber #define mxGetFieldByNumber mxGetFieldByNumber_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetCell_730 #define mxGetCell_730 mxGetCell_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetCell #define mxGetCell mxGetCell_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetClassID #define mxGetClassID mxGetClassID_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetData #define mxGetData mxGetData_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetData #define mxSetData mxSetData_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsNumeric #define mxIsNumeric mxIsNumeric_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsCell #define mxIsCell mxIsCell_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsLogical #define mxIsLogical mxIsLogical_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsScalar #define mxIsScalar mxIsScalar_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsChar #define mxIsChar mxIsChar_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsStruct #define mxIsStruct mxIsStruct_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsOpaque #define mxIsOpaque mxIsOpaque_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsFunctionHandle #define mxIsFunctionHandle mxIsFunctionHandle_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsObject #define mxIsObject mxIsObject_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetImagData #define mxGetImagData mxGetImagData_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetImagData #define mxSetImagData mxSetImagData_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsComplex #define mxIsComplex mxIsComplex_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsSparse #define mxIsSparse mxIsSparse_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsDouble #define mxIsDouble mxIsDouble_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsSingle #define mxIsSingle mxIsSingle_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsInt8 #define mxIsInt8 mxIsInt8_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsUint8 #define mxIsUint8 mxIsUint8_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsInt16 #define mxIsInt16 mxIsInt16_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsUint16 #define mxIsUint16 mxIsUint16_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsInt32 #define mxIsInt32 mxIsInt32_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsUint32 #define mxIsUint32 mxIsUint32_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsInt64 #define mxIsInt64 mxIsInt64_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsUint64 #define mxIsUint64 mxIsUint64_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNumberOfElements #define mxGetNumberOfElements mxGetNumberOfElements_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetPr #define mxGetPr mxGetPr_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetPr #define mxSetPr mxSetPr_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetPi #define mxGetPi mxGetPi_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetPi #define mxSetPi mxSetPi_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetChars #define mxGetChars mxGetChars_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetUserBits #define mxGetUserBits mxGetUserBits_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetUserBits #define mxSetUserBits mxSetUserBits_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetScalar #define mxGetScalar mxGetScalar_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsFromGlobalWS #define mxIsFromGlobalWS mxIsFromGlobalWS_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetFromGlobalWS #define mxSetFromGlobalWS mxSetFromGlobalWS_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetM_730 #define mxSetM_730 mxSetM_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetM #define mxSetM mxSetM_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetN #define mxGetN mxGetN_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsEmpty #define mxIsEmpty mxIsEmpty_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetFieldNumber #define mxGetFieldNumber mxGetFieldNumber_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetIr_730 #define mxSetIr_730 mxSetIr_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetIr #define mxSetIr mxSetIr_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetJc_730 #define mxSetJc_730 mxSetJc_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetJc #define mxSetJc mxSetJc_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetElementSize #define mxGetElementSize mxGetElementSize_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCalcSingleSubscript_730 #define mxCalcSingleSubscript_730 mxCalcSingleSubscript_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCalcSingleSubscript #define mxCalcSingleSubscript mxCalcSingleSubscript_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNumberOfFields #define mxGetNumberOfFields mxGetNumberOfFields_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetCell_730 #define mxSetCell_730 mxSetCell_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetCell #define mxSetCell mxSetCell_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetFieldByNumber_730 #define mxSetFieldByNumber_730 mxSetFieldByNumber_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetFieldByNumber #define mxSetFieldByNumber mxSetFieldByNumber_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetField_730 #define mxGetField_730 mxGetField_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetField #define mxGetField mxGetField_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetField_730 #define mxSetField_730 mxSetField_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetField #define mxSetField mxSetField_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetProperty_730 #define mxGetProperty_730 mxGetProperty_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetProperty #define mxGetProperty mxGetProperty_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetProperty_730 #define mxSetProperty_730 mxSetProperty_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetProperty #define mxSetProperty mxSetProperty_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetClassName #define mxGetClassName mxGetClassName_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsClass #define mxIsClass mxIsClass_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateNumericMatrix_730 #define mxCreateNumericMatrix_730 mxCreateNumericMatrix_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateNumericMatrix #define mxCreateNumericMatrix mxCreateNumericMatrix_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix #define mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateUninitNumericArray #define mxCreateUninitNumericArray mxCreateUninitNumericArray_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetN_730 #define mxSetN_730 mxSetN_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetN #define mxSetN mxSetN_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetDimensions_730 #define mxSetDimensions_730 mxSetDimensions_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxSetDimensions #define mxSetDimensions mxSetDimensions_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxDestroyArray #define mxDestroyArray mxDestroyArray_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateNumericArray_730 #define mxCreateNumericArray_730 mxCreateNumericArray_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateNumericArray #define mxCreateNumericArray mxCreateNumericArray_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCharArray_730 #define mxCreateCharArray_730 mxCreateCharArray_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCharArray #define mxCreateCharArray mxCreateCharArray_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateDoubleMatrix_730 #define mxCreateDoubleMatrix_730 mxCreateDoubleMatrix_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateDoubleMatrix #define mxCreateDoubleMatrix mxCreateDoubleMatrix_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetLogicals #define mxGetLogicals mxGetLogicals_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateLogicalArray_730 #define mxCreateLogicalArray_730 mxCreateLogicalArray_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateLogicalArray #define mxCreateLogicalArray mxCreateLogicalArray_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateLogicalMatrix_730 #define mxCreateLogicalMatrix_730 mxCreateLogicalMatrix_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateLogicalMatrix #define mxCreateLogicalMatrix mxCreateLogicalMatrix_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateLogicalScalar #define mxCreateLogicalScalar mxCreateLogicalScalar_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsLogicalScalar #define mxIsLogicalScalar mxIsLogicalScalar_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsLogicalScalarTrue #define mxIsLogicalScalarTrue mxIsLogicalScalarTrue_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateDoubleScalar #define mxCreateDoubleScalar mxCreateDoubleScalar_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateSparse_730 #define mxCreateSparse_730 mxCreateSparse_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateSparse #define mxCreateSparse mxCreateSparse_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_730 #define mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_730 mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix #define mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNChars_730 #define mxGetNChars_730 mxGetNChars_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetNChars #define mxGetNChars mxGetNChars_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetString_730 #define mxGetString_730 mxGetString_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxGetString #define mxGetString mxGetString_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxArrayToString #define mxArrayToString mxArrayToString_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxArrayToUTF8String #define mxArrayToUTF8String mxArrayToUTF8String_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateStringFromNChars_730 #define mxCreateStringFromNChars_730 mxCreateStringFromNChars_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateStringFromNChars #define mxCreateStringFromNChars mxCreateStringFromNChars_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateString #define mxCreateString mxCreateString_proxy #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_730 #define mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_730 mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings #define mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCellMatrix_730 #define mxCreateCellMatrix_730 mxCreateCellMatrix_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCellMatrix #define mxCreateCellMatrix mxCreateCellMatrix_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateCellArray_730 #define mxCreateCellArray_730 mxCreateCellArray_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateCellArray #define mxCreateCellArray mxCreateCellArray_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateStructMatrix_730 #define mxCreateStructMatrix_730 mxCreateStructMatrix_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateStructMatrix #define mxCreateStructMatrix mxCreateStructMatrix_730 #endif #endif #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxCreateStructArray_730 #define mxCreateStructArray_730 mxCreateStructArray_730_proxy #endif #endif /* !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) */ #if defined(__linux__) #if !defined(MX_COMPAT_32) #undef mxCreateStructArray #define mxCreateStructArray mxCreateStructArray_730 #endif #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxDuplicateArray #define mxDuplicateArray mxDuplicateArray_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxSetClassName #define mxSetClassName mxSetClassName_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxAddField #define mxAddField mxAddField_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxRemoveField #define mxRemoveField mxRemoveField_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetEps #define mxGetEps mxGetEps_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetInf #define mxGetInf mxGetInf_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxGetNaN #define mxGetNaN mxGetNaN_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsFinite #define mxIsFinite mxIsFinite_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsInf #define mxIsInf mxIsInf_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxIsNaN #define mxIsNaN mxIsNaN_proxy #endif /* Map original name to unique proxy layer name. */ #if !(defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__))) #undef mxVErrMsgIdAndTxt #define mxVErrMsgIdAndTxt mxVErrMsgIdAndTxt_proxy #endif /*#ifdef matrix_h #error "mclmcrrt.h must be included before matrix.h. (Since mclmcrrt.h includes matrix.h, additional inclusion is redundant.)" #endif */ #define LIBMWMATRIX_API_EXTERN_C EXTERN_C #include "matrix.h" /* Proxies for functions in matrix.h */ EXTERN_C int mxGetNumberOfDimensions_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C const int * mxGetDimensions_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int * mxGetIr_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int * mxGetJc_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int mxGetNzmax_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetNzmax_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetFieldByNumber_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, int a1, int a2); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetCell_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C void mxSetM_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C void mxSetIr_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int *a1); EXTERN_C void mxSetJc_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int *a1); EXTERN_C int mxCalcSingleSubscript_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, int a1, const int *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetCell_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1, mxArray *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetFieldByNumber_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1, int a2, mxArray *a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetField_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, int a1, const char *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetField_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1, const char *a2, mxArray *a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetProperty_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, const int a1, const char *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetProperty_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1, const char *a2, const mxArray *a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateNumericMatrix_700_proxy(int a0, int a1, mxClassID a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C void mxSetN_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C int mxSetDimensions_700_proxy(mxArray *a0, const int *a1, int a2); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateNumericArray_700_proxy(int a0, const int *a1, mxClassID a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCharArray_700_proxy(int a0, const int *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateDoubleMatrix_700_proxy(int a0, int a1, mxComplexity a2); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateLogicalArray_700_proxy(int a0, const int *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateLogicalMatrix_700_proxy(int a0, int a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateSparse_700_proxy(int a0, int a1, int a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_700_proxy(int a0, int a1, int a2); EXTERN_C void mxGetNChars_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, char *a1, int a2); EXTERN_C int mxGetString_700_proxy(const mxArray *a0, char *a1, int a2); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateStringFromNChars_700_proxy(const char *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_700_proxy(int a0, const char **a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCellMatrix_700_proxy(int a0, int a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCellArray_700_proxy(int a0, const int *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateStructMatrix_700_proxy(int a0, int a1, int a2, const char **a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateStructArray_700_proxy(int a0, const int *a1, int a2, const char **a3); EXTERN_C void * mxMalloc_proxy(size_t a0); EXTERN_C void * mxCalloc_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C void mxFree_proxy(void *a0); EXTERN_C void * mxRealloc_proxy(void *a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C size_t mxGetNumberOfDimensions_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C const size_t * mxGetDimensions_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C size_t mxGetM_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C size_t * mxGetIr_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C size_t * mxGetJc_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C size_t mxGetNzmax_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetNzmax_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C const char * mxGetFieldNameByNumber_proxy(const mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetFieldByNumber_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, size_t a1, int a2); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetCell_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C mxClassID mxGetClassID_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void * mxGetData_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetData_proxy(mxArray *a0, void *a1); EXTERN_C bool mxIsNumeric_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsCell_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsLogical_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsScalar_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsChar_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsStruct_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsOpaque_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsFunctionHandle_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsObject_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void * mxGetImagData_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetImagData_proxy(mxArray *a0, void *a1); EXTERN_C bool mxIsComplex_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsSparse_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsDouble_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsSingle_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsInt8_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsUint8_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsInt16_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsUint16_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsInt32_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsUint32_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsInt64_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsUint64_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C size_t mxGetNumberOfElements_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C double * mxGetPr_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetPr_proxy(mxArray *a0, double *a1); EXTERN_C double * mxGetPi_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetPi_proxy(mxArray *a0, double *a1); EXTERN_C mxChar * mxGetChars_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int mxGetUserBits_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetUserBits_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C double mxGetScalar_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsFromGlobalWS_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetFromGlobalWS_proxy(mxArray *a0, bool a1); EXTERN_C void mxSetM_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C size_t mxGetN_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsEmpty_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int mxGetFieldNumber_proxy(const mxArray *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C void mxSetIr_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t *a1); EXTERN_C void mxSetJc_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t *a1); EXTERN_C size_t mxGetElementSize_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C size_t mxCalcSingleSubscript_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, size_t a1, const size_t *a2); EXTERN_C int mxGetNumberOfFields_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C void mxSetCell_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1, mxArray *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetFieldByNumber_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1, int a2, mxArray *a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetField_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, size_t a1, const char *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetField_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1, const char *a2, mxArray *a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxGetProperty_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, const size_t a1, const char *a2); EXTERN_C void mxSetProperty_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1, const char *a2, const mxArray *a3); EXTERN_C const char * mxGetClassName_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsClass_proxy(const mxArray *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateNumericMatrix_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, mxClassID a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, mxClassID a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateUninitNumericArray_proxy(size_t a0, size_t *a1, mxClassID a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C void mxSetN_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C int mxSetDimensions_730_proxy(mxArray *a0, const size_t *a1, size_t a2); EXTERN_C void mxDestroyArray_proxy(mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateNumericArray_730_proxy(size_t a0, const size_t *a1, mxClassID a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCharArray_730_proxy(size_t a0, const size_t *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateDoubleMatrix_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, mxComplexity a2); EXTERN_C mxLogical * mxGetLogicals_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateLogicalArray_730_proxy(size_t a0, const size_t *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateLogicalMatrix_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateLogicalScalar_proxy(bool a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsLogicalScalar_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsLogicalScalarTrue_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateDoubleScalar_proxy(double a0); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateSparse_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, size_t a2, mxComplexity a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, size_t a2); EXTERN_C void mxGetNChars_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, char *a1, size_t a2); EXTERN_C int mxGetString_730_proxy(const mxArray *a0, char *a1, size_t a2); EXTERN_C char * mxArrayToString_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C char * mxArrayToUTF8String_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateStringFromNChars_730_proxy(const char *a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateString_proxy(const char *a0); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings_730_proxy(size_t a0, const char **a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCellMatrix_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateCellArray_730_proxy(size_t a0, const size_t *a1); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateStructMatrix_730_proxy(size_t a0, size_t a1, int a2, const char **a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxCreateStructArray_730_proxy(size_t a0, const size_t *a1, int a2, const char **a3); EXTERN_C mxArray * mxDuplicateArray_proxy(const mxArray *a0); EXTERN_C int mxSetClassName_proxy(mxArray *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C int mxAddField_proxy(mxArray *a0, const char *a1); EXTERN_C void mxRemoveField_proxy(mxArray *a0, int a1); EXTERN_C double mxGetEps_proxy(); EXTERN_C double mxGetInf_proxy(); EXTERN_C double mxGetNaN_proxy(); EXTERN_C bool mxIsFinite_proxy(double a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsInf_proxy(double a0); EXTERN_C bool mxIsNaN_proxy(double a0); #ifdef __cplusplus /* Only available in C++ */ EXTERN_C void mxVErrMsgIdAndTxt_proxy(const char *a0, const char *a1, va_list a2); #endif /* __cplusplus */ #if defined(__APPLE__) && (defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)) EXTERN_C bool mclmcrInitialize2_proxy(int mode); EXTERN_C bool mclmcrInitialize_proxy(void); EXTERN_C bool mclInitializeApplication_proxy(const char **options, size_t count); #endif #endif /* mclmcrrt_h */