Edit the Configuration File

About the Server Configuration File

To change any MATLAB® Production Server™ properties, edit the main_config configuration file that corresponds to your specific server instance:


When editing main_config, remember these coding considerations:

  • Each server has its own main_config configuration file.

  • You enter only one configuration property and related options per line. Each configuration property entry starts with two dashes (--).

  • Any line beginning with a pound sign (#) is ignored as a comment.

  • Lines of white space are ignored.

Common Customizations

Setting Default Port Number for Client Requests

Use the http property to set the default port number on which the server listens for client requests.

Setting Number of Available Workers

Use the num-workers property to set the number of concurrent MATLAB execution requests that can be processed simultaneously.

Setting Number of Available Threads

Use the num-threads property to set the number of request-processing threads available to the master server process.

    Note:   For .NET Clients, the HTTP 1.1 protocol restricts the maximum number of concurrent connections between a client and a server to two.

    This restriction only applies when the client and server are connected remotely. A local client/server connection has no such restriction.

    To specify a higher number of connections than two for remote connection, use the NET classes System.Net.ServicePoint and System.Net.ServicePointManager to modify maximum concurrent connections.

    For example, to specify four concurrent connections, code the following:

    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 4; 
    MWClient client = new MWHttpClient(new MyConfig()); 
    MPSClient mpsExample = client.CreateProxy(
                new Uri("http://user01:9910/mpsexample")); 

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