MATLAB Compiler Classes

Alphabetical List By Category

MapReduce Applications on Hadoop Clusters

Run Standalone MATLAB MapReduce Applications Against a Hadoop Cluster

matlab.mapreduce.DeployHadoopMapReducerConfigure a MapReduce application for deployment against Hadoop

Spark Applications

Deploy Tall Arrays to a Spark Enabled Hadoop Cluster

matlab.mapreduce.DeploySparkMapReducerConfigure a MATLAB tall array application with Spark parameters as key-value pairs

Deploy Applications Using the MATLAB API for Spark

matlab.compiler.mlspark.SparkConfInterface class to configure an application with Spark parameters as key-value pairs
matlab.compiler.mlspark.SparkContextInterface class to initialize a connection to a Spark enabled cluster
matlab.compiler.mlspark.RDDInterface class to represent a Spark Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
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