
Class: matlab.compiler.mlspark.RDD
Package: matlab.compiler.mlspark

Create an RDD that is the Cartesian product of two RDDs


result = cartesian(obj1,obj2)


result = cartesian(obj1,obj2) creates a new RDD that is the Cartesian product between two RDDs, obj1 and obj2.

Input Arguments

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The first input RDD, specified as a RDD object.

The second input RDD, specified as a RDD object.

Output Arguments

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An RDD representing the Cartesian product of two RDDs, returned as a RDD object.


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%% Connect to Spark
sparkProp = containers.Map({'spark.executor.cores'}, {'1'});
conf = matlab.compiler.mlspark.SparkConf('AppName','myApp', ...
sc = matlab.compiler.mlspark.SparkContext(conf);

%% cartesian
x = sc.parallelize({'A', 2, 'C'});
y = sc.parallelize({'D', 1});
out = x.cartesian(y).collect(); % {{'A','D'},{'A',1},{2,'D'},{2,1},{'C','D'},{'C',1}}

Introduced in R2016b

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