WebFigures Logging Levels

There are several logging levels that can be used to diagnose problems with WebFigures.

Logging LevelUses
Severe Unrecoverable errors and exceptions
WarningRecoverable errors that might occur
InformationInformative messages
FinerFor monitoring application flow (when different parts of an application are executed)

You can manually set the log level by setting an environment variable called mathworks.webfigures.logLevel to one of the above strings.

If you set this environment variable to something other than the above strings or it is not set, it defaults to a level of Warning or Severe only.

By default, all exceptions are shown within the WebFigure control on the web page when debug mode is on for the site.

If you want more detailed logging information, or log information when debug is not on, set an environment variable called mathworks.webfigures.logLocation to the location where the log file is written. The log file is named yourwebappnameWFSLog.txt.

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