Before you can compile MATLAB® functions into Java® packages or use the generated Java packages in a Java development environment, you need to ensure that your Java environment is properly configured. You must verify that:
Your system uses the same version of the Java Developer’s Kit (JDK™) as MATLAB.
is set to the folder containing
the system’s JDK installation.
contains all of the MATLAB library
JAR files and the JAR files for the packages containing your compiled MATLAB code.
The MATLAB native library paths are properly configured.
For updated Java system requirements, including versions of Java Developer's Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE), see the supported compiler page at
To install the proper version of the JDK:
Verify the version of Java your MATLAB installation is using by running the following MATLAB command:
version -java
Download the matching version Java Developer's Kit (JDK) from
Install the JDK, following the instructions provided by Oracle®.
If you are not developing applications or compiling MATLAB code, you can use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) instead of the JDK.
Set the system environment variable, JAVA_HOME
to point to your JDK installation.
At the MATLAB command prompt, type getenv
to verify that MATLAB is reading the correct
version of JAVA_HOME
Verify that the folder containing your Java installation
has been added to your system PATH
environment variable.
To build and run a Java application that uses a MATLAB Compiler SDK™ generated package, the system must locate:
JAR files containing the MATLAB libraries
Packages that you have developed and built with the compiler
Java classes generated by the MATLAB
Compiler SDK software
use classes contained in the com.mathworks.toolbox.javabuilder
To use the compiled classes, you need to include a file called javabuilder.jar
the Java class path. You can find this file in one of the following
MATLAB installed on your system |
MATLAB Runtime installed on your system |
refers to the root folder
into which the MATLAB installer has placed the MATLAB files. mcrroot
to the root folder under which MATLAB Runtime is installed.
In addition, you need to add to the JAR files created by the compiler to the class path.
The operating system uses the native library path to locate native libraries that are needed to run your Java class. See the following list of variable names according to operating system:
Windows® | PATH |
The native MATLAB or MATLAB Runtime files needed to execute the compiled MATLAB functions called from the Java code must be included on the paths listed by your system’s native library path variable.