Dependency Analysis

MATLAB® Compiler™ uses a dependency analysis function to determine the list of necessary files to include in the generated package. Sometimes, this process generates a large list of files, particularly when MATLAB object classes exist in the compilation and the dependency analyzer cannot resolve overloaded methods at compile time. Dependency analysis also processes include/exclude files on each pass.


To improve compile time performance and lessen application size, prune the path with the mcc command’s -N and -p flags. You can also specify Files required for your application in the compiler app.

Function Dependency

The dependency analyzer searches for executable content such as:

  • MATLAB files

  • P-files


    If the MATLAB file corresponding to the p-file is not available, the dependency analysis will not be able to determine the p-file’s dependencies.

  • Java® classes and .jar files

  • .fig files

  • MEX-files

Data File Dependency

In addition to executable content listed above, MATLAB Compiler can detect and automatically include files that your MATLAB functions access by calling any of these functions: audioinfo, audioread, csvread, daqread, dlmread, fileread, fopen, imfinfo, importdata, imread, load, matfile, mmfileinfo, open, readtable, type, VideoReader, xlsfinfo, xlsread, xmlread, and xslt.

If you are using the compiler app, these data files are automatically added to the Files required for your application to run area of the app.

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