Test if code is running during compilation process (using mcc
x = ismcc
x = ismcc
returns true when the function
is being executed by mcc
dependency checker and
false otherwise.
When this function is executed by the compilation process started
by mcc
, it will return true. This function will
return false when executed within MATLAB® as well as in deployed
mode. To test for deployed mode execution, use isdeployed
This function should be used to guard code in matlabrc
or hgrc
(or any function called within them,
for example startup.m
in the example on this page),
from being executed by MATLAB
Compiler™ (mcc
Compiler SDK™.
In a typical example, a user has ADDPATH
in their MATLAB code. These can be guarded from executing using ismcc
the compilation process and isdeployed
for the
deployed application as shown in the example on this page.
`% startup.m if ~(ismcc || isdeployed) addpath(fullfile(matlabroot,'work')); end