Access elements of arrays distributed among workers in parallel pool
You can also create a codistributed array explicitly from spmd code or a communicating job task with any of several MATLAB functions.
| codistributed.cell |
| codistributed.spalloc |
| codistributed.speye |
| codistributed.sprand |
codistributed.sprandn |
Arrays partitioned among the workers in a pool, are accessible from the workers as codistributed array objects.
Codistributed arrays on workers that you create inside spmd
statements or from within task
functions of communicating jobs can be accessed as distributed arrays
on the client.
Inf | Array of infinity |
NaN | Array of Not-a-Numbers |
classUnderlying | Class of elements within gpuArray or distributed array |
codistributed.cell | Create codistributed cell array |
codistributed.colon | Distributed colon operation |
codistributed.spalloc | Allocate space for sparse codistributed matrix |
codistributed.speye | Create codistributed sparse identity matrix |
codistributed.sprand | Create codistributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values |
codistributed.sprandn | Create codistributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values |
eye | Identity matrix |
false | Array of logical 0 (false) |
gather | Transfer distributed array or gpuArray to local workspace |
getCodistributor | Codistributor object for existing codistributed array |
getLocalPart | Local portion of codistributed array |
globalIndices | Global indices for local part of codistributed array |
isaUnderlying | True if distributed array's underlying elements are of specified class |
iscodistributed | True for codistributed array |
ones | Array of ones |
rand | Array of rand values |
randi | Array of random integers |
randn | Array of randn values |
redistribute | Redistribute codistributed array with another distribution scheme |
sparse | Create sparse distributed or codistributed matrix |
true | Array of logical 1 (true) |
zeros | Array of zeros |
The methods for codistributed arrays are too numerous to list here. Most resemble and behave the same as built-in MATLAB functions. See Using MATLAB Functions on Distributed Arrays.
Also among the methods there are several for examining the characteristics of the array itself. Most behave like the MATLAB functions of the same name:
Function | Description |
| Class (data type) of the elements in the array |
iscodistributed | Indication if array is codistributed |
isreal | Indication if array elements are real |
length | Length of vector or largest array dimension |
ndims | Number of dimensions in the array |
size | Size of array dimensions |