Evaluate Functions in the Background Using parfeval

This example shows how you can use parfeval to evaluate a function in the background and to collect results as they become available. In this example, you submit a vector of multiple future requests in a for-loop and retrieve the individual future outputs as they become available.

p = gcp();
% To request multiple evaluations, use a loop.
for idx = 1:10
  f(idx) = parfeval(p,@magic,1,idx); % Square size determined by idx
% Collect the results as they become available.
magicResults = cell(1,10);
for idx = 1:10
  % fetchNext blocks until next results are available.
  [completedIdx,value] = fetchNext(f);
  magicResults{completedIdx} = value;
  fprintf('Got result with index: %d.\n', completedIdx);
Got result with index: 1.
Got result with index: 2.
Got result with index: 3.
Got result with index: 4.
Got result with index: 5.
Got result with index: 6.
Got result with index: 7.
Got result with index: 8.
Got result with index: 9.
Got result with index: 10.

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