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Display Optimization Variable Bounds

Show bounds for various optimization variables.

Create a continuous optimization variable array and display its bounds.

x = optimvar('x',2,2);
    x is unbounded.

Set lower bounds of 0 on all elements of x, and set upper bounds on the first row.

x.LowerBound = 0;
x.UpperBound(1,:) = [3,5];
    0 <= x(1, 1) <= 3
    0 <= x(2, 1)
    0 <= x(1, 2) <= 5
    0 <= x(2, 2)

Create a binary optimization variable array and display its bounds.

binvar = optimvar('binvar',2,2,'Type','integer',...
    0 <= binvar(1, 1) <= 1
    0 <= binvar(2, 1) <= 1
    0 <= binvar(1, 2) <= 1
    0 <= binvar(2, 2) <= 1

Create a large optimization variable that has few bounded elements, and display the variable bounds.

bigvar = optimvar('bigvar',100,10,50);
bigvar.LowerBound(55,4,3) = -20;
bigvar.LowerBound(20,5,30) = -40;
bigvar.UpperBound(35,3,35) = -200;
    -20 <= bigvar(55, 4, 3)
    -40 <= bigvar(20, 5, 30)
           bigvar(35, 3, 35) <= -200