// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The GAMOS software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the GAMOS Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the GAMOS Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://fismed.ciemat.es/GAMOS/license .* // * These include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GAMOS collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the GAMOS Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // #include "GmDICOMIntersectVolume.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithAString.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4tgrSolid.hh" #include "G4tgbVolume.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4PhantomParameterisation.hh" #include "G4PVParameterised.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" //----------------------------------------------------------------------- GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GmDICOMIntersectVolume() { theUserVolumeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/gamos/geometry/DICOM/intersectWithUserVolume",this); theUserVolumeCmd->SetGuidance("Intersects a phantom with a user-defined volume and outputs the voxels that are totally inside the intersection as a new phantom file. It must have the parameters: POS_X POS_Y POS_Z ANG_X ANG_Y ANG_Z SOLID_TYPE SOLID_PARAM_1 (SOLID_PARAM_2 ...)"); theUserVolumeCmd->SetParameterName("choice",true); theUserVolumeCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); theG4VolumeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/gamos/geometry/DICOM/intersectWithG4Volume",this); theG4VolumeCmd->SetGuidance("Intersects a phantom with a volume existing in the GEANT4 geometry and outputs the voxels that are totally inside the intersection as a new phantom file. It must have the parameters: VOLUME_NAME"); theG4VolumeCmd->SetParameterName("choice",true); theG4VolumeCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- GmDICOMIntersectVolume::~GmDICOMIntersectVolume() { if (theUserVolumeCmd) delete theUserVolumeCmd; if (theG4VolumeCmd) delete theG4VolumeCmd; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void GmDICOMIntersectVolume::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand * command, G4String newValues) { G4AffineTransform theVolumeTransform; if (command == theUserVolumeCmd) { std::vector params = GetWordsInString( newValues ); if( params.size() < 8 ) { G4Exception("GmPositionUserVolumes::SetParams", " There must be at least 8 parameter: SOLID_TYPE POS_X POS_Y POS_Z ANG_X ANG_Y ANG_Z SOLID_PARAM_1 (SOLID_PARAM_2 ...)",FatalErrorInArgument,G4String("Number of parameters given = " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString( G4int(params.size()) )).c_str()); } //----- Build G4VSolid BuildUserSolid(params); //----- Calculate volume inverse 3D transform G4ThreeVector pos = G4ThreeVector( G4UIcommand::ConvertToDouble(params[0]), G4UIcommand::ConvertToDouble(params[1]), G4UIcommand::ConvertToDouble(params[2]) ); G4RotationMatrix* rotmat = new G4RotationMatrix; std::vector angles; rotmat->rotateX( G4UIcommand::ConvertToDouble(params[3]) ); rotmat->rotateY( G4UIcommand::ConvertToDouble(params[4]) ); rotmat->rotateY( G4UIcommand::ConvertToDouble(params[5]) ); theVolumeTransform = G4AffineTransform( rotmat, pos ).Invert(); } else if (command == theG4VolumeCmd) { std::vector params = GetWordsInString( newValues ); if( params.size() !=1 ) G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::SetNewValue", "Wrong argument", FatalErrorInArgument, G4String("Command: "+ command->GetCommandPath() + "/" + command->GetCommandName() + " " + newValues + " needs 1 argument: VOLUME_NAME").c_str()); //----- Build G4VSolid BuildG4Solid(params); //----- Calculate volume inverse 3D transform G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = GetPhysicalVolumes( params[0], 1, 1)[0]; theVolumeTransform = G4AffineTransform( pv->GetFrameRotation(), pv->GetFrameTranslation() ); } //----- Calculate relative phantom - volume 3D transform G4PhantomParameterisation* thePhantomParam = GetPhantomParam(true); G4RotationMatrix* rotph = new G4RotationMatrix(); // assumes the phantom mother is not rotated !!! G4AffineTransform thePhantomTransform( rotph, G4ThreeVector() ); // assumes the phantom mother is not translated !!! G4AffineTransform theTransform = theVolumeTransform*thePhantomTransform; G4ThreeVector axisX( 1., 0., 0. ); G4ThreeVector axisY( 0., 1., 0. ); G4ThreeVector axisZ( 0., 0., 1. ); theTransform.ApplyAxisTransform(axisX); theTransform.ApplyAxisTransform(axisY); theTransform.ApplyAxisTransform(axisZ); //----- Write phantom header G4String thePhantomFileName = "phantom.g4pdcm"; fout.open(thePhantomFileName); std::vector materials = thePhantomParam->GetMaterials(); fout << materials.size() << G4endl; for( unsigned int ii = 0; ii < materials.size(); ii++ ) { fout << ii << " " << materials[ii]->GetName() << G4endl; } //----- Loop to pantom voxels G4int nx = thePhantomParam->GetNoVoxelX(); G4int ny = thePhantomParam->GetNoVoxelY(); G4int nz = thePhantomParam->GetNoVoxelZ(); G4int nxy = nx*ny; theVoxelIsInside = new G4bool[nx*ny*nz]; G4double voxelHalfWidthX = thePhantomParam->GetVoxelHalfX(); G4double voxelHalfWidthY = thePhantomParam->GetVoxelHalfY(); G4double voxelHalfWidthZ = thePhantomParam->GetVoxelHalfZ(); //----- Write phantom dimensions and limits fout << nx << " " << ny << " " << nz << G4endl; fout << -voxelHalfWidthX*nx+thePhantomTransform.NetTranslation().x() << " " << voxelHalfWidthX*nx+thePhantomTransform.NetTranslation().x() << G4endl; fout << -voxelHalfWidthY*ny+thePhantomTransform.NetTranslation().y() << " " << voxelHalfWidthY*ny+thePhantomTransform.NetTranslation().y() << G4endl; fout << -voxelHalfWidthZ*nz+thePhantomTransform.NetTranslation().z() << " " << voxelHalfWidthZ*nz+thePhantomTransform.NetTranslation().z() << G4endl; for( G4int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++ ){ for( G4int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { G4bool bPrevVoxelInside = true; G4bool b1VoxelFoundInside = false; G4int firstVoxel = -1; G4int lastVoxel = -1; for(G4int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++ ){ G4ThreeVector voxelCentre( (-nx+ix*2+1)*voxelHalfWidthX, (-ny+iy*2+1)*voxelHalfWidthY, (-nz+iz*2+1)*voxelHalfWidthZ); theTransform.ApplyPointTransform(voxelCentre); G4bool bVoxelIsInside = true; for( G4int ivx = -1; ivx <= 1; ivx+=2 ) { for( G4int ivy = -1; ivy <= 1; ivy+=2 ){ for( G4int ivz = -1; ivz <= 1; ivz+=2 ) { G4ThreeVector voxelPoint = voxelCentre + ivx*voxelHalfWidthX*axisX + ivy*voxelHalfWidthY*axisY + ivz*voxelHalfWidthZ*axisZ; if( theSolid->Inside( voxelPoint ) == kOutside ) { bVoxelIsInside = false; break; } else { } } if( !bVoxelIsInside ) break; } if( !bVoxelIsInside ) break; } G4int copyNo = ix + nx*iy + nxy*iz; if( bVoxelIsInside ) { if( !bPrevVoxelInside ) { G4Exception("GmDICOMPhantomIntersectVolume", "Error", FatalException, "Volume cannot intersect phantom in discontiguous voxels, please use other voxel"); } if( !b1VoxelFoundInside ) { firstVoxel = ix; b1VoxelFoundInside = true; } lastVoxel = ix; theVoxelIsInside[copyNo] = true; } else { theVoxelIsInside[copyNo] = false; } } fout << firstVoxel << " " << lastVoxel << G4endl; } } //----- Now write the materials for( G4int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++ ){ for( G4int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { G4bool b1xFound = false; for(G4int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++ ){ size_t copyNo = ix + ny*iy + nxy*iz; // fout << " iz " << iz << " i " << iy << " ix " << ix << G4endl; if( theVoxelIsInside[copyNo] ) { fout << thePhantomParam->GetMaterialIndex(copyNo)<< " "; b1xFound = true; } } if(b1xFound ) fout << G4endl; } } // Now write densities for( G4int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++ ){ for( G4int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { G4bool b1xFound = false; for(G4int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++ ){ size_t copyNo = ix + ny*iy + nxy*iz; if( theVoxelIsInside[copyNo] ) { fout << thePhantomParam->GetMaterial(copyNo)->GetDensity()/g*cm3 << " "; b1xFound = true; } } if(b1xFound ) fout << G4endl; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void GmDICOMIntersectVolume::BuildUserSolid( std::vector params ) { for( G4int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ ) params.erase( params.begin() ); // take otu position and rotation angles params.insert( params.begin(), ":SOLID"); params.insert( params.begin(), params[1] ); G4tgrSolid* tgrSolid = new G4tgrSolid(params); G4tgbVolume* tgbVolume = new G4tgbVolume(); theSolid = tgbVolume->FindOrConstructG4Solid( tgrSolid ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void GmDICOMIntersectVolume::BuildG4Solid( std::vector params ) { theSolid = GetLogicalVolumes( params[0], 1, 1)[0]->GetSolid(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4PhantomParameterisation* GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetPhantomParam(G4bool bMustExist) { G4PhantomParameterisation* paramreg = 0; G4PhysicalVolumeStore* pvs = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); std::vector::iterator cite; for( cite = pvs->begin(); cite != pvs->end(); cite++ ) { // G4cout << " PV " << (*cite)->GetName() << " " << (*cite)->GetTranslation() << G4endl; if( IsPhantomVolume( *cite ) ) { const G4PVParameterised* pvparam = static_cast(*cite); G4VPVParameterisation* param = pvparam->GetParameterisation(); // if( static_cast(param) ){ // if( static_cast(param) ){ // G4cout << "G4PhantomParameterisation volume found " << (*cite)->GetName() << G4endl; paramreg = static_cast(param); } } if( !paramreg && bMustExist ) G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetPhantomParam", "Wrong argument", FatalErrorInArgument, "No G4PhantomParameterisation found "); return paramreg; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetPhysicalVolumes( const G4String& name, bool exists, G4int nVols ) { std::vector vvolu; std::string::size_type ial = name.rfind(":"); G4String volname = ""; G4int volcopy = 0; if( ial != std::string::npos ) { std::string::size_type ial2 = name.rfind(":",ial-1); if( ial2 != std::string::npos ) { G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetPhysicalVolumes", "Wrong argument", FatalErrorInArgument, G4String("Name corresponds to a touchable " + name).c_str()); }else { volname = name.substr( 0, ial ); volcopy = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt( name.substr( ial+1, name.length() ).c_str() ); } } else { volname = name; volcopy = -1; } G4PhysicalVolumeStore* pvs = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); std::vector::iterator citepv; for( citepv = pvs->begin(); citepv != pvs->end(); citepv++ ) { if( volname == (*citepv)->GetName() && ( (*citepv)->GetCopyNo() == volcopy || -1 == volcopy ) ){ vvolu.push_back( *citepv ); } } //----- Check that at least one volume was found if( vvolu.size() == 0 ) { if(exists) { G4Exception(" GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetPhysicalVolumes", "Wrong argument", FatalErrorInArgument, G4String("No physical volume found with name " + name).c_str()); } else { G4cerr << "!!WARNING: GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetPhysicalVolumes: no physical volume found with name " << name << G4endl; } } if( nVols != -1 && G4int(vvolu.size()) != nVols ) { G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetLogicalVolumes:", "Wrong number of physical volumes found", FatalErrorInArgument, ("Number of physical volumes " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(vvolu.size())) + ", requesting " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nVols)).c_str()); } return vvolu; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- G4bool GmDICOMIntersectVolume::IsPhantomVolume( G4VPhysicalVolume* pv ) { EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width,offset; G4bool consuming; pv->GetReplicationData(axis,nReplicas,width,offset,consuming); EVolume type = (consuming) ? kReplica : kParameterised; if( type == kParameterised && pv->GetRegularStructureId() == 1 ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetLogicalVolumes( const G4String& name, bool exists, G4int nVols ) { // G4cout << "GetLogicalVolumes " << name << " " << exists << G4endl; std::vector vvolu; G4int ial = name.rfind(":"); if( ial != -1 ) { G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetLogicalVolumes", "Wrong argument", FatalErrorInArgument, G4String("Name corresponds to a touchable or physcal volume" + name).c_str()); } G4LogicalVolumeStore* lvs = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); std::vector::iterator citelv; for( citelv = lvs->begin(); citelv != lvs->end(); citelv++ ) { if( name == (*citelv)->GetName() ) { vvolu.push_back( *citelv ); } } //----- Check that at least one volume was found if( vvolu.size() == 0 ) { if(exists) { G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetLogicalVolumes:", "Wrong argument",FatalErrorInArgument,("no logical volume found with name " + name).c_str()); } else { G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetLogicalVolumes:", "Warning",JustWarning,("no logical volume found with name " + name).c_str()); } } if( nVols != -1 && G4int(vvolu.size()) != nVols ) { G4Exception("GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetLogicalVolumes:", "Wrong number of logical volumes found", FatalErrorInArgument, ("Number of logical volumes " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(vvolu.size())) + ", requesting " + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nVols)).c_str()); } return vvolu; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::vector GmDICOMIntersectVolume::GetWordsInString( const G4String& stemp) { std::vector wordlist; //---------- Read a line of file: //----- Clear wordlist G4int ii; const char* cstr = stemp.c_str(); int siz = stemp.length(); int istart = 0; int nQuotes = 0; bool lastIsBlank = false; bool lastIsQuote = false; for( ii = 0; ii < siz; ii++ ){ if(cstr[ii] == '\"' ){ if( lastIsQuote ){ G4Exception("GmGenUtils:GetWordsFromString", "Error",FatalException, ("There cannot be two quotes together " + stemp).c_str() ); } if( nQuotes%2 == 1 ){ //close word wordlist.push_back( stemp.substr(istart,ii-istart) ); // G4cout << "GetWordsInString new word0 " << wordlist[wordlist.size()-1] << " istart " << istart << " ii " << ii << G4endl; } else { istart = ii+1; } nQuotes++; lastIsQuote = true; lastIsBlank = false; } else if(cstr[ii] == ' ' ){ // G4cout << "GetWordsInString blank nQuotes " << nQuotes << " lastIsBlank " << lastIsBlank << G4endl; if( nQuotes%2 == 0 ){ if( !lastIsBlank && !lastIsQuote ) { wordlist.push_back( stemp.substr(istart,ii-istart) ); // G4cout << "GetWordsInString new word1 " << wordlist[wordlist.size()-1] << " lastIsBlank " << lastIsBlank << G4endl; } istart = ii+1; lastIsQuote = false; lastIsBlank = true; } } else { if( ii == siz-1 ) { wordlist.push_back( stemp.substr(istart,ii-istart+1) ); // G4cout << "GetWordsInString new word2 " << wordlist[wordlist.size()-1] << " istart " << istart << G4endl; } lastIsQuote = false; lastIsBlank = false; } } if( nQuotes%2 == 1 ) { G4Exception("GmGenUtils:GetWordsFromString", "Error",FatalException, ("unbalanced quotes in line " + stemp).c_str() ); } return wordlist; }