#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys G4application=sys.argv[1] print "Rapid test of the MagShield code" print "---------------------------------" print "Start the computation of the grid of the main toroid" res=os.system(G4application+' MainToroidSmallGridComputation.g4mac >MainToroidSmallGridComputation.log') print "Computation Finished!\n" print "Start the computation of the grid of the upper toroid" res=os.system(G4application+' UpperToroidSmallGridComputation.g4mac >UpperToroidSmallGridComputation.log') print "Computation Finished!\n" print "Start the total field test" res=os.system(G4application+' SmallGridTest.g4mac > SmallGridTest.log') print "Total Field Test Finished!\n" print "Start the current density test " res=os.system(G4application+' CoilJTest.g4mac > CoilJTest.log') print "Current Density Test Finished!\n" print "Test terminated"