// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The GAMOS software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the GAMOS Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the GAMOS Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://fismed.ciemat.es/GAMOS/license .* // * These include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GAMOS collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the GAMOS Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // #include "RTPSPDoseHistos.hh" #include "G4PhantomParameterisation.hh" #include "GamosCore/GamosReadDICOM/include/GmRegularParamUtils.hh" //#include "ReadPhantom/include/GmRegularParamUtils.hh" #include "GamosCore/GamosBase/Base/include/GmParameterMgr.hh" #include "GamosCore/GamosScoring/include/GmVPrimitiveScorer.hh" #include "GamosCore/GamosUtils/include/GmNumberOfEvent.hh" #include "GamosCore/GamosReadDICOM/include/GmSqdoseHeader.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" //------------------------------------------------------------------ RTPSPDoseHistos::RTPSPDoseHistos(G4String name, GmSqdoseHeader* doseh) : GmVPSPrinter( name ) { theAnaMgr = GmAnalysisMgr::GetInstance("dose_"+name); theDoseHeader = doseh; BookHistos(); theNHistos = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::BookHistos() { if( !theDoseHeader ){ theRegParam = GmRegularParamUtils::GetInstance()->GetPhantomParam(); theNVoxelX = G4int(theRegParam->GetNoVoxelX()); theNVoxelY = G4int(theRegParam->GetNoVoxelY()); theNVoxelZ = G4int(theRegParam->GetNoVoxelZ()); theDimX = theRegParam->GetVoxelHalfX(); theDimY = theRegParam->GetVoxelHalfY(); theDimZ = theRegParam->GetVoxelHalfZ(); thePhantomTranslation = GmRegularParamUtils::GetInstance()->GetPhantomTranslation(); } else { theNVoxelX = G4int(theDoseHeader->GetNoVoxelX()); theNVoxelY = G4int(theDoseHeader->GetNoVoxelY()); theNVoxelZ = G4int(theDoseHeader->GetNoVoxelZ()); theDimX = theDoseHeader->GetVoxelHalfX(); theDimY = theDoseHeader->GetVoxelHalfY(); theDimZ = theDoseHeader->GetVoxelHalfZ(); thePhantomTranslation = theDoseHeader->GetTranslation(); } G4cout << " nvoxel " << theNVoxelX << " " << theNVoxelY << " " << theNVoxelZ << G4endl; G4cout << " dim " << theDimX << " " << theDimY << " " << theDimZ << G4endl; G4cout << " transl " << thePhantomTranslation<< G4endl; double doseMin = GmParameterMgr::GetInstance()->GetNumericValue("RTPSPDoseHistos:DoseMin",-17); double doseMax = GmParameterMgr::GetInstance()->GetNumericValue("RTPSPDoseHistos:DoseMax",-12); //--- define dose - volume histo // theAnaMgr->CreateHisto2D("RTPSPDoseHistos: Dose-volume",200, int(log10(minDose)),int(log10(maxDose))+1.,36021); theAnaMgr->CreateHisto1D("RTPSPDoseHistos: Dose",100,doseMin,doseMax,36201); theAnaMgr->CreateHisto1D("RTPSPDoseHistos: Dose-volume",100,doseMin,doseMax,36202); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::CheckHistoLimits( G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax ) { if( nXmin < 0 ) { G4Exception("RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto", "X min too small", JustWarning, G4String(G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nXmin)+" < " +G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(0)).c_str()); nXmin = 0; } if( nXmax >= theNVoxelX ) { G4Exception("RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto", "X max too big", JustWarning, G4String(G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nXmax)+" >= " +G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(theNVoxelX)).c_str()); nXmax = theNVoxelX-1; } if( nYmin < 0 ) { G4Exception("RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto", "Y min too small", JustWarning, G4String(G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nYmin)+" < " +G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(0)).c_str()); nYmin = 0; } if( nYmax >= theNVoxelY ) { G4Exception("RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto", "Y max too big", JustWarning, G4String(G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nYmax)+" >= " +G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(theNVoxelY)).c_str()); nYmax = theNVoxelY-1; } if( nZmin < 0 ) { G4Exception("RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto", "Z min too small", JustWarning, G4String(G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nZmin)+" < " +G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(0)).c_str()); nZmin = 0; } if( nZmax >= theNVoxelZ ) { G4Exception("RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto", "Z max too big", JustWarning, G4String(G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(nZmax)+" >= " +G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(theNVoxelZ)).c_str()); nZmax = theNVoxelZ-1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto( std::vector& wl ) { if( wl[1] == "Profile1N_X") { FillHisto1N_X(wl); }else if( wl[1] == "Profile1N_Y") { FillHisto1N_Y(wl); }else if( wl[1] == "Profile1N_Z") { FillHisto1N_Z(wl); }else if( wl[1] == "Profile2N_XY") { FillHisto2N_XY(wl); }else if( wl[1] == "Profile2N_XZ") { FillHisto2N_XZ(wl); }else if( wl[1] == "Profile2N_YZ") { FillHisto2N_YZ(wl); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1N_X( std::vector& wl ) { G4int nXmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[2]); G4int nXmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[3]); G4int nYmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[4]); G4int nYmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[5]); G4int nZmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[6]); G4int nZmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[7]); G4String hisName = wl[0]; CheckHistoLimits( nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); FillHisto1N_X( hisName, nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1N_Y( std::vector& wl ) { G4int nXmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[4]); G4int nXmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[5]); G4int nYmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[2]); G4int nYmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[3]); G4int nZmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[6]); G4int nZmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[7]); G4String hisName = wl[0]; CheckHistoLimits( nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); FillHisto1N_Y( hisName, nYmin, nYmax, nXmin, nXmax, nZmin, nZmax ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1N_Z( std::vector& wl ) { G4int nXmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[4]); G4int nXmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[5]); G4int nYmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[6]); G4int nYmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[7]); G4int nZmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[2]); G4int nZmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[3]); G4String hisName = wl[0]; CheckHistoLimits( nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); FillHisto1N_Z( hisName, nZmin, nZmax, nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1N_X( const G4String& hisName, G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax ) { theNHistos++; G4int ih = 66300+theNHistos; theAnaMgr->CreateHisto1D(hisName.c_str(),nXmax-nXmin+1,ConvertN2DimX(nXmin)-theDimX,ConvertN2DimX(nXmax)+theDimX,ih); GmHisto1* his = theAnaMgr->GetHisto1( ih ); G4double dose, doseError; for( G4int ix = nXmin; ix <= nXmax; ix++ ){ dose = 0.; doseError = 0.; G4double hx = ConvertN2DimX(ix); for( G4int iy = nYmin; iy <= nYmax; iy++ ){ for( G4int iz = nZmin; iz <= nZmax; iz++ ){ G4int copyNo = ix + iy * theNVoxelX + iz * theNVoxelX * theNVoxelY; if( theMap[copyNo] != 0 ) { G4double val = *(theMap[copyNo])*theNevInv*theUnitInv; G4double error = theScorer->GetError( copyNo )*theUnitInv; dose += val; doseError += error*error; // G4cout << " FILLX " << copyNo << " " << ix << " " << iy << " " << iz << " val " << val << " dose " << dose << " +- " << sqrt(doseError) << G4endl; } } } his->Fill( hx, dose ); // G4cout << " HX " << hx << " " << dose << G4endl; // his->SetBinError(iz, sqrt(doseError) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1N_Y( const G4String& hisName, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax, G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax ) { theNHistos++; G4int ih = 66300+theNHistos; theAnaMgr->CreateHisto1D(hisName.c_str(),nYmax-nYmin+1,ConvertN2DimY(nYmin)-theDimY,ConvertN2DimY(nYmax)+theDimY,ih); GmHisto1* his = theAnaMgr->GetHisto1( ih ); G4double dose, doseError; for( G4int iy = nYmin; iy <= nYmax; iy++ ){ dose = 0.; doseError = 0.; G4double hy = ConvertN2DimY(iy); for( G4int ix = nXmin; ix <= nXmax; ix++ ){ for( G4int iz = nZmin; iz <= nZmax; iz++ ){ G4int copyNo = ix + iy * theNVoxelX + iz * theNVoxelX * theNVoxelY; if( theMap[copyNo] != 0 ) { G4double val = *(theMap[copyNo])*theNevInv*theUnitInv; G4double error = theScorer->GetError( copyNo )*theUnitInv; dose += val; doseError += error*error; // G4cout << " FILLY " << copyNo << " " << iy << " " << ix << " " << iy << " val " << val << " dose " << dose << " +- " << sqrt(doseError) << G4endl; } } } his->Fill( hy, dose ); // G4cout << " HY " << hy << " " << dose << G4endl; // his->SetBinError(iy, sqrt(doseError) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1N_Z( const G4String& hisName, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax, G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax ) { theNHistos++; G4int ih = 66300+theNHistos; theAnaMgr->CreateHisto1D(hisName.c_str(),nZmax-nZmin+1,ConvertN2DimZ(nZmin)-theDimZ,ConvertN2DimZ(nZmax)+theDimZ,ih); GmHisto1* his = theAnaMgr->GetHisto1( ih ); G4double dose, doseError; for( G4int iz = nZmin; iz <= nZmax; iz++ ){ dose = 0.; doseError = 0.; G4double hz = ConvertN2DimZ(iz); for( G4int ix = nXmin; ix <= nXmax; ix++ ){ for( G4int iy = nYmin; iy <= nYmax; iy++ ){ G4int copyNo = ix + iy * theNVoxelX + iz * theNVoxelX * theNVoxelY; if( theMap[copyNo] != 0 ) { G4double val = *(theMap[copyNo])*theNevInv*theUnitInv; G4double error = theScorer->GetError( copyNo )*theUnitInv; dose += val; doseError += error*error; // G4cout << " FILLZ " << copyNo << " " << iz << " " << ix << " " << iy << " val " << val << " dose " << dose << " +- " << sqrt(doseError) << G4endl; } } } his->Fill( hz, dose ); // G4cout << " HZ " << hz << " " << dose << G4endl; // his->SetBinError(iz, sqrt(doseError) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto2N_XY( std::vector& wl ) { G4int nXmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[2]); G4int nXmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[3]); G4int nYmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[4]); G4int nYmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[5]); G4int nZmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[6]); G4int nZmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[7]); G4String hisName = wl[0]; CheckHistoLimits( nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); FillHisto2N_XY( hisName, nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto2N_XZ( std::vector& wl ) { G4int nXmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[2]); G4int nXmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[3]); G4int nYmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[6]); G4int nYmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[7]); G4int nZmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[4]); G4int nZmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[5]); G4String hisName = wl[0]; CheckHistoLimits( nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); FillHisto2N_XZ( hisName, nXmin, nXmax, nZmin, nZmax, nYmin, nYmax ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto2N_YZ( std::vector& wl ) { G4int nXmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[6]); G4int nXmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[7]); G4int nYmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[2]); G4int nYmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[3]); G4int nZmin = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[4]); G4int nZmax = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(wl[5]); G4String hisName = wl[0]; CheckHistoLimits( nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax ); FillHisto2N_YZ( hisName, nYmin, nYmax, nZmin, nZmax, nXmin, nXmax ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto2N_XY( const G4String& hisName, G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax ) { theNHistos++; G4int ih = 66300+theNHistos; theAnaMgr->CreateHisto2D(hisName.c_str(), nXmax-nXmin+1,ConvertN2DimX(nXmin)-theDimX,ConvertN2DimX(nXmax)+theDimX, nYmax-nYmin+1,ConvertN2DimY(nYmin)-theDimY,ConvertN2DimY(nYmax)+theDimY,ih); GmHisto2* his = theAnaMgr->GetHisto2( ih ); G4double dose, doseError; for( G4int ix = nXmin; ix <= nXmax; ix++ ){ G4double hx = ConvertN2DimX(ix); for( G4int iy = nYmin; iy <= nYmax; iy++ ){ dose = 0.; doseError = 0.; G4double hy = ConvertN2DimY(iy); for( G4int iz = nZmin; iz <= nZmax; iz++ ){ G4int copyNo = ix + iy * theNVoxelX + iz * theNVoxelX * theNVoxelY; if( theMap[copyNo] != 0 ) { G4double val = *(theMap[copyNo])*theNevInv*theUnitInv; G4double error = theScorer->GetError( copyNo )*theUnitInv; dose += val; doseError += error*error; // G4cout << " FILLX " << copyNo << " " << ix << " " << iy << " " << iz << " val " << val << " dose " << dose << " +- " << sqrt(doseError) << G4endl; } } his->Fill( hx, hy, dose ); } // G4cout << " HX " << hx << " " << dose << G4endl; // his->SetBinError(iz, sqrt(doseError) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto2N_XZ( const G4String& hisName, G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax ) { theNHistos++; G4int ih = 66300+theNHistos; theAnaMgr->CreateHisto2D(hisName.c_str(), nXmax-nXmin+1,ConvertN2DimX(nXmin)-theDimX,ConvertN2DimX(nXmax)+theDimX, nZmax-nZmin+1,ConvertN2DimZ(nZmin)-theDimZ,ConvertN2DimZ(nZmax)+theDimZ,ih); GmHisto2* his = theAnaMgr->GetHisto2( ih ); G4double dose, doseError; for( G4int ix = nXmin; ix <= nXmax; ix++ ){ G4double hx = ConvertN2DimX(ix); for( G4int iz = nZmin; iz <= nZmax; iz++ ){ dose = 0.; doseError = 0.; G4double hz = ConvertN2DimZ(iz); for( G4int iy = nYmin; iy <= nYmax; iy++ ){ G4int copyNo = ix + iy * theNVoxelX + iz * theNVoxelX * theNVoxelY; if( theMap[copyNo] != 0 ) { G4double val = *(theMap[copyNo])*theNevInv*theUnitInv; G4double error = theScorer->GetError( copyNo )*theUnitInv; dose += val; doseError += error*error; // G4cout << " FILLX " << copyNo << " " << ix << " " << iy << " " << iz << " val " << val << " dose " << dose << " +- " << sqrt(doseError) << G4endl; } } his->Fill( hx, hz, dose ); } // G4cout << " HX " << hx << " " << dose << G4endl; // his->SetBinError(iz, sqrt(doseError) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto2N_YZ( const G4String& hisName, G4int nYmin, G4int nYmax, G4int nZmin, G4int nZmax, G4int nXmin, G4int nXmax ) { theNHistos++; G4int ih = 66300+theNHistos; theAnaMgr->CreateHisto2D(hisName.c_str(), nYmax-nYmin+1,ConvertN2DimY(nYmin)-theDimY,ConvertN2DimY(nYmax)+theDimY, nZmax-nZmin+1,ConvertN2DimZ(nZmin)-theDimZ,ConvertN2DimZ(nZmax)+theDimZ,ih); GmHisto2* his = theAnaMgr->GetHisto2( ih ); G4double dose, doseError; for( G4int iy = nYmin; iy <= nYmax; iy++ ){ G4double hy = ConvertN2DimY(iy); for( G4int iz = nZmin; iz <= nZmax; iz++ ){ dose = 0.; doseError = 0.; G4double hz = ConvertN2DimZ(iz); for( G4int ix = nXmin; ix <= nXmax; ix++ ){ G4int copyNo = ix + iy * theNVoxelX + iz * theNVoxelX * theNVoxelY; if( theMap[copyNo] != 0 ) { G4double val = *(theMap[copyNo])*theNevInv*theUnitInv; G4double error = theScorer->GetError( copyNo )*theUnitInv; dose += val; doseError += error*error; // G4cout << " FILLX " << copyNo << " " << ix << " " << iy << " " << iz << " val " << val << " dose " << dose << " +- " << sqrt(doseError) << G4endl; } } his->Fill( hy, hz, dose ); } // G4cout << " HX " << hx << " " << dose << G4endl; // his->SetBinError(iz, sqrt(doseError) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double RTPSPDoseHistos::ConvertN2DimX(G4int nX) { //G4cout << " ConvertN2DimX " << nX << " -> " << (-theNVoxelX+2*nX+1)*theDimX + thePhantomTranslation.x() << G4endl; return (-theNVoxelX+2*nX+1)*theDimX + thePhantomTranslation.x(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double RTPSPDoseHistos::ConvertN2DimY(G4int nY) { //G4cout << " ConvertN2DimY " << nY << " -> " << (-theNVoxelY+2*nY+1)*theDimY + thePhantomTranslation.y() << G4endl; return (-theNVoxelY+2*nY+1)*theDimY + thePhantomTranslation.y(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double RTPSPDoseHistos::ConvertN2DimZ(G4int nZ) { //G4cout << " ConvertN2DimZ " << nZ << " -> " << (-theNVoxelZ+2*nZ+1)*theDimZ + thePhantomTranslation.z() << G4endl; return (-theNVoxelZ+2*nZ+1)*theDimZ + thePhantomTranslation.z(); } /* //------------------------------------------------------------------ G4int RTPSPDoseHistos::ConvertDim2NZ(G4double dimZ) { G4cout << " ConvertDim2NZ " << dimZ << " -> " << G4int(((dimZ - thePhantomTranslation.z())/theDimZ + theNVoxelZ-1 ) / 2) << G4endl; return G4int(((dimZ - thePhantomTranslation.z())/theDimZ + theNVoxelZ-1 ) / 2); } */ //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::DumpAll( G4THitsMap* RunMap, GmVPrimitiveScorer* scorer ) { theScorer = scorer; theMap = *(RunMap->GetMap()); //----- Get minimum and maximum dose G4double minDose = 1.E99; G4double maxDose = 0.; theUnitInv = 1./theScorer->GetUnit(); theNevInv = 1./GmNumberOfEvent::GetNumberOfEvent(); std::map::iterator ite; for(ite = RunMap->GetMap()->begin(); ite != RunMap->GetMap()->end(); ite++){ G4double val = *(ite->second); if( val == 0) continue; if( val < minDose ) minDose = val; if( val > maxDose ) maxDose = val; } minDose *= theUnitInv*theNevInv; maxDose *= theUnitInv*theNevInv; G4cout << " MINIMUM DOSE " << minDose << G4endl; G4cout << " MAXIMUM DOSE " << maxDose << G4endl; //--- Average errors G4double theF20 = 0.; G4double theF50 = 0.; G4double theF90 = 0.; G4double theDose20 = maxDose*0.2; G4double theDose50 = maxDose*0.5; G4double theDose90 = maxDose*0.9; G4int theN20 = 0; G4int theN50 = 0; G4int theN90 = 0; // G4cout << " RTPSPDoseHistos::DumpAll entries " << RunMap->entries() << G4endl; if( !theDoseHeader ){ theRegParam = GmRegularParamUtils::GetInstance()->GetPhantomParam(); theNVoxelX = G4int(theRegParam->GetNoVoxelX()); theNVoxelY = G4int(theRegParam->GetNoVoxelY()); theNVoxelZ = G4int(theRegParam->GetNoVoxelZ()); theDimX = theRegParam->GetVoxelHalfX(); theDimY = theRegParam->GetVoxelHalfY(); theDimZ = theRegParam->GetVoxelHalfZ(); } else { theNVoxelX = G4int(theDoseHeader->GetNoVoxelX()); theNVoxelY = G4int(theDoseHeader->GetNoVoxelY()); theNVoxelZ = G4int(theDoseHeader->GetNoVoxelZ()); theDimX = theDoseHeader->GetVoxelHalfX(); theDimY = theDoseHeader->GetVoxelHalfY(); theDimZ = theDoseHeader->GetVoxelHalfZ(); } //---- Get nz for Z of dose maximum // ite += theNVoxelX/2 + theNVoxelX*theNVoxelY/2; // centre voxel in X & Y G4int nzMaxDose = 0; G4double maxDoseZ = 0.; // for(; ite != RunMap->GetMap()->end(); ite+=theNVoxelX*theNVoxelY){ for( ite = RunMap->GetMap()->begin(); ite != RunMap->GetMap()->end(); ite++){ G4int copyNo = ite->first; G4int nx = size_t(copyNo%theNVoxelX); G4int ny = size_t( (copyNo/theNVoxelX)%theNVoxelY ); if( nx == theNVoxelX/2 && ny == theNVoxelY/2 ) { if( *(ite->second) > maxDoseZ ){ maxDoseZ = *(ite->second); nzMaxDose = ite->first/(theNVoxelX*theNVoxelY); } } } //---- Get nz for Z of dose maximum and nz at Z=50, 100 & 150 mm GmHisto1* hisDV = theAnaMgr->GetHisto1D(36202); for( ite = RunMap->GetMap()->begin(); ite != RunMap->GetMap()->end(); ite++){ // G4int copyNo = ite->first; // G4int nx = size_t(copyNo%theNVoxelX); // G4int ny = size_t( (copyNo/theNVoxelX)%theNVoxelY ); // G4int nz = size_t(copyNo/(theNVoxelX*theNVoxelY)); // G4cout << " RTPSPDoseHistos::DumpAll copyNo " << copyNo << " " << nx << " " << ny << " " << nz << G4endl; G4double val = *(ite->second)*theNevInv*theUnitInv; // G4double error = theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first )*theUnitInv; G4double log10val = log10(val); theAnaMgr->GetHisto1D(36201)->Fill(log10val); for( G4int ih = 1; ih < hisDV->GetNbinsX(); ih++ ){ if( hisDV->GetBinLowEdge(ih) < log10val ) { hisDV->SetBinContent(ih, hisDV->GetBinContent(ih)+1 ); } } if( val > theDose20 ) { theF20 += (theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first )*theUnitInv)/val; theN20++; // G4cout << theN20 << "F20 " << theF20 << " val " << val << " /" << theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first )*theUnitInv << " error " << theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first ) << " index " << (*ite).first << G4endl; } if( val > theDose50 ) { theF50 += (theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first )*theUnitInv)/val; theN50++; } if( val > theDose90 ) { theF90 += (theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first )*theUnitInv)/val; theN90++; // G4cout << copyNo << " F90 " << theF90 << " N90 " << theN90 << " " << theScorer->GetError( (*ite).first )*theUnitInv << " " << val << G4endl; } } G4cout << theScorer->GetName() << " AVERAGE ERROR 20% = " << theF20/theN20 << G4endl; G4cout << theScorer->GetName() << " AVERAGE ERROR 50% = " << theF50/theN50 << G4endl; G4cout << theScorer->GetName() << " AVERAGE ERROR 90% = " << theF90/theN90 << G4endl; FillHisto1N_X("RTPSPDoseHistos:Dose Profile X_merged",0,theNVoxelX-1,0,theNVoxelY-1,0,theNVoxelZ-1); FillHisto1N_Y("RTPSPDoseHistos:Dose Profile Y_merged",0,theNVoxelY-1,0,theNVoxelX-1,0,theNVoxelZ-1); FillHisto1N_Z("RTPSPDoseHistos:PDD_mergedd",0,theNVoxelZ-1,0,theNVoxelX-1,0,theNVoxelY-1); FillHisto2N_XY("RTPSPDoseHistos:Dose XY_merged",0,theNVoxelX-1,0,theNVoxelY-1,0,theNVoxelZ-1); FillHisto2N_XZ("RTPSPDoseHistos:Dose XZ_merged",0,theNVoxelX-1,0,theNVoxelZ-1,0,theNVoxelY-1); FillHisto2N_YZ("RTPSPDoseHistos:Dose YZ_merged",0,theNVoxelY-1,0,theNVoxelZ-1,0,theNVoxelX-1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void RTPSPDoseHistos::FillHisto1( GmHisto1* his, G4int ibin, G4double val, G4double error ) { G4bool bData = true; G4double herror = 0.; if( his->GetBinContent(ibin+1) == 0.) { bData = false; }else{ herror = his->GetBinError(ibin+1); } his->SetBinContent(ibin+1, his->GetBinContent(ibin+1)+val); his->SetBinError(ibin+1, sqrt(herror*herror+error*error) ); }