GmGenUtils::FileInPath ./deprecatedCommands.lis in . GmGenUtils::FileInPath /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data/deprecatedCommands.lis in /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data ************************************************************* Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-06-patch-02 (17-May-2013) Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303 WWW : ************************************************************* Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"... Visualization Manager initialising... Registering graphics systems... You have successfully registered the following graphics systems. Current available graphics systems are: ASCIITree (ATree) DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE) FukuiRenderer (DAWN) G4HepRep (HepRepXML) G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile) OpenGLImmediateX (OGLI, OGLIX) OpenGLStoredX (OGL, OGLS, OGLSX) RayTracer (RayTracer) VRML1 (VRML1) VRML1FILE (VRML1FILE) VRML2 (VRML2) VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE) gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile) Registering model factories... You have successfully registered the following model factories. Registered model factories: generic drawByCharge drawByParticleID drawByOriginVolume drawByAttribute Registered filter factories: chargeFilter particleFilter originVolumeFilter attributeFilter You have successfully registered the following user vis actions. Run Duration User Vis Actions: none End of Event User Vis Actions: none End of Run User Vis Actions: none Some /vis commands (optionally) take a string to specify colour. Available colours: black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, grey, magenta, red, white, yellow /control/execute /gamos/setParam GmGeometryFromText:FileName ../exercise1/pet.geom /gamos/geometry GmGeometryFromText /gamos/physicsList GmEMPhysics /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics gamma-lowener -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : WARNING issued by : GmPhysicsMessenger::SetNewValue You are using a deprecated command /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics , please use /gamos/GmPhysics/replacePhysics *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- GmEMPhysics::Replaceing PhysicsList component gamma-lowener GmEMPhysics::ReplacePhysicsList: gamma-lowener is registered /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics electron-lowener -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : WARNING issued by : GmPhysicsMessenger::SetNewValue You are using a deprecated command /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics , please use /gamos/GmPhysics/replacePhysics *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- GmEMPhysics::Replaceing PhysicsList component electron-lowener GmEMPhysics::ReplacePhysicsList: electron-lowener is registered /gamos/generator GmGenerator GmGenUtils::FileInPath ./isotopes.dat in . GmGenUtils::FileInPath /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data/isotopes.dat in /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data /gamos/userAction GmCountProcessesUA /gamos/userAction GmHistosGammaAtSD CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Event Type = 103001 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: N interactions = 103002 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: N PhotoElec = 103003 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: N Compton = 103004 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: N Rayleigh = 103005 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: N Conversion = 103006 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: ALL: N PhotoElec vs Compton+Rayleigh = 103007 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Energy at entering SD (keV) = 103008 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: ALL: Energy at entering SD vs energy initial (keV) = 103099 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Energy lost PhotoElec (keV) = 103011 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Distance to 1st when Compton (mm) = 103012 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Distance to 1st when PhotoElec (mm) = 103013 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Diff ang when PhotoElec (mrad) = 103014 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Diff energy when PhotoElec (keV) = 103015 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Energy lost Compton (keV) = 103021 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Angle variation Compton (mrad) = 103022 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Energy lost Rayleigh (keV) = 103031 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Angle variation Rayleigh (mrad) = 103032 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Energy lost Conversion (keV) = 103041 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Angle variation Conversion (mrad) = 103042 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Distance between interactions (mm) = 103051 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Distance between 1st and other interactions (mm) = 103052 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Distance between Compton-Compton interactions (mm) = 103053 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: ALL: Distance between Compton-PhotElec interactions (mm) = 103054 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Event Type = 103101 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: N interactions = 103102 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: N PhotoElec = 103103 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: N Compton = 103104 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: N Rayleigh = 103105 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: N Conversion = 103106 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: No PE: N PhotoElec vs Compton+Rayleigh = 103107 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Energy at entering SD (keV) = 103108 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: No PE: Energy at entering SD vs energy initial (keV) = 103199 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Energy lost PhotoElec (keV) = 103111 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Distance to 1st when Compton (mm) = 103112 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Distance to 1st when PhotoElec (mm) = 103113 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Diff ang when PhotoElec (mrad) = 103114 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Diff energy when PhotoElec (keV) = 103115 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Energy lost Compton (keV) = 103121 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Angle variation Compton (mrad) = 103122 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Energy lost Rayleigh (keV) = 103131 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Angle variation Rayleigh (mrad) = 103132 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Energy lost Conversion (keV) = 103141 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Angle variation Conversion (mrad) = 103142 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Distance between interactions (mm) = 103151 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Distance between 1st and other interactions (mm) = 103152 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Distance between Compton-Compton interactions (mm) = 103153 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: No PE: Distance between Compton-PhotElec interactions (mm) = 103154 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Event Type = 103201 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: N interactions = 103202 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: N PhotoElec = 103203 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: N Compton = 103204 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: N Rayleigh = 103205 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: N Conversion = 103206 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: Only PE: N PhotoElec vs Compton+Rayleigh = 103207 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Energy at entering SD (keV) = 103208 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Energy at entering SD vs energy initial (keV) = 103299 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Energy lost PhotoElec (keV) = 103211 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Distance to 1st when Compton (mm) = 103212 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Distance to 1st when PhotoElec (mm) = 103213 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Diff ang when PhotoElec (mrad) = 103214 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Diff energy when PhotoElec (keV) = 103215 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Energy lost Compton (keV) = 103221 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Angle variation Compton (mrad) = 103222 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Energy lost Rayleigh (keV) = 103231 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Angle variation Rayleigh (mrad) = 103232 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Energy lost Conversion (keV) = 103241 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Angle variation Conversion (mrad) = 103242 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Distance between interactions (mm) = 103251 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Distance between 1st and other interactions (mm) = 103252 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Distance between Compton-Compton interactions (mm) = 103253 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Only PE: Distance between Compton-PhotElec interactions (mm) = 103254 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Event Type = 103301 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: N interactions = 103302 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: N PhotoElec = 103303 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: N Compton = 103304 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: N Rayleigh = 103305 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: N Conversion = 103306 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: N PhotoElec vs Compton+Rayleigh = 103307 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Energy at entering SD (keV) = 103308 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Energy at entering SD vs energy initial (keV) = 103399 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Energy lost PhotoElec (keV) = 103311 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Distance to 1st when Compton (mm) = 103312 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Distance to 1st when PhotoElec (mm) = 103313 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Diff ang when PhotoElec (mrad) = 103314 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Diff energy when PhotoElec (keV) = 103315 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Energy lost Compton (keV) = 103321 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Angle variation Compton (mrad) = 103322 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Energy lost Rayleigh (keV) = 103331 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Angle variation Rayleigh (mrad) = 103332 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Energy lost Conversion (keV) = 103341 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Angle variation Conversion (mrad) = 103342 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Distance between interactions (mm) = 103351 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Distance between 1st and other interactions (mm) = 103352 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Distance between Compton-Compton interactions (mm) = 103353 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 1 Compt: Distance between Compton-PhotElec interactions (mm) = 103354 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Event Type = 103401 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: N interactions = 103402 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: N PhotoElec = 103403 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: N Compton = 103404 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: N Rayleigh = 103405 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: N Conversion = 103406 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: N PhotoElec vs Compton+Rayleigh = 103407 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Energy at entering SD (keV) = 103408 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Energy at entering SD vs energy initial (keV) = 103499 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Energy lost PhotoElec (keV) = 103411 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Distance to 1st when Compton (mm) = 103412 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Distance to 1st when PhotoElec (mm) = 103413 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Diff ang when PhotoElec (mrad) = 103414 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Diff energy when PhotoElec (keV) = 103415 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Energy lost Compton (keV) = 103421 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Angle variation Compton (mrad) = 103422 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Energy lost Rayleigh (keV) = 103431 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Angle variation Rayleigh (mrad) = 103432 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Energy lost Conversion (keV) = 103441 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Angle variation Conversion (mrad) = 103442 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Distance between interactions (mm) = 103451 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Distance between 1st and other interactions (mm) = 103452 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Distance between Compton-Compton interactions (mm) = 103453 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + 2 Compt: Distance between Compton-PhotElec interactions (mm) = 103454 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Event Type = 103501 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: N interactions = 103502 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: N PhotoElec = 103503 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: N Compton = 103504 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: N Rayleigh = 103505 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: N Conversion = 103506 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: N PhotoElec vs Compton+Rayleigh = 103507 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Energy at entering SD (keV) = 103508 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Energy at entering SD vs energy initial (keV) = 103599 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Energy lost PhotoElec (keV) = 103511 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Distance to 1st when Compton (mm) = 103512 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Distance to 1st when PhotoElec (mm) = 103513 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Diff ang when PhotoElec (mrad) = 103514 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Diff energy when PhotoElec (keV) = 103515 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Energy lost Compton (keV) = 103521 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Angle variation Compton (mrad) = 103522 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Energy lost Rayleigh (keV) = 103531 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Angle variation Rayleigh (mrad) = 103532 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Energy lost Conversion (keV) = 103541 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Angle variation Conversion (mrad) = 103542 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Distance between interactions (mm) = 103551 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Distance between 1st and other interactions (mm) = 103552 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Distance between Compton-Compton interactions (mm) = 103553 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: PE + >2 Compt: Distance between Compton-PhotElec interactions (mm) = 103554 CreateHisto1D Gamma At SD: Number of entering gammas = 103061 CreateHisto2D Gamma At SD: Energy of entering gamma 1 vs gamma 2 = 103062 /gamos/userAction GmHitsHistosUA /gamos/userAction GmRecHitsHistosUA /gamos/userAction PETEventClassifierUA PluginService: Declared factory for class DetHistosGammaDist with signature GmUserAction* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetComptonStudyHistosUA with signature GmUserAction* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCutsStudyFilter with signature GmVFilter* (G4String) PluginService: Declared factory for class Det1stHitByEnergy with signature DetV1stHitAlgorithm* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class Det1stHitByXPos with signature DetV1stHitAlgorithm* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class Det1stHitByXYPos with signature DetV1stHitAlgorithm* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class Det1stHitByXYZPos with signature DetV1stHitAlgorithm* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class Det1stHitByComptonCone with signature DetV1stHitAlgorithm* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class Det1stHitByDistanceToOther with signature DetV1stHitAlgorithm* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoEnergy with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoXPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoYPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoZPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoXYPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoXZPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoYZPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCAlgoXYZPos with signature DetVComptAlgorithmVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifNRecHit with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifEnergyMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifEnergyMax with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifEnergyAverage with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifXPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifYPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifZPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifXYPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifXZPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifYZPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetCClassifXYZPosMin with signature DetVComptClassificationVariable* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class DetVerbosity with signature GmVVerbosity* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class PETHistosPositron with signature GmUserAction* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class PETEventClassifierUA with signature GmUserAction* (void) PluginService: Declared factory for class PETVerbosity with signature GmVVerbosity* (void) PluginService: Loaded library /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/lib/Linux-g++/ CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: PET classification = 320001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: PET dist line - vertex (mm) = 320005 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: PET dist line - vertex Z (mm) = 320006 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: PET dist line - vertex PHI(mm) = 320007 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: PET RecHit energy (keV) = 320008 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: Extra PET RecHit energy (keV) = 320009 CreateHisto2D PETEvtClass: e+ position (X,Y)_ALL = 320058 CreateHisto2D PETEvtClass: e+ position (X,Y)_PET Events = 320059 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 no_random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321000 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 no_random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331000 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 no_random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322000 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 no_random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332000 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321100 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331100 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322100 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 2 random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332100 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 no_random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321010 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 no_random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331010 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 no_random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322010 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 no_random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332010 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321110 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331110 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322110 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: close_to_vtx 3->2 random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332110 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 no_random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 no_random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 no_random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 no_random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321101 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331101 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322101 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 2 random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332101 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 no_random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321011 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 no_random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331011 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 no_random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322011 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 no_random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332011 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 random no_scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 321111 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 random no_scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 331111 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 random scatteredPET dist line - vertex (mm) = 322111 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: far_from_vtx 3->2 random scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 332111 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL far PET dist line - vertex (mm) = 341001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL farRecHit energy (keV) = 351001 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL 3->2 PET dist line - vertex (mm) = 341002 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL 3->2 RecHit energy (keV) = 351002 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL random coincidences PET dist line - vertex (mm) = 341003 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL random coincidencesRecHit energy (keV) = 351003 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL scattered PET dist line - vertex (mm) = 341004 CreateHisto1D PETEvtClass: ALL scatteredRecHit energy (keV) = 351004 /run/initialize GmGenUtils::FileInPath ./../exercise1/pet.geom in . GmEMPhysics PhysicsList: DEFAULT = positron-standard is registered GmPhysicsGammaLowEner::ConstructProcess /gamos/setParam SD:EnergyResol:Calor 0.2 /gamos/setParam SD:DeadTime:Calor 1.e-6*s /gamos/SD/assocSD2LogVol GmSDSimple Calor Crystal DeadTimeDUListByBlock: NShift 100 GmDetUnitIDBuilderFromAncestors sdType Calor /gamos/SD/recHitBuilder GmRecHitBuilderByBlock Calor /gamos/generator/addIsotopeSource source F18 1.E-3*curie /gamos/generator/positionDist source GmGenerDistPositionInG4Volumes "water sphere" /run/beamOn 10000 phot: for gamma SubType= 12 LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 10 TeV in 54 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermorePhElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGenSauterGavrila FluoActive PhotoElectric : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV AngularGenSauterGavrila FluoActive compt: for gamma SubType= 13 Lambda table from 100 eV to 1 MeV in 28 bins, spline: 1 LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 10 TeV in 49 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermoreCompton : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV FluoActive Klein-Nishina : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV conv: for gamma SubType= 14 Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 10 TeV in 49 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermoreConversion : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV BetheHeitler : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 80 GeV BetheHeitlerLPM : Emin= 80 GeV Emax= 10 TeV Rayl: for gamma SubType= 11 Lambda table from 100 eV to 100 keV in 21 bins, spline: 0 LambdaPrime table from 100 keV to 10 TeV in 56 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermoreRayleigh : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV CullenGenerator LivermoreRayleigh : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV CullenGenerator msc: for e- SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 2, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 1, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc95 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV Table with 77 bins Emin= 100 eV Emax= 10 TeV ### === Deexcitation model UAtomDeexcitation is activated for 1 region: DefaultRegionForTheWorld eIoni: for e- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LowEnergyIoni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV MollerBhabha : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV eBrem: for e- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LowEnBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGenUrban eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV DipBustGen msc: for e+ SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 1, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc95 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV Table with 77 bins Emin= 100 eV Emax= 10 TeV eIoni: for e+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV eBrem: for e+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV DipBustGen eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV DipBustGen annihil: for e+ SubType= 5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV ========= Table of registered couples ============================== Index : 0 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : G4_AIR Range cuts : gamma 100 um e- 100 um e+ 100 um proton 100 um Energy thresholds : gamma 990 eV e- 990 eV e+ 990 eV proton -1 MeV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld Index : 1 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : LSO Range cuts : gamma 100 um e- 100 um e+ 100 um proton 100 um Energy thresholds : gamma 15.1545 keV e- 205.548 keV e+ 200.096 keV proton -1 MeV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld Index : 2 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : G4_WATER Range cuts : gamma 100 um e- 100 um e+ 100 um proton 100 um Energy thresholds : gamma 1.10981 keV e- 84.6589 keV e+ 83.5287 keV proton -1 MeV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld ==================================================================== @@@@@ GmCountProcessesUA GmCountProcessesUA CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Nhits = 201001 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Energy (keV) = 201002 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Width R3 (mm) = 201003 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Width Z (mm) = 201004 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Width phi (deg) = 201005 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:N E depos = 201006 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Time span (ns) = 201007 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Distance between hits (mm) = 201008 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:X hit (mm) = 201011 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Y hit (mm) = 201012 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:Z hit (mm) = 201013 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:R2 hit (mm) = 201014 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:PHI hit (deg) = 201015 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:THETA hit (deg) = 201016 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD ALL:R3 hit (mm) = 201017 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Nhits = 201101 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Energy (keV) = 201102 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Width R3 (mm) = 201103 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Width Z (mm) = 201104 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Width phi (deg) = 201105 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: N E depos = 201106 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Time span (ns) = 201107 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Distance between hits (mm) = 201108 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: X hit (mm) = 201111 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Y hit (mm) = 201112 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: Z hit (mm) = 201113 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: R2 hit (mm) = 201114 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: PHI hit (deg) = 201115 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: THETA hit (deg) = 201116 CreateHisto1D Hits: SD Calor: R3 hit (mm) = 201117 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:N rec hits = 202001 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:Energy (keV) = 202002 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:Width R3 (mm) = 202003 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:Width Z (mm) = 202004 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:Width phi (deg) = 202005 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:N sim hits = 202006 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:Time span (ns) = 202007 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD ALL:Distance between hits (mm) = 202008 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: N rec hits = 202101 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: Energy (keV) = 202102 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: Width R3 (mm) = 202103 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: Width Z (mm) = 202104 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: Width phi (deg) = 202105 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: N sim hits = 202106 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: Time span (ns) = 202107 CreateHisto1D RecHits: SD Calor: Distance between hits (mm) = 202108 CreateHisto1D DetCountScatteringUA: E lost in interaction = 1 Start Run processing. Run terminated. Run Summary Number of events processed : 10000 User=30.32s Real=30.64s Sys=0s @@@@@ GmCountProcessesUA PART_COUNT: e+ = 10000 PART_COUNT: e- = 73702 PART_COUNT: gamma = 26119 PROC_COUNT e+ : Transportation = 24 PROC_COUNT e+ : annihil = 10001 PROC_COUNT e+ : eBrem = 118 PROC_COUNT e+ : eBrem_NoSeco = 4 PROC_COUNT e+ : eIoni = 554 PROC_COUNT e+ : eIoni_NoSeco = 10220 PROC_COUNT e+ : msc = 714 PROC_COUNT e+ : ALL = 21635 PROC_COUNT e- : Transportation = 183 PROC_COUNT e- : eBrem = 678 PROC_COUNT e- : eBrem_NoSeco = 38 PROC_COUNT e- : eIoni = 1606 PROC_COUNT e- : eIoni_NoSeco = 114353 PROC_COUNT e- : msc = 9945 PROC_COUNT e- : ALL = 126803 PROC_COUNT gamma : Rayl = 2785 PROC_COUNT gamma : Transportation = 54282 PROC_COUNT gamma : compt = 57181 PROC_COUNT gamma : phot = 14361 PROC_COUNT gamma : ALL = 128609 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e+ : Primary = 10000 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e- : compt = 57181 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e- : eIoni = 2160 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e- : phot = 14361 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT gamma : annihil = 20000 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT gamma : compt = 52 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT gamma : eBrem = 796 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT gamma : phot = 5271 $$$$$$$$$$ Classification of Gamma Interactions in SD $$$$$$$$ $$GSD: n Events : 10000 $$GSD: n gamma in SD : 7170 : 35.85 % $$GSD: n PE : 6839 : 95.3835 % $$GSD: PE 0 COMP : 4126 : 60.3305 % $$GSD: PE 1 COMP : 1711 : 25.0183 % $$GSD: PE 2 COMP : 717 : 10.484 % $$GSD: PE >2 COMP : 252 : 3.68475 % $$GSD: No PE 0 COMP : 152 : 4.8086 % $$GSD: No PE 1 COMP : 152 : 4.8086 % $$GSD: No PE 2 COMP : 26 : 0.822525 % $$GSD: No PE >2 COMP : 1 : 0.0316356 % $$GSD: n COMP : 2859 : 39.8745 % $$GSD: 1 COMP : 1863 : 65.1626 % $$GSD: 2 COMP : 743 : 25.9881 % $$GSD: >2 COMP : 253 : 8.84925 % $$GSD: nCOMP/gamma : 0.581729 $$GSD: n RAYL : 627 : 8.74477 % $$GSD: n CONV : 0 : 0 % $$GSD: 0 Gamma in event : 4206 : 42.06 % $$GSD: 1 Gamma in event : 4418 : 44.18 % $$GSD: 2 Gamma in event : 1376 : 13.76 % --------------------------------------------- Events PET : 231 2.31 % --------------- Good PET ------------- ALL : 231 2.31 % ( 1) PET 2 recHits close to vtx : 31 0.31 % ( 2) PET 2 recHits far from vtx : 200 2 % ( 11) PET 3->2 recHit close to vtx : 0 0 % ( 12) PET 3->2 recHit far from vtx : 0 0 % --------------- Random Coincidences ------------- ALL : 0 0 % ( 101) PET 2 recHits close to vtx : 0 0 % ( 102) PET 2 recHits far from vtx : 0 0 % ( 111) PET 3->2 recHit close to vtx : 0 0 % ( 112) PET 3->2 recHit far from vtx : 0 0 % --------------- Scattered ------------- ALL : 0 0 % (1001) PET 2 recHits close to vtx : 0 0 % (1002) PET 2 recHits far from vtx : 0 0 % (1011) PET 3->2 recHit close to vtx : 0 0 % (1012) PET 3->2 recHit far from vtx : 0 0 % --------------- Scattered and Random Coincidences ------------- ALL : 0 0 % (1101) PET 2 recHits close to vtx : 0 0 % (1102) PET 2 recHits far from vtx : 0 0 % (1111) PET 3->2 recHit close to vtx : 0 0 % (1112) PET 3->2 recHit far from vtx : 0 0 % Graphics systems deleted. Visualization Manager deleting... === saving histograms in file === gammaSD.root === saving histograms in file === hits.root === saving histograms in file === pet.root === saving histograms in file === recHits.root