GmGenUtils::FileInPath ./deprecatedCommands.lis in . GmGenUtils::FileInPath /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data/deprecatedCommands.lis in /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data ************************************************************* Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-06-patch-02 (17-May-2013) Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303 WWW : ************************************************************* Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"... Visualization Manager initialising... Registering graphics systems... You have successfully registered the following graphics systems. Current available graphics systems are: ASCIITree (ATree) DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE) FukuiRenderer (DAWN) G4HepRep (HepRepXML) G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile) OpenGLImmediateX (OGLI, OGLIX) OpenGLStoredX (OGL, OGLS, OGLSX) RayTracer (RayTracer) VRML1 (VRML1) VRML1FILE (VRML1FILE) VRML2 (VRML2) VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE) gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile) Registering model factories... You have successfully registered the following model factories. Registered model factories: generic drawByCharge drawByParticleID drawByOriginVolume drawByAttribute Registered filter factories: chargeFilter particleFilter originVolumeFilter attributeFilter You have successfully registered the following user vis actions. Run Duration User Vis Actions: none End of Event User Vis Actions: none End of Run User Vis Actions: none Some /vis commands (optionally) take a string to specify colour. Available colours: black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, grey, magenta, red, white, yellow /control/execute /tracking/verbose 1 /gamos/setParam GmGeometryFromText:FileName exercise1.geom /gamos/geometry GmGeometryFromText /gamos/physicsList GmEMPhysics /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics gamma-standard -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : WARNING issued by : GmPhysicsMessenger::SetNewValue You are using a deprecated command /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics , please use /gamos/GmPhysics/replacePhysics *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- GmEMPhysics::Replaceing PhysicsList component gamma-standard GmEMPhysics::ReplacePhysicsList: gamma-standard is registered /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics electron-standard -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : WARNING issued by : GmPhysicsMessenger::SetNewValue You are using a deprecated command /gamos/GmPhysics/addPhysics , please use /gamos/GmPhysics/replacePhysics *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- GmEMPhysics::Replaceing PhysicsList component electron-standard GmEMPhysics::ReplacePhysicsList: electron-standard is registered /gamos/generator GmGenerator GmGenUtils::FileInPath ./isotopes.dat in . GmGenUtils::FileInPath /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data/isotopes.dat in /home/arce/gamosnew/GAMOS.5.0.0/data /gamos/userAction GmCountProcessesUA /run/initialize GmGenUtils::FileInPath ./exercise1.geom in . GmEMPhysics PhysicsList: DEFAULT = positron-standard is registered /gamos/generator/addSingleParticleSource source gamma 10.*MeV /run/beamOn 10 phot: for gamma SubType= 12 LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 10 TeV in 54 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== PhotoElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV AngularGenSauterGavrila FluoActive compt: for gamma SubType= 13 Lambda table from 100 eV to 1 MeV in 28 bins, spline: 1 LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 10 TeV in 49 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Klein-Nishina : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV conv: for gamma SubType= 14 Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 10 TeV in 49 bins, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BetheHeitler : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 80 GeV BetheHeitlerLPM : Emin= 80 GeV Emax= 10 TeV msc: for e- SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 1, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc95 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV Table with 77 bins Emin= 100 eV Emax= 10 TeV ### === Deexcitation model UAtomDeexcitation is activated for 1 region: DefaultRegionForTheWorld eIoni: for e- SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV eBrem: for e- SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGenUrban eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV DipBustGen msc: for e+ SubType= 10 RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 1, geomFactor= 2.5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc95 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV Table with 77 bins Emin= 100 eV Emax= 10 TeV eIoni: for e+ SubType= 2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV eBrem: for e+ SubType= 3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 10 TeV in 77 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 10 TeV in 77 bins, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV DipBustGen eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 10 TeV DipBustGen annihil: for e+ SubType= 5 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 TeV ========= Table of registered couples ============================== Index : 0 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : G4_AIR Range cuts : gamma 100 um e- 100 um e+ 100 um proton 100 um Energy thresholds : gamma 990 eV e- 990 eV e+ 990 eV proton -1 MeV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld Index : 1 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : G4_Al Range cuts : gamma 100 um e- 100 um e+ 100 um proton 100 um Energy thresholds : gamma 2.3478 keV e- 131.031 keV e+ 128.416 keV proton -1 MeV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld Index : 2 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No Material : Water Range cuts : gamma 100 um e- 100 um e+ 100 um proton 100 um Energy thresholds : gamma 1.10981 keV e- 84.6589 keV e+ 83.5287 keV proton -1 MeV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld ==================================================================== @@@@@ GmCountProcessesUA GmCountProcessesUA Start Run processing. ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 93.1 -34.9 79.1 10 0 127 127 mybox Transportation 2 150 -56.2 127 10 0 77.6 205 world Transportation 3 300 -112 255 10 0 205 409 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -94.1 -32.2 90.3 10 0 134 134 mybox Transportation 2 -146 -49.9 140 1.46 0 73.9 208 mybox compt 3 -150 -46.2 144 1.46 0 6.99 215 world Transportation 4 -296 84.9 300 1.46 0 250 466 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 2, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -146 -49.9 140 8.54 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 -148 -50.4 141 7.59 0.809 2.19 2.19 mybox eBrem 2 -148 -51 144 6.27 1.05 2.53 4.72 mybox eIoni 3 -150 -50.8 148 4.45 1.69 4.67 9.39 mybox eIoni 4 -150 -50.9 148 4.38 0.0699 0.203 9.59 world Transportation 5 -152 -55.4 162 4.37 0.0024 14.7 24.2 world eIoni 6 -169 -98.7 300 4.36 0.017 146 170 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 6, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -152 -55.4 162 0.0012 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -152 -55.4 162 0 0.0012 0.0741 0.0741 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 5, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -150 -50.8 148 0.133 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 -150 -50.8 148 0.127 0.00596 0.00884 0.00884 mybox msc 2 -150 -50.8 148 0.122 0.00475 0.00549 0.0143 mybox msc 3 -150 -50.8 148 0.12 0.0027 0.00532 0.0196 mybox msc 4 -150 -50.8 148 0.117 0.0024 0.00447 0.0241 mybox msc 5 -150 -50.8 148 0.107 0.00987 0.00447 0.0286 mybox msc 6 -150 -50.8 148 0.106 0.00179 0.00447 0.033 mybox msc 7 -150 -50.8 148 0.102 0.00316 0.00447 0.0375 mybox msc 8 -150 -50.8 148 0.0993 0.00304 0.00447 0.042 mybox msc 9 -150 -50.8 148 0.0989 0.000416 0.000837 0.0428 world Transportation 10 -153 -43.7 156 0.0944 0.00321 11.9 11.9 world eIoni 11 -158 -18.3 174 0.0826 0.00976 31.7 43.6 world eIoni 12 -167 -9.43 186 0.0717 0.00681 18.5 62.1 world eIoni 13 -175 5.35 196 0.0657 0.00605 21 83.1 world eIoni 14 -171 19.1 204 0.0538 0.0119 18.1 101 world eIoni 15 -174 30.2 202 0.0458 0.008 13.2 114 world eIoni 16 -171 34.4 203 0.0412 0.00344 5.04 119 world eIoni 17 -173 41.7 207 0.0337 0.00749 8.7 128 world eIoni 18 -174 47.3 205 0.028 0.00566 6.5 135 world eIoni 19 -175 48.1 205 0.0261 0.000663 0.725 135 world eIoni 20 -176 49.8 201 0.0201 0.00602 4.65 140 world eIoni 21 -176 51.4 199 0.0168 0.00327 3.43 143 world eIoni 22 -177 49.2 198 0.0137 0.0031 2.87 146 world eIoni 23 -179 48.5 197 0.0107 0.00306 2.38 149 world eIoni 24 -178 49.4 199 0.00506 0.00559 1.93 151 world eIoni 25 -178 49.6 199 0.0034 0.000533 0.35 151 world eIoni 26 -178 49.7 199 0 0.0034 0.39 151 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 12, Parent ID = 5 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -178 49.6 199 0.00113 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -178 49.6 199 0 0.00113 0.0677 0.0677 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 11, Parent ID = 5 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -175 48.1 205 0.00124 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -175 48.1 205 0 0.00124 0.0776 0.0776 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 10, Parent ID = 5 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -171 34.4 203 0.00119 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -171 34.4 203 0 0.00119 0.0737 0.0737 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 9, Parent ID = 5 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -167 -9.43 186 0.0041 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -167 -9.49 186 0.0016 0.000927 0.254 0.254 world eIoni 2 -167 -9.44 186 0 0.0016 0.115 0.369 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 13, Parent ID = 9 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -167 -9.49 186 0.00157 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -167 -9.47 186 0 0.00157 0.111 0.111 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 8, Parent ID = 5 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -158 -18.3 174 0.00198 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -158 -18.3 174 0 0.00198 0.16 0.16 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 7, Parent ID = 5 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -153 -43.7 156 0.00133 0 0 0 world initStep 1 -153 -43.7 156 0 0.00133 0.0861 0.0861 world eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 4, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -148 -51 144 0.268 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 -148 -51.1 144 0 0.268 0.339 0.339 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 3, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -148 -50.4 141 0.144 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 -150 -51.4 145 0.144 0 4.52 4.52 world Transportation 2 -254 -95.4 300 0.144 0 192 196 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 43.6 30.1 -100 10 0 113 113 mybox Transportation 2 87.1 60.3 -200 10 0 113 226 world Transportation 3 131 90.4 -300 10 0 113 339 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -39.4 93.5 66.1 10 0 121 121 mybox Transportation 2 -63.2 150 106 10 0 73.2 194 world Transportation 3 -126 300 212 10 0 194 389 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -98.7 17.7 17.6 10 0 102 102 mybox Transportation 2 -150 26.9 26.8 10 0 52.9 155 world Transportation 3 -300 53.9 53.7 10 0 155 309 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 25.5 -22.8 80.2 0.353 0 87.2 87.2 my tube compt 2 26.4 -21.6 79.6 0.177 0 1.53 88.7 my tube compt 3 52.5 -65.1 95 0.164 0 53.1 142 my tube compt 4 59.6 -78.8 89 0.164 0 16.5 158 mybox Transportation 5 71.9 -103 78.4 0.157 0 28.9 187 mybox compt 6 130 -150 79 0.157 0 75.1 262 world Transportation 7 300 -288 80.7 0.157 0 219 481 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 5, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 71.9 -103 78.4 0.00759 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 71.9 -103 78.4 0 0.00759 0.000832 0.000832 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 4, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 52.5 -65.1 95 0.0125 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 52.5 -65.1 95 0 0.0125 0.00366 0.00366 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 3, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 26.4 -21.6 79.6 0.177 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 26.4 -21.5 79.5 0 0.177 0.364 0.364 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 2, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 25.5 -22.8 80.2 9.65 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 26 -23.1 81.4 9.31 0.234 1.34 1.34 my tube eIoni 2 26.3 -24.5 83.8 8.8 0.383 2.79 4.12 my tube eBrem 3 26.4 -24.7 84.2 8.63 0.0634 0.511 4.63 my tube eIoni 4 28 -26.5 87.8 7.6 0.675 4.3 8.93 my tube eIoni 5 29.7 -29.7 93.3 5.4 1.17 6.64 15.6 my tube eIoni 6 29.5 -34.2 98.9 3.92 1.33 7.41 23 my tube eIoni 7 29.6 -34.7 99.7 3.58 0.184 0.927 23.9 my tube eIoni 8 29.6 -34.8 99.9 3.45 0.04 0.273 24.2 my tube eIoni 9 29.6 -34.8 100 3.44 0.0108 0.0749 24.3 mybox Transportation 10 29.7 -35.3 100 3.03 0.222 0.703 25 mybox eIoni 11 29.6 -35.5 101 1.92 0.301 0.804 25.8 mybox eIoni 12 30.2 -36.4 102 1.44 0.477 1.31 27.1 mybox msc 13 31.3 -36.9 102 0.952 0.488 1.31 28.4 mybox msc 14 30.6 -36.6 103 0.438 0.514 1.31 29.7 mybox msc 15 30.8 -36.6 103 0.333 0.102 0.27 30 mybox eBrem 16 30.7 -36.4 104 0 0.333 0.472 30.4 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 15, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 29.6 -35.5 101 0.817 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 29.4 -35.6 101 0.673 0.144 0.373 0.373 mybox msc 2 29.2 -35.7 101 0.589 0.0846 0.239 0.612 mybox msc 3 29.2 -36.3 101 0.0388 0.55 1.07 1.68 mybox eIoni 4 29.2 -36.3 101 0 0.0388 0.0138 1.69 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 14, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 29.7 -35.3 100 0.182 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 29.6 -35.4 100 0 0.182 0.186 0.186 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 13, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 29.6 -34.8 99.9 0.0916 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 29.5 -34.8 100 0.0771 0.0145 0.019 0.019 my tube msc 2 29.5 -34.8 100 0.0716 0.00546 0.0127 0.0316 my tube msc 3 29.6 -34.8 100 0.0667 0.00497 0.0101 0.0417 my tube msc 4 29.6 -34.7 100 0.0639 0.00276 0.00854 0.0503 my tube msc 5 29.6 -34.7 100 0.0546 0.00928 0.00848 0.0588 my tube msc 6 29.6 -34.7 100 0.0499 0.0047 0.00799 0.0668 my tube msc 7 29.6 -34.7 100 0.0438 0.00615 0.0089 0.0757 my tube msc 8 29.6 -34.7 99.9 0.0387 0.00504 0.0095 0.0852 my tube msc 9 29.6 -34.7 99.9 0 0.0387 0.0272 0.112 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 12, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 29.6 -34.7 99.7 0.156 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 29.7 -34.6 99.8 0 0.156 0.296 0.296 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 11, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 29.5 -34.2 98.9 0.15 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 29.3 -34.2 99 0 0.15 0.277 0.277 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 10, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 29.7 -29.7 93.3 1.02 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 30.8 -28.9 94.9 0.571 0.453 2.38 2.38 my tube eIoni 2 31.6 -27.6 95.2 0.245 0.326 1.67 4.05 my tube eIoni 3 31.5 -27.3 95.1 0 0.245 0.617 4.67 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 9, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 28 -26.5 87.8 0.361 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 27.9 -26.4 87.9 0.349 0.00959 0.0656 0.0656 my tube eBrem 2 27.2 -26.6 88.1 0.0435 0.305 1.06 1.12 my tube eIoni 3 27.2 -26.6 88.1 0 0.0435 0.0334 1.16 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 8, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 26.4 -24.7 84.2 0.101 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 26.4 -24.7 84.3 0 0.101 0.145 0.145 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 6, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 26 -23.1 81.4 0.0974 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 26 -23.1 81.4 0 0.0974 0.135 0.135 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 17, Parent ID = 9 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 27.9 -26.4 87.9 0.00248 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 27.9 -26.4 87.9 0 0.000543 0.0576 0.0576 my tube phot ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 16, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 30.8 -36.6 103 0.00311 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 30.8 -36.6 103 0 0.00156 0.00327 0.00327 mybox phot ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 7, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 26.3 -24.5 83.8 0.135 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 28.9 -27.9 97.6 0.101 0 14.5 14.5 my tube compt 2 45.8 -27.3 89.8 0.0759 0 18.7 33.2 my tube compt 3 38.7 -18.7 100 0.0759 0 15.1 48.3 mybox Transportation 4 33.6 -12.5 107 0.0589 0 10.9 59.2 mybox compt 5 35.2 -13.3 106 0.0576 0 2.18 61.4 mybox compt 6 44.6 -10.3 100 0.0576 0 11.6 73 my tube Transportation 7 86.9 3.29 72.7 0.0544 0 52.2 125 my tube compt 8 100 -1.45 77.1 0.0544 0 14.6 140 mybox Transportation 9 110 -5.22 80.7 0 0.00156 11.6 151 mybox phot ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 25, Parent ID = 7 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 110 -5.22 80.7 0.0528 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 110 -5.22 80.7 0 0.0528 0.0234 0.0234 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 24, Parent ID = 7 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 86.9 3.29 72.7 0.00318 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 86.9 3.29 72.7 0 0.00318 0.000345 0.000345 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 23, Parent ID = 7 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 35.2 -13.3 106 0.0013 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 35.2 -13.3 106 0 0.0013 5.35e-05 5.35e-05 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 22, Parent ID = 7 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 33.6 -12.5 107 0.017 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 33.6 -12.5 107 0 0.017 0.00329 0.00329 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 21, Parent ID = 7 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 45.8 -27.3 89.8 0.0254 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 45.8 -27.3 89.8 0 0.0254 0.0129 0.0129 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 20, Parent ID = 7 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 28.9 -27.9 97.6 0.0334 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 28.9 -27.9 97.6 0 0.0334 0.0209 0.0209 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 19, Parent ID = 16 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 30.8 -36.6 103 0.00154 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 30.8 -36.6 103 0 0.00154 6.8e-05 6.8e-05 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 18, Parent ID = 17 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 27.9 -26.4 87.9 0.00193 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 27.9 -26.4 87.9 0 0.00193 0.000153 0.000153 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 93.2 37.8 -82 10 0 130 130 mybox Transportation 2 150 60.9 -132 10 0 79.1 209 world Transportation 3 300 122 -264 10 0 209 418 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -81.8 59.2 -65.5 10 0 120 120 mybox Transportation 2 -150 109 -120 10 0 100 221 world Transportation 3 -300 217 -240 10 0 221 441 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -15.4 3.11 -0.445 0.261 0 15.7 15.7 my tube compt 2 73.4 -22.9 -40.1 0.222 0 101 116 my tube compt 3 83.6 -53.4 -61.9 0.222 0 38.8 155 mybox Transportation 4 103 -111 -103 0.195 0 73.6 229 mybox compt 5 108 -131 -98.5 0.158 0 21.5 250 mybox compt 6 92 -144 -67.1 0.127 0 37.7 288 mybox compt 7 71.5 -150 -74.4 0.127 0 22.6 310 world Transportation 8 -300 -259 -208 0.127 0 409 720 OutOfWorld Transportation ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 6, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 92 -144 -67.1 0.031 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 92 -144 -67 0 0.031 0.00931 0.00931 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 5, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 108 -131 -98.5 0.0371 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 108 -131 -98.5 0 0.0371 0.0127 0.0127 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 4, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 103 -111 -103 0.0269 0 0 0 mybox initStep 1 103 -111 -103 0 0.0269 0.00725 0.00725 mybox eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 3, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 73.4 -22.9 -40.1 0.0392 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 73.4 -22.9 -40.1 0 0.0392 0.0278 0.0278 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 2, Parent ID = 1 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -15.4 3.11 -0.445 9.74 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -22.9 3.85 -0.534 8.47 1.13 7.58 7.58 my tube eIoni 2 -27.5 2.82 -1.32 7.65 0.729 4.85 12.4 my tube eIoni 3 -31.8 1.82 -1.94 5.87 0.652 4.44 16.9 my tube eIoni 4 -35 1.15 -1.71 5.12 0.723 3.3 20.2 my tube eBrem 5 -41.8 0.889 1.04 3.81 1.31 7.61 27.8 my tube eIoni 6 -42.7 0.869 2.7 3.18 0.343 1.9 29.7 my tube eIoni 7 -45.2 -2.25 5.82 2.26 0.913 5.17 34.9 my tube eIoni 8 -47.4 -3.01 7.14 1.85 0.4 2.68 37.5 my tube eBrem 9 -50 -3.2 9.27 1.18 0.668 3.48 41 my tube eIoni 10 -51.9 -3.66 9.99 0.731 0.361 2.36 43.4 my tube eIoni 11 -53.6 -2.91 9.99 0.399 0.332 1.95 45.3 my tube eIoni 12 -54.6 -2.76 9.68 0.0694 0.33 1.24 46.6 my tube eIoni 13 -54.6 -2.79 9.66 0 0.0694 0.0755 46.6 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 13, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -51.9 -3.66 9.99 0.0904 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -51.9 -3.72 10 0 0.0904 0.119 0.119 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 11, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -42.7 0.869 2.7 0.293 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -42.8 1.16 3.01 0 0.293 0.812 0.812 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 9, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -31.8 1.82 -1.94 1.13 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -33.6 3.38 -1.25 0.664 0.465 2.53 2.53 my tube eIoni 2 -35.2 3.29 -1.85 0.237 0.427 1.84 4.37 my tube eIoni 3 -35.5 3.1 -1.88 0 0.237 0.584 4.95 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 8, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -27.5 2.82 -1.32 0.0898 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -27.5 2.87 -1.34 0 0.0898 0.118 0.118 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 7, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -22.9 3.85 -0.534 0.134 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -22.9 3.85 -0.655 0 0.134 0.231 0.231 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 12, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -47.4 -3.01 7.14 0.013 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -48.4 -2.86 7.46 0 0.000543 1.11 1.11 my tube phot ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 10, Parent ID = 2 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -35 1.15 -1.71 0.0277 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -40.8 -1.16 -0.872 0 0.000543 6.36 6.36 my tube phot ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 15, Parent ID = 10 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -40.8 -1.16 -0.872 0.0271 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -40.8 -1.15 -0.873 0 0.0271 0.0145 0.0145 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = e-, Track ID = 14, Parent ID = 12 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 -48.4 -2.86 7.46 0.0125 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -48.4 -2.86 7.46 0 0.0125 0.00368 0.00368 my tube eIoni ********************************************************************************************************* * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0 ********************************************************************************************************* Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 my tube initStep 1 -26.8 -51.7 -100 10 0 116 116 mybox Transportation 2 -53.6 -103 -200 10 0 116 231 world Transportation 3 -80.5 -155 -300 10 0 116 347 OutOfWorld Transportation Run terminated. Run Summary Number of events processed : 10 User=0.03s Real=0.06s Sys=0.01s @@@@@ GmCountProcessesUA PART_COUNT: e- = 44 PART_COUNT: gamma = 16 PROC_COUNT e- : Transportation = 4 PROC_COUNT e- : eBrem = 6 PROC_COUNT e- : eIoni = 24 PROC_COUNT e- : eIoni_NoSeco = 64 PROC_COUNT e- : msc = 21 PROC_COUNT e- : ALL = 119 PROC_COUNT gamma : Transportation = 35 PROC_COUNT gamma : compt = 15 PROC_COUNT gamma : phot = 5 PROC_COUNT gamma : ALL = 55 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e- : compt = 15 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e- : eIoni = 24 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT e- : phot = 5 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT gamma : Primary = 10 PROC_CREATOR_COUNT gamma : eBrem = 6 Graphics systems deleted. Visualization Manager deleting...