// Place a point-like Cf source of 10 mCi in the centre of a room of 8 X 8 X 8 m, with 20 cm of polyethylene + 50 cm of concrete walls, floor and ceiling :ROTM RM0 0. 0. 0. :VOLU world BOX 10000/2 10000/2 10000/2 G4_AIR :P ROOM_WIDTH 8.*m :P POLY_WIDTH 20.*cm :P CONC_WIDTH 50.*cm :MIXT CONCRETE 2.289*g/cm3 13 G4_Mg 0.5670/100. G4_Mn 0.02882/100. G4_O 52.19/100. G4_Al 3.968/100. G4_Pb 0.2016/100. G4_H 0.52/100. G4_Cl 0.3352/100. G4_K 1.185/100. G4_Si 27.79/100. G4_Ca 11.30/100. G4_Na 1.057/100. G4_C 0.2271/100. G4_Fe 0.63/100. :VOLU wall_concrete BOX $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH+$CONC_WIDTH $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH+$CONC_WIDTH $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH+$CONC_WIDTH CONCRETE :PLACE wall_concrete 1 world RM0 0. 0. 0. :VOLU wall_polyehtylene BOX $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH G4_POLYETHYLENE :PLACE wall_polyehtylene 1 wall_concrete RM0 0. 0. 0. :VOLU room BOX $ROOM_WIDTH/2. $ROOM_WIDTH/2. $ROOM_WIDTH/2. G4_AIR :PLACE room 1 wall_polyehtylene RM0 0. 0. 0. :VOLU PDS_detector ORB 0.001 G4_AIR :PLACE PDS_detector 1 world RM0 $ROOM_WIDTH/2.+$POLY_WIDTH+$CONC_WIDTH+10.*cm 0. 0.