cvs log $Id: History,v 1.3 2010-12-03 17:58:51 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- History file for Geant4 CMake build scripts. It DOES NOT substitute the SVN log-message one should put at every committal in the SVN repository ! Entries MUST use the following format: MONTH DAY YEAR - INITIAL.SURNAME (TAG) - FILECHANGED : Document changes made. - OTHERFILECHANGED : Document changes made. You should keep two lines between each date. TAG is optional. If your changes fix a bug listed in the Geant4 Bugzilla, add this in the documentation for the changed file as [BUGFIX #BUGNUMBER]. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 27th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-79) - Templates/ : Correct listing of G3toG4 library, replacing "-lG3ToG4" with "-lG3toG4" 27th November 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V09-05-78) - Added "-Wno-variadic-macros -Wshadow" compilation options g++ and clang. - Extended description in Geant4CPackBase.cmake script. 26th November 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-77) - Switch to PhotonEvaporation 2.3 23rd November 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-76) - Switch to G4RadioactiveDecay 3.6 21st November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-75) - Templates/ : Add "" and "" names to false positives. These names appear in processes/hadronic/models/cascade/cascade/sources.cmake as comments, but the current regex picks them up. This is a temporary fix as longer term solution is to update regex to not match comments! 21st November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-74) - Templates/ : Fix setting of Geant4 DEFINITIONS INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBRARIES so that multiple calls to find_package do not overwrite previosu settings. Multiple calls now copy, insert or append to these variables as needed. Duplicates are removed from the final list. - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Tidy up documentation and mark macros as deprecated. 20th November 2012 - Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V09-05-73) - Fixed FindHepMC.cmake (GenEvent.h file extension was missing) 16th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-72) - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Improve description of workaround for sourcing Cshell scripts non-interactively, as reported in HyperNews: 15th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-71) [BUGFIX #1387] - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Correct shell variable name in export of commands to scripts. 14th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-70) - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Add CMakeMacroParseArguments to list of modules installed as it is needed to support FindROOT on CMake < 2.8. 14th November 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-69) - switch to G4NDL 4.2 (excluding changes made past tag cmake-V09-05-68) 13th November 2012 - Ben Morgan [BUGFIX #1290, #1328] - Templates/ : Add support for G3ToG4 library. Add CLHEP library to link line using output from clhep-config. Replace explicit -I@VAR@ flags with pure @VAR@ variables for each include path that may be filtered out if it is in the compiler's default search path. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Set export variable for existence of G3ToG4. Implement function to return list of default search paths for GNU, Clang and Intel compilers. Create list before configuring geant4-config, and filter out any header paths that we need to export but that appear in this list before creating export variables. 13th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-68) - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Copy FindXXX modules required by examples from source to build tree, and install them into a Modules subdirectory of GEANT4_CMAKE_DIR. - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Append path for FindXXX modules required by examples to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. This is transparent across both the build and install trees. 12th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-67) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add -Qunused-arguments flag to compiler flags when running Clang. This is to finally suppress warnings when building tests, which CTest cannot filter out. 9th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-66) - Resubmission of cmake-V09-05-64+cmake-V09-05-65. Former was rejected after clang warnings, which are now ignored by the CTest system. Latter passed Continuous builds without issue and only affects Windows systems. 8th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-65) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove MD flags from core flags. Add MD flag to Release style build modes (RELEASE, MINSIZEREL and RELWITHDEBINFO). Add MDd flag to Debug style build modes (DEBUG, TESTRELEASE, MAINTAINER). This follows discussions originated from HyperNews: 7th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-64) - [BUGFIX #1351] - Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Implement new functions set_ifnot and enum_option - Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Implement C++ Standard detection and flag configuration for GNU, Clang and Intel compilers. - Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add user option to select C++ Standard to build against, it the compiler supports this. The default is always c++98/'ansi' (C++98 plus the '03 addenda). 5th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-63) - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Remove requirement to co-work with internal tag openinventor-V09-05-16. 5th November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-62) - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Check that X11 Xpm library has been found when Inventor driver is activated, and FATAL_ERROR is it is not located. 2nd November 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-61) - [BUGFIX #1285] - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Implement new API for managing data to allow reuse of existing datasets and not install data at build time if required. - Modules/Geant4DatasetDefinitions.cmake: Migrate dataset definitions to separate file to ease update and patch cycle. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Migrate export of dataset environment variables/paths to use new dataset API. Avoids hardcoding of dataset names, allowing for easy expansion/contraction in the future. - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Migrate setting of GEANT4_TEST_ENVIRONMENT to use new dataset API for export of environment variable names and values. - Templates/ Migrate expansion variables for datasets to single 'code block' variable. - Templates/ Migrate expansion variables for datasets to single 'code block' variable. - [PERFORMANCE]: Tidy up module inclusions to provide minor, but noticeable, speed up in CMake configuration time. - Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake: Use 'header guard' variable to prevent module being loaded multiple times. - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake: Use 'header guard' variable to prevent module being loaded multiple times. - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake: Include Geant4MacroDefineModule and Geant4MacroLibraryTargets so these are included at top level and hence are not re-parsed by CMake if they are included in lower scopes. - [CLEANUP] - Templates/ Remove obsolete file. - Templates/ Remove obsolete file. 31st October 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-60) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Remove obsolete ABLA dataset. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Remove setting of ABLA environment export variables to overcome error reported by Gunter Folger and Hisaya Kurashige. - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Remove obsolete ABLA dataset. - Template/ Remove ABLA export variables - Template/ Remove ABLA export variables 31th October 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-59) - bring settings for ABLA back in , used elsewhere, and caused configure to badly fail. 30th October 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-58) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Revert to use G4EMLOW.6.32 and delete settings for ABLA, not needed per Davide M. 30th October 2012 - John Apostolakis (cmake-V09-05-57) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Revert to use G4EMLOW.6.31 to overcome problems in Continuous build of G4 in Cdash 30th October 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-56) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLOW.6.32 25th October 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-55) - Templates/Geant4CTest.cmake: corrected mistake with GEANT4_DATA_DIR 19th October 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-54) - Templates/ : Add g3tog4 component to detect and configure G3toG4 library if required. - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Improve documentation of GEANT4_USE_G3TOG4 option. - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Remove un-needed message() of dataset configuration. 18th October 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-53) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLOW.6.31 16th October 2012 Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-52) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Update version and MD5 of G4NEUTRONXS for 1.2 release, add new G4SAIDDATA dataset, version 1.1 - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Export new G4SAIDDATA dataset to scripts. - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Add new G4SAIDDATA dataset to CTest environment, and remove obsolete G4ELASTICDATA and NeutronHPCrossSections environment variables. - Templates/ : Add expansion variable for export of new G4SAIDDATA dataset. - Templates/ : Add expansion variable for export of new G4SAIDDATA dataset. 12th October 2012 Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-51) - Modules/FindInventor.cmake: BUGFIX #1320: Remove find of Inventor debug libraries and do not use the "optimized;debug" technique. Add find for of SoXt headers. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: BUGFIX #1320: Add SoXt headers to INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR when on UNIX, and FATAL_ERROR if SoXt not located. Add X11 Xt library when SoXt is used on Mac OS X 9th October 2012 Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-50) - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: minor changes to avoid user traps 4th October 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-49) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4EMLOW.6.30 26th September 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V09-05-48) - Adding FindPythia6 module. - Modules/FindHepMC.cmake: support also HEPMC_DIR environment variable (which is used in GNUmake build); added HEPMC_FIO_LIBRARIES 25th September 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (cmake-V09-05-47) - Adding FindAIDA module. 24th September - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-46) - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Use the argument TIM= to set a shorter timeout than CTest - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Generate TIM argument from test TIMEOUT property 24th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-45) - Modules/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake : Remove extraneous quotes around resolved include paths (patch from Fabian Kislat, BUGFIX #1357) 19th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-44) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Remove optimization flags from TestRelease build mode flags on all platforms (BUGFIX #1263). - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Remove obsolete "TestReleaseDebug" build mode (BUGFIX #1263) 17th September - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-43) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Update G4EMLOW dataset to version 6.29 and update MD5 sum. 30th August 2012 Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-42) - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Added Unit Tests and some re-organization of the module - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake : Moved macro GEANT4_LATEST_VERSION to this module 29th August 2012 Witek Pokorski (cmake-V09-05-41) - Adding FindHepMC module. 28th August 2012 - Pere Mato - Modules/Geant4MacroUtilities.cmake: Defined new macro GEANT4_ADD_UNIT_TESTS - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake: Added new option GEANT4_BUILD_TESTS 28th August 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-39) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use RadioactiveDecay3.5 16th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-38) - Use correct tag name. Update tag number to ensure numerical sequence. 16th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-37) - Templates/ : Remove use of STATUS in error messages so all errors go to stderr. 10th July 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-36) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Add preliminary support for Clang detection (CMake > 2.8.1) - Modules/Geant4/LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Add preliminary support for Clang detection (CMake > 2.8.1) 10th July 2012 - Ben Morgan - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake : Minor formatting/layout updates. 10th July 2012 - Andrea Dotti (cmake-V09-05-35) - Modules/FindStatTest.cmake : First commit of module to find and setup utility program StatTest for automatic regression testing of Geant4 ctest outputs 27th June 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-34) - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Added TST paramenter to obtain the test name to produce .out and .err - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: mofdified to pass the test name 22nd June 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-33) - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : Fixed the problem that should be only the file name and not the full path of the executable. 22nd June 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-32) - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake : adapted to create .out and .err files with stdout and stderr each time a test is run in the current directory. 21th June 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-31) - After update of G4EMLOW6.27, new tar needs updated md5sum. 21th June 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-30) - After recreating G4NDL4.1, update md5sum. 20th June 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-29) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: Use G4NDL 4.1 15th June 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (cmake-V09-05-28) - Updated tags to 9.6.0 for 9.6-beta. 14th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-27) - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Search for system expat by default on non-Win32. We prefer the system library on these platforms due to compilation warnings in the current internal version of expat. 13th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-26) - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Allow choice between internal and system expat library on non-Win32 platforms, default to use internal. Choosing system expat requires it to be found. 12th June 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-25) - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake: Quote paths used in execute_process calls run at install time. This fixes a problem reported by Joseph Perl on Windows, when a space appears in the install prefix. 8th June, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-24) - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake: require CLHEP 4th June, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-23) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: use G4EMLOW.6.27 1st June, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-22) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Complete rewrite of data installation with support for CMake >= 2.6.4 and custom physics data install location. Downloaded data bundles are also verified using MD5 hashes. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Location of data updated to use new paths from Geant4InstallData.cmake. May 31st, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-21) - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Transmit CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS as Geant4_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Set CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS as Geant4_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS This is to ensure that the definition is of CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is used by projects using Geant4 May 30th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-20) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Added -limf library in CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS for icc compiler. This is to avoid warnings of the type "warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail" May 30th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-19) - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Added new arguments WORKING_DIRECTORY and LABELS to GEANT4_ADD_TEST() This allows to assign tests to specific test slots (Nightly, Continuous, PhyscisChecks). If no label is specified it is given the Nightly label. May 29th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-18) - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : [BUGFIX #1268] Enable use of C-shell scripts inside other scripts. This follows the pattern used in ROOT's cshell scripts, which works at the cost of the user having to supply extra information to the source command/script. - Templates/ : [BUGFIX #1268] Protect changes to the environment if self location fails. - Templates/ : [BUGFIX #1268] Protect changes to the environment if self location fails. May 9th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-17) - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : By default tests building anything will fail in case of warnings. This is wanted by G. Folger. May 8th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-16) - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake : Added PASSREGEX and FAILREGEX arguments to GEANT4_ADD_TEST() April 30th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-15) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA set as an INTERNAL variable when deactivated on CMake < 2.8. Ensures it doesn't show in GUI. - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Force deactivation of GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING on CMake < 2.8 due to compatibility issues. April 24th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-14) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Force GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA to OFF if CMake < 2.8.0 is used, and warn user if it has been set. This prevents the problem reported on HyperNews: April 20th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-13) - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Fixed Bug #1306, using BASH_VERSION instead of non-POSIX compliant check. April 12th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-12) - Fixed bug in Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake to locate newest data library version April 12th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-11) - Switch to G4EMLOW6.26 April 5th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-10) - Switch to G4EMLOW6.25 April 3rd, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-09) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Increased default timeout to 1500s. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Redirect all cd commands to /dev/null as some cd implementations report change to stdout. March 30th, 2012 - Ben Morgan (cmake-V09-05-08) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Add GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA_TIMEOUT cache variable to allow users to increase the download timeout on slow connections. Only available on CMake 2.8.1 and above. March 22nd, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-07) - genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp : filter the symbols giving problems when building G4clhep for Win64 (second attempt) March 22nd, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-06) - genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp : filter the symbols giving problems when building G4clhep for Win64 March 7th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-05) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : added link flag "-i-dynamic" to avoid link ICC warnings of the sort "warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail" March 6th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-04) - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : matching "icc" in addition to "icpc" to detect Intel compiler - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : change ICC option from -Wnon-virtual-dtor to -Wno-non-virtual-dtor February 10th, 2012 - Pere Mato (cmake-V09-05-03) - Added function REFLEX_GENERATE_DICTIONARY() in FindROOT.cmake January 25th, 2012 - Gunter Folger (cmake-V09-05-02) - Switch to G4EMLOW6.24 December 13th 2011 - P. mato (cmake-V09-05-01) - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Avoid prepending configuration tag for existing commands December 6th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-05-00) - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake [BUGFIX #1265]: Added setting of expansion variable needed to prepend path with G4WORKDIR path. - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1265] : Added expansion variable for path setup to G4WORKDIR directory for executables. - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1265] : Added needed '@' symbol to end of GEANT4_TC_SHELL_PROGRAM used as shbang. November 30th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-41) - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Commented out GEANT4_BUILD_GRANULAR_LIBS option to restrict these builds for 9.5. Current granular build is not tested and broken in several places, so we want to prevent its use for now. November 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-40) - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added ability for Mac to concurrently build mixed Qt and X11 OpenGL driver. Xt library adde to X11 libraries, but only on Mac when Xm is built. Linking Xt on Linux causes runtime errors. - Templates : Fixed bug that prevented OpenInventor library being appended to output when vis_all was set. November 24th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-39) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Updated data library versions G4NDL -> 4.0 RadioactiveDecay - > 3.4 Added GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE reporting for data and example code install. November 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-38) - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Marked GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING and GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES options as advanced because these are for developers and system testing only. - Templates/ (NEWFILE) : New shell skeleton file for core environment setup of geant4, just PATH, (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH and data libraries if installed. - Templates/ : RENAMED -> - Templates/ : Added expansion variable to handle G4WORKDIR setup. Added expansion variables for data library setup. Added expansion variable to provide a self location block. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added a function to conditional set environment variables. Added setup of G4WORKDIR. Added setup of data library variables if they've been installed. Added self location capability so that scripts can find themselves and consequently locate library and include directories relative to the determined location. Moved installation of of backwared compatible toolchain files to a directory named 'geant4make' under the main data directory. This helps to partition the setup script and gmk files into their own, isolated location. Configure new 'geant4.(c)sh' setup script from file. - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Set name of list holding dataset information to GEANT4_DATASETS just to mark it as usable elsewhere. Added environment variable name to end of dataset information strings to help in setting them up in configuration of shell scripts. Marked GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES option as advanced. November 22nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-37) - Templates/Geant4Config.cmake : Added 'ui_all' and 'vis_all' components to allow simple selection of all available UI and Vis components. November 18th 2011 - P.Mato (cmake-V09-04-36) - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake : Added some protection if GEANT4_DATA_DIR not defined November 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-35) - Templates/ : Added two VRML icc files to false positive list. These are in VRML's src/ directory for internal use only. November 16th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-34) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: correct data file name November 15th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-33) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake: update data libraries version for 9.5 November 8th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-32) - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1196, #1261]: Added support for G4OpenInventor as a component, named 'vis_openinventor'. Prtected inclusion of Geant4LibraryDepends file by test on a variable Geant4_LIBDEPS_LOADED so that multiple calls to the config file from find_package are possible. This allows option selecting of the components. NB Full Inventor build requires tag openinventor-V09-04-02). - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added support for configuration of OpenInventor environment variables in geant4-environment-setup scripts. - Templates/ : Added support for OpenInventor environment variables needed by old Makefile toolchain. At present, OIVHOME is not set, as the Geant4 public interface should not need this. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added support for configuration of OpenInventor feature. - Templates/ : Added support for OpenInventor feature. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added support for OpenInventor, with new CMake option GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR to enable build. On Unix platforms, X11 and Xm are also searched for as these are used in Geant4's Inventor module. - Modules/FindInventor.cmake (NEWFILE) : Find module for Inventor, adapted from post on CMake mailing list by Jan Peciva. Tested against Coin3d implementation. November 4th 2011 - B.Morgan - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added setup of installed script to use self location functionality in geant4-config when installation is relocatable. - Templates/ : Added capability for script to self locate itself. The technique is to fully resolve any softlinks to the script file itself using readlink, but with workarounds because the '-f' option to readlink is not available on all platforms. No attempt is made to resolve any softlinks in the path elements or to replace occurrence of '.' or '..'. However, the algorithm has been tested in several softlinking situations and should cover everything but real corner cases... The result of the resolution is the diectory in which the script resides. This can be used later in the script as necessary. November 2nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-31) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Bumped version of G4EMLOW library to be installed from 6.22 -> 6.23. November 2nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-30) - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Reverted file to revision 51604 (cmake-V04-04-28 tag) which removes the TestReleaseDebug mode. - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Reverted file to revision 52696 (cmake-V09-04-28 tag) which removes the TestReleaseDebug mode. This reverts TestRelease to having platform dependent flags, specifically there is no optimization on Apple. - Modules/ : Fixed typo error that used incorrect name for CMake supplied variable Geant4_VERSION, preventing correct expansion. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Tidied up indenting to standard two space format. Added skeleton setup for making script relocatable in the Install Tree. October 11th 2011 - B.Morgan - Templates/ [BUGFIX #1253] : Jean Jacquemier reported a problem when building applications using a pure static build of Geant4. This was traced to incorrect list syntax in Geant4Config.cmake, as detailed in the above Bug Report #1253. The fix is to remove the quotes around the list as these cause it to be represented as one single string. October 10th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-29) - Modules/Geant4ValidateSources.cmake (NEWFILE) : Module to configure the and create a custom 'validate_sources' target which runs the resulting configured script. - Templates/ (NEWFILE) : CMake script that locates all sources.cmake files in the Geant4 source tree, parses them to extract all listed sources/headers and compares that list with sources and headers on disk. Any mismatches whether files listed in sources.cmake and no longer on disk, or files on disk but not listed in sources.cmake, are reported. If any mismatches are found, the script will fail with FATAL_ERROR, though it will not do so until the whole tree has been scanned to ensure all mismatches are located. It ignores certain files that are known to cause mismatch detection but which are no longer part of the Geant4 CMake build. October 6th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-28) - Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Added TestReleaseDebug mode to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPES and CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES. NB: Diaganosed problem reported by Pere, whereby added modes were not appearing in VS. This is likely because CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES is set *after* the project(...) call: Will fix after new modes are confirmed. - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Split TestRelease mode into two, TestRelease, which is optimized and has debugging symbols, and TestReleaseDebug, which has debug symbols only. Both still use G4DEBUG_VERBOSE and G4FPE_DEBUG definitions. October 4th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-27) - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Fix to allow an empty command October 4th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-26) - Modules/FindXercesC.cmake: Added xerces-c_3 as a possible name for libraries (for windows) September 30th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-25) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake: Fixed debug flag to -Zi for Visual C++ - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake: Moved from tests/CMakeLists.txt the logic to construct the GEANT_TEST_ENVIRONMENT with data file locations to be useful for benchmarks tests. September 29th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-24) - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Removed enabling of Fortran language when G3toG4 is enabled. Gunter Folger reported problems with obtaining correct Fortran setup, so we disable this since we don't actually compile the rztog4 app at present. A change has also been made in the top level CMakeLists.txt so that the Make rules initialization for Fortran is no longer set up. September 16th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-23) - Templates/ : Addition of G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE to list of definitions has been made conditional on the existence of the variables G4VIS_NONE and G4UI_NONE. If those variables are set, e.g. via -DG4UI_NONE, the corresponding compile definition will not be set. This gives requested behaviour, but as before this is a temporary hack. September 16th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-22) - Templates/ : Added G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE to list of core compile definitions. This is seemingly needed to support test building, but should only be seen as a temporary fix. These variables should be set at the application level. September 15th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-21) - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Fixed a bug affecting tests on Windows. August 16th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-20) - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Added support for tests on Windows with NMake and Visual Studio. - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Avoid the use of ':' as separator since is used already in the drive letters on Windows. August 16th 2011 - P. Mato (cmake-V09-04-19) - Modules/FindROOT.cmake : Added function ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY() to facilitate the generation of ROOT dictionaries - Modules/Geant4CTest.cmake (NEWFILE): Place for the configutation of CTest. - Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake: Added the pre- and post-commands for tests. This was neeed to preform some initial cleanup of post processing on some tests. - Templates/UseGeant4_internal.cmake: Changed the function GEANT4_ADD_TEST() to make use of the pre- and post-commands. August 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-18) - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed error is use of get_filename_component to locate internal use file. August 10th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-17) - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Added copy of UseGeant4_internal file to build tree, but do not install it. - UseGeant4.cmake : Factored out internal only macros into UseGeant4_internal module. Added optional inclusion of that module, which will only happen in the build tree. - UseGeant4_internal.cmake (NEWFILE) : Added to hold CMake code only needed by 'use' of Geant4 inside Geant4 itself, e.g. unit and validation tests. This is done to fix a bug reported offline by Alberto Ribon, where including UseGeant4.cmake fails due to an unfound custom CMake module. The functions like GEANT4_ADD_TEST use extra functionality which is located in custom CMake modules. Whilst these modules could be installed, this adds unneeded complexity to the use of Geant4 and may also clash with CMake itself. Also, the functions needing the modules are not intended for use by users, so are factored out into this build tree only module. August 3rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-16) - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake, Modules/Geant4BuildModes.cmake : Moved setting of initial values for TestRelease and Maintainer mode compiler flags to make rules override file. Values are now set based on compiler and platform, as G4FPE_DEBUG option should only be used for GNU compiler, and with non-optimized code on Mac OS X (information from Gunter Folger). Geant4BuildModes uses initial values as input to cache value, so variables can be reset from the command line and within the cache interfaces if needed. - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Re-added WIN32 guard on export of the G4LIB_BUILD_DLL definition. July 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-15) - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Corrected URL for use in downloading data to use direct URL. Original URL redirects, which early 2.8 iterations of CMake appear not to like. Use .tar.gz of RadioactiveDecay as this is available and cheaper to download. Added use of PREFIX in ExternalProject so that all EP directories are created under a single 'Externals' directory. This is simply to keep the build tree nicely organized. The data still appear in the data/ subdirectory of the build directory, so this should not affect usage by tests. July 29th 2011 - P. Mato - Modules/CMakeMacroParseArguments.cmake : updated to the version exiting in CMake 2.8.5 - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake, Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake, Modules/Geant4MacroDefineModule.cmake : Adjusted to the new CMakeMacroParseArguments.cmake - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Removed installs included in GEANT4_LIBRARY and GEANT4_EXECUTABLE macros and fixed comments. July 28th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-14) - History : Added note on preferred format of entries. - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : Added guard on option and install of data so that this is only available on CMake >= 2.8 due to use of ExternalProject. (NB: Usage still broken, probably due to tar formats (CMake 2.8.1). - Modules/UseGeant4.cmake : Forced all CXX flags to use those used to build Geant4 [BUGFIX #1227]. Neatified and commented internal functions for library/exe/test builds. Added WARNING message if GEANT4_ADD_TEST is used outside of the Geant4 project. Corrected(?) include of CMakeMacroParseArguments (MIGHT BREAK GEANT4_XXX FUNCTIONS IN UseGeant4). - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Added TBZ2 and ZIP types back into list of source package generators. Neatified the generation of the README file. Neatified and commented new component build commands. - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Corrected setting of INSTALL_NAME_DIR for library targets [BUGFIX #1231]. - Templates/ : Added G4analysis library to default list of libraries. - Templates/ : Added G4analysis library to Geant4_LIBRARIES variable. Always added for now rather than as an optional component. July 27th 2011 - P. Mato - Added the downloading and installation of Geant4 Data files if the option GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA is set. Modified Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake - Initial version of CPack configuration for binaries. Modified Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake and added Templates/, Templates/g4_small.gif - Initial set of files needed for testing with CTest. Added Modules/FindROOT.cmake, Modules/Geant, Geant4TestDriver.cmake Added options GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING, GEANT4_BUILD_EXAMPLES in Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake Inherit CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in tests. Modified Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake, Templates/ Added convenient macros to Templates/UseGeant4.cmake July 5th 2011 - G.Folger (cmake-V09-04-13) - Modules/{Geant4LibraryBuildOptions,Geant4BuildProjectConfig}.cmake: protect setting of G4LIB_BUILD_DLL to happen on WIN32 only. (Affected examples/.../olap, which was built without this flag, and failed to link) July 5th 2011 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-04-12) - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added support for setting GDML/Xerces variables as needed. - Templates/ : Added unsetting/setting of G4LIB_USE_GDML and XERCESCROOT. These are needed to help the automated builds of examples in the old toolchain. XERCESCROOT uses the value of XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR with one directory level stripped off the end. This is not 100% foolproof if an odd XercesC install is used, but should cover the vast majority of cases. June 29th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-11) (In geant4-09-04-ref-06) - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added warning about ensuring consistent compiler flag sets between build of Geant4 and build of user application. - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Added setting of all CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_XXXX variables with appending of Geant4 recommended flags, and filter out any duplicate flags. Adding warning in documentation about this. June 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-10) - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added note on possible issues when building Windows applications using Windows 7 + VS2010 Express. - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed idiotic typo error in globbing expressions inside file(GLOB_RECURSE). June 23rd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-09) - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added in missing data library package names. Added note in Known Issues on Mac warnings from ld due to duplicate dylibs (the overlinking issue as it appears on Mac). - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added setting of INSTALL_NAME_DIR target property to shared libraries (only affects Mac OS X) to final install location of libraries. This prevents "image not found" errors when building an app against Geant4 (you don't need DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set). CMake *should* build the dylibs with the headerpad_max_install_names flag so that bundling the Geant4 libraries into an app should work (you can repoint the app to use the bundled libraries). N.B. THIS IS LIKELY TO AFFECT USAGE OF CPACK LATER ON! - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : Fixed error in use of file(GLOB_RECURSE) so that globas are done only under the current source directory. June 22nd 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-08) - INSTALL.g4cmake : Finalized with description of using the three toolchains to build Geant4 applications. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Updated with patch from Pere Mato Vila to export use of internal CLHEP to script when used. Also upgraded to export details on Motif. Script is now generated for both the build and install trees. On CMake >= 2.8, the build tree script is made executable. - Templates/geant4-config : Updated with patch from Pere Mato Vila to use internal CLHEP, plus upgrades to provide easier setting of third party paths, compile defintions and libraries. Added motif feature, and changed main prefix, lib and include directory variable replacement to that the script can be used form the build directory as well. - INSTALL.g4cmake : Updated with new guides on building user applications using CMake and GNU make. - Templates/ : First full implementation with most features in place. Provides version and component checking. Setting of components features quite a bit of boilerplate code and a reasonable degree of in module processing. TODO : Investigate clean up and better modularization. - Templates/UseGeant4.cmake : NEW FILE : Provides a simple CMake module which users can include to setup the build of a basic Geant4 application without needing to know too many details. Sets definitions, include directories and compiler flags. Provides a simple macro to collate sources in an old style Geant4 Example, with documetation on usage in the file. - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Set needed variables for export to Geant4Config.cmake script. - Modules/Geant4MakeRules_cxx.cmake : Added -DXPNET and -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE to MSVC flags to make these exactly the same as used on old makefile system. - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Added definition G4LIB_BUILD_DLL needed to define import/export correctly. Done globally. - INSTALL.g4cmake : Fleshed out further. - Templates/ : Fleshed out documentation with extra notes to help development. - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Added extra comments June 21st 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-07) - Modules/Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake : Added section for collecting variables to be exported to the configuration files. Rationalized config of Build and Install Trees so that these sections have the same structure. - Templates/ : Updates with documentation, debugging option and some improved setting of definitions. Still a skeleton though. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Removed reset of OpenGL variables on Win32 because this seems to prevent proper refind of the variables. Since we expect to be able to use Qt and OpenGL concurrently on Win32. This *should* be o.k. - INSTALL.g4cmake : Added extra information on using Visual Studio. - Modules/Geant4ToolChainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Removed setting of G4ORDPARAMTABLE as this is no longer needed. - Templates/ : Removed setting of G4ORDPARAMTABLE. June 20th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-06) - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Corrected typographic error in option test for enabling Qt on Non-Apple platforms. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added Geant4 to end of G4INCLUDE path for install tree in line with changes to Geant4InstallDirs. - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added Geant4 to end of installation destination for headers in line with changes to Geant4InstalDirs. - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : Removed Geant4 from INCLUDEDIR to better reflect standard practice. The Geant4 tag is now added to the destination in the install commands for headers. - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Automatically use GDML if user supplies XERCESC_ROOT_DIR argument. - Modules/Geant4InstallData.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactored installation of examples from top level CMakeLists.txt into this file. Also provided stub option for installation of data libraries. We don't implement this yet because it appears to require some CMake 2.8 specific functionality and I haven't yet worked out how to reproduce this in 2.6.4. - INSTALL.g4cmake : Rewritten for updated CMake system with full documentation of variables. Provided sections for describing use of the three toolchains for building user applications, but not fully covered yet. June 20th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-05) - Modules/Geant4LibraryOptions.cmake : On Unix platforms, set output directory for libraries to end in the 'SYSTEM-COMPILER' tag expected by the old toolchain. This allows the build tree to be used with the old toolchain. #BUGFIX - 1200 (PARTIAL) - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Now ensures that the static versions of the internal G4clhep and G4expat libraries are used if geant4 is built completely static, otherwise dynamic libs will be used. This is not perfect but ensures builds will not fail. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Completely rewritten to use new template. Provides full setup of environment from build and install trees, permitting developers to build applications directly using the build tree. Also adds all currently supported visualization/ui modules. Adds setting of the G4ORDPARAMTABLE variable to support this new resource file. - Templates/ : NEW FILE : Universal shell script skeleton for generating backward compatible environment variable setup. # BUGFIX - 1202 June 17th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-04) - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Updated to use new GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 variable. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Corrected type in resetting of OpenGL variables. Changed GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACERX -> GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 to be in line with what's done for other drivers. June 17th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-03) - Tagging : internal because this requires testing. Full support also requires tags: interfaces-V09-04-03 opengl-V09-04-05 - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Rewritten to enable correct switch between Qt and X11 based GUIs on Mac, with consistent changes in OpenGL location. Added in find_package for Motif. Added full option and find_package for locating OpenGL on Win32. - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Imporved documentation of external CLHEP option. GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP made a standard option as it will likely be used a lot to begin with. June 16th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-02) - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Default to building shared libraries on all platforms, but warn about possible link errors on MSVC when building both shared and static libs. Mark both library build options as advanced. Add warning about building granular libs as only for developers. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Reverted to version from cmake-V09-04-01 because of poor logic. - Modules/FindCLHEP.cmake : UPGRADE WITH INTERFACE BREAK : Much simplified search structure which no longer relies on clhep-config. The user can supply a CLHEP_ROOT_DIR argument to point CMake to a specific installation. On UNIX clhep-config will be searched for under this root dir. CLHEP library and include path will be found under this root dir, or in the system paths. Version checking is also provided which follows the standard logic of CMake modules. - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : Option to use system CLHEP is now automatically set to ON if the user has supplied a CLHEP_ROOT_DIR argument. This simplifies the interface. June 15th 2011 - B.Morgan - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added in option for enabling Xm (Motif) support with find_package for Motif headers/libraries. Use of Qt and X11 OpenGL have been made mutually exclusive on Mac OS X to prevent clashes between Framework OpenGL and X11 OpenGL. Added new stub option to build OpenInventor driver TODO: Add FindInventor module, check build of OpenInventor category. Added new stub option to build Win32 OpenGL driver. TODO: Add Win32 build to OpenGL category. - Templates/ Templates/ : Removed unsetting of data library environment variables. TODO : Add setting of these as an optional codeblock if data was installed as part of the Geant4 build. June 15th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-01) - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Set QT_USE_IMPORTED_TARGETS on WIN32 to stop errors when setting LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES to a value containing the 'optimized' etc library link keywords. By default, FindQt4 will use these keywords... KNOWNISSUE: Using imported targets means that the Geant4Config.cmake file must regenerate these targets otherwise the link will fail. June 14th 2011 - B.Morgan - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added build of DLL targets on WIN32 platforms. Export definition files are generated by genwindef from an archive library. If Geant4 is not built with archive libraries, a dummy, non-installed archive will be built an used. The structure largely follows that of GaudiPolicy.cmake from Pere Mato Vila. - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : Added build of genwindef app on WIN32 platforms as an internal app, as per guidelines from GaudiPolicy.cmake from Pere Mato Vila. - Modules/genwindef/genwindef.cpp Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.hpp Modules/genwindef/LibSymbolInfo.cpp: NEW FILES to support generation of DLL .def files on WIN32 platform. Courtesy of Pere Mato Vila. - Modules/Geant4Wrapping.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactoring of options for Python wrapping to help in modularization. Python wrapping is not yet implemented in the CMake build, but this is where we'll set it up. - Modules/Geant4OptionalComponents.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactoring of options for CLHEP, Expat, ZLIB, GDML, G3TOG4 from top level CMakeLists.txt to help with modularization. - Modules/Geant4LibraryBuildOptions.cmake : NEW FILE : Refactoring of library build options from top level CMakeLists.txt, including global define flags, global vs granular library format and static vs shared builds. - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Ensure that when static targets are built, they are linked to Geant4 static targets. TODO: Do we want to make this the case also for external libraries (very difficult?)? KNOWNISSUE: G4global will always be linked to shared G4clhep if latter is built as will G4processes to shared G4expat. Not critical (well, shouldn't affect running or applications). June 13th 2011 - B.Morgan - Modules/Geant4CPackBase.cmake : Added to list of files to be excluded for source package so that .svn and top level tests directories are not added. Fixed source package generator so that .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .zip packages are created. Tidied up structure so that future changes are easier to add in a clear way. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Removed accidently commited change of finding VTK as a test of find_package. June 10th 2011 - B.Morgan - Templates/ : Adapted to use new install directories as provided by Geant4InstallDirs as template parameters. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added support for new install directories defined in Geant4InstallDirs - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added support for new install directories defined in Geant4InstallDirs. - Modules/Geant4MacroLibraryTargets.cmake : Added support for install of libraries and headers to new install paths defined by Geant4InstallDirs. Added EXPORT to library targets so that they can be used by Geant4Config scripts. Added proper COMPONENT argument to install commands to correctly partition targets needed for Development and for Runtime. Appended each library target and include paths to global properties so these can be exported to Geant4Config file easily for use from the build tree. - Templates/ : NEW FILE : Template versioning file for use by Geant4Config.cmake. - Templates/ : NEW FILE : Template files for CMake config script for Geant4. VERY PRELIMINARY. - Modules/ : NEW FILE : Builds CMake Config scripts to allow external projects to use Geant4 from a build or install tree. - Modules/Geant4InstallDirs.cmake : NEW FILE : Adds a standard set of installation location based on the GNU set. Adapted from GNUInstallDirs provided with CMake 2.8, but cut down to only use directories needed by Geant4. - Modules/CMakeUninstallTarget.cmake : NEW FILE : Adds an 'uninstall' target to remove all items installed via the install command. - History: Corrected a couple of entries with incorrect year in the date. - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake: Set GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE for all UI/Vis options so that enabled options are reported at the end of configuration. May 25th 2011 - B.Morgan - Modules/Geant4InterfaceOptions.cmake : Added new GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11 option to enable build of OpenGL library X11 component. If enabled, will search for X11 libraries (plus Xmu, which FindX11 doesn't do) and OpenGL. Also performed some cleanup of the Qt section. - Templates/ : Added variable setting for OpenGL X11 - Templates/ : Added variable setting for OpenGL X11 - Templates/ : Added needed reporting and flags setting for OpenGL X11 support. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added setting of variable needed to export the existence of OpenGL X11 in the geant4-env scripts. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added setting of variables needed to export OpenGL X11 existence and X11 flags to geant4-config script. May 24th 2011 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-04-00) - *** All History for the CMake category will now be in this file *** - Templates/ : Added variable setting for RayTracerX - Templates/ : Added variable setting for RayTracerX - Templates/ : Added needed reporting and flags setting for RayTracerX support. - Modules/Geant4ToolchainBackwardCompatibility.cmake : Added setting of variable needed to export the existence of RayTracerX in the geant4-env scripts. - Modules/Geant4ConfigureConfigScript.cmake : Added setting of variables needed to export RayTracerX existence and X11 flags to geant4-config script. December 3rd 2010 - B. Morgan (cmake-V09-03-01) - Added generation of geant4-config script. October 29th 2010 - B. Morgan - Install.g4cmake: Added as installation guide for using CMake. October 1st, 2010 - B.Morgan (cmake-V09-03-00) - Created. First Alpha version of CMake build system.