# - Configure and install read only architecture independent files # There are only two main items to install here: # # Geant4 Examples - basically everything under the 'examples' directory. # # Geant4 Data Libraries - not supplied with code, these are reused from # available pre-existing installed and optionally # downloaded and installed from the net. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install examples if requested # option(GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES "Install source code for Geant4 examples" OFF) mark_as_advanced(GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES) if(GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES) install(DIRECTORY examples DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/Geant4-${Geant4_VERSION} COMPONENT Examples PATTERN "CVS" EXCLUDE PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE) endif() GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_INSTALL_EXAMPLES "Will install source code for Geant4 examples") # - Top level build script of Geant4Data # The following functions and macros are defined to help define, install, # reuse and export datasets and associated variables. # # FUNCTIONS AND MACROS # ==================== # Public API # ---------- # function geant4_get_datasetnames() # Store list of currently known dataset names in output variable # # function geant4_tupleize_datasets() # Set output variable to list of old-style dataset tuples. # A tuple has the format: # NAME/VERSION/FILENAME/EXTENSION/ENVVAR/MD5SUM # Provided for backward compatibility. # # function geant4_add_dataset(NAME # VERSION # FILENAME # EXTENSION # ENVVAR # MD5SUM ) # Define a new dataset with the following properties # NAME common name of the dataset # VERSION dataset version # FILENAME name of packaged dataset file # EXTENSION extension of packaged dataset file # ENVVAR environment variable used by Geant4 code # to locate this dataset # MD5SUM MD5 hash of packaged dataset file # # function geant4_has_dataset( ) # Set output variable to TRUE if the named dataset exists # in the list of known datasets. # # function geant4_get_dataset_property( ) # Set output variable to value of dataset "name"'s property. # If property does not exist, then value will be blank. # # function geant4_set_dataset_property( ) # Set value of dataset property to supplied value # # function geant4_configure_datasets(DESTINATION # DOWNLOAD # TIMEOUT # ) # Perform the actual heavy lifting to configure each declared # dataset for reuse or download as needed. # # function geant4_dataset_isinstalled( # # ) # Check if named dataset is installed under the root directory. # Set output variable to TRUE if it is, FALSE otherwise. # # function geant4_install_dataset( ) # Download dataset with name to build directory, timing out the # download after timeout seconds, and install it # into its directory under the destination directory. # # function geant4_reuse_dataset( ) # Reuse the dataset with name located at destination directory. # If it is not installed, warn user that it will need installing # manually in destination. # # # Private API # ----------- # function _geant4_dataproject( # PREFIX installdir # SOURCE_DIR wheretounpack # URL whattodownload # URL_MD5 expectedMD5ofdownload # TIMEOUT timeoutafter(seconds)) # Download, unpack and install a dataset for CMake < 2.8.2 # This largely replicates the functionality of ExternalProject # so that CMake 2.6.4 can still be supported (It is also needed # for CMake 2.8.{0,1} where ExternalProject does not provide MD5 # validation. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GEANT4 PHYSICS DATA - GLOBAL CMAKE VARIABLES #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # URLs, directories and dataset entries # We may want these as properties so we can have a small API for # retrieving them globally #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Geant4 Data Repository set(GEANT4_DATASETS_URL "http://geant4.cern.ch/support/source") # Where to install data in the build tree set(GEANT4_BUILD_FULL_DATADIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/data) # Where to install data in the install tree (a Default) set(GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR_DEFAULT "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}-${${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION}/data") # File containing dataset list set(GEANT4_DATASETS_DEFINITIONS "Geant4DatasetDefinitions") #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GEANT4 PHYSICS DATA - PUBLIC CMAKE API FOR DATASET HANDLING #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties? Shouldn't clash with the tuplized variable... define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "GEANT4_DATASETS" BRIEF_DOCS "List of all defined Geant4 dataset names" FULL_DOCS "Each element of the list gives the name defined for the dataset. This name can be used in other Geant4 Data API functions to extract other properties of the dataset" ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_get_datasetnames() # Store list of currently known dataset names in output variable # function(geant4_get_datasetnames _output) get_property(_tmp GLOBAL PROPERTY GEANT4_DATASETS) set(${_output} ${_tmp} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_tupleize_datasets() # Set output variable to list of old-style dataset tuples. # A tuple has the format: # NAME/VERSION/FILENAME/EXTENSION/ENVVAR/MD5SUM # Provided for backward compatibility. # function(geant4_tupleize_datasets _output) geant4_get_datasetnames(_names) set(_tmplist) foreach(_ds ${_names}) set(_tuple ${_ds}) foreach(_p VERSION FILENAME EXTENSION ENVVAR MD5SUM) get_property(_tmpprop GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_ds}_${_p}) list(APPEND _tuple ${_tmpprop}) endforeach() string(REPLACE ";" "/" _tuple "${_tuple}") list(APPEND _tmplist "${_tuple}") endforeach() set(${_output} ${_tmplist} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_add_dataset(NAME # VERSION # FILENAME # EXTENSION # ENVVAR # MD5SUM ) # Define a new dataset with the following properties # NAME common name of the dataset # VERSION dataset version # FILENAME name of packaged dataset file # EXTENSION extension of packaged dataset file # ENVVAR environment variable used by Geant4 code # to locate this dataset # MD5SUM MD5 hash of packaged dataset file # function(geant4_add_dataset) # - Parse arguments and create variables set(oneValueArgs NAME VERSION FILENAME EXTENSION ENVVAR MD5SUM) cmake_parse_arguments(_G4ADDDATA "" "${oneValueArgs}" "" ${ARGN}) # - Fail if already defined geant4_has_dataset(${_G4ADDDATA_NAME} _dsexists) if(_dsexists) message(FATAL_ERROR "Dataset ${_G4ADDDATA_NAME} is already defined") endif() # - Set properties as global props _ # Simple properties... foreach(_prop VERSION FILENAME EXTENSION ENVVAR MD5SUM) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_G4ADDDATA_NAME}_${_prop} ${_G4ADDDATA_${_prop}}) endforeach() # Derived properties... # FILE : the full filename of the packed dataset set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_G4ADDDATA_NAME}_FILE "${_G4ADDDATA_FILENAME}.${_G4ADDDATA_VERSION}.${_G4ADDDATA_EXTENSION}" ) # DIRECTORY : the name of the directory that results from unpacking # the packed dataset file. set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_G4ADDDATA_NAME}_DIRECTORY "${_G4ADDDATA_NAME}${_G4ADDDATA_VERSION}" ) # URL : remote and full URL to the packed dataset file set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_G4ADDDATA_NAME}_URL "${GEANT4_DATASETS_URL}/${_G4ADDDATA_FILENAME}.${_G4ADDDATA_VERSION}.${_G4ADDDATA_EXTENSION}" ) # - add it to the list of defined datasets set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY GEANT4_DATASETS ${_G4ADDDATA_NAME}) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_has_dataset( ) # Set output variable to TRUE if the named dataset exists # in the list of known datasets. # function(geant4_has_dataset _name _output) get_property(_dslist GLOBAL PROPERTY GEANT4_DATASETS) list(FIND _dslist ${_name} _index) if(_index GREATER -1) set(${_output} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${_output} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_get_dataset_property( ) # Set output variable to value of dataset "name"'s property. # If property does not exist, then value will be blank. # function(geant4_get_dataset_property _name _prop _output) geant4_has_dataset(${_name} _dsexists) if(NOT _dsexists) message(FATAL_ERROR "non-existent dataset ${_name}") endif() get_property(_tmp GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name}_${_prop}) set(${_output} ${_tmp} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_set_dataset_property( ) # Set value of dataset property to supplied value # function(geant4_set_dataset_property _name _prop _value) geant4_has_dataset(${_name} _dsexists) if(NOT _dsexists) message(FATAL_ERROR "non-existent dataset ${_name}") endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${_name}_${_prop} "${_value}") endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_configure_datasets(DESTINATION # DOWNLOAD # TIMEOUT # ) # Perform the actual heavy lifting to configure each declared # dataset for reuse or download as needed. # function(geant4_configure_datasets) # - Parse arguments and create variables set(oneValueArgs DESTINATION DOWNLOAD TIMEOUT) cmake_parse_arguments(_G4CFGDSS "" "${oneValueArgs}" "" ${ARGN}) # - Load configuration include(${GEANT4_DATASETS_DEFINITIONS}) geant4_get_datasetnames(_dsnames) set(_notinstalled ) foreach(_ds ${_dsnames}) geant4_dataset_isinstalled(${_ds} "${_G4CFGDSS_DESTINATION}" _installed) if(NOT _installed AND _G4CFGDSS_DOWNLOAD) geant4_install_dataset(${_ds} "${_G4CFGDSS_DESTINATION}" ${_G4CFGDSS_TIMEOUT}) else() geant4_reuse_dataset(${_ds} "${_G4CFGDSS_DESTINATION}" ${_installed}) if(NOT _installed) list(APPEND _notinstalled ${_ds}) endif() endif() endforeach() # - Produce report on datasets needing manual install, advising # user on how to handle these. # Yes, it's long, but at least it's clear :-) if(_notinstalled) message(" *WARNING*") message(" Geant4 has been pre-configured to look for datasets") message(" in the directory:") message(" ") message(" ${_G4CFGDSS_DESTINATION}") message(" ") message(" but the following datasets are NOT present on disk at") message(" that location:") message(" ") foreach(_missing ${_notinstalled}) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_missing} VERSION _vers) message(" ${_missing} (${_vers})") endforeach() message(" ") message(" If you want to have these datasets installed automatically") message(" simply re-run cmake and set the GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA") message(" variable to ON. This will configure the build to download") message(" and install these datasets for you. For example, on the") message(" command line, do:") message(" ") message(" cmake -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON ") message(" ") message(" The variable can also be toggled in ccmake or cmake-gui.") message(" If you're running on a Windows system, this is the best") message(" solution as CMake will unpack the datasets for you") message(" without any further software being required") message(" ") message(" Alternatively, you can install these datasets manually") message(" now or after you have installed Geant4. To do this,") message(" download the following files:") message(" ") foreach(_missing ${_notinstalled}) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_missing} URL _url) message(" ${_url}") endforeach() message(" ") message(" and unpack them under the directory:") message(" ") message(" ${_G4CFGDSS_DESTINATION}") message(" ") message(" As we supply the datasets packed in gzipped tar files,") message(" you will need the 'tar' utility to unpack them.") message(" ") message(" Nota bene: Missing datasets will not affect or break") message(" compilation and installation of the Geant4") message(" libraries.") message(" ") endif() endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_dataset_isinstalled( # # ) # Check if named dataset is installed under the root directory. # Set output variable to TRUE if it is, FALSE otherwise. # function(geant4_dataset_isinstalled _name _rdirectory _output) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} DIRECTORY _dsdir) set(_expectedpath ${_rdirectory}/${_dsdir}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${_expectedpath}) set(${_output} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${_output} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_install_dataset( ) # Download dataset with name to build directory, timing out the # download after timeout seconds, and install it # into its directory under the destination directory. # function(geant4_install_dataset _name _destination _timeout) # - Extract needed dataset properties geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} DIRECTORY _ds_dir) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} VERSION _ds_version) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} URL _ds_url) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} MD5SUM _ds_md5sum) message(STATUS "Configuring download of missing dataset ${_name} (${_ds_version})") # - Dispatch to ExternalProject or our own implementation. # Use of URL_MD5 *and* TIMEOUT require CMake 2.8.2 or higher. if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "2.8.1") include(ExternalProject) ExternalProject_Add(${_name} PREFIX Externals/${_name}-${_ds_version} SOURCE_DIR ${GEANT4_BUILD_FULL_DATADIR}/${_ds_dir} URL ${_ds_url} URL_MD5 ${_ds_md5sum} TIMEOUT ${_timeout} CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND "" ) else() _geant4_dataproject(${_name} PREFIX Externals/${_name}-${_ds_version} SOURCE_DIR ${GEANT4_BUILD_FULL_DATADIR} URL ${_ds_url} URL_MD5 ${_ds_md5sum} TIMEOUT ${_timeout} ) endif() # - Configure the dataset's build and install locations geant4_set_dataset_property(${_name} BUILD_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/data/${_ds_dir}") geant4_set_dataset_property(${_name} INSTALL_DIR "${_destination}/${_ds_dir}") # - Add install target, and report back paths... install(DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/data/${_ds_dir} DESTINATION ${_destination} COMPONENT Data ) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function geant4_reuse_dataset( ) # Reuse the dataset with name located at destination directory. # If it is not installed, warn user that it will need installing # manually in destination. # function(geant4_reuse_dataset _name _destination _ispresent) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} VERSION _ds_ver) geant4_get_dataset_property(${_name} DIRECTORY _ds_dir) if(_ispresent) message(STATUS "Reusing dataset ${_name} (${_ds_ver})") else() message(STATUS "Pre-configuring dataset ${_name} (${_ds_ver})") endif() # - In both cases, the build and install dirs are identical geant4_set_dataset_property(${_name} BUILD_DIR "${_destination}/${_ds_dir}") geant4_set_dataset_property(${_name} INSTALL_DIR "${_destination}/${_ds_dir}") endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GEANT4 PHYSICS DATA - PRIVATE CMAKE API FOR DATASET HANDLING #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # function _geant4_dataproject( # PREFIX installdir # SOURCE_DIR wheretounpack # URL whattodownload # URL_MD5 expectedMD5ofdownload # TIMEOUT timeoutafter(seconds)) # Download, unpack and install a dataset for CMake < 2.8.2 # This largely replicates the functionality of ExternalProject # so that CMake 2.6.4 can still be supported (It is also needed # for CMake 2.8.{0,1} where ExternalProject does not provide MD5 # validation. # function(_geant4_dataproject _name) # - Parse arguments and create any extra needed variables set(oneValueArgs PREFIX SOURCE_DIR URL URL_MD5 TIMEOUT) cmake_parse_arguments(_G4DATA "" "${oneValueArgs}" "" ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_G4DATA_FILE ${_G4DATA_URL} NAME) # - Write Download script file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-Download.cmake " message(STATUS \"downloading ${_G4DATA_URL}...\") file(DOWNLOAD ${_G4DATA_URL} \"${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_G4DATA_FILE}\" TIMEOUT ${_G4DATA_TIMEOUT} STATUS _status) # LOG _log) - LOG with TIMEOUT fails due to curl issue, prefer TIMEOUT list(GET _status 0 _status_code) list(GET _status 1 _status_msg) if(NOT _status_code EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: downloading ${_G4DATA_URL} failed status_code : \${_status_code} status_msg : \${_status_msg} #log : \${_log}\" ) endif() ") # - Write Verify script file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-Verify.cmake " message(STATUS \"verifying ${_G4DATA_FILE} ...\") execute_process( COMMAND \"${CMAKE_COMMAND}\" -E md5sum \"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_G4DATA_FILE}\" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ov OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE RESULT_VARIABLE _result_code ) if(NOT _result_code EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: computing md5sum of ${_G4DATA_FILE} failed\") endif() string(REGEX MATCH \"^([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\" md5_actual \"\${ov}\") string(TOLOWER \"\${md5_actual}\" md5_actual) string(TOLOWER \"${_G4DATA_URL_MD5}\" md5) if(NOT \"\${md5}\" STREQUAL \"\${md5_actual}\") message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: md5sum of '${_G4DATA_FILE}' does not match expected value md5_expected: \${md5} md5_actual: \${md5_actual} \") endif() message(STATUS \"verifying ${_G4DATA_FILE} ... done\") ") # - Write Unpack script if(${_G4DATA_FILE} MATCHES "(\\.|=)(tar\\.gz|zip)$") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "error: do not know how to extract '${_G4DATA_FILE}' -- file needs to be .tar.gz or zip") endif() file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-Unpack.cmake " message(STATUS \"unpacking ${_G4DATA_FILE} ...\") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${_G4DATA_SOURCE_DIR}) execute_process(COMMAND \${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xfz \"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_G4DATA_FILE}\" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_G4DATA_SOURCE_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE rv) if(NOT rv EQUAL 0) message(STATUS \"extracting... [error clean up]\") file(REMOVE_RECURSE \"${_G4DATA_SOURCE_DIR}\") message(FATAL_ERROR \"error: extract of '${_G4DATA_FILE}' failed\") endif() message(STATUS \"unpacking ${_G4DATA_FILE} ... done\") ") # - Add custom commands for each step, each depending on the last foreach(_step Download Verify Unpack) if(_last_step) set(_deps DEPENDS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-${_last_step}.stamp) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-${_step}.stamp COMMENT "${_step} ${_name}" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-${_step}.cmake COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-${_step}.stamp VERBATIM ${_deps} ) set(_last_step ${_step}) endforeach() # - Add the main target which will run all the above steps add_custom_target(${_name} ALL COMMENT "Completed ${_name}" DEPENDS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_G4DATA_PREFIX}/${_name}-${_last_step}.stamp VERBATIM ) endfunction() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GEANT4 PHYSICS DATA - USER INTERFACE AND PROCESSING #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # User options for installing data # - Choose a directory under which to install the data. # - Choose whether to download and install missing datasets. # - Change download timeout for problematic connections #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Choose Physics Data Install Dir # This follows the pattern for interface and setting as in GNUInstallDirs if(NOT GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR) set(GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR "" CACHE PATH "read-only architecture independent Geant4 physics data (DATAROOTDIR/${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR_DEFAULT}") set(GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR "${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR_DEFAULT}") endif() if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR}) set(GEANT4_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR}") else() set(GEANT4_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR "${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR}") endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Select whether to download and install missing datasets option(GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA "Download/Install datasets missing from GEANT4_INSTALL_DATADIR" OFF) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provide an option for increasing the download timeout # Helps with large datasets over slow connections. set(GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA_TIMEOUT 1500 CACHE STRING "Timeout for Data Library downloads") mark_as_advanced(GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA_TIMEOUT) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up check, download and install of needed data # geant4_configure_datasets( DESTINATION ${GEANT4_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR} DOWNLOAD ${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA} TIMEOUT ${GEANT4_INSTALL_DATA_TIMEOUT} )