# - Configure options for Geant4 UI/Vis requiring Third Party Libraries # All core Interfaces not requiring third party support are built # automatically with platform differences taken into account. # These are: # # UI Category : Always built on supported platforms # G4UIterminal : UNIX, WIN32 # + - G4UItcsh : UNIX only. # + - G4UIcsh : UNIX, WIN32 # G4UIWin32 : WIN32 # # UI category : Built on supported platforms when Third Party # library(libraries) available # G4UIQt : UNIX, WIN32 (Requires : Qt4) # G4UIXm : UNIX (Requires : Qt4) # G4UIXaw : DEPRECATED # # Vis Category: Always built on supported platforms # DAWNFILE : UNIX, Win32 # ... # gMocren # HepRep # RayTracer # Tree # VRML # # Vis Category : Built on supported platforms when Third Party # library(libraries) available # OpenGL : UNIX, WIN32 # OpenInventor : UNIX WIN32 # # Rather than separate the UI and visualization options, we simply ask if # the user wants to build support for a particular tool, e.g. Qt. # # Specific UI/Vis options are also handled here. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure OpenInventor support # option(GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR "Build Geant4 OpenInventor Visualization Driver" OFF) if(GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR) # Always need Inventor and OpenGL find_package(Inventor REQUIRED) find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # On UNIX, we also require Xm and X11 (inc. Xpm)... if(UNIX) if(NOT INVENTOR_SOXT_LIBRARY OR NOT INVENTOR_SOXT_INCLUDE_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find SoXt library and/or headers") endif() set(INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR "${INVENTOR_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${INVENTOR_SOXT_INCLUDE_DIR}") find_package(Motif REQUIRED) find_package(X11 REQUIRED) if(NOT X11_Xpm_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find X11 Xpm headers and/or library (Required by GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR)") endif() endif() GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE( GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR "Build OpenInventor Driver" ) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure Qt Support if needed (CROSSPLATFORM). # option(GEANT4_USE_QT "Build Geant4 with Qt4 support" OFF) if(GEANT4_USE_QT) # Find and configure Qt and OpenGL - require 4 # This is fine on Mac OS X because Qt will use Framework GL. # On WIN32 only, set QT_USE_IMPORTED_TARGETS. The Qt4 module will # otherwise set QT_LIBRARIES using the 'optimized A; debug Ad' # technique. CMake will then complain because when building DLLs we reset # LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES and this cannot be passed a link of this form. # This means we have to recreate the imported targets later though... if(WIN32) set(QT_USE_IMPORTED_TARGETS ON) endif() find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtOpenGL) find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # OpenGL part of Qt is in OpenGL component so mark the need to # add OpenGL. set(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL ON) GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_USE_QT "Build Geant4 with Qt support") endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # UNIX PLATFORMS ONLY #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if(UNIX) # - Support for Client/Server DAWN driver # mark as advanced because user should know what they're doing to use this option(GEANT4_USE_NETWORKDAWN "Build Dawn driver with Client/Server support" OFF) # # Possible headers checks for needed network parts? # GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_USE_NETWORKDAWN "Build Dawn driver with Client/Server support") mark_as_advanced(GEANT4_USE_NETWORKDAWN) # - Support for Client/Server VRML driver # mark as advanced because user should know what they're doing to use this option(GEANT4_USE_NETWORKVRML "Build VRML driver with Client/Server support" OFF) # # Possible header checks for needed network parts? # GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_USE_NETWORKVRML "Build VRML driver with Client/Server support") mark_as_advanced(GEANT4_USE_NETWORKVRML) # - Configure Xm support if requested option(GEANT4_USE_XM "Build Geant4 with Motif (X11) support" OFF) # - Configure OpenGL X11 support if requested option(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11 "Build Geant4 OpenGL driver with X11 support" OFF) # - X11 Support for RayTracer driver option(GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 "Build RayTracer driver with X11 support" OFF) # -- Now configure needed X11, Motif and OpenGL packages # We also have to be concerned with Inventor on UNIX, because # that also needs the Xt configuration... # - X11 if(GEANT4_USE_XM OR GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11 OR GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 OR GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR) find_package(X11 REQUIRED) # We also require Xmu, which isn't found by default # Just the search in here, copying pattern from # FindX11. We don't add it to X11 libraries because it's only # needed in the OpenGL driver. # set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK_SAVE ${CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK}) set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK NEVER) set(X11_INC_SEARCH_PATH /usr/pkg/xorg/include /usr/X11R6/include /usr/X11R7/include /usr/include/X11 /usr/openwin/include /usr/openwin/share/include /opt/graphics/OpenGL/include ) set(X11_LIB_SEARCH_PATH /usr/pkg/xorg/lib /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/X11R7/lib /usr/openwin/lib ) find_path(X11_Xmu_INCLUDE_PATH X11/Xmu/Xmu.h ${X11_INC_SEARCH_PATH}) find_library(X11_Xmu_LIBRARY Xmu ${X11_SEARCH_PATH}) if(X11_Xmu_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND OR X11_Xmu_INCLUDE_PATH-NOTFOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "could not find X11 Xmu library and/or headers") endif() mark_as_advanced(X11_Xmu_INCLUDE_PATH X11_Xmu_LIBRARY) set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK ${CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK_SAVE}) # END of finding Xmu # Check for additional required X11 libraries # - Xt if(NOT X11_Xt_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "could not find X11 Xt library and/or headers") endif() # Create final list of X11 libraries needed for Geant4 # - Motif if(APPLE) if(GEANT4_USE_XM OR GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR) set(X11_LIBRARIES ${X11_LIBRARIES} ${X11_Xt_LIB}) endif() endif() # - If we got to this point, RayTracer is o.k., so add the feature GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_USE_RAYTRACER_X11 "Build RayTracer driver with X11 support") endif() #- OpenGL : we also do this for Inventor so that we pick up Mac X11 GL... if(GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR OR GEANT4_USE_XM OR GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11) # - Find native GL first find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # - If we're on Apple, also find the X11 GL libraries and append them. if(APPLE) # - This is for X11 GL drivers, so we DON'T want Framework! set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK_SAVE ${CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK}) set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK NEVER) find_path(OPENGL_X11_INCLUDE_DIR GL/gl.h PATHS /usr/X11R6/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) find_library(OPENGL_X11_gl_LIBRARY GL PATHS /usr/X11R6/lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) find_library(OPENGL_X11_glu_LIBRARY GLU PATHS /usr/X11R6/lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) mark_as_advanced( OPENGL_X11_INCLUDE_DIR OPENGL_X11_gl_LIBRARY OPENGL_X11_glu_LIBRARY ) if(NOT OPENGL_X11_INCLUDE_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Apple X11 OpenGL GL/gl.h NOTFOUND") endif() if(NOT OPENGL_X11_gl_LIBRARY) message(FATAL_ERROR "Apple X11 OpenGL GL Library NOTFOUND") endif() if(NOT OPENGL_X11_glu_LIBRARY) message(FATAL_ERROR "Apple X11 OpenGL GLU Library NOTFOUND") endif() # Append the X11 GL libraries to the native paths set(OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${OPENGL_X11_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(OPENGL_LIBRARIES ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_X11_gl_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_X11_glu_LIBRARY} ) # Restore framework search set(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK ${CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK_SAVE}) endif() # Add feature for X11 GL GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11 "Build Geant4 OpenGL driver with X11 support") endif() # - Add need for OpenGL in X11 case if(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11 OR GEANT4_USE_XM) set(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL ON) endif() # - Motif last of all, then can add the feature if(GEANT4_USE_XM) find_package(Motif REQUIRED) GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE(GEANT4_USE_XM "Build Geant4 with Xm Support") endif() endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # WINDOWS PLATFORMS ONLY #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if(WIN32) # - OpenGL Win32... option(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_WIN32 "Build OpenGL driver with Win32 support") if(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_WIN32) # Just need OpenGL and on Windows, this should be easy... find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) # This is part of the G4OpenGL component, so mark it as needed set(GEANT4_USE_OPENGL ON) GEANT4_ADD_FEATURE( GEANT4_USE_OPENGL_WIN32 "Build OpenGL driver with Win32 support" ) endif() endif() # - and we're done...