# - Macros for organizing and specializing code in Geant4 modules # # This file defines the following macros for Geant4 developers needing to # define the sources, headers and library dependencies for a standard # Geant4 granular library module, plus utlities for specializing source # file properties # # GEANT4_DEFINE_MODULE - define a standard Geant4 Granular Library # Module # # ====================== # A Geant4 Module is defined as a directory containing subdirectories # # include - holds all header files for the module # src - holds all source files for the module # # GEANT4_DEFINE_MODULE will take the name of the module, a list of header # files, a list of source files and dependencies: # # GEANT4_DEFINE_MODULE(NAME name # HEADERS hdr1 hdr2 ... # SOURCES src1 src2 ... # GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES dep1 dep2 ... # GLOBAL_DEPENDENCIES dep1 dep2 ... # LINK_LIBRARIES lib1 lib2 ...) # # It assumes that it will be called from a CMake located in the module # root directory (i.e. the directory containing the include and src # subdirectories). It uses this location to define absolute paths to the # headers and sources, and will ignore any absolute paths passed in HEADERS # or SOURCES so that generated files can be passed in. # # The macro defines the variables # # G4MODULENAME = name # ${G4MODULENAME}_HEADERS = List of absolute paths to files given in HEADERS # ${G4MODULENAME}_SOURCES = List of absolute paths to files given in SOURCES # ${G4MODULENAME}_GRANULAR_DEPS = List of granular libraries on which this # module depends # ${G4MODULENAME}_GLOBAL_DEPS = List of global libraries on which this module # depends # ${G4MODULENAME}_LINK_LIBRARIES = List of external libraries to be linked to # this module # # It will also add the module include directory to the list of directories # using include_directories # # # GEANT4_ADD_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS - add compile defintions to a list of files # ================================ # GEANT4_ADD_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS(SOURCES src1 src2 ... # COMPILE_DEFINITIONS def1 def 2) # # Here, SOURCES is the list of source files to which compile definitions # will be added. COMPILE_DEFINITIONS gives the list of definitions that # should be added. These definitions will be appended to any existing # definitions given to the sources. # if(__GEANT4MACRODEFINEMODULE_ISLOADED) return() endif() set(__GEANT4MACRODEFINEMODULE_ISLOADED TRUE) include(CMakeMacroParseArguments) MACRO(GEANT4_DEFINE_MODULE) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(G4DEFMOD "" "NAME" "HEADERS;SOURCES;GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES;GLOBAL_DEPENDENCIES;LINK_LIBRARIES" ${ARGN} ) set(G4MODULENAME ${G4DEFMOD_NAME}) get_filename_component(${G4MODULENAME}_BASEDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) set(${G4MODULENAME}_SRCDIR ${${G4MODULENAME}_BASEDIR}/src) set(${G4MODULENAME}_INCDIR ${${G4MODULENAME}_BASEDIR}/include) # We now create absolute paths to the headers and sources, # ignoring any already absolute paths foreach(_HDR ${G4DEFMOD_HEADERS}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${_HDR}) list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_HEADERS ${_HDR}) else() list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_HEADERS ${${G4MODULENAME}_INCDIR}/${_HDR}) endif() endforeach() foreach(_SRC ${G4DEFMOD_SOURCES}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${_SRC}) list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_SOURCES ${_SRC}) else() list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_SOURCES ${${G4MODULENAME}_SRCDIR}/${_SRC}) endif() endforeach() foreach(_LIB ${G4DEFMOD_GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES}) list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES ${_LIB}) endforeach() foreach(_LIB ${G4DEFMOD_GLOBAL_DEPENDENCIES}) list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_GLOBAL_DEPENDENCIES ${_LIB}) endforeach() foreach(_LIB ${G4DEFMOD_LINK_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND ${G4MODULENAME}_LINK_LIBRARIES ${_LIB}) endforeach() include_directories(${${G4MODULENAME}_INCDIR}) ENDMACRO() # GEANT4_ADD_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS MACRO(GEANT4_ADD_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(G4ADDDEF "" "" "SOURCES;COMPILE_DEFINITIONS" ${ARGN} ) # We assume that the sources have been added at the level of a # a sources.cmake, so are inside the src subdir of the sources.cmake get_filename_component(_ACD_BASE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) # Now for each file, add the definitions foreach(_acd_source ${G4ADDDEF_SOURCES}) # Extract any existing compile definitions get_source_file_property( _acd_existing_properties ${_ACD_BASE_PATH}/src/${_acd_source} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) if(_acd_existing_properties) set(_acd_new_defs ${_acd_existing_properties} ${G4ADDDEF_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}) else() set(_acd_new_defs ${G4ADDDEF_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}) endif() # quote compile defs because this must epand to space separated list set_source_files_properties(${_ACD_BASE_PATH}/src/${_acd_source} PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${_acd_new_defs}") endforeach() ENDMACRO()