/*** Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California            ***
 *** For more information please refer to files in the COPYRIGHT directory ***/
/* ncInqGrp.h

#ifndef NC_INQ_GRPS_H
#define NC_INQ_GRPS_H

/* This is a NETCDF API call */

#include "rods.h"
#include "rcMisc.h"
#include "procApiRequest.h"
#include "apiNumber.h"
#include "initServer.h"
#include "dataObjInpOut.h"
#include "ncOpen.h"

typedef struct {
    int ncid;
    int flags;         
    char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];  /* for NC_ALL_FLAG == 0, the name */
    keyValPair_t condInput;
} ncInqGrpsInp_t;
#define NcInqGrpsInp_PI "int ncid; int flags; str name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; struct KeyValPair_PI;"

typedef struct {
    int ngrps;
    int flags;		/* not used */
    char **grpName;	/* array of grpNcid */
} ncInqGrpsOut_t;

#define NcInqGrpsOut_PI "int ngrps; int flags; str *grpName[ngrps];"

#if defined(RODS_SERVER)
#define RS_NC_INQ_GRPS rsNcInqGrps
/* prototype for the server handler */
rsNcInqGrps (rsComm_t *rsComm, ncInqGrpsInp_t *ncInqGrpsInp, 
ncInqGrpsOut_t **ncInqGrpsOut);
_rsNcInqGrps (int ncid, ncInqGrpsOut_t **ncInqGrpsOut);

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* rcNcInqGrps - Given a location id or the root id and the absolute group
 * path, return the number of groups it contains, and an array of their ncids.

 * Input - 
 *   rcComm_t *conn - The client connection handle.
 *   ncInqGrpInp_t struct:
 *     ncid - the the ncid.   
 * OutPut - ncInqGrpOut_t.
/* prototype for the client call */
rcNcInqGrps (rcComm_t *conn, ncInqGrpsInp_t *ncInqGrpsInp, 
ncInqGrpsOut_t **ncInqGrpsOut);
freeNcInqGrpsOut (ncInqGrpsOut_t **ncInqGrpsOut);
#ifdef  __cplusplus

#endif	/* NC_INQ_GRPS_H */