/*** Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California *** *** For more information please refer to files in the COPYRIGHT directory ***/ /* rcGlobalExtern.h - Extern global declaration for client API */ #ifndef RC_GLOBAL_EXTERN_H #define RC_GLOBAL_EXTERN_H #include "rods.h" #include "packStruct.h" #include "apiHandler.h" #include "objInfo.h" #include "msParam.h" #include "irodsGuiProgressCallback.h" extern packConstantArray_t PackConstantTable[]; extern packInstructArray_t RodsPackTable[]; extern int ProcessType; extern packInstructArray_t ApiPackTable[]; extern packType_t packTypeTable[]; extern int NumOfPackTypes; extern apidef_t RcApiTable[]; extern int NumOfApi; extern char *dataObjCond[]; extern char *compareOperator[]; extern char *rescCond[]; extern char *userCond[]; extern char *collCond[]; extern rescTypeDef_t RescTypeDef[]; extern int NumRescTypeDef; extern rescClass_t RescClass[]; extern int NumRescClass; extern structFileTypeDef_t StructFileTypeDef[]; extern int NumStructFileType; extern validKeyWd_t DataObjInpKeyWd[]; extern int NumDataObjInpKeyWd; extern validKeyWd_t CollInpKeyWd[]; extern int NumCollInpKeyWd; extern validKeyWd_t StructFileExtAndRegInpKeyWd[]; extern int NumStructFileExtAndRegInpKeyWd; extern struct timeval SysTimingVal; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern irodsGuiProgressCallbak gGuiProgressCB; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* RC_GLOBAL_EXTERN_H */