/*** Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California *** *** For more information please refer to files in the COPYRIGHT directory ***/ /* sockComm.c - sock communication routines */ #include "sockComm.h" #include "rcMisc.h" #include "rcGlobalExtern.h" #include "miscServerFunct.h" #include "getHostForPut.h" #include "getHostForGet.h" #ifdef RBUDP_TRANSFER #include "QUANTAnet_rbudpBase_c.h" #endif /* RBUDP_TRANSFER */ #ifdef windows_platform #include "irodsntutil.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include int win_connect_timeout; MMRESULT win_connect_timer_id; #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include jmp_buf Jcenv; /* YYYY - connToutHandler - this routine is currently not used */ void connToutHandler (int sig) { alarm (0); longjmp (Jcenv, 1); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef USE_BOOST_ASIO // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // open socket for incoming connection int sockOpenForInConn ( rsComm_t* _rsComm, int* _portNum, char** _addr, int _proto ) { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // get rid of alot of namespace references using namespace boost::asio::ip; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // return value int status = 0; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // value check incoming protocol if( proto != SOCK_DGRAM && proto != SOCK_STREAM ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "sockOpenForInConn() -- invalid input protocol %d", proto ); return SYS_INVALID_PROTOCOL_TYPE; } // if proto // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // based on protocol, create either tcp or udp flavored socket wrapper if( SOCK_STREAM == _proto ) { _rsComm->sock = new socket_wrapper_tcp; else if( SOCK_DGRAM == _proto ) { _rsComm->sock = new socket_wrapper_udp; // FIXME rodsSetSockOpt (sock, rsComm->windowSize); } // if/else proto // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // trap failed socket creation if( !_rsComm->sock ) { status = SYS_SOCK_OPEN_ERR - errno; rodsLogError( LOG_NOTICE, status, "sockOpenForInConn: open socket error. status = %d", status ); return status; } // if !sock // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // if portNum is <= 0 and env svrPortRangeStart is set, pick a port // in the range. char* tmpPtr = 0; int svrPortRangeStart = 0; int svrPortRangeEnd = 0; if( *portNum <= 0 && ( tmpPtr = getenv( "svrPortRangeStart" ) ) != NULL ) { int portRangeCount = 0; int bindCnt = 0; int myPortNum = 0; svrPortRangeStart = atoi( tmpPtr ); // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // test for env vars which describe the valid port range to scan if( ( tmpPtr = getenv( "svrPortRangeEnd" ) ) != NULL ) { svrPortRangeEnd = atoi( tmpPtr ); if ( svrPortRangeEnd < svrPortRangeStart ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "sockOpenForInConn: PortRangeStart %d > PortRangeEnd %d", svrPortRangeStart, svrPortRangeEnd); svrPortRangeEnd = svrPortRangeStart + DEF_NUMBER_SVR_PORT - 1; } } else { svrPortRangeEnd = svrPortRangeStart + DEF_NUMBER_SVR_PORT - 1; } portRangeCount = svrPortRangeEnd - svrPortRangeStart + 1; myPortNum = svrPortRangeStart + random() % portRangeCount; // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // loop through port range and find one that sticks while( bindCnt < portRangeCount ) { if( myPortNum > svrPortRangeEnd ) { myPortNum = svrPortRangeStart; } if( _rsComm->sock->open( myPortNum, "" ) ) { *portNum = myPortNum; rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "sockOpenForInConn: port number = %d", myPortNum ); break; } // if success bindCnt ++; myPortNum ++; } // while bindCnd < portRangeCount } else { // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // else use the provided port number parameter status = _rsComm->sock->open( _port, "" ); } // else port > 0 // =-=-=-=-=-=-=- // error out if unsuccessful if( status < 0 ) { status = SYS_SOCK_BIND_ERR - errno; rodsLog( LOG_NOTICE, "sockOpenForInConn: bind socket error. portNum = %d, errno = %d", *portNum, errno ); return ( status ); } // if status if( addr != NULL ) { struct sockaddr_in sin; #if defined(aix_platform) socklen_t length = sizeof (sin); #elif defined(windows_platform) int length; #else uint length = sizeof (sin); #endif if (getsockname (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, &length)) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "sockOpenForInConn() -- getsockname() failed: errno=%d", errno); return SYS_SOCK_BIND_ERR - errno; } *portNum = ntohs (sin.sin_port); *addr = strdup (rods_inet_ntoa (sin.sin_addr)); } return (sock); } // sockOpenForInConn #else /* open sock for incoming connection */ int sockOpenForInConn (rsComm_t *rsComm, int *portNum, char **addr, int proto) { struct sockaddr_in mySockAddr; int sock; int status; int svrPortRangeStart, svrPortRangeEnd; char *tmpPtr; if (proto != SOCK_DGRAM && proto != SOCK_STREAM) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "sockOpenForInConn() -- invalid input protocol %d", proto); return SYS_INVALID_PROTOCOL_TYPE; } memset((char *) &mySockAddr, 0, sizeof mySockAddr); sock = socket (AF_INET, proto, 0); if (sock < 0) { status = SYS_SOCK_OPEN_ERR - errno; rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "sockOpenForInConn: open socket error. status = %d", status); return (status); } /* For SOCK_DGRAM, done in checkbuf */ if (proto == SOCK_STREAM) { rodsSetSockOpt (sock, rsComm->windowSize); } mySockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* if portNum is <= 0 and env svrPortRangeStart is set, pick a port * in the range. */ if (*portNum <= 0 && (tmpPtr = getenv ("svrPortRangeStart")) != NULL) { int portRangeCount; int bindCnt = 0; int myPortNum; svrPortRangeStart = atoi (tmpPtr); if ((tmpPtr = getenv ("svrPortRangeEnd")) != NULL) { svrPortRangeEnd = atoi (tmpPtr); if (svrPortRangeEnd < svrPortRangeStart) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "sockOpenForInConn: PortRangeStart %d > PortRangeEnd %d", svrPortRangeStart, svrPortRangeEnd); svrPortRangeEnd = svrPortRangeStart + DEF_NUMBER_SVR_PORT - 1; } } else { svrPortRangeEnd = svrPortRangeStart + DEF_NUMBER_SVR_PORT - 1; } portRangeCount = svrPortRangeEnd - svrPortRangeStart + 1; myPortNum = svrPortRangeStart + random() % portRangeCount; while (bindCnt < portRangeCount) { if (myPortNum > svrPortRangeEnd) { myPortNum = svrPortRangeStart; } mySockAddr.sin_port = htons(myPortNum); if ((status = bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &mySockAddr, sizeof mySockAddr)) >= 0) { *portNum = myPortNum; rodsLog (LOG_DEBUG, "sockOpenForInConn: port number = %d", myPortNum); break; } bindCnt ++; myPortNum ++; } } else { mySockAddr.sin_port = htons(*portNum); status = bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &mySockAddr, sizeof mySockAddr); } if (status < 0) { status = SYS_SOCK_BIND_ERR - errno; rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "sockOpenForInConn: bind socket error. portNum = %d, errno = %d", *portNum, errno); return (status); } if (addr != NULL) { struct sockaddr_in sin; #if defined(aix_platform) socklen_t length = sizeof (sin); #elif defined(windows_platform) int length; #else uint length = sizeof (sin); #endif if (getsockname (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, &length)) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "sockOpenForInConn() -- getsockname() failed: errno=%d", errno); return SYS_SOCK_BIND_ERR - errno; } *portNum = ntohs (sin.sin_port); *addr = strdup (rods_inet_ntoa (sin.sin_addr)); } return (sock); } /* rsAcceptConn - Server accept connection */ int rsAcceptConn (rsComm_t *svrComm) { socklen_t len; int newSock; int status; len = sizeof (svrComm->remoteAddr); newSock = accept (svrComm->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &svrComm->remoteAddr, &len); if (newSock < 0) { status = SYS_SOCK_ACCEPT_ERR - errno; rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "rsAcceptConn: accept error for socket %d, status = %d", svrComm->sock, status); } rodsSetSockOpt (newSock, svrComm->windowSize); return (newSock); } int readMsgHeader (int sock, msgHeader_t *myHeader, struct timeval *tv) { int nbytes; int myLen; char tmpBuf[MAX_NAME_LEN]; msgHeader_t *outHeader; int status; /* read the header length packet */ nbytes = myRead (sock, (void *) &myLen, sizeof (myLen), SOCK_TYPE, NULL, tv); if (nbytes != sizeof (myLen)) { if (nbytes < 0) { status = nbytes - errno; } else { status = SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR - errno; } rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "readMsgHeader:header read- read %d bytes, expect %d, status = %d", nbytes, sizeof (myLen), status); return (status); } myLen = ntohl (myLen); if (myLen > MAX_NAME_LEN || myLen <= 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "readMsgHeader: header length %d out of range", myLen); return (SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR); } nbytes = myRead (sock, (void *) tmpBuf, myLen, SOCK_TYPE, NULL, tv); if (nbytes != myLen) { if (nbytes < 0) { status = nbytes - errno; } else { status = SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR - errno; } rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "readMsgHeader:header read- read %d bytes, expect %d, status = %d", nbytes, myLen, status); return (status); } if (getRodsLogLevel () >= LOG_DEBUG3) { printf ("received header: len = %d\n%s\n", myLen, tmpBuf); } /* always use XML_PROT for the startup pack */ status = unpackStruct ((void *) tmpBuf, (void **) &outHeader, "MsgHeader_PI", RodsPackTable, XML_PROT); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "readMsgHeader:unpackStruct error. status = %d", status); return (status); } *myHeader = *outHeader; free (outHeader); return (0); } int writeMsgHeader (int sock, msgHeader_t *myHeader) { int nbytes; int status; int myLen; bytesBuf_t *headerBBuf = NULL; /* always use XML_PROT for the Header */ status = packStruct ((void *) myHeader, &headerBBuf, "MsgHeader_PI", RodsPackTable, 0, XML_PROT); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "writeMsgHeader: packStruct error, status = %d", status); return status; } if (getRodsLogLevel () >= LOG_DEBUG3) { printf ("sending header: len = %d\n%s\n", headerBBuf->len, (char *) headerBBuf->buf); } myLen = htonl (headerBBuf->len); nbytes = myWrite (sock, (void *) &myLen, sizeof (myLen), SOCK_TYPE, NULL); if (nbytes != sizeof (myLen)) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "writeMsgHeader: wrote %d bytes for myLen , expect %d, status = %d", nbytes, sizeof (myLen), SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR - errno); return (SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR - errno); } /* now send the header */ nbytes = myWrite (sock, headerBBuf->buf, headerBBuf->len, SOCK_TYPE, NULL); if (headerBBuf->len != nbytes) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "writeMsgHeader: wrote %d bytes, expect %d, status = %d", nbytes, headerBBuf->len, SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR - errno); freeBBuf (headerBBuf); return (SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR - errno); } freeBBuf (headerBBuf); return (0); } int myRead (int sock, void *buf, int len, irodsDescType_t irodsDescType, int *bytesRead, struct timeval *tv) { int nbytes; int toRead; char *tmpPtr; fd_set set; struct timeval timeout; int status; /* Initialize the file descriptor set. */ FD_ZERO (&set); FD_SET (sock, &set); if (tv != NULL) timeout = *tv; toRead = len; tmpPtr = (char *) buf; if (bytesRead != NULL) *bytesRead = 0; while (toRead > 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (irodsDescType == SOCK_TYPE) { nbytes = recv(sock, tmpPtr, toRead, 0); } else { nbytes = read (sock, (void *) tmpPtr, toRead); } #else if (tv != NULL) { status = select (sock + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (status == 0) { /* timedout */ if (len - toRead > 0) { return (len - toRead); } else { return SYS_SOCK_READ_TIMEDOUT; } } else if (status < 0) { if ( errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { return SYS_SOCK_READ_ERR - errno; } } } nbytes = read (sock, (void *) tmpPtr, toRead); #endif if (nbytes <= 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { /* interrupted */ errno = 0; nbytes = 0; } else { break; } } toRead -= nbytes; tmpPtr += nbytes; if (bytesRead != NULL) *bytesRead += nbytes; } return (len - toRead); } int myWrite (int sock, void *buf, int len, irodsDescType_t irodsDescType, int *bytesWritten) { int nbytes; int toWrite; char *tmpPtr; toWrite = len; tmpPtr = (char *) buf; if (bytesWritten != NULL) *bytesWritten = 0; while (toWrite > 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (irodsDescType == SOCK_TYPE) { nbytes = send (sock, tmpPtr, toWrite, 0); } else { nbytes = write (sock, (void *) tmpPtr, toWrite); } #else nbytes = write (sock, (void *) tmpPtr, toWrite); #endif if (nbytes <= 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { /* interrupted */ errno = 0; nbytes = 0; } else { break; } } toWrite -= nbytes; tmpPtr += nbytes; if (bytesWritten != NULL) *bytesWritten += nbytes; } return (len - toWrite); } int readVersion (int sock, version_t **myVersion) { int status; msgHeader_t myHeader; bytesBuf_t inputStructBBuf, bsBBuf, errorBBuf; struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = READ_VERSION_TOUT_SEC; tv.tv_usec = 0; status = readMsgHeader (sock, &myHeader, &tv); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "readVersion: readMsgHeader error. status = %d", status); return (status); } memset (&bsBBuf, 0, sizeof (bytesBuf_t)); status = readMsgBody (sock, &myHeader, &inputStructBBuf, &bsBBuf, &errorBBuf, XML_PROT, NULL); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "readVersion: readMsgBody error. status = %d", status); return (status); } /* some sanity check */ if (strcmp (myHeader.type, RODS_VERSION_T) != 0) { if (inputStructBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); if (bsBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); if (errorBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readVersion: wrong mag type - %s, expect %s", myHeader.type, RODS_VERSION_T); return (SYS_HEADER_TPYE_LEN_ERR); } if (myHeader.bsLen != 0) { if (bsBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readVersion: myHeader.bsLen = %d is not 0", myHeader.bsLen); } if (myHeader.errorLen != 0) { if (errorBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readVersion: myHeader.errorLen = %d is not 0", myHeader.errorLen); } if (myHeader.msgLen > (int) sizeof (version_t) * 2 || myHeader.msgLen <= 0) { if (inputStructBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readVersion: problem with myHeader.msgLen = %d", myHeader.msgLen); return (SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR); } /* alway use XML for version */ status = unpackStruct (inputStructBBuf.buf, (void **) myVersion, "Version_PI", RodsPackTable, XML_PROT); free (inputStructBBuf.buf); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "readVersion:unpackStruct error. status = %d", status); } return (status); } int rodsSetSockOpt (int sock, int windowSize) { int status; int savedStatus = 0; int temp; #ifndef _WIN32 struct linger linger; #endif if (windowSize <= 0) { windowSize = SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE; } else if (windowSize < MIN_SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "rodsSetSockOpt: the input windowSize %d is too small, default to %d", windowSize, MIN_SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE); windowSize = MIN_SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE; } else if (windowSize > MAX_SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "rodsSetSockOpt: the input windowSize %d is too large, default to %d", windowSize, MAX_SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE); windowSize = MAX_SOCK_WINDOW_SIZE; } #ifdef _WIN32 status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&windowSize, sizeof (windowSize)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&windowSize, sizeof (windowSize)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; temp = 1; status = setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&temp, sizeof (temp)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; #else status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &windowSize, sizeof (windowSize)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &windowSize, sizeof (windowSize)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; temp = 1; status = setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &temp, sizeof (temp)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; /* reuse the socket. Otherwise will be kept for 2-4 minutes */ status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &temp, sizeof (temp)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; /* keep connection alive */ temp = 1; status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &temp, sizeof (temp)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 5; status = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &linger, sizeof(linger)); if (status < 0) savedStatus = status; #endif return (savedStatus); } int connectToRhostPortal (char *rodsHost, int rodsPort, int cookie, int windowSize) { int status, nbytes; struct sockaddr_in remoteAddr; int sock, myCookie; status = setSockAddr (&remoteAddr, rodsHost, rodsPort); if (status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "connectToRhostPortal: setSockAddr error for %s, errno = %d", rodsHost, errno); return (status); } /* set timeout 11/13/2009 */ sock = connectToRhostWithRaddr (&remoteAddr, windowSize, 1); if (sock < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "connectToRhostPortal: connectTo Rhost %s port %d error, status = %d", rodsHost, rodsPort, sock); return (sock); } myCookie = htonl (cookie); nbytes = myWrite (sock, &myCookie, sizeof (myCookie), SOCK_TYPE, NULL); if (nbytes != sizeof (myCookie)) { CLOSE_SOCK (sock); return (SYS_PORT_COOKIE_ERR); } return (sock); } int connectToRhost (rcComm_t *conn, int connectCnt, int reconnFlag) { int status; conn->sock = connectToRhostWithRaddr (&conn->remoteAddr, conn->windowSize, 1); if (conn->sock < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, conn->sock, "connectToRhost: connect to host %s on port %d failed, status = %d", conn->host, conn->portNum, conn->sock); return conn->sock; } setConnAddr (conn); status = sendStartupPack (conn, connectCnt, reconnFlag); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "connectToRhost: sendStartupPack to %s failed, status = %d", conn->host, status); close (conn->sock); return status; } status = readVersion (conn->sock, &conn->svrVersion); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "connectToRhost: readVersion to %s failed, status = %d", conn->host, status); close (conn->sock); return status; } if (conn->svrVersion->status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, conn->svrVersion->status, "connectToRhost: error returned from host %s status = %d", conn->host, conn->svrVersion->status); if (conn->svrVersion->status == SYS_EXCEED_CONNECT_CNT) rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "It is likely %s is set to localhost but not recognized by this server. A line can be added to the server/config/irodsHost file to fix the problem. Alternately, you may see this message if one or more of your resources has resc_net set to localhost. Resource resc_net values need to be routable hostnames when federating.", conn->host); close (conn->sock); return conn->svrVersion->status; } return 0; } int connectToRhostWithRaddr (struct sockaddr_in *remoteAddr, int windowSize, int timeoutFlag) { int sock; int status; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock <= 0) { /* try again */ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); } if (sock <= 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "connectToRhostWithRaddr() - socket() failed: errno=%d", errno); return (USER_SOCK_OPEN_ERR - errno); } if (timeoutFlag > 0) { status = connectToRhostWithTout (sock, (struct sockaddr *) remoteAddr); } else { status = connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) remoteAddr, sizeof (struct sockaddr)); } if (status < 0) { if (status == -1) status = USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR - errno; #ifdef _WIN32 closesocket (sock); #else close (sock); #endif /* WIN32 */ return (status); } rodsSetSockOpt (sock, windowSize); #ifdef PORTNAME_solaris flag = fcntl (sock, F_GETFL); if (flag & O_NONBLOCK) fcntl (sock, F_SETFL, (flag & (~O_NONBLOCK))); #endif return (sock); } #ifdef _WIN32 void CALLBACK my_timeout_handler(UINT uID, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2) { win_connect_timeout = 1; } #endif int connectToRhostWithTout (int sock, struct sockaddr *sin) { int timeoutCnt = 0; int status; long arg; fd_set myset; struct timeval tv; #ifdef _WIN32 /* A Windows console app has very limited timeout functionality. * An pseudo timeout is implemented. */ /* int connectCnt; int win_connect_timeout_cb; int win_connect_timeout = 0; int win_connect_timer_id; win_connect_timeout_cb = 0; win_connect_timer_id = timeSetEvent(CONNECT_TIMEOUT*1000, 0, my_timeout_handler, 0, TIME_ONESHOT); connectCnt = 0; */ status = 0; while ((timeoutCnt < MAX_CONN_RETRY_CNT) && (!win_connect_timeout)) { if ((status = connect (sock, sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr))) < 0) { timeoutCnt ++; rodsSleep (0, 200000); } else { break; } } if(status != 0) { return USER_SOCK_CONNECT_TIMEDOUT; } return 0; /* if(win_connect_timeout) { fprintf(stderr, "portalConnect: connect msg timed out for pid %d\n", getpid ()); status = USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR; } else { timeKillEvent(win_connect_timer_id); } */ #else /* redo the timeout using select */ /* Set non-blocking */ if((arg = fcntl (sock, F_GETFL, NULL)) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "connectToRhostWithTout: fcntl F_GETFL error, errno = %d", errno); return (USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR); } arg |= O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl (sock, F_SETFL, arg) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "connectToRhostWithTout: fcntl F_SETFL error, errno = %d", errno); return (USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR); } while (timeoutCnt < MAX_CONN_RETRY_CNT) { status = connect (sock, sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr)); if (status >= 0) break; if (errno == EISCONN) { /* already connected. seen this error on AIX */ status = 0; break; } if (errno == EINPROGRESS || errno == EINTR) { tv.tv_sec = CONNECT_TIMEOUT_TIME; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO (&myset); FD_SET (sock, &myset); status = select (sock + 1, NULL, &myset, NULL, &tv); if (status < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "connectToRhostWithTout: connect error, errno = %d", errno); timeoutCnt++; } continue; } else if (status > 0) { int myval; #if defined(aix_platform) socklen_t mylen = sizeof (int); #else uint mylen = sizeof (int); #endif if (getsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*) (&myval), &mylen) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "connectToRhostWithTout: getsockopt error, errno = %d", errno); return (USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR - errno); } /* Check the returned value */ if (myval) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "connectToRhostWithTout: connect error, errno = %d", myval); timeoutCnt++; status = USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR - myval; continue; } else { break; } } else { /* timed out */ status = USER_SOCK_CONNECT_TIMEDOUT; break; } } else { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "connectToRhostWithTout: connect error, errno = %d", errno); timeoutCnt++; status = USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR - errno; continue; } } if (status < 0) { if (status == -1) return USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR; else return status; } /* Set to blocking again */ if((arg = fcntl (sock, F_GETFL, NULL)) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "connectToRhostWithTout: fcntl F_GETFL error, errno = %d", errno); return (USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR); } arg &= (~O_NONBLOCK); if( fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, arg) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "connectToRhostWithTout: fcntl F_SETFL error, errno = %d", errno); return (USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR); } #endif if (status < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "connectToRhostWithTout: connect failed. errno = %d \n", errno); status = USER_SOCK_CONNECT_ERR - errno; } return (status); } int setConnAddr (rcComm_t *conn) { int status1, status2; status1 = setLocalAddr (conn->sock, &conn->localAddr); status2 = setRemoteAddr (conn->sock, &conn->remoteAddr); if (status1 < 0) { return status1; } else if (status2 < 0) { return status2; } else { return 0; } } int setRemoteAddr (int sock, struct sockaddr_in *remoteAddr) { #if defined(aix_platform) socklen_t laddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #elif defined(windows_platform) int laddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #else uint laddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #endif /* fill in the server address. This is for case where the conn->host * is not a real host but an address that select a host from a pool * of hosts */ if (getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *) remoteAddr, &laddrlen) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "setLocalAddr() -- getpeername() failed: errno=%d", errno); return (USER_RODS_HOSTNAME_ERR); } return (0); } int setLocalAddr (int sock, struct sockaddr_in *localAddr) { #if defined(aix_platform) socklen_t laddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #elif defined(windows_platform) int laddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #else uint laddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); #endif /* fill in the client address */ if (getsockname (sock, (struct sockaddr *) localAddr, &laddrlen) < 0) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "setLocalAddr() -- getsockname() failed: errno=%d", errno); return USER_RODS_HOSTNAME_ERR; } return ntohs (localAddr->sin_port); } int sendStartupPack (rcComm_t *conn, int connectCnt, int reconnFlag) { startupPack_t startupPack; int status; char *tmpStr; bytesBuf_t *startupPackBBuf = NULL; /* setup the startup pack */ startupPack.irodsProt = conn->irodsProt; startupPack.connectCnt = connectCnt; startupPack.reconnFlag = reconnFlag; rstrcpy (startupPack.proxyUser, conn->proxyUser.userName, NAME_LEN); rstrcpy (startupPack.proxyRodsZone, conn->proxyUser.rodsZone, NAME_LEN); rstrcpy (startupPack.clientUser, conn->clientUser.userName, NAME_LEN); rstrcpy (startupPack.clientRodsZone, conn->clientUser.rodsZone, NAME_LEN); rstrcpy (startupPack.relVersion, RODS_REL_VERSION, NAME_LEN); rstrcpy (startupPack.apiVersion, RODS_API_VERSION, NAME_LEN); if ((tmpStr = getenv (SP_OPTION)) != NULL) { rstrcpy (startupPack.option, tmpStr, NAME_LEN); } else { startupPack.option[0] = '\0'; } /* always use XML_PROT for the startupPack */ status = packStruct ((void *) &startupPack, &startupPackBBuf, "StartupPack_PI", RodsPackTable, 0, XML_PROT); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "sendStartupPack: packStruct error, status = %d", status); return status; } status = sendRodsMsg (conn->sock, RODS_CONNECT_T, startupPackBBuf, NULL, NULL, 0, XML_PROT); freeBBuf (startupPackBBuf); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "sendStartupPack: sendRodsMsg error, status = %d", status); return status; } return (status); } int sendVersion (int sock, int versionStatus, int reconnPort, char *reconnAddr, int cookie) { version_t myVersion; int status; bytesBuf_t *versionBBuf = NULL; /* setup the version struct */ memset (&myVersion, 0, sizeof (myVersion)); myVersion.status = versionStatus; rstrcpy (myVersion.relVersion, RODS_REL_VERSION, NAME_LEN); rstrcpy (myVersion.apiVersion, RODS_API_VERSION, NAME_LEN); if (reconnAddr != NULL) { myVersion.reconnPort = reconnPort; rstrcpy (myVersion.reconnAddr, reconnAddr, LONG_NAME_LEN); myVersion.cookie = cookie; } /* alway use XML for version */ status = packStruct ((char *) &myVersion, &versionBBuf, "Version_PI", RodsPackTable, 0, XML_PROT); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "sendVersion: packStruct error, status = %d", status); return status; } status = sendRodsMsg (sock, RODS_VERSION_T, versionBBuf, NULL, NULL, 0, XML_PROT); freeBBuf (versionBBuf); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "sendVersion: sendRodsMsg error, status = %d", status); return status; } return (status); } int sendRodsMsg (int sock, char *msgType, bytesBuf_t *msgBBuf, bytesBuf_t *byteStreamBBuf, bytesBuf_t *errorBBuf, int intInfo, irodsProt_t irodsProt) { int status; msgHeader_t msgHeader; int bytesWritten; memset (&msgHeader, 0, sizeof (msgHeader)); rstrcpy (msgHeader.type, msgType, HEADER_TYPE_LEN); if (msgBBuf == NULL) { msgHeader.msgLen = 0; } else { msgHeader.msgLen = msgBBuf->len; } if (byteStreamBBuf == NULL) { msgHeader.bsLen = 0; } else { msgHeader.bsLen = byteStreamBBuf->len; } if (errorBBuf == NULL) { msgHeader.errorLen = 0; } else { msgHeader.errorLen = errorBBuf->len; } msgHeader.intInfo = intInfo; status = writeMsgHeader (sock, &msgHeader); if (status < 0) return (status); /* send the rest */ if (msgHeader.msgLen > 0) { if (irodsProt == XML_PROT && getRodsLogLevel () >= LOG_DEBUG3) { printf ("sending msg: \n%s\n", (char *) msgBBuf->buf); } status = myWrite (sock, msgBBuf->buf, msgBBuf->len, SOCK_TYPE, NULL); if (status < 0) return (status); } if (msgHeader.errorLen > 0) { if (irodsProt == XML_PROT && getRodsLogLevel () >= LOG_DEBUG3) { printf ("sending error msg: \n%s\n", (char *) errorBBuf->buf); } status = myWrite (sock, errorBBuf->buf, errorBBuf->len, SOCK_TYPE, NULL); if (status < 0) return (status); } if (msgHeader.bsLen > 0) { status = myWrite (sock, byteStreamBBuf->buf, byteStreamBBuf->len, SOCK_TYPE, &bytesWritten); if (status < 0) return (status); } return (0); } int rodsSleep (int sec, int microSec) { struct timeval sleepTime; sleepTime.tv_sec = sec; sleepTime.tv_usec = microSec; select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sleepTime); return 0; } int readMsgBody (int sock, msgHeader_t *myHeader, bytesBuf_t *inputStructBBuf, bytesBuf_t *bsBBuf, bytesBuf_t *errorBBuf, irodsProt_t irodsProt, struct timeval *tv) { int nbytes; int bytesRead; if (myHeader == NULL) { return (SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_INPUT_ERR); } if (inputStructBBuf != NULL) memset (inputStructBBuf, 0, sizeof (bytesBuf_t)); /* Don't memset bsBBuf because bsBBuf can be reused on the client side */ if (errorBBuf != NULL) memset (errorBBuf, 0, sizeof (bytesBuf_t)); if (myHeader->msgLen > 0) { if (inputStructBBuf == NULL) { return (SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_INPUT_ERR); } inputStructBBuf->buf = malloc (myHeader->msgLen); nbytes = myRead (sock, inputStructBBuf->buf, myHeader->msgLen, SOCK_TYPE, NULL, tv); if (irodsProt == XML_PROT && getRodsLogLevel () >= LOG_DEBUG3) { printf ("received msg: \n%s\n", (char *) inputStructBBuf->buf); } if (nbytes != myHeader->msgLen) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readMsgBody: inputStruct read error, read %d bytes, expect %d", nbytes, myHeader->msgLen); free (inputStructBBuf->buf); return (SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR); } inputStructBBuf->len = myHeader->msgLen; } if (myHeader->errorLen > 0) { if (errorBBuf == NULL) { return (SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_INPUT_ERR); } errorBBuf->buf = malloc (myHeader->errorLen); nbytes = myRead (sock, errorBBuf->buf, myHeader->errorLen, SOCK_TYPE, NULL, tv); if (irodsProt == XML_PROT && getRodsLogLevel () >= LOG_DEBUG3) { printf ("received error msg: \n%s\n", (char *) errorBBuf->buf); } if (nbytes != myHeader->errorLen) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readMsgBody: errorBbuf read error, read %d bytes, expect %d, errno = %d", nbytes, myHeader->msgLen, errno); free (errorBBuf->buf); return (SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_LEN_ERR - errno); } errorBBuf->len = myHeader->errorLen; } if (myHeader->bsLen > 0) { if (bsBBuf == NULL) { return (SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_INPUT_ERR); } if (bsBBuf->buf == NULL) { bsBBuf->buf = malloc (myHeader->bsLen); } else if (myHeader->bsLen > bsBBuf->len) { free (bsBBuf->buf); bsBBuf->buf = malloc (myHeader->bsLen); } nbytes = myRead (sock, bsBBuf->buf, myHeader->bsLen, SOCK_TYPE, &bytesRead, tv); if (nbytes != myHeader->bsLen) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readMsgBody: bsBBuf read error, read %d bytes, expect %d, errno = %d", nbytes, myHeader->bsLen, errno); free (bsBBuf->buf); return (SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_INPUT_ERR - errno); } bsBBuf->len = myHeader->bsLen; } return (0); } char * rods_inet_ntoa (struct in_addr in) { char *clHostAddr; clHostAddr = inet_ntoa (in); if (strcmp (clHostAddr, "") == 0 || strcmp (clHostAddr, "") == 0) { /* localhost */ char sb[LONG_NAME_LEN]; struct hostent *phe; if (gethostname (sb, sizeof (sb)) != 0) return(clHostAddr); if ((phe = gethostbyname (sb)) == NULL) return(clHostAddr); clHostAddr = inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr*) phe->h_addr); } return (clHostAddr); } /* YYYY - irodsCloseSock - this routine is currently not used */ int irodsCloseSock (int sock) { #ifdef _WIN32 return (closesocket (sock)); #else return (close (sock)); #endif /* WIN32 */ } int readReconMsg (int sock, reconnMsg_t **reconnMsg) { int status; msgHeader_t myHeader; bytesBuf_t inputStructBBuf, bsBBuf, errorBBuf; status = readMsgHeader (sock, &myHeader, NULL); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "readReconMsg: readMsgHeader error. status = %d", status); return (status); } memset (&bsBBuf, 0, sizeof (bytesBuf_t)); status = readMsgBody (sock, &myHeader, &inputStructBBuf, &bsBBuf, &errorBBuf, XML_PROT, NULL); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "readReconMsg: readMsgBody error. status = %d", status); return (status); } /* some sanity check */ if (strcmp (myHeader.type, RODS_RECONNECT_T) != 0) { if (inputStructBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); if (bsBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); if (errorBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readReconMsg: wrong mag type - %s, expect %s", myHeader.type, RODS_CONNECT_T); return (SYS_HEADER_TPYE_LEN_ERR); } if (myHeader.bsLen != 0) { if (bsBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readReconMsg: myHeader.bsLen = %d is not 0", myHeader.bsLen); } if (myHeader.errorLen != 0) { if (errorBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readReconMsg: myHeader.errorLen = %d is not 0", myHeader.errorLen); } if (myHeader.msgLen <= 0) { if (inputStructBBuf.buf != NULL) free (inputStructBBuf.buf); rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "readReconMsg: problem with myHeader.msgLen = %d", myHeader.msgLen); return (SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR); } /* always use XML_PROT for the startup pack */ status = unpackStruct (inputStructBBuf.buf, (void **) reconnMsg, "ReconnMsg_PI", RodsPackTable, XML_PROT); clearBBuf (&inputStructBBuf); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_NOTICE, status, "readReconMsg:unpackStruct error. status = %d", status); } return (status); } int sendReconnMsg (int sock, reconnMsg_t *reconnMsg) { int status; bytesBuf_t *reconnMsgBBuf = NULL; if (reconnMsg == NULL) return (USER__NULL_INPUT_ERR); /* alway use XML for version */ status = packStruct ((char *) reconnMsg, &reconnMsgBBuf, "ReconnMsg_PI", RodsPackTable, 0, XML_PROT); status = sendRodsMsg (sock, RODS_RECONNECT_T, reconnMsgBBuf, NULL, NULL, 0, XML_PROT); freeBBuf (reconnMsgBBuf); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "sendReconnMsg: sendRodsMsg of reconnect msg failed, status = %d", status); } return (status); } int svrSwitchConnect (rsComm_t *rsComm) { if (rsComm->reconnectedSock > 0) { if (rsComm->clientState == RECEIVING_STATE) { reconnMsg_t reconnMsg; bzero (&reconnMsg, sizeof (reconnMsg)); sendReconnMsg (rsComm->sock, &reconnMsg); rsComm->clientState = PROCESSING_STATE; } close (rsComm->sock); rsComm->sock = rsComm->reconnectedSock; rsComm->reconnectedSock = 0; rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "svrSwitchConnect: Switch connection"); return 1; } else { return 0; } } int cliSwitchConnect (rcComm_t *conn) { if (conn->reconnectedSock > 0) { if (conn->agentState == RECEIVING_STATE) { reconnMsg_t reconnMsg; bzero (&reconnMsg, sizeof (reconnMsg)); sendReconnMsg (conn->sock, &reconnMsg); conn->agentState = PROCESSING_STATE; } close (conn->sock); conn->sock = conn->reconnectedSock; conn->reconnectedSock = 0; printf ("The client/server socket connection has been renewed\n"); return 1; } else { return 0; } } int addUdpPortToPortList (portList_t *thisPortList, int udpport) { /* put udpport in the upper 16 bits of portNum */ thisPortList->portNum |= udpport << 16; return 0; } int getUdpPortFromPortList (portList_t *thisPortList) { int udpport = 0; udpport = (thisPortList->portNum & 0xffff0000) >> 16; return (udpport); } int getTcpPortFromPortList (portList_t *thisPortList) { return (thisPortList->portNum & 0xffff); } int addUdpSockToPortList (portList_t *thisPortList, int udpsock) { /* put udpport in the upper 16 bits of portNum */ thisPortList->sock |= udpsock << 16; return 0; } int getUdpSockFromPortList (portList_t *thisPortList) { int udpsock = 0; udpsock = (thisPortList->sock & 0xffff0000) >> 16; return (udpsock); } int getTcpSockFromPortList (portList_t *thisPortList) { return (thisPortList->sock & 0xffff); } int isReadMsgError (int status) { int irodsErr = getIrodsErrno (status); if (irodsErr == SYS_READ_MSG_BODY_LEN_ERR || irodsErr == SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR || irodsErr == SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } int redirectConnToRescSvr (rcComm_t **conn, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, rodsEnv *myEnv, int reconnFlag) { int status; char *outHost = NULL; if (dataObjInp->oprType == PUT_OPR) { status = rcGetHostForPut (*conn, dataObjInp, &outHost); } else if (dataObjInp->oprType == GET_OPR) { status = rcGetHostForGet (*conn, dataObjInp, &outHost); } else { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "redirectConnToRescSvr: Unknown oprType %d\n", dataObjInp->oprType); return 0; } if (status < 0 || outHost == NULL || strcmp (outHost, THIS_ADDRESS) == 0) return status; #if 0 newConn = rcConnect (outHost, myEnv->rodsPort, myEnv->rodsUserName, myEnv->rodsZone, reconnFlag, &errMsg); if (newConn != NULL) { status = clientLogin(newConn); if (status != 0) { rcDisconnect(newConn); return status; } rcDisconnect (*conn); *conn = newConn; } return 0; #else status = rcReconnect (conn, outHost, myEnv, reconnFlag); return status; #endif } int rcReconnect (rcComm_t **conn, char *newHost, rodsEnv *myEnv, int reconnFlag) { int status; rcComm_t *newConn = NULL; rErrMsg_t errMsg; bzero (&errMsg, sizeof (errMsg)); newConn = rcConnect (newHost, myEnv->rodsPort, myEnv->rodsUserName, myEnv->rodsZone, reconnFlag, &errMsg); if (newConn != NULL) { status = clientLogin(newConn); if (status != 0) { rcDisconnect(newConn); return status; } rcDisconnect (*conn); *conn = newConn; return 0; } else { return errMsg.status; } } int mySockClose (int sock) { int status; #ifdef _WIN32 status = closesocket (sock); #else /* _WIN32 */ #if defined(solaris_platform) || defined(linux_platform) || defined(osx_platform) /* For reason I do not completely understand, if I do a socket write and * then a socket close immediately, the receiver at the other end can * get a errno 104 (reset by peer) and does no always get the sent msg * even though setting SO_LINGER. Making a shutdown call to shutdown * the send channel seems to do the job. */ shutdown (sock, SHUT_WR); #endif status = close (sock); #endif return status; } #endif // USE_BOOST_ASIO