// @(#)root/test:$name: $:$id: stressHistoFit.cxx,v 1.15 2002/10/25 10:47:51 rdm exp $ // Authors: David Gonzalez Maline November 2008 //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*// // // // // // Set of tests for different minimization algorithms and for // // different objects. The tests are divided into three types: // // // // 1. 1D and 2D Objects, including 1D and 2D histograms, 1D and 2D // // histograms with variable bins, TGraph, TGraphErrors, TGraph2D, // // TGraph2DErrors // // 2. Same as before, but trying linear fitters. // // 3. Unbinned fits with trees of different dimensions. // // // // Each test will performed fits with different functions and // // different minimization algorithms selected. There is an error // // tolerance for each one of them. There is also the possibility to // // inspect each one of the test individually changing the // // defaultOptions variable. // // // // // // An example of output when all the tests run OK is shown below: // // **************************************************************************** // * Starting stress H I S T O F I T * // **************************************************************************** // Test 1D and 2D objects // Test 1: 'Histogram 1D Variable' with 'GAUS'...................OK // Test 2: 'Histogram 1D' with 'GAUS'............................OK // Test 3: 'TGraph 1D' with 'GAUS'...............................OK // Test 4: 'TGraphErrors 1D' with 'GAUS'.........................OK // Test 5: 'THnSparse 1D' with 'GAUS'............................OK // Test 6: 'Histogram 1D Variable' with 'Polynomial'.............OK // Test 7: 'Histogram 1D' with 'Polynomial'......................OK // Test 8: 'TGraph 1D' with 'Polynomial'.........................OK // Test 9: 'TGraphErrors 1D' with 'Polynomial'...................OK // Test 10: 'THnSparse 1D' with 'Polynomial'......................OK // Test 11: 'Histogram 2D Variable' with 'gaus2D'.................OK // Test 12: 'Histogram 2D' with 'gaus2D'..........................OK // Test 13: 'TGraph 2D' with 'gaus2D'.............................OK // Test 14: 'TGraphErrors 2DGE' with 'gaus2D'.....................OK // Test 15: 'THnSparse 2D' with 'gaus2D'..........................OK // Test Linear fits // Test 16: 'Histogram 1D Variable' with 'Polynomial'.............OK // Test 17: 'Histogram 1D' with 'Polynomial'......................OK // Test 18: 'TGraph 1D' with 'Polynomial'.........................OK // Test 19: 'TGraphErrors 1D' with 'Polynomial'...................OK // Test 20: 'THnSparse 1D' with 'Polynomial'......................OK // Test 21: 'Histogram 2D Variable' with 'Poly2D'.................OK // Test 22: 'Histogram 2D' with 'Poly2D'..........................OK // Test 23: 'TGraph 2D' with 'Poly2D'.............................OK // Test 24: 'TGraphErrors 2DGE' with 'Poly2D'.....................OK // Test 25: 'THnSparse 2D' with 'Poly2D'..........................OK // Test unbinned fits // Test 26: 'tree' with 'gausn'...................................OK // Test 27: 'tree' with 'gaus2Dn'.................................OK // Test 28: 'tree' with 'gausND'..................................OK // **************************************************************************** // stressHistoFit: Real Time = 37.49 seconds Cpu Time = 37.24 seconds // ROOTMARKS = 2663.8 ROOT version: 5.27/01 trunk@32822 // **************************************************************************** // // // //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*// #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraph2D.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TGraph2DErrors.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TF2.h" #include "Math/IFunction.h" #include "Math/IParamFunction.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "Math/DistFunc.h" #include "TUnuran.h" #include "TUnuranMultiContDist.h" #include "Math/MinimizerOptions.h" #include "TBackCompFitter.h" #include "TVirtualFitter.h" #include "Math/WrappedTF1.h" #include "Math/WrappedMultiTF1.h" #include "Fit/BinData.h" #include "Fit/UnBinData.h" #include "HFitInterface.h" #include "Fit/Fitter.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TROOT.h" //#include "RConfigure.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #ifdef R__WIN32 #ifndef __CLING__ #define FOREGROUND_BLUE 1 #define FOREGROUND_GREEN 2 #define FOREGROUND_RED 4 #define FOREGROUND_INTENSITY 8 #define FOREGROUND_GREY FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE extern "C" { void *__stdcall GetStdHandle(unsigned long); bool __stdcall SetConsoleTextAttribute(void *, unsigned int); } #pragma comment(lib, "Kernel32.lib") #endif #endif #include "Riostream.h" using namespace std; // Next line should not exist. It is now there for testing // pourpuses. #undef R__HAS_MATHMORE unsigned int __DRAW__ = 0; int gSelectedTest = 0; // set a small tolerance for the tests // The default of 10*-2 make sometimes Simplex do not converge const double gDefaultTolerance = 1.E-4; TRandom3 rndm; enum cmpOpts { cmpNone = 0, cmpPars = 1, cmpDist = 2, cmpChi2 = 4, cmpErr = 8, }; // Reference structure to compare the fitting results struct RefValue { const double* pars; const double chi; RefValue(const double* p = 0, const double c = 0.0): pars(p), chi(c) {}; }; // Class that keeps a reference structure and some tolerance values to // make a comparision between the reference and the result of a // fit. The options define what has to be compared. class CompareResult { public: struct RefValue* refValue; int opts; double tolPar; double tolChi2; CompareResult(int _opts = cmpPars, double _tolPar = 3, double _tolChi2 = 0.01): refValue(0), opts(_opts), tolPar(_tolPar), tolChi2(_tolChi2) {}; CompareResult(CompareResult const& copy): refValue(copy.refValue), opts(copy.opts), tolPar(copy.tolPar), tolChi2(copy.tolChi2) {}; void setRefValue(struct RefValue* _refValue) { refValue = _refValue; }; int parameters(int npar, double val, double ref) const { int ret = 0; if ( refValue && (opts & cmpPars) ) { ret = compareResult(val, refValue->pars[npar], tolPar*ref); // printf("[TOL:%f]", ref); } return ret; }; int chi2(double val) const { return ( refValue && (opts & cmpChi2) ) ? compareResult(val, refValue->chi, tolChi2) : 0; }; public: // Compares two doubles with a given tolerence int compareResult(double v1, double v2, double tol = 0.01) const { if (std::abs(v1-v2) > tol ) return 1; return 0; } }; // Create a variable range in a vector (to be passed to the histogram // constructor void FillVariableRange(Double_t v[], Int_t numberOfBins, Double_t minRange, Double_t maxRange) { Double_t minLimit = (maxRange-minRange) / (numberOfBins*4); Double_t maxLimit = (maxRange-minRange)*4/ (numberOfBins); v[0] = 0; for ( Int_t i = 1; i < numberOfBins + 1; ++i ) { Double_t limit = rndm.Uniform(minLimit, maxLimit); v[i] = v[i-1] + limit; } Double_t k = (maxRange-minRange)/v[numberOfBins]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < numberOfBins + 1; ++i ) { v[i] = v[i] * k + minRange; } } // Class defining the different algorithms. It contains the library, // the particular algorithm and the options which will be used to // invoke the algorithm. It also contains a CompareResult to indicate // what sort of checking has to be done once the algorithm has been // used. class algoType { public: const char* type; const char* algo; const char* opts; CompareResult cmpResult; algoType(): type(0), algo(0), opts(0), cmpResult(0) {} algoType(const char* s1, const char* s2, const char* s3, CompareResult _cmpResult): type(s1), algo(s2), opts(s3), cmpResult(_cmpResult) {} }; // Different vectors containing the list of algorithms to be used. vector<algoType> commonAlgos; vector<algoType> simplexAlgos; vector<algoType> specialAlgos; vector<algoType> noGraphAlgos; vector<algoType> noGraphErrorAlgos; vector<algoType> graphErrorAlgos; vector<algoType> histGaus2D; vector<algoType> linearAlgos; vector< vector<algoType> > listTH1DAlgos; vector< vector<algoType> > listAlgosTGraph; vector< vector<algoType> > listAlgosTGraphError; vector< vector<algoType> > listLinearAlgos; vector< vector<algoType> > listTH2DAlgos; vector< vector<algoType> > listAlgosTGraph2D; vector< vector<algoType> > listAlgosTGraph2DError; // Class defining the limits in the parameters of a function. class ParLimit { public: int npar; double min; double max; ParLimit(int _npar = 0, double _min = 0, double _max = 0): npar(_npar), min(_min), max(_max) {}; }; // Set the limits of a function given a vector of ParLimit void SetParsLimits(vector<ParLimit>& v, TF1* func) { for ( vector<ParLimit>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it ) { // printf("Setting parameters: %d, %f, %f\n", (*it)->npar, (*it)->min, (*it)->max); func->SetParLimits( it->npar, it->min, it->max); } } // Class that defined a fitting function. It will contain: // The name of the function // A pointer to the method that implements the function // origPars is the original parameters used to fill the histogram/object // fitPars parameters used right before fitting. // parLimits limits of the parameters to be set before fitting class fitFunctions { public: TString name; double (*func)(double*, double*) = nullptr; unsigned int npars = 0; vector<double> origPars; vector<double> fitPars; vector<ParLimit> parLimits; fitFunctions() {} fitFunctions(const char* s1, double (*f)(double*, double*), unsigned int n, double* v1, double* v2, vector<ParLimit>& limits): name(s1), func(f), npars(n), origPars(npars), fitPars(npars), parLimits(limits.size()) { copy(v1, v1 + npars, origPars.begin()); copy(v2, v2 + npars, fitPars.begin()); copy(limits.begin(), limits.end(), parLimits.begin()); } }; // List of functions that will be used in the test vector<fitFunctions> l1DFunctions; vector<fitFunctions> l2DFunctions; vector<fitFunctions> treeFunctions; vector<fitFunctions> l1DLinearFunctions; vector<fitFunctions> l2DLinearFunctions; // Gaus 1D implementation Double_t gaus1DImpl(Double_t* x, Double_t* p) { return p[2]*TMath::Gaus(x[0], p[0], p[1]); } // 1D Polynomial implementation Double_t poly1DImpl(Double_t *x, Double_t *p) { Double_t xx = x[0]; return p[0]*xx*xx*xx+p[1]*xx*xx+p[2]*xx+p[3]; } // 2D Polynomial implementation Double_t poly2DImpl(Double_t *x, Double_t *p) { Double_t xx = x[0]; Double_t yy = x[1]; return p[0]*xx*xx*xx+p[1]*xx*xx+p[2]*xx + p[3]*yy*yy*yy+p[4]*yy*yy+p[5]*yy + p[6]; } // Gaus 2D Implementation Double_t gaus2DImpl(Double_t *x, Double_t *p) { return p[0]*TMath::Gaus(x[0], p[1], p[2])*TMath::Gaus(x[1], p[3], p[4]); } // Gaus 1D Normalized Implementation double gausNormal(Double_t* x, Double_t* p) { return p[2]*TMath::Gaus(x[0],p[0],p[1],1); } // Gaus 2D Normalized Implementation double gaus2dnormal(double *x, double *p) { double mu_x = p[0]; double sigma_x = p[1]; double mu_y = p[2]; double sigma_y = p[3]; double rho = p[4]; double u = (x[0] - mu_x)/ sigma_x ; double v = (x[1] - mu_y)/ sigma_y ; double c = 1 - rho*rho ; double result = (1 / (2 * TMath::Pi() * sigma_x * sigma_y * sqrt(c))) * exp (-(u * u - 2 * rho * u * v + v * v ) / (2 * c)); return result; } // N-dimensional Gaus double gausNd(double *x, double *p) { double f = gaus2dnormal(x,p); f *= ROOT::Math::normal_pdf(x[2],p[6],p[5]); f *= ROOT::Math::normal_pdf(x[3],p[8],p[7]); f *= ROOT::Math::normal_pdf(x[4],p[10],p[9]); f *= ROOT::Math::normal_pdf(x[5],p[12],p[11]); if (f <= 0) { std::cout << "invalid f value " << f << " for x "; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) std::cout << " " << x[i]; std::cout << "\t P = "; for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) std::cout << " " << p[i]; std::cout << "\n\n "; return 1.E-300; } else if (f > 0) return f; std::cout << " f is a nan " << f << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) std::cout << " " << x[i]; std::cout << "\t P = "; for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) std::cout << " " << p[i]; std::cout << "\n\n "; Error("gausNd","f is a nan"); assert(1); return 0; } const double minX = -5.; const double maxX = +5.; const double minY = -5.; const double maxY = +5.; const int nbinsX = 30; const int nbinsY = 30; // Options to indicate how the test has to be run enum testOpt { testOptPars = 1, // Check parameters testOptChi = 2, // Check Chi2 Test testOptErr = 4, // Show the errors testOptColor = 8, // Show wrong output in color testOptDebug = 16, // Print out debug version testOptCheck = 32, // Make the checkings testOptFitDbg = 64 // Make fit verbose }; // Default options that all tests will have int defaultOptions = testOptColor | testOptCheck;// | testOptDebug; // Object to manage the fitter depending on the optiones used template <typename T> class ObjectWrapper { public: T object; ObjectWrapper(T _obj): object(_obj) {}; template <typename F> Int_t Fit(F func, const char* opts) { if ( opts[0] == 'G' ) { ROOT::Fit::BinData d; ROOT::Fit::FillData(d,object,func); // ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 f(*func); ROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1 f(*func); // f->SetDerivPrecision(10e-6); ROOT::Fit::Fitter fitter; // printf("Gradient? FIT?!?\n"); fitter.Fit(d, f); const ROOT::Fit::FitResult & fitResult = fitter.Result(); // one could set directly the fit result in TF1 Int_t iret = fitResult.Status(); if (!fitResult.IsEmpty() ) { // set in f1 the result of the fit func->SetChisquare( fitResult.Chi2() ); func->SetNDF( fitResult.Ndf() ); func->SetNumberFitPoints( d.Size() ); func->SetParameters( &(fitResult.Parameters().front()) ); if ( int( fitResult.Errors().size()) >= func->GetNpar() ) func->SetParErrors( &(fitResult.Errors().front()) ); } // Next line only for debug // fitResult.Print(std::cout); return iret; } else { // printf("Normal FIT\n"); return object->Fit(func, opts); } }; const char* GetName() { return object->GetName(); } }; // Print the Name of the test int gTestIndex = 0; template <typename T> void printTestName(T* object, TF1* func) { string str = "Test "; if (gTestIndex < 10) str += " "; // add an extra space str += ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(gTestIndex); str += ": '"; str += object->GetName(); str += "' with '"; str += func->GetName(); str += "'..."; while ( str.length() != 65 ) str += '.'; printf("%s", str.c_str()); fflush(stdout); } // In debug mode, prints the title of the debug table. void printTitle(TF1* func) { printf("\nMin Type | Min Algo | OPT | PARAMETERS "); int n = func->GetNpar(); for ( int i = 1; i < n; ++i ) { printf(" "); } printf(" | CHI2TEST | ERRORS \n"); fflush(stdout); } // In debug mode, separator for the different tests void printSeparator() { fflush(stdout); printf("*********************************************************************" "********************************************************************\n"); fflush(stdout); } // Sets the color of the output to red or normal void setColor(int red = 0) { #ifndef R__WIN32 char command[13]; if ( red ) snprintf(command,13, "%c[%d;%d;%dm", 0x1B, 1, 1 + 30, 8 + 40); else snprintf(command,13, "%c[%dm", 0x1B, 0); // reset to default printf("%s", command); #else #ifndef __CLING__ if ( red ) SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle((unsigned long)-11), FOREGROUND_RED ); else SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle((unsigned long)-11), FOREGROUND_GREY ); #endif #endif } // Test a fit once it has been done: // @str1 Name of the library used // @str2 Name of the algorithm used // @str3 Options used when fitting // @func Fitted function // @cmpResult Object to compare the result. It contains all the reference // objects as well as the method to compare. It will know whether something has to be tested or not. // @opts Options of the test, to know what has to be printed or tested. int testFit(const char* str1, const char* str2, const char* str3, TF1* func, CompareResult const& cmpResult, int opts) { bool debug = opts & testOptDebug; // so far, status will just count the number of parameters wronly // calculated. There is no other test of the fitters int status = 0; int diff = 0; double chi2 = 0; if ( opts & testOptChi || opts & testOptCheck ) chi2 = func->GetChisquare(); fflush(stdout); if ( opts & testOptPars ) { int n = func->GetNpar(); double* values = func->GetParameters(); if ( debug ) printf("%-11s | %-11s | %-4s | ", str1, str2, str3); for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if ( opts & testOptCheck ) diff = cmpResult.parameters(i, values[i], std::max(std::sqrt(chi2/func->GetNDF()),1.0)*func->GetParError(i)); status += diff; if ( opts & testOptColor ) setColor ( diff ); if ( debug ) printf("%10.6f +/-(%-6.3f) ", values[i], func->GetParError(i)); fflush(stdout); } setColor(0); } if ( opts & testOptChi ) { if ( debug ) printf(" | chi2: %9.4f | ", chi2); } if ( opts & testOptErr ) { assert(TVirtualFitter::GetFitter() != 0 ); TBackCompFitter* fitter = dynamic_cast<TBackCompFitter*>( TVirtualFitter::GetFitter() ); assert(fitter != 0); const ROOT::Fit::FitResult& fitResult = fitter->GetFitResult(); if ( debug ) printf("err: "); int n = func->GetNpar(); for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if ( debug ) printf("%c ", (fitResult.LowerError(i) == fitResult.UpperError(i))?'E':'D'); } if ( debug ) printf("| "); } if ( opts != 0 ) { setColor(0); if ( debug ) printf("\n"); } fflush(stdout); return status; } // Makes all the tests combinations for: // @object The object to be fitted // @func The function to be used for the fitting // @listAlgos All the algorithms that should be tested // @fitFunction Parameters of the function used to fill the object template <typename T, typename F> int testFitters(T* object, F* func, vector< vector<algoType> >& listAlgos, fitFunctions const& fitFunction) { // counts the number of parameters wronly calculated int status = 0; int numberOfTests = 0; const double* origpars = &(fitFunction.origPars[0]); const double* fitpars = &(fitFunction.fitPars[0]); func->SetParameters(fitpars); printTestName(object, func); ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMinimizer(commonAlgos[0].type, commonAlgos[0].algo); ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultTolerance(gDefaultTolerance); TString opt = ""; if (! (defaultOptions & testOptFitDbg) ) opt += "Q"; if (! __DRAW__) opt += "0"; object->Fit(func, opt); if ( defaultOptions & testOptDebug ) printTitle(func); struct RefValue ref(origpars, func->GetChisquare()); commonAlgos[0].cmpResult.setRefValue(&ref); int defMinOptions = testOptPars | testOptChi | testOptErr | defaultOptions; status += testFit(commonAlgos[0].type, commonAlgos[0].algo , commonAlgos[0].opts, func , commonAlgos[0].cmpResult, defMinOptions); numberOfTests += 1; if ( defaultOptions & testOptDebug ) { printSeparator(); func->SetParameters(origpars); status += testFit("Parameters", "Original", "", func, commonAlgos[0].cmpResult, testOptPars | testOptDebug); func->SetParameters(fitpars); status += testFit("Parameters", "Initial", "", func, commonAlgos[0].cmpResult, testOptPars | testOptDebug); printSeparator(); } for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < listAlgos.size(); ++j ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < listAlgos[j].size(); ++i ) { int testFitOptions = testOptPars | testOptChi | testOptErr | defaultOptions; ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMinimizer(listAlgos[j][i].type, listAlgos[j][i].algo); func->SetParameters(fitpars); fflush(stdout); object->Fit(func, listAlgos[j][i].opts); listAlgos[j][i].cmpResult.setRefValue(&ref); status += testFit(listAlgos[j][i].type, listAlgos[j][i].algo, listAlgos[j][i].opts , func, listAlgos[j][i].cmpResult, testFitOptions); numberOfTests += 1; fflush(stdout); } } double percentageFailure = double( status * 100 ) / double( numberOfTests*func->GetNpar() ); if ( defaultOptions & testOptDebug ) { printSeparator(); printf("Number of fails: %d Total Number of tests %d", status, numberOfTests); printf(" Percentage of failure: %f\n", percentageFailure ); } // limit in the percentage of failure! return (percentageFailure < 4)?0:1; } // Test the diferent objects in 1D int test1DObjects(vector< vector<algoType> >& listH, vector< vector<algoType> >& listG, vector< vector<algoType> >& listGE, vector<fitFunctions>& listOfFunctions) { // Counts how many tests failed. int globalStatus = 0; // To control if an individual test failed int status = 0; TF1* func = 0; TH1D* h1 = 0; TH1D* h2 = 0; THnSparse* s1 = 0; TGraph* g1 = 0; TGraphErrors* ge1 = 0; TCanvas *c0 = 0, *c1 = 0, *c2 = 0, *c3 = 0; for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < listOfFunctions.size(); ++j ) { if ( func ) delete func; func = new TF1( listOfFunctions[j].name, listOfFunctions[j].func, minX, maxX, listOfFunctions[j].npars); func->SetParameters(&(listOfFunctions[j].origPars[0])); SetParsLimits(listOfFunctions[j].parLimits, func); // fill an histogram if ( h1 ) delete h1; h1 = new TH1D("histogram1D","h1-title",nbinsX,minX,maxX); for ( int i = 0; i <= h1->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i ) h1->SetBinContent( i, rndm.Poisson( func->Eval( h1->GetBinCenter(i) ) ) ); double v[nbinsX + 1]; FillVariableRange(v, nbinsX, minX, maxX); if ( h2 ) delete h2; h2 = new TH1D("histogram1D_Variable","h2-title",nbinsX, v); for ( int i = 0; i <= h2->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i ) h2->SetBinContent( i, rndm.Poisson( func->Eval( h2->GetBinCenter(i) ) ) ); gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { delete c0; c0 = new TCanvas("c0-1D", "Histogram1D Variable"); if ( __DRAW__ ) h2->DrawCopy(); ObjectWrapper<TH1D*> owh2(h2); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owh2, func, listH, listOfFunctions[j]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { delete c1; c1 = new TCanvas("c1_1D", "Histogram1D"); if ( __DRAW__ ) h1->DrawCopy(); ObjectWrapper<TH1D*> owh1(h1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owh1, func, listH, listOfFunctions[j]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { delete g1; g1 = new TGraph(h1); g1->SetName("TGraph1D"); g1->SetTitle("TGraph 1D - title"); if ( c2 ) delete c2; c2 = new TCanvas("c2_1D","TGraph"); if ( __DRAW__ ) g1->DrawClone("AB*"); ObjectWrapper<TGraph*> owg1(g1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owg1, func, listG, listOfFunctions[j]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { delete ge1; ge1 = new TGraphErrors(h1); ge1->SetName("TGraphErrors1D"); ge1->SetTitle("TGraphErrors 1D - title"); if ( c3 ) delete c3; c3 = new TCanvas("c3_1D","TGraphError"); if ( __DRAW__ ) ge1->DrawClone("AB*"); ObjectWrapper<TGraphErrors*> owge1(ge1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owge1, func, listGE, listOfFunctions[j]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { delete s1; s1 = THnSparse::CreateSparse("THnSparse 1D", "THnSparse 1D - title", h1); ObjectWrapper<THnSparse*> ows1(s1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&ows1, func, listH, listOfFunctions[j]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } } if ( ! __DRAW__ ) { delete func; delete h1; delete h2; delete g1; delete ge1; delete c0; delete c1; delete c2; delete c3; } return globalStatus; } // Test the different objects in 2S int test2DObjects(vector< vector<algoType> >& listH, vector< vector<algoType> >& listG, vector< vector<algoType> >& listGE, vector<fitFunctions>& listOfFunctions) { // Counts how many tests failed. int globalStatus = 0; // To control if an individual test failed int status = 0; TF2* func = 0; TH2D* h1 = 0; TH2D* h2 = 0; THnSparse* s1 = 0; TGraph2D* g1 = 0; TGraph2DErrors* ge1 = 0; TCanvas *c0 = 0, *c1 = 0, *c2 = 0, *c3 = 0; for ( unsigned int h = 0; h < listOfFunctions.size(); ++h ) { if ( func ) delete func; func = new TF2( listOfFunctions[h].name, listOfFunctions[h].func, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, listOfFunctions[h].npars); func->SetParameters(&(listOfFunctions[h].origPars[0])); SetParsLimits(listOfFunctions[h].parLimits, func); // fill an histogram if ( h1 ) delete h1; h1 = new TH2D("histogram2D","h1-title",nbinsX,minX,maxX,nbinsY,minY,maxY); if ( ge1 ) delete ge1; ge1 = new TGraph2DErrors((h1->GetNbinsX() + 1) * (h1->GetNbinsY() + 1)); ge1->SetName("Graph2DErrors"); ge1->SetTitle("Graph2D with Errors"); unsigned int counter = 0; for ( int i = 0; i <= h1->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i ) for ( int j = 0; j <= h1->GetNbinsY() + 1; ++j ) { double xc = h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); double yc = h1->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); double content = rndm.Poisson( func->Eval( xc, yc ) ); h1->SetBinContent( i, j, content ); ge1->SetPoint(counter, xc, yc, content); ge1->SetPointError(counter, h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(i) / 2, h1->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(j) / 2, h1->GetBinError(i,j)); counter += 1; } if ( h2 ) delete h2; double x[nbinsX + 1]; FillVariableRange(x, nbinsX, minX, maxX); double y[nbinsY + 1]; FillVariableRange(y, nbinsY, minY, maxY); h2 = new TH2D("Histogram 2D Variable","h2-title",nbinsX, x, nbinsY, y); for ( int i = 0; i <= h2->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i ) for ( int j = 0; j <= h2->GetNbinsY() + 1; ++j ) { double xc = h2->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); double yc = h2->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); double content = rndm.Poisson( func->Eval( xc, yc ) ); h2->SetBinContent( i, j, content ); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { if ( c0 ) delete c0; c0 = new TCanvas("c0_2D", "Histogram2D Variable"); if ( __DRAW__ ) h2->DrawCopy(); ObjectWrapper<TH2D*> owh2(h2); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owh2, func, listH, listOfFunctions[h]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { if ( c1 ) delete c1; c1 = new TCanvas("c1_2D", "Histogram2D"); if ( __DRAW__ ) h1->DrawCopy(); ObjectWrapper<TH2D*> owh1(h1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owh1, func, listH, listOfFunctions[h]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } if ( g1 ) delete g1; g1 = new TGraph2D(h1); g1->SetName("TGraph2D"); g1->SetTitle("TGraph 2D - title"); gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { if ( c2 ) delete c2; c2 = new TCanvas("c2_2D","TGraph"); if ( __DRAW__ ) g1->DrawClone("AB*"); ObjectWrapper<TGraph2D*> owg1(g1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owg1, func, listG, listOfFunctions[h]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } ge1->SetName("TGraphErrors2DGE"); ge1->SetTitle("TGraphErrors 2DGE - title"); gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { if ( c3 ) delete c3; c3 = new TCanvas("c3_2DGE","TGraphError"); if ( __DRAW__ ) ge1->DrawClone("AB*"); ObjectWrapper<TGraph2DErrors*> owge1(ge1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&owge1, func, listGE, listOfFunctions[h]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { delete s1; s1 = THnSparse::CreateSparse("THnSparse2D", "THnSparse 2D - title", h1); ObjectWrapper<THnSparse*> ows1(s1); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&ows1, func, listH, listOfFunctions[h]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } } if ( ! __DRAW__ ) { delete func; delete h1; delete h2; delete g1; delete ge1; delete c0; delete c1; delete c2; delete c3; } return globalStatus; } // Make a wrapper for the TTree, as the interface for fitting // differs. This way, the same algorithms (testFit and testFitters) // can be used for all the objects. class TreeWrapper { public: const char* vars; const char* cuts; TTree *tree; void set(TTree* t, const char* v, const char* c) { tree = t; vars = v; cuts = c; } const char* GetName() const { return tree->GetName(); } Int_t Fit(TF1* f1, Option_t* option = "") { return tree->UnbinnedFit(f1->GetName(), vars, cuts, option); } }; // Test the fittig algorithms for a TTree int testUnBinnedFit(int n = 10000) { // Counts how many tests failed. int globalStatus = 0; // To control if an individual test failed int status = 0; double origPars[13] = {1,2,3,0.5, 0.5, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 1, 10 }; // double fitPars[13] = {1,1,1, 1, 0.1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 9 }; TF2 * func = new TF2("gaus2Dn",gaus2dnormal,-10,-10,-10,10,5); func->SetParameters(origPars); TUnuranMultiContDist dist(func); TUnuran unr(&rndm); // sampling with vnrou methods if (! unr.Init(dist,"vnrou")) { std::cerr << "error in init unuran " << std::endl; return -1; } TTree * tree = new TTree("tree","2 var gaus tree"); double x,y,z,u,v,w; tree->Branch("x",&x,"x/D"); tree->Branch("y",&y,"y/D"); tree->Branch("z",&z,"z/D"); tree->Branch("u",&u,"u/D"); tree->Branch("v",&v,"v/D"); tree->Branch("w",&w,"w/D"); double xx[2]; for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++) { unr.SampleMulti(xx); x = xx[0]; y = xx[1]; z = rndm.Gaus(origPars[5],origPars[6]); u = rndm.Gaus(origPars[7],origPars[8]); v = rndm.Gaus(origPars[9],origPars[10]); w = rndm.Gaus(origPars[11],origPars[12]); tree->Fill(); } delete func; vector< vector<algoType> > listAlgos(2); listAlgos[0] = commonAlgos; listAlgos[1] = simplexAlgos; TreeWrapper tw; TF1 * f1 = 0; TF2 * f2 = 0; TF1 * f4 = 0; gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { f1 = new TF1(treeFunctions[0].name,treeFunctions[0].func,minX,maxY,treeFunctions[0].npars); f1->SetParameters( &(treeFunctions[0].fitPars[0]) ); f1->FixParameter(2,1); tw.set(tree, "x", ""); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&tw, f1, listAlgos, treeFunctions[0]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } vector<algoType> noCompareInTree; // exclude Simplex in tree //noCompareInTree.push_back(algoType( "Minuit2", "Simplex", "Q0", CompareResult(0))); vector< vector<algoType> > listAlgosND(2); listAlgosND[0] = commonAlgos; listAlgosND[1] = noCompareInTree; gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { f2 = new TF2(treeFunctions[1].name,treeFunctions[1].func,minX,maxX,minY,maxY,treeFunctions[1].npars); f2->SetParameters( &(treeFunctions[1].fitPars[0]) ); tw.set(tree, "x:y", ""); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&tw, f2, listAlgosND, treeFunctions[1]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } gTestIndex++; if (gSelectedTest == 0 || gSelectedTest == gTestIndex) { f4 = new TF1("gausND",gausNd,0,1,13); f4->SetParameters(&(treeFunctions[2].fitPars[0])); tw.set(tree, "x:y:z:u:v:w", ""); globalStatus += status = testFitters(&tw, f4, listAlgosND, treeFunctions[2]); printf("%s\n", (status?"FAILED":"OK")); } delete tree; if (f1) delete f1; if (f2) delete f2; if (f4) delete f4; return globalStatus; } // Initialize the data for the tests: List of different algorithms and // fitting functions. void init_structures() { commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Minimize", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Scan", "Q0", CompareResult(0)) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Seek", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Migrad", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Minimize", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Scan", "Q0", CompareResult(0)) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Fumili2", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); #ifdef R__HAS_MATHMORE commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiMin", "conjugatefr", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiMin", "conjugatepr", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiMin", "bfgs2", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); commonAlgos.push_back( algoType( "GSLSimAn", "", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); #endif // simplex simplexAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Simplex", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); //simplex MInuit2 does not work well (needs to be checked) // simplexAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Simplex", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); specialAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QE0", CompareResult()) ); specialAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QW0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "Q0I", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QL0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QLI0", CompareResult()) ); // Gradient algorithms // No Minuit algorithms to use with the 'G' options until some stuff is fixed. noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); // noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Minimize", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Migrad", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Minimize", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Fumili", "Fumili", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Fumili", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); // noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "GQE0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "GQL0", CompareResult()) ); noGraphErrorAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Fumili", "Fumili", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); #ifdef R__HAS_MATHMORE noGraphErrorAlgos.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiFit", "", "Q0", CompareResult()) ); // Not in TGraphError #endif // Same as TH1D (but different comparision scheme!): commonAlgos, histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Minimize", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Scan", "Q0", CompareResult(0)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Seek", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Migrad", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Minimize", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Scan", "Q0", CompareResult(0)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Fumili2", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); #ifdef R__HAS_MATHMORE histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiMin", "conjugatefr", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiMin", "conjugatepr", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiMin", "bfgs2", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "GSLSimAn", "", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); #endif // treeFail histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Simplex", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); // minuit2 simplex fails in 2d //histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Simplex", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); // special algos histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QE0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QW0", CompareResult()) ); // noGraphAlgos histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "Q0I", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QL0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "QLI0", CompareResult()) ); // Gradient algorithms histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Minimize", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Migrad", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Minimize", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Fumili", "Fumili", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Fumili", "GQ0", CompareResult()) ); // histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "GQE0", CompareResult()) ); histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "GQL0", CompareResult()) ); // noGraphErrorAlgos histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "Fumili", "Fumili", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); #ifdef R__HAS_MATHMORE histGaus2D.push_back( algoType( "GSLMultiFit", "", "Q0", CompareResult(cmpPars,6)) ); #endif graphErrorAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit", "Migrad", "Q0EX0", CompareResult()) ); graphErrorAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Minuit2", "Migrad", "Q0EX0", CompareResult()) ); // For testing the linear fitter we can force the use by setting Linear the default minimizer and use // the G option. In this case the fit is linearized using the gradient as the linear components // Option "G" has not to be set as first option character to avoid using Fitter class in // the test program // Use option "X" to force Chi2 calculations linearAlgos.push_back( algoType( "Linear", "", "Q0XG", CompareResult()) ); listLinearAlgos.push_back( linearAlgos ); listTH1DAlgos.push_back( commonAlgos ); listTH1DAlgos.push_back( simplexAlgos ); listTH1DAlgos.push_back( specialAlgos ); listTH1DAlgos.push_back( noGraphAlgos ); listTH1DAlgos.push_back( noGraphErrorAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph.push_back( commonAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph.push_back( simplexAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph.push_back( specialAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph.push_back( noGraphErrorAlgos ); listAlgosTGraphError.push_back( commonAlgos ); listAlgosTGraphError.push_back( simplexAlgos ); listAlgosTGraphError.push_back( specialAlgos ); listAlgosTGraphError.push_back( graphErrorAlgos ); listTH2DAlgos.push_back( histGaus2D ); listAlgosTGraph2D.push_back( commonAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph2D.push_back( specialAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph2D.push_back( noGraphErrorAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph2DError.push_back( commonAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph2DError.push_back( specialAlgos ); listAlgosTGraph2DError.push_back( graphErrorAlgos ); vector<ParLimit> emptyLimits(0); double gausOrig[] = { 0., 3., 200.}; double gausFit[] = {0.5, 3.7, 250.}; vector<ParLimit> gaus1DLimits; gaus1DLimits.push_back( ParLimit(1, 0, 5) ); l1DFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("GAUS", gaus1DImpl, 3, gausOrig, gausFit, gaus1DLimits) ); double poly1DOrig[] = { 2, 3, 4, 200}; double poly1DFit[] = { 6.4, -2.3, 15.4, 210.5}; l1DFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("Polynomial", poly1DImpl, 4, poly1DOrig, poly1DFit, emptyLimits) ); // range os -5,5 double gaus2DOrig[] = { 500., +.5, 2.7, -.5, 3.0 }; double gaus2DFit[] = { 510., .0, 1.8, -1.0, 1.6}; l2DFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("gaus2D", gaus2DImpl, 5, gaus2DOrig, gaus2DFit, emptyLimits) ); double gausnOrig[3] = {1,2,1}; double treeOrig[13] = {1,2,3,0.5, 0.5, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 1, 10 }; double treeFit[13] = {1,1,1, 1, 0.1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 9 }; treeFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("gausn", gausNormal, 3, gausnOrig, treeFit, emptyLimits )); treeFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("gaus2Dn", gaus2dnormal, 5, treeOrig, treeFit, emptyLimits)); treeFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("gausND", gausNd, 13, treeOrig, treeFit, emptyLimits)); l1DLinearFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("Polynomial", poly1DImpl, 4, poly1DOrig, poly1DFit, emptyLimits) ); double poly2DOrig[] = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 200, }; double poly2DFit[] = { 6.4, -2.3, 15.4, 3, 10, -3, 210.5}; l2DLinearFunctions.push_back( fitFunctions("Poly2D", poly2DImpl, 7, poly2DOrig, poly2DFit, emptyLimits) ); } int stressHistoFit() { rndm.SetSeed(10); init_structures(); int iret = 0; TBenchmark bm; bm.Start("stressHistoFit"); cout << "****************************************************************************" <<endl; cout << "* Starting stress H I S T O F I T *" <<endl; cout << "****************************************************************************" <<endl; std::cout << "\nTest 1D and 2D objects\n\n"; iret += test1DObjects(listTH1DAlgos, listAlgosTGraph, listAlgosTGraphError, l1DFunctions); iret += test2DObjects(listTH2DAlgos, listAlgosTGraph2D, listAlgosTGraph2DError, l2DFunctions); std::cout << "\nTest Linear fits\n\n"; iret += test1DObjects(listLinearAlgos, listLinearAlgos, listLinearAlgos, l1DLinearFunctions); iret += test2DObjects(listLinearAlgos, listLinearAlgos, listLinearAlgos, l2DLinearFunctions); //defaultOptions = testOptColor | testOptCheck; // tree test std::cout << "\nTest unbinned fits\n\n"; iret += testUnBinnedFit(2000); // reduce statistics bm.Stop("stressHistoFit"); std::cout <<"\n****************************************************************************\n"; bm.Print("stressHistoFit"); const double reftime = 124; // ref time on pcbrun4 double rootmarks = 800 * reftime / bm.GetCpuTime("stressHistoFit"); std::cout << " ROOTMARKS = " << rootmarks << " ROOT version: " << gROOT->GetVersion() << "\t" << gROOT->GetGitBranch() << "@" << gROOT->GetGitCommit() << std::endl; std::cout <<"****************************************************************************\n"; return iret; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { TApplication* theApp = 0; Int_t verbose = 0; Int_t testNumber = 0; Bool_t doDraw = kFALSE; // Parse command line arguments for (Int_t i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) { string arg = argv[i] ; if (arg == "-v") { cout << "stressHistoFit: running in verbose mode" << endl; verbose = 1; } else if (arg == "-vv") { cout << "stressHistoFit: running in very verbose mode" << endl; verbose = 2; } else if (arg == "-a") { cout << "stressHistoFit: deploying full suite of tests" << endl; } else if (arg == "-n") { cout << "stressHistoFit: running single test" << endl; testNumber = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (arg == "-d") { cout << "stressHistoFit: setting gDebug to " << argv[i + 1] << endl; gDebug = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (arg == "-g") { cout << "stressHistoFit: running in graphics mode " << endl; doDraw = kTRUE; } else if (arg == "-h") { cout << "usage: stressHistoFit [ options ] " << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << " -n N : only run test with sequential number N" << endl; cout << " -a : run full suite of tests (default is basic suite); this overrides the -n single test option" << endl; cout << " -g : create a TApplication and produce plots" << endl; cout << " -v/-vv : set verbose mode (show result of each regression test) or very verbose mode (show all roofit output as well)" << endl; cout << " -d N : set ROOT gDebug flag to N" << endl ; cout << " " << endl ; return 0 ; } } __DRAW__ = ( doDraw || verbose == 2); if (verbose > 0) { defaultOptions |= testOptDebug; // debug mode (print test results) if (verbose > 1) defaultOptions |= testOptFitDbg; // very debug (print also fit outputs) } gSelectedTest = testNumber; // number of selected test if ( __DRAW__ ) theApp = new TApplication("App",&argc,argv); int ret = stressHistoFit(); if ( __DRAW__ ) { theApp->Run(); delete theApp; theApp = 0; } return ret; }