# Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. # All rights reserved. # # For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. # For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. #---Custom CTest settings--------------------------------------------------- set(CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_FAILED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE "100000") set(CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_PASSED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE "64000") if(CTEST_BUILD_NAME MATCHES arm64) set(CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT 2400) else() set(CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT 1200) endif() set(CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION ${CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION} "Warning: Rank mismatch in argument" "Warning: Actual argument contains too few elements" "has no symbols" # library.a(object.c.o) has no symbols "note: variable tracking size limit exceeded" # vc/tests/sse_blend.cpp "warning is a GCC extension" "bug in GCC 4.8.1" "warning: please use fgets or getline instead" # deprecated use of std functions cint/ROOT "is dangerous, better use" # deprecated use of std functions cint/ROOT "function is dangerous and should not be used" # deprecated use of std functions cint/ROOT ) set(CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION ${CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION} "fatal error: cannot open file" "remark: ") #---Include other CTest Custom files---------------------------------------- if(DEFINED CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY) set(dir ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}) else() set(dir .) endif() include(${dir}/test/CTestCustom.cmake OPTIONAL) include(${dir}/roottest/CTestCustom.cmake OPTIONAL) include(${dir}/rootbench/CTestCustom.cmake OPTIONAL) include(${dir}/tutorials/CTestCustom.cmake OPTIONAL)