#include "WCSimWCAddDarkNoise.hh"
#include "WCSimWCPMT.hh"
#include "WCSimWCDigi.hh"
#include "WCSimWCHit.hh"
#include "WCSimWCTrigger.hh"

#include "G4EventManager.hh"
#include "G4Event.hh"
#include "G4SDManager.hh"
#include "G4DigiManager.hh"
#include "G4ios.hh"
#include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"

#include "WCSimDetectorConstruction.hh"
#include "WCSimPmtInfo.hh"
#include "WCSimDarkRateMessenger.hh"

#include <vector>
#include <utility>
// for memset
#include <cstring>


#define NPMTS_VERBOSE 10


WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::WCSimWCAddDarkNoise(G4String name,
                                         WCSimDetectorConstruction* inDetector,
                                         G4String detectorElement)
  :G4VDigitizerModule(name), fCalledAddDarkNoise(false), myDetector(inDetector), detectorElement(detectorElement)
  //Set defaults to be unphysical, so that we know if they have been overwritten by the user
  PMTDarkRate = -99;
  ConvRate    = -99;

  //Get the user options
  // DarkRateMessenger = new WCSimDarkRateMessenger(this);
  DarkRateMessenger = WCSimDarkRateMessenger::GetInstance();
  DarkRateMessenger->AddDarkRateInstance(this, detectorElement);

  // delete DarkRateMessenger;
  DarkRateMessenger->RemoveDarkRateInstance(detectorElement);	// DarkRateMessenger singleton calls it's destructor when map is empty
  DarkRateMessenger = 0;

void WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::SetPMTDarkDefaults()
  //Grab Dark Rate and Conversion from PMT itself
  // G4String WCIDCollectionName = myDetector->GetIDCollectionName();
  // WCSimPMTObject * PMT = myDetector->GetPMTPointer(WCIDCollectionName);
  G4String WCCollectionName;
  if(detectorElement == "tank") WCCollectionName = myDetector->GetIDCollectionName();
  else if(detectorElement == "OD") WCCollectionName = myDetector->GetODCollectionName();
  else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;
  WCSimPMTObject * PMT = myDetector->GetPMTPointer(WCCollectionName);

  double const conversion_to_kHz = 1000000; //ToDo: remove this and treat DarkRate in CLHEP units throughout the class.

  double defaultPMTDarkRate = PMT->GetDarkRate() * conversion_to_kHz;
  double defaultConvRate = PMT->GetDarkRateConversionFactor();

  //Only set the defaults if the user hasn't overwritten the unphysical defaults
  if(PMTDarkRate < -98)
    PMTDarkRate = defaultPMTDarkRate;
  if(ConvRate < -98)
    ConvRate = defaultConvRate;

void WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoise(){
  //Grab the PMT-specific defaults
  if(!fCalledAddDarkNoise) {
    fCalledAddDarkNoise = true;

  //clear the result and range vectors

  G4DigiManager* DigiMan = G4DigiManager::GetDMpointer();
  // Get the PMT collection ID
  // G4int WCHCID = DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID("WCRawPMTSignalCollection");

  // Get the PMT collection ID
  G4String thecollectionName;
  if(detectorElement=="tank") thecollectionName="WCRawPMTSignalCollection";
  else if(detectorElement=="OD") thecollectionName="WCRawPMTSignalCollection_OD";
  else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;
  G4int WCHCID = DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID(thecollectionName);

  // Get the PMT Digits collection
  WCSimWCDigitsCollection* WCHCPMT =

  if(detectorElement=="OD"){G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoise ☆ retrieved hit collection (WCSimWCDigitsCollection*)"<<thecollectionName<<" which has "<<WCHCPMT->entries()<<" entries"<<G4endl;}

  G4String thetriggertype="";
  if(detectorElement=="OD") {  // check to see if this detector element uses the tank for triggering
    WCSimWCTriggerBase *WCTM = (WCSimWCTriggerBase *) DigiMan->FindDigitizerModule("WCReadout_OD");
    thetriggertype = WCTM->GetTriggerClassName();

  WCSimWCDigitsCollection* WCHCPMT_tank=NULL;
    //if triggertype is TankDigits, then we should add noise in the windows around the *tank* digits, not this
    //collection's digits, because those are the windows that will be relevant when reading out triggers.
    int WCHCID_tank = DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID("WCRawPMTSignalCollection");
    WCHCPMT_tank = (WCSimWCDigitsCollection*)(DigiMan->GetDigiCollection(WCHCID_tank));
    if(detectorElement=="OD"){ G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoise ☆ retrieved hit collection (WCSimWCDigitsCollection*)WCRawPMTSignalCollection for finding dark noise windows, which has "<<WCHCPMT_tank->entries()<<" entries"<<G4endl;}

  // if ((WCHCPMT != NULL) && (this->PMTDarkRate > 1E-307)) {
  if (((WCHCPMT != NULL)||(thetriggertype=="TankDigits"&&WCHCPMT_tank!=NULL)) && (this->PMTDarkRate > 1E-307)) {
    //Determine ranges for adding noise
    // if(DarkMode == 1)
      // FindDarkNoiseRanges(WCHCPMT,this->DarkWindow);
    if(DarkMode == 1){
        WCSimWCAddDarkNoise* WCDNM_tank = (WCSimWCAddDarkNoise*)DigiMan->FindDigitizerModule("WCDarkNoise");
        int DarkWindow_tank = WCDNM_tank->GetDarkWindow();
        #ifdef HYPER_VERBOSITY
        if(detectorElement=="OD") G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoise ☆ calling FindDarkNoiseRanges() with tank raw collection and darkwindow size"<<G4endl;
      } else {
    else if(DarkMode == 0) {
    //Call routine to add dark noise here.
    //loop over pairs which represent ranges.
    //Add noise to those ranges
    if(detectorElement=="OD") G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoise ☆ adding dark noise hits in "<<result.size()<<" window(s) around found digits."<<G4endl;
    int windowfordarknoise=0;

    for(std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it2 = result.begin(); it2 != result.end(); it2++) {
      #ifdef HYPER_VERBOSITY
      if(detectorElement=="OD") G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoise ☆ adding dark noise in window "<<windowfordarknoise<<G4endl; windowfordarknoise++;

void WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi(WCSimWCDigitsCollection* WCHCPMT, double num1 ,double num2) {
    // Introduces dark noise into each PMT during an event window
    // This won't introduce noise only events, and isn't written
    // to handle different rates for each PMT (although this shouldn't
    // be too difficult to add at a later time)
    // Added by: Morgan Askins (maskins@ucdavis.edu)

    G4int number_entries = WCHCPMT->entries();
    // const G4int number_pmts = myDetector->GetTotalNumPmts();
    if(detectorElement=="OD")G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi ☆ adding dark noise to collection of "<<number_entries<<" entries"<<G4endl;
    G4int thenum_pmts;
    if(detectorElement=="tank") thenum_pmts = myDetector->GetTotalNumPmts();
    else if(detectorElement=="OD") thenum_pmts = myDetector->GetTotalNumODPmts();
    else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;
    const G4int number_pmts=thenum_pmts;
    int *PMTindex = new int [number_pmts+1];

    //initialize PMTindex
    for (int l=0; l<number_pmts+1; l++){
      PMTindex[l] =0;

    //    G4cout<<"entries before "<<WCHCPMT->entries()<<"\n";
    //Set up proper indices for tubes which have already been hit
    int num_hit_b4=0;
    for (int g=0; g<number_entries; g++){
      G4int tube = (*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTubeID();
      //G4cout<<"totalpe "<<tube<<" "<<(*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTotalPe()<<"\n";
      //should this be tube-1?
      PMTindex[tube] += (*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTotalPe();
      num_hit_b4     += (*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTotalPe();
      //G4cout<<"TotalPe "<<(*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTotalPe()<<" "<<PMTindex[tube]<<"\n";

    // Get the info for pmt positions
    // std::vector<WCSimPmtInfo*> *pmts = myDetector->Get_Pmts();

    std::vector<WCSimPmtInfo*> *pmts;
    if(detectorElement=="tank") pmts = myDetector->Get_Pmts();
    else if(detectorElement=="OD")pmts = myDetector->Get_ODPmts();
    else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;

    // It works out that the pmts here are ordered !
    // pmts->at(i) has tubeid i+1
    std::vector<int> list;
    list.assign( number_pmts+1, 0 );

    for( int h = 0; h < number_entries; h++ ) {
      list[(*WCHCPMT)[h]->GetTubeID()] = h+1;
    // Add noise to PMT's here, do so in the range num1 to num2
    double current_time = 0;
    double pe = 0.0;
    //Calculate the time window size
    double windowsize = num2 - num1;

    G4DigiManager* DMman = G4DigiManager::GetDMpointer();
    // WCSimWCPMT* WCPMT = (WCSimWCPMT*)DMman->FindDigitizerModule("WCReadoutPMT");

    G4String thewcpmtname;
    if(detectorElement=="tank") thewcpmtname="WCReadoutPMT";
    else if(detectorElement=="OD") thewcpmtname="WCReadoutPMT_OD";
    else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;

    WCSimWCPMT* WCPMT = (WCSimWCPMT*)DMman->FindDigitizerModule(thewcpmtname);
    if(detectorElement=="OD"){G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi ☆ getting (WCSimWCPMT*)"<<thewcpmtname<<G4endl;}

    //average number of PMTs with noise
    double ave=number_pmts * this->PMTDarkRate * this->ConvRate * windowsize * 1E-6; 

    //poisson distributed noise, number of noise hits to add
    int nnoispmt = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(ave);
    G4String thecollectionName;
    if(detectorElement=="tank") thecollectionName="WCRawPMTSignalCollection";
    else if(detectorElement=="OD") thecollectionName="WCRawPMTSignalCollection_OD";
    else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;
    if(detectorElement=="OD"){G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi ☆ adding "<<nnoispmt<<" dark hits to "<<thecollectionName<<G4endl;}

    G4cout << "WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi Going to add " << nnoispmt << " dark noise hits in time window [" << num1 << "," << num2 << "] duration " << num2 - num1 << G4endl;
    for( int i = 0; i < nnoispmt; i++ )
	//time of noise hit to be generated
	//A time from t=num1 to num2
	current_time = num1 + G4UniformRand()*windowsize;

	//now a random PMT.  Assuming noise levels are the same for
	//each PMT.
	int noise_pmt = static_cast<int>( G4UniformRand() * number_pmts ) + 1; //so that pmt numbers runs from 1 to Npmt
	if( list[ noise_pmt ] == 0 )
	    //PMT has no hits yet. Create a new WCSimWCDigi
	    WCSimWCDigi* ahit = new WCSimWCDigi();
	    ahit->SetTubeID( noise_pmt);
	    //G4cout<<"setting new noise pmt "<<noise_pmt<<" "<<ahit->GetTubeID()<<"\n";
	    // This Logical volume is GlassFaceWCPMT

      // ahit->SetLogicalVolume(G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->GetVolume(myDetector->GetDetectorName()+"-glassFaceWCPMT"));

      if(detectorElement=="tank") ahit->SetLogicalVolume(G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->GetVolume(myDetector->GetDetectorName()+"-glassFaceWCPMT"));
      else if(detectorElement=="OD")ahit->SetLogicalVolume(G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->GetVolume(myDetector->GetDetectorName()+"-glassFaceWCPMT_OD"));
      else G4cout << "### detectorElement undefined ..." << G4endl;

      //G4cout<<"1 "<<(G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->GetVolume("glassFaceWCPMT"))->GetName()<<"\n";
	    //G4cout<<"2 "<<(*WCHCPMT)[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName()<<"\n";
	    ahit->SetParentID(PMTindex[noise_pmt], -1);
	    // Set the position and rotation of the pmt
	    Double_t hit_pos[3];
	    Double_t hit_rot[3];
	    // TODO: need to change the format of hit_pos to G4ThreeVector
	    // and change hit_rot to G4RotationMatrix
	    WCSimPmtInfo* pmtinfo = (WCSimPmtInfo*)pmts->at( noise_pmt -1 );
	    hit_pos[0] = 10*pmtinfo->Get_transx();
	    hit_pos[1] = 10*pmtinfo->Get_transy();
	    hit_pos[2] = 10*pmtinfo->Get_transz();
	    hit_rot[0] = pmtinfo->Get_orienx();
	    hit_rot[1] = pmtinfo->Get_orieny();
	    hit_rot[2] = pmtinfo->Get_orienz();
	    G4RotationMatrix pmt_rotation(hit_rot[0], hit_rot[1], hit_rot[2]);
	    G4ThreeVector pmt_position(hit_pos[0], hit_pos[1], hit_pos[2]);
	    ahit->SetPreSmearTime(PMTindex[noise_pmt],current_time); //presmear==postsmear for dark noise
	    pe = WCPMT->rn1pe();
	    //Added this line to increase the totalPe by 1
	    number_entries ++;
	    list[ noise_pmt ] = number_entries; // Add this PMT to the end of the list
	    if(noise_pmt < NPMTS_VERBOSE)
	      G4cout << "WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi Added NEW DIGI with dark noise hit at time " << current_time << " to PMT " << noise_pmt << G4endl;
	else {
	  (*WCHCPMT)[ list[noise_pmt]-1 ]->AddPe(current_time);
	  pe = WCPMT->rn1pe();
	  (*WCHCPMT)[ list[noise_pmt]-1 ]->SetPe(PMTindex[noise_pmt],pe);
	  (*WCHCPMT)[ list[noise_pmt]-1 ]->SetTime(PMTindex[noise_pmt],current_time);
	  (*WCHCPMT)[ list[noise_pmt]-1 ]->SetPreSmearTime(PMTindex[noise_pmt],current_time); //presmear==postsmear for dark noise
	  (*WCHCPMT)[ list[noise_pmt]-1 ]->SetParentID(PMTindex[noise_pmt],-1);
	  if(noise_pmt < NPMTS_VERBOSE)
	    G4cout << "WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::AddDarkNoiseBeforeDigi Added to exisiting digi a dark noise hit at time " << current_time << " to PMT " << noise_pmt << G4endl;
      }//i (number of noise hits to add)
    delete [] PMTindex;

void WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::FindDarkNoiseRanges(WCSimWCDigitsCollection* WCHCPMT, double width) {
  //Loop over all Hits and assign a time window around each hit
  //store these in the ranges vector as pairs
  for (int g=0; g<WCHCPMT->entries(); g++){
    for (int gp=0; gp<(*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTotalPe(); gp++){
      double time = (*WCHCPMT)[g]->GetTime(gp);
      //lets assume a 5us window.  So we centre this on the hit time.
      //t1 is the lower limit of the window.
      double t1=time - width/2.;
      double t2=time + width/2.;
      ranges.push_back(std::pair<double, double>(t1, t2));

  if(detectorElement=="mrd") G4cout<<"WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::FindDarkNoiseRanges ☆ "<<ranges.size()<<" windows around digits found before pruning."<<G4endl;
  //we need to ensure that the ranges found above are sorted first
  //for the algorithm below to work

  //check if the vector range has any entries
  //If no entries this indicates that no digits were
  //found in the WCSimWCDigitsCollection, which can cause 
  //segmentation faults in the next part of the code in this method
  //which searches for overlapping ranges.
  //Set range vector to have one element from 0 to 0 (so no noise digits will be added)
  if(ranges.size() == 0)
      //push back a range of 0 and 0 and return                                                                                                                              

  //the ranges vector contains overlapping ranges
  //this loop removes overlaps
  //output are pairs stored in the result vector
  std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it = ranges.begin();
  std::pair<double, double> current = *(it)++;
  for( ; it != ranges.end(); it++) {
    if (current.second >= it->first){
      current.second = std::max(current.second, it->second); 
    else {
      current = *(it);

  //now we should have a vector of non-overlapping range pairs to pass to the
  //dark noise routine

void WCSimWCAddDarkNoise::SaveOptionsToOutput(WCSimRootOptions * wcopt, string tag)
  wcopt->SetPMTDarkRate(tag, PMTDarkRate);
  wcopt->SetConvRate(tag, ConvRate);
  wcopt->SetDarkHigh(tag, DarkHigh);
  wcopt->SetDarkLow(tag, DarkLow);
  wcopt->SetDarkWindow(tag, DarkWindow);
  wcopt->SetDarkMode(tag, DarkMode);