#include "WCSimWCDigi.hh" #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh" #ifndef WCSIMWCDIGI_VERBOSE //#define WCSIMWCDIGI_VERBOSE #endif G4Allocator WCSimWCDigiAllocator; WCSimWCDigi::WCSimWCDigi() { tubeID = 0; Gates.clear(); TriggerTimes.clear(); // TriggerTimes.reserve(10); pe.clear(); time.clear(); time_presmear.clear(); totalPe = 0; } WCSimWCDigi::~WCSimWCDigi(){;} WCSimWCDigi::WCSimWCDigi(const WCSimWCDigi& right) :G4VDigi() { // in principle assignment = is defined for containers... Gates = right.Gates; tubeID = right.tubeID; pe = right.pe; time = right.time; time_presmear = right.time_presmear; } const WCSimWCDigi& WCSimWCDigi::operator=(const WCSimWCDigi& right) { TriggerTimes = right.TriggerTimes; tubeID = right.tubeID; pe = right.pe; time = right.time; time_presmear = right.time_presmear; return *this; } int WCSimWCDigi::operator==(const WCSimWCDigi& right) const { return ( (tubeID==right.tubeID) && (pe==right.pe) && (time==right.time) && (time_presmear==right.time_presmear) && (TriggerTimes==right.TriggerTimes) && (tubeID==right.tubeID) ); } void WCSimWCDigi::Draw() {;} void WCSimWCDigi::Print() { G4cout << "TubeID: " << tubeID <<"Number of Gates " << NumberOfGates(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pe.size() ; i++) { G4cout << "Gate = " << i << " PE: " << pe[i] << " Time:" << time[i] << G4endl; } } std::vector WCSimWCDigi::GetDigiCompositionInfo(int gate) { #ifdef WCSIMWCDIGI_VERBOSE G4cout << "WCSimWCDigi::GetDigiCompositionInfo fDigiComp has size " << fDigiComp.size() << G4endl; for(int i = 0; i < fDigiComp[gate].size(); i++) G4cout << "WCSimWCDigi::GetDigiCompositionInfo found photon with ID " << fDigiComp[gate][i] << G4endl; #endif return fDigiComp[gate]; } void WCSimWCDigi::RemoveDigitizedGate(G4int gate) { //this removes an element from the maps, vectors, and sets, and counters that were filled by WCSimWCDigitizerBase::AddNewDigit() //Gates and TriggerTimes are NOT set //pe map pe.erase(gate); //time map and time_double vector double gatetime = time[gate]; time.erase(gate); time_presmear.erase(gate); std::vector::iterator it = std::find(time_double.begin(), time_double.end(), gatetime); if(it != time_double.end()) time_double.erase(it); else G4cerr << "Could not erase time " << gatetime << " from WCSimWCDigi member time_double" << G4endl; // the following are not necessarily filled, so need to check that they exist before trying to erase them // //digit composition vector (pair of digit_id, photon_id) if(fDigiComp.find(gate) != fDigiComp.end()) fDigiComp.erase(gate); //parent id if(primaryParentID.find(gate) != primaryParentID.end()) primaryParentID.erase(gate); //number of entries counter totalPe--; } // G. Pronost: // Sort function by Hit Time bool WCSimWCDigi::SortFunctor_Hit::operator() ( const WCSimWCDigi * const &a, const WCSimWCDigi * const &b) const { G4double ta, tb; if ( a->time_double.size() > 0 ) ta = a->time_double[0]; else return false; if ( b->time_double.size() > 0 ) tb = b->time_double[0]; else return true; return ta < tb; }