#include "WCSimFLOWER.h" #include #include #include #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TSystem.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cerr; const float WCSimFLOWER::fEffCoverages[9] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4068, 0.4244, 0.4968, 0.5956, 0.67}; // from MC: coverage at theta = 5, 15, ..., 85 degree WCSimFLOWER::WCSimFLOWER(const char * detectorname, WCSimRootGeom * geom, bool overwrite_nearest, int verbose) : fLightGroupSpeed(21.58333), // speed of light in water, value from https://github.com/hyperk/hk-BONSAI/blob/d9b227dad26fb63f2bfe80f60f7f58b5a703250a/bonsai/hits.h#L5 fLambdaEff(100*100), // scattering length in cm (based on Design Report II.2.E.1) fDetectorName(detectorname), fDetector(DetectorEnumFromString(detectorname)), fVerbose(verbose), fGeom(geom), fLongDuration(100), fShortDuration(50) { switch (fDetector) { case kSuperK: fDarkRate = 4.2; fNPMTs = 11146; fNeighbourDistance = 102; fTopBottomDistanceLo = 1767; fTopBottomDistanceHi = 1768; break; case kHyperK40: fDarkRate = 8.4; fNPMTs = 38448; fNeighbourDistance = 102; fTopBottomDistanceLo = 2670; fTopBottomDistanceHi = 2690; break; case kHyperK20: fDarkRate = 8.4; fNPMTs = 19462; fNeighbourDistance = 145; fTopBottomDistanceLo = 2670; fTopBottomDistanceHi = 2690; break; default: cerr << "Unknown detector name " << fDetectorName << endl; exit(-1); break; } cout << "Using default values for detector " << fDetectorName << " " << fDetector << endl; cout << "\tUsing default dark rate " << fDarkRate << " kHz" << endl; fDarkRate /= 1000000; //convert to per ns cout << "\tUsing default NPMTs " << fNPMTs << endl; cout << "\tAssumming all PMTs are working" << endl; fNWorkingPMTs = fNPMTs; cout << "\tUsing default neighbour distance " << fNeighbourDistance << endl; cout << "\tUsing default short duration to look for max number of hits " << fShortDuration << " ns" << endl; cout << "\tUsing default long duration to look for late hits " << fLongDuration << " ns" << endl; cout << "\tUsing default abs(z)-cut to get barrel PMTs near caps that have fewer neighbours " << fTopBottomDistanceLo << " to " << fTopBottomDistanceHi << endl; cout << "\tA similar r-cut for caps with fewer neighbours is NOT YET implemented" << endl; //pre-assign vector memory fTimes .reserve(fNPMTs); fTubeIds .reserve(fNPMTs); fDistance .reserve(fNPMTs); fTimesCorrected .reserve(fNPMTs); fTimesCorrectedSorted.reserve(fNPMTs); GetNearestNeighbours(overwrite_nearest); } void WCSimFLOWER::SetDarkRate(float darkrate) { fDarkRate = darkrate; cout << "Setting DarkRate to " << fDarkRate << " kHz" << endl; fDarkRate /= 1000000; //convert to per ns } void WCSimFLOWER::SetNPMTs(int npmts) { fNPMTs = npmts; cout << "Setting NPMTs to " << fNPMTs << endl; } void WCSimFLOWER::SetNWorkingPMTs(int nworkingpmts) { fNWorkingPMTs = nworkingpmts; cout << "Setting NWorkingPMTs to " << fNWorkingPMTs << endl; } void WCSimFLOWER::SetNeighbourDistance(float neighbour_distance, bool overwrite_nearest) { fNeighbourDistance = neighbour_distance; cout << "Setting NeighbourDistance to " << fNeighbourDistance << endl; GetNearestNeighbours(overwrite_nearest); } void WCSimFLOWER::SetShortDuration(float shortduration) { fShortDuration = shortduration; cout << "Setting ShortDuration to " << fShortDuration << " ns" << endl; } void WCSimFLOWER::SetLongDuration(float longduration) { fLongDuration = longduration; cout << "Setting LongDuration to " << fLongDuration << " ns" << endl; } void WCSimFLOWER::SetTopBottomDistance(float hi, float lo) { if(abs(lo) <= abs(hi)) { fTopBottomDistanceLo = abs(lo); fTopBottomDistanceHi = abs(hi); } else { fTopBottomDistanceHi = abs(lo); fTopBottomDistanceLo = abs(hi); cerr << "Second argument should have the smallest absolute value. This has been handled, but swap your arguments to supress this warning" << endl; } cout << "Set abs(z)-cut to get barrel PMTs near caps that have fewer neighbours " << fTopBottomDistanceLo << " to " << fTopBottomDistanceHi << endl; } WCSimFLOWER::kDetector_t WCSimFLOWER::DetectorEnumFromString(std::string name) { if(!name.compare("HyperK") || !name.compare("HyperK_40perCent")) return kHyperK40; else if(!name.compare("SuperK")) return kSuperK; else if (!name.compare("HyperK_20perCent")) return kHyperK20; cerr << "DetectorEnumFromString() Unknown detector name: " << name << endl; exit(-1); } float WCSimFLOWER::GetEnergy(std::vector times, std::vector tubeIds, float * vertex) { assert(times.size() == tubeIds.size()); fNDigits = times.size(); //resize the vector (shouldn't reduce capacity, but increases capacity if required) fDistance .resize(fNDigits); fTimesCorrected .resize(fNDigits); fTimesCorrectedSorted.resize(fNDigits); fTimes .resize(fNDigits); fTubeIds .resize(fNDigits); fTimes = times; fTubeIds = tubeIds; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) fVertex[i] = vertex[i]; CorrectHitTimes(); FindMaxTimeInterval(); GetNEff(); CorrectEnergy(); return fERec; } void WCSimFLOWER::CorrectHitTimes() { // Correct all hit times for time-of-flight between vertex and PMT float x, y, z; WCSimRootPMT pmt; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fNDigits; i++) { //WCSim tube IDs run from 1 to N //But they're stored in a TClonesArray which runs from 0 to N-1 //Hence a -1 here pmt = fGeom->GetPMT(fTubeIds[i] - 1); x = pmt.GetPosition(0); y = pmt.GetPosition(1); z = pmt.GetPosition(2); fDistance[i] = sqrt(pow((x - fVertex[0]), 2) + pow((y - fVertex[1]), 2) + pow((z - fVertex[2]), 2)); fTimesCorrected[i] = fTimes[i] - (fDistance[i] / fLightGroupSpeed); } // Sort a copy of tCorrected, so tCorrected stays in the same order as other vectors fTimesCorrectedSorted = fTimesCorrected; std::sort(fTimesCorrectedSorted.begin(), fTimesCorrectedSorted.end()); } void WCSimFLOWER::FindMaxTimeInterval() { // Find the x ns interval with the highest number of hits, and its start time fNMaxShort = 0; fNMaxLong = 0; int nshort, nlong; float time; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fNDigits; i++) { // count hits within 50 and 100 ns after each entry nshort = 0; nlong = 0; time = fTimesCorrectedSorted[i]; for (unsigned int j = i; j < fNDigits; j++) { if (fTimesCorrectedSorted[j] < time + fLongDuration) { nlong++; if (fTimesCorrectedSorted[j] < time + fShortDuration) nshort++; } else break; }//j if (nshort > fNMaxShort) { fNMaxShort = nshort; fNMaxLong = nlong; fStartTime = time; } }//i unsigned int j = 0; fDistanceShort.resize(fNMaxShort); fTubeIdsShort .resize(fNMaxShort); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fNDigits; i++) { if(fTimesCorrected[i] >= fStartTime && fTimesCorrected[i] < (fStartTime + fShortDuration)) { fDistanceShort[j] = fDistance[i]; fTubeIdsShort [j] = fTubeIds [i]; if(fTubeIdsShort[j] <= 0 || fTubeIdsShort[j] > fNPMTs) cerr << "fTubeIdsShort has picked up an invalid ID: " << fTubeIdsShort[j] << endl << "Are you using the correct input file / geometry option combination" << endl; j++; } }//i if(fVerbose) std::cout << "Maximum of " << fNMaxShort << " hits in " << fShortDuration << " ns window starting at " << fStartTime << " ns" << std::endl << "In extended " << fLongDuration << " ns window there are " << fNMaxLong << " hits" << std::endl; } void WCSimFLOWER::GetNearestNeighbours(bool overwrite_root_file) { TString fname = TString::Format("%s/flower_nn_%s_%.5f.root", GetFLOWERDataDir().Data(), fDetectorName.c_str(), fNeighbourDistance); TFile f(fname); TTree * t; int tubeID; if(!overwrite_root_file && !f.IsZombie()) { if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "GetNearestNeighbours(): Getting information from file: " << fname << endl; //setup tree f.GetObject("tNeighbours", t); t->SetBranchAddress("tubeID", &tubeID); std::vector * neighbours = 0; t->SetBranchAddress("neighbours", &neighbours); //loop over tree for(long ipmt = 0; ipmt < t->GetEntries(); ipmt++) { t->GetEntry(ipmt); fNeighbours[tubeID] = *neighbours; if(fVerbose > 2) cout << "\tTube " << tubeID << " has " << neighbours->size() << " neighbours" << endl; }//ipmt }//reading values else { if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "GetNearestNeighbours(): calculating; starting loop over " << fNPMTs << " PMTs" << endl; //setup tree std::vector neighbours; f.Open(fname, "RECREATE"); t = new TTree("tNeighbours", "PMT nearest neighbours"); t->Branch("tubeID", &tubeID); t->Branch("neighbours", &neighbours); //variables for the loop WCSimRootPMT pmt, otherPMT; int tubeID_j; float x, y, z; for (unsigned int ipmt = 0; ipmt < fNPMTs; ipmt++) { if(fVerbose > 0 && ipmt % (fNPMTs / 10) == 0) cout << "Finding nearest neighbours for PMT " << ipmt << " of " << fNPMTs << endl; pmt = fGeom->GetPMT(ipmt); tubeID = pmt.GetTubeNo(); x = pmt.GetPosition(0); y = pmt.GetPosition(1); z = pmt.GetPosition(2); if(fVerbose > 3) cout << "Tube " << tubeID << " x,y,z " << x << "," << y << "," << z << endl; // loop over all PMTs and get the IDs of each ones that are "close" // In a 3x3 grid around PMT 'tubeID' // explitly uses distance to neighboring PMTs // (for 40% coverage with 50cm PMTs, this is 70.71 cm (100 cm diagonally)) neighbours.clear(); for (unsigned int jpmt = 0; jpmt < fNPMTs; jpmt++) { if(jpmt == ipmt) continue; // don't count the current PMT itself otherPMT = fGeom->GetPMT(jpmt); tubeID_j = otherPMT.GetTubeNo(); if (sqrt(pow(x - otherPMT.GetPosition(0), 2) + pow(y - otherPMT.GetPosition(1), 2) + pow(z - otherPMT.GetPosition(2), 2)) < fNeighbourDistance) { neighbours.push_back(tubeID_j); } }//jpmt fNeighbours[tubeID] = neighbours; if(fVerbose > 2) cout << "\tTube " << tubeID << " has " << neighbours.size() << " neighbours" << endl; //and save in the tree t->Fill(); }//ipmt t->Write(); delete t; }//calculating values if(fVerbose > 1) cout << "GetNearestNeighbours() finished" << endl; } void WCSimFLOWER::GetNEff() { int nearbyHits, tubeID; float ratio, occupancy, lateHits, darkNoise, photoCoverage, waterTransparency; float nEffHit, nEffHit2, x, y, z; vector neighbours; WCSimRootPMT pmt; fNEff = 0; fNEff2 = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fNMaxShort; i++) { tubeID = fTubeIdsShort[i]; //WCSim tube IDs run from 1 to N //But they're stored in a TClonesArray which runs from 0 to N-1 //Hence a -1 here pmt = fGeom->GetPMT(tubeID - 1); x = pmt.GetPosition(0); y = pmt.GetPosition(1); z = pmt.GetPosition(2); // Calculate occupancy to correct for multiple hits on a single PMT nearbyHits = 0; neighbours = fNeighbours[tubeID]; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < fNMaxShort; j++) { if(std::find(neighbours.begin(), neighbours.end(), fTubeIdsShort[j]) != neighbours.end()) nearbyHits++; }//j // PMTs at the top/bottom edge of the barrel only have five neighbours if(abs(z) > fTopBottomDistanceLo && abs(z) < fTopBottomDistanceHi) // TODO: deal with PMTs at the edge of the top/bottom ratio = nearbyHits / 5.0; else ratio = nearbyHits / 8.0; if (ratio == 0) { occupancy = 1.0; } else if (ratio < 1) { occupancy = log(1 / (1-ratio)) / ratio; // from Poisson statistics } else { occupancy = 3.0; } // correct for delayed hits (e.g. due to scattering) lateHits = (fNMaxLong - fNMaxShort - (fNWorkingPMTs * fDarkRate * fShortDuration)) / fNMaxShort; // substract dark noise hits darkNoise = (fNWorkingPMTs * fDarkRate * fShortDuration) / fNMaxShort; // calculate effective coverage to correct for photoCoverage // this depends on angle of incidence, see Fig. 4.5 (left) of http://www-sk.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/sk/_pdf/articles/2016/doc_thesis_naknao.pdf // TODO: take into account azimuthal dependence as show in Fig. 4.5 (right); currently assumes phi=0 float dotProduct = pmt.GetOrientation(0)*(fVertex[0] - x) + pmt.GetOrientation(1)*(fVertex[1] - y) + pmt.GetOrientation(2)*(fVertex[2] - z); float theta = acos( dotProduct / fDistanceShort[i]) * 180 / 3.14159265; if (!((theta >= 0.) and (theta <= 89.99))) theta = 0; // we have apparently mis-reconstructed the vertex, so let's set ... // ... the coverage to the most likely value of 0.4 (i.e. theta < 40 degrees) photoCoverage = 1 / WCSimFLOWER::fEffCoverages[int(theta/10)]; if (fDetector == kHyperK20) photoCoverage *= 38448/float(19462); // ratio of number of PMTs is not exactly 2 // correct for scattering in water waterTransparency = exp(fDistanceShort[i] / fLambdaEff); nEffHit = (occupancy + lateHits - darkNoise) * photoCoverage * waterTransparency; fNEff += nEffHit; // ad-hoc modification for low photocoverage nEffHit2 = (pow(occupancy, 1.4) + lateHits - darkNoise) * photoCoverage * waterTransparency; fNEff2 += nEffHit2; if (fVerbose > 1) { std::cout << "\n*** PMT hit #" << i << " on tube " << tubeID << " ***************************************\n"; std::cout << "occupancy (ratio of hits in 3x3 grid): " << occupancy << " (" << ratio << ")\n"; std::cout << "lateHits: " << lateHits << "\n"; std::cout << "darkNoise: " << darkNoise << "\n"; std::cout << "photoCoverage: " << photoCoverage << "\n"; std::cout << "waterTransparency: " << waterTransparency << "\n"; std::cout << "nEff for this 1 hit: " << nEffHit << "\n"; } } // i //end of loop over hits in 50 ns interval // correct for dead PMTs; convert nWorkingPMTs to float because integer division is inaccurate fNEff *= fNPMTs / float(fNWorkingPMTs); fNEff2 *= fNPMTs / float(fNWorkingPMTs); if(fVerbose) { std::cout << endl << "***************************************" << endl << "nEff for this event: " << fNEff << endl << " (nEff2 for low photo-coverage is: " << fNEff2 << ")" << endl; } } void WCSimFLOWER::CorrectEnergy() { // reconstruct energy from fNEff; this is approximately linear, except at very low energies switch(fDetector) { case kSuperK: if (fNEff<392) fERec = 0.00002*pow(fNEff, 2) + 0.039*fNEff + 1.67; else fERec = 0.0522*fNEff - 0.46; break; case kHyperK40: if (fNEff<1320) fERec = 0.02360*fNEff + 0.082; else fERec = 0.02524*fNEff - 2.081; break; case kHyperK20: if (fNEff<701) // use fNEff, as normal fERec = 0.00000255*pow(fNEff, 2) + 0.0215*fNEff + 0.429; else // use fNEff2 (with occupancy to power of 1.4) fERec = 0.000001148*pow(fNEff2, 2) + 0.02032*fNEff2 + 1.94; break; } if(fVerbose) { std::cout << "Reconstructed energy = " << fERec << " MeV" << std::endl; } } TString WCSimFLOWER::GetFLOWERDataDir() { TString dir(gSystem->Getenv("FLOWERDATADIR")); if(!dir.Length() || !gSystem->OpenDirectory(dir.Data())) { cout << "$FLOWERDATADIR not set, or points to directory that doesn't exist. Using $FLOWERDIR/data/" << endl; dir = TString::Format("%s/data/", gSystem->Getenv("FLOWERDIR")); } return dir; }