15:22:36,429 INFO anaconda: /sbin/anaconda 15:22:36,429 INFO anaconda: Using updates in /tmp/updates/ from None 15:22:36,821 INFO anaconda: created new libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.t4x4VT with instPath="/mnt/sysimage" 15:22:36,824 INFO anaconda: 8257536 kB (8064 MB) are available 15:22:36,842 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:8064, needed:670, graphical:760 15:22:36,851 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/sbin/anaconda'] 15:22:36,851 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8 15:22:36,892 INFO anaconda: Running kickstart %%pre script(s) 15:22:36,892 INFO anaconda.stdout: Running pre-installation scripts 15:22:36,994 INFO anaconda: All kickstart %%pre script(s) have been run 15:22:36,994 INFO anaconda: Parsing kickstart: /run/install/ks.cfg 15:22:37,589 DEBUG anaconda: scripts found for locale en_US.UTF-8: ['Latn'] 15:22:37,590 DEBUG anaconda: console fonts found for locale en_US.UTF-8: ['latarcyrheb-sun16'] 15:22:37,591 DEBUG anaconda: setting console font to latarcyrheb-sun16 15:22:37,614 DEBUG anaconda: console font set successfully to latarcyrheb-sun16 15:22:37,614 DEBUG anaconda: setting locale to: en_US.UTF-8 15:22:37,628 DEBUG anaconda: network: devices found ['eth0'] 15:22:37,642 DEBUG anaconda: network: ensure single initramfs connections 15:22:37,697 DEBUG anaconda: network: apply kickstart 15:22:37,793 DEBUG anaconda: network: pre kickstart - updating settings of device eth0 15:22:37,864 DEBUG anaconda: network: pre kickstart - activating connection 478c7d4c-2c45-4a3d-8754-0df66b72de7b for eth0 15:22:37,894 DEBUG anaconda: network: kickstart pre section applied for devices ['eth0'] 15:22:37,917 DEBUG anaconda: network: create missing ifcfg files 15:22:38,005 DEBUG anaconda: network: set real ONBOOT value 15:22:38,028 DEBUG anaconda: network: setting ONBOOT value of eth0 to True 15:22:38,085 DEBUG anaconda: network: real kickstart ONBOOT value set for devices ['eth0'] 15:22:38,093 DEBUG anaconda: updating hostname localhost.localdomain 15:22:38,114 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (140508825802496) 15:22:38,118 WARN anaconda.stdout: Not asking for VNC because of an automated install 15:22:38,119 WARN anaconda.stdout: Not asking for VNC because text mode was explicitly asked for in kickstart 15:22:38,127 INFO anaconda: Display mode = t 15:22:38,128 INFO anaconda: 8257536 kB (8064 MB) are available 15:22:38,145 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:8064, needed:670, graphical:760 15:22:38,162 INFO anaconda: got 0 NTP servers from DHCP 15:22:38,163 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (140508825802496) 15:22:38,183 DEBUG anaconda: Searching /tmp/updates/pyanaconda/installclasses. 15:22:38,190 DEBUG anaconda: Found Fedora (FedoraBaseInstallClass). 15:22:38,190 DEBUG anaconda: Found oVirt Node Next (OvirtBaseInstallClass). 15:22:38,190 DEBUG anaconda: Found Red Hat Virtualization (RHEVInstallClass). 15:22:38,191 DEBUG anaconda: Found CentOS Linux (RHELBaseInstallClass). 15:22:38,191 DEBUG anaconda: Found CentOS Atomic Host (RHELAtomicInstallClass). 15:22:38,191 DEBUG anaconda: Found Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHELBaseInstallClass). 15:22:38,191 DEBUG anaconda: Found Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host (RHELAtomicInstallClass). 15:22:38,191 DEBUG anaconda: Found CERN CentOS Linux (InstallClass). 15:22:38,191 DEBUG anaconda: Searching /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pyanaconda/installclasses. 15:22:38,192 INFO anaconda: Using a visible install class CERN CentOS Linux (InstallClass). 15:22:38,826 INFO anaconda: boot loader EFIGRUB on EFI platform 15:22:38,903 DEBUG anaconda: LABEL=OEMDRV matches [] for devicetree=None and disks_only=True 15:22:38,905 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageThread (140508825802496) 15:22:38,907 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaTimeInitThread (140508776519424) 15:22:38,937 INFO anaconda: Geolocation is disabled due to automated kickstart based installation. 15:22:38,938 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadRestartThread (140508768126720) 15:22:38,939 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadRestartThread (140508768126720) 15:22:38,939 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadThread (140508759734016) 15:22:39,155 INFO anaconda: Skipping detection of SMT. 15:22:39,187 INFO anaconda: Adding controller: SummaryHub 15:22:39,005 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaTimeInitThread (140508776519424) 15:22:39,155 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: LangSpoke 15:22:39,156 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: TimeSpoke 15:22:39,159 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaSourceWatcher (140508776519424) 15:22:39,163 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaSoftwareWatcher (140508768126720) 15:22:39,169 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageWatcher (140508751341312) 15:22:39,420 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: NetworkSpoke 15:22:39,422 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: PasswordSpoke 15:22:39,423 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: UserSpoke 15:22:39,424 INFO anaconda: Initialization of all modules (8) has been started. 15:22:39,444 INFO anaconda: boot loader EFIGRUB on EFI platform 15:22:39,571 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageThread (140508825802496) 15:22:39,660 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: StorageSpoke 15:22:39,661 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageWatcher (140508751341312) 15:22:43,907 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadThread (140508759734016) 15:22:43,908 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: SourceSpoke 15:22:43,908 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCheckSoftwareThread (140508751341312) 15:22:43,908 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaSourceWatcher (140508776519424) 15:22:47,544 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCheckSoftwareThread (140508751341312) 15:22:47,544 INFO anaconda: Module initialized: SoftwareSpoke 15:22:47,544 INFO anaconda: All modules have been initialized. 15:22:47,545 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaSoftwareWatcher (140508768126720) 15:22:51,310 DEBUG anaconda: Storage check started with constraints {'must_be_on_linuxfs': set(['/tmp', '/var', '/usr', '/home', '/', '/usr/lib', '/usr/share']), 'must_be_on_root': set(['/etc', '/bin', '/proc', '/sbin', '/dev', '/lib', 'lost+found', '/mnt', '/root']), 'min_ram': 320, 'req_partition_sizes': {}, 'min_root': Size('250 MiB'), 'must_not_be_on_root': set([]), 'root_device_types': set([]), 'min_partition_sizes': {'/boot': Size('200 MiB'), '/home': Size('100 MiB'), '/var': Size('384 MiB'), '/tmp': Size('50 MiB'), '/usr': Size('250 MiB')}}. 15:22:51,310 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_root. 15:22:51,310 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_partition_sizes. 15:22:51,310 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_partition_format_sizes. 15:22:51,310 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_bootloader. 15:22:51,310 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_gpt_biosboot. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_swap. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Found sanity warning: You have not specified a swap partition. Although not strictly required in all cases, it will significantly improve performance for most installations. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_swap_uuid. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_on_linuxfs. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_on_root. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_mountpoints_not_on_root. 15:22:51,311 DEBUG anaconda: Run sanity check verify_luks_devices_have_key. 15:22:51,312 DEBUG anaconda: Storage check finished with failure(s). 15:22:51,312 WARN anaconda: You have not specified a swap partition. Although not strictly required in all cases, it will significantly improve performance for most installations. 15:22:51,317 DEBUG anaconda: Entered hub: SummaryHub 15:22:51,407 INFO anaconda: fs space: 3000 MiB needed: 1265.57 MiB 15:22:51,422 DEBUG anaconda: Left hub: SummaryHub 15:22:51,422 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: ProgressSpoke 15:22:51,428 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaInstallThread (140508768126720) 15:22:52,503 INFO anaconda: Setting up the installation environment 15:22:52,503 INFO anaconda: Setting up the installation environment 15:22:52,624 INFO anaconda: Creating disklabel on /dev/vda 15:22:52,675 INFO anaconda: Created disklabel on /dev/vda 15:22:52,900 INFO anaconda: Creating ext4 on /dev/vda1 15:22:53,318 INFO anaconda: Created ext4 on /dev/vda1 15:22:53,622 INFO anaconda: Running pre-installation scripts 15:22:53,622 INFO anaconda: Running pre-installation scripts 15:24:41,569 INFO anaconda: Installing boot loader 15:24:41,572 DEBUG anaconda: new default image: <pyanaconda.bootloader.LinuxBootLoaderImage object at 0x7fcac0d70e50> 15:24:41,682 INFO anaconda: skipping boot loader install per user request 15:24:41,682 INFO anaconda: Installing boot loader 15:24:41,683 INFO anaconda: Performing post-installation setup tasks 15:24:41,689 INFO anaconda: Performing post-installation setup tasks 15:24:41,690 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaInstallThread (140508768126720) 15:24:41,692 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaConfigurationThread (140508751341312) 15:24:41,693 INFO anaconda: Configuring installed system 15:24:41,694 ERR anaconda: Error setting selinux mode: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/sysimage/etc/selinux/config' 15:24:42,082 INFO anaconda: Configuring installed system 15:24:42,083 INFO anaconda: Writing network configuration 15:24:42,256 INFO anaconda: Writing network configuration 15:24:42,257 INFO anaconda: Creating users 15:24:42,257 INFO anaconda: Clearing libuser.conf at /tmp/libuser.t4x4VT 15:24:42,316 INFO anaconda: Creating users 15:24:42,316 INFO anaconda: Configuring addons 15:24:42,328 INFO anaconda: Configuring addons 15:24:42,329 INFO anaconda: Generating initramfs 15:25:22,724 INFO anaconda: Generating initramfs 15:25:22,725 INFO anaconda: Running post-installation scripts 15:25:22,726 INFO anaconda: Running kickstart %%post script(s)