#ToolChain dynamic setup file

##### Runtime Paramiters #####
verbose 9 ## Verbosity level of ToolChain
error_level 2 # 0= do not exit, 1= exit on unhandeled errors only, 2= exit on unhandeled errors and handeled errors
attempt_recover 1 ## 1= will attempt to finalise if an execute fails

###### Logging #####
log_mode Interactive # Interactive=cout , Remote= remote logging system "serservice_name Remote_Logging" , Local = local file log;
log_local_path ./log
log_service LogStore

###### Service discovery ##### Ignore these settings for local analysis
service_publish_sec -1
service_kick_sec -1

##### Tools To Add #####
Tools_File configfiles/GPUtest/ToolsConfig  ## list of tools to run and their config files

##### Run Type #####
Inline -1 ## number of Execute steps in program, -1 infinite loop that is ended by user 
Interactive 0 ## set to 1 if you want to run the code interactively