# Sample setup macro with no visualization /run/verbose 0 /tracking/verbose 0 /hits/verbose 0 /grdm/verbose 0 ## select the geometry # Default config if you do nothing is currently SuperK # # The tube size is fixed for SK to 20 inch # These are fixed geometries for validation #/WCSim/WCgeom SuperK # Some other SuperK options: #/WCSim/WCgeom SuperK_20inchPMT_20perCent # Note: the actual coverage is 20.27% #/WCSim/WCgeom SuperK_20inchBandL_20perCent # Note: the actual coverage is 20.27% #/WCSim/WCgeom SuperK_12inchBandL_15perCent # Note: the actual coverage is 14.59% #/WCSim/WCgeom SuperK_20inchBandL_14perCent # Note: the actual coverage is 13.51% # HyperK (one cylindrical tank with a height of 54.8 m, a diameter of 70.8 m and 40% coverage with 20 inch B&L PMTs) #/WCSim/WCgeom HyperK #/WCSim/WCgeom HyperKWithOD # Another option of HyperK #/WCSim/WCgeom HyperK_20perCent # Note: the coverage is set to 20.0%. # Cylindrical detector with a height of 60 m and a diameter of 74 m #/WCSim/WCgeom Cylinder_60x74_20inchBandL_14perCent # Note: the actual coverage is 13.51% #/WCSim/WCgeom Cylinder_60x74_20inchBandL_40perCent # Generic cylindrical detector with a height of 100m and a # diameter of 69m with 12" HPD and 14.59% photocoverage #/WCSim/WCgeom Cylinder_12inchHPD_15perCent # Note: the actual coverage is 14.59% # Previous, egg-shaped HyperK design: #/WCSim/WCgeom EggShapedHyperK #default length is 49500 mm unless changed in /WCSim/HK/waterTankLength below. #/WCSim/WCgeom EggShapedHyperK_withHPD #default length is 49500 mm unless changed in /WCSim/HK/waterTankLength below. #Changes the length of the simulated volume. Is currently only set up for the egg-shaped HyperK design. #/WCSim/EggShapedHyperK/waterTank_Length 24750. mm # Equivalent length for 10 partitions #/WCSim/EggShapedHyperK/waterTank_Length 49500. mm # Equivalent length for 5 partitions (default) #/WCSim/EggShapedHyperK/waterTank_Length 61875. mm # Equivalent length for 4 partitions #/WCSim/EggShapedHyperK/waterTank_Length 82500. mm # Equivalent length for 3 partitions #/WCSim/EggShapedHyperK/waterTank_Length 123750. mm # Equivalent length for 2 partitions #/WCSim/EggShapedHyperK/waterTank_Length 247500. mm # Equivalent length for 1 partition # LCConfig is for setting the light collector. To be used with WCSim/Construct. # Default is No_Mirror. #/WCSim/LCConfig No_Mirror #/WCSim/LCConfig Mirror_OldLC # Mirror design in a branch of archive/LightCone at 2011. #/WCSim/LCConfig Mirror_2018Oct # A short mirror design. #/WCSim/Construct # This must be uncommented in order to construct a new detector configuration. #Added for the PMT QE option 08/17/10 (XQ) # 1. Stacking only mean when the photon is generated # the QE is applied to reduce the total number of photons # 2. Stacking and sensitivity detector # In the stacking part, the maximum QE is applied to reduce # the total number of photons # On the detector side, the rest of QE are applied according to QE/QE_max # distribution. This option is in particular important for the WLS # 3. The third option means all the QE are applied at the detector # Good for the low energy running. # 4. Switch off the QE complety, ie. set it at 100% /WCSim/PMTQEMethod Stacking_Only #/WCSim/PMTQEMethod Stacking_And_SensitiveDetector #/WCSim/PMTQEMethod SensitiveDetector_Only #/WCSim/PMTQEMethod DoNotApplyQE #turn on or off the collection efficiency /WCSim/PMTCollEff on # command to choose save or not save the pi0 info 07/03/10 (XQ) /WCSim/SavePi0 false #choose the Trigger & Digitizer type (and options) /DAQ/Digitizer SKI /DAQ/Trigger NDigits #/DAQ/Trigger NoTrigger #grab the other DAQ options (thresholds, timing windows, etc.) /control/execute macros/daq.mac # default dark noise frequency (and conversion factor) is PMT property (NEW), set in the code. # Below gives possibility to overwrite nominal values, eg. to switch OFF the Dark Noise. #/DarkRate/SetDarkRate 0 kHz #Turn dark noise off #/DarkRate/SetDarkRate 4.2 kHz #This is the value for SKI set in SKDETSIM. #/DarkRate/SetDarkRate 8.4 kHz #For 20 inch HPDs and Box and Line PMTs, based on High QE 20 inch R3600 dark rate from EGADS nov 2014 #/DarkRate/SetDarkRate 3.0 kHz #For 12 inch HPDs and Box and Line PMTs, based on High QE 20 inch R3600 dark rate from EGADS nov 2014 # command to multiply the dark rate. # Convert dark noise frequency before digitization to after digitization by setting suitable factor # Again, this is now a PMT property and can be overridden here #/DarkRate/SetConvert 1.367 #For Normal PMT #/DarkRate/SetConvert 1.119 #For HPDs #/DarkRate/SetConvert 1.126 #For Box and Line PMTs # Select which time window(s) to add dark noise to #/DarkRate/SetDarkMode 0 to add dark noise to a time window starting at #/DarkRate/SetDarkLow to /DarkRate/SetDarkHigh [time in ns] #/DarkRate/SetDarkMode 1 adds dark noise hits to a window of #width /DarkRate/SetDarkWindow [time in ns] around each hit #i.e. hit time ± (/DarkRate/SetDarkWindow) / 2 /DarkRate/SetDetectorElement tank /DarkRate/SetDarkMode 1 /DarkRate/SetDarkHigh 100000 /DarkRate/SetDarkLow 0 /DarkRate/SetDarkWindow 4000 #/DarkRate/SetDetectorElement OD #/DarkRate/SetDarkMode 1 #/DarkRate/SetDarkHigh 100000 #/DarkRate/SetDarkLow 0 #/DarkRate/SetDarkWindow 4000 #Uncomment one of the lines below if you want to use the OGLSX or RayTracer visualizer #/control/execute macros/visOGLSX.mac #/control/execute macros/visRayTracer.mac #/control/execute macros/visOGLQt.mac ## select the input nuance-formatted vector file ## you can of course use your own #/mygen/generator muline #/mygen/vecfile inputvectorfile #/mygen/vecfile h2o.2km.001-009x3_G4.kin #/mygen/vecfile mu+.out # define units used for time in kin file #/mygen/time_unit ns # Or you can use the G4 Particle Gun # for a full list of /gun/ commands see: # http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/G4UsersDocuments/UsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/html/Control/UIcommands/_gun_.html /mygen/generator gun /gun/particle e- #/gun/particle pi0 /gun/energy 500 MeV /gun/direction 1 0 0 /gun/position 0 0 0 # Or you can use the G4 General Particle Source # you can do a lot more with this than a monoenergetic, monodirectional, single-particle gun # for a full list of /gps/ commands see: # https://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/UserDocumentation/UsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/html/ch02s07.html #/mygen/generator gps #/gps/particle e- #/gps/energy 500 MeV #/gps/direction 1 0 0 #/gps/position 0 0 0 # Or you can use the laser option # This is equivalent to the gps command, except that the gps particle energies are saved ignoring their mass # for a full list of /gps/ commands see: # https://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/UserDocumentation/UsersGuides/ForApplicationDeveloper/html/ch02s07.html # It is used for laser calibration simulation #/mygen/generator laser #/gps/particle opticalphoton #/gps/energy 2.505 eV #/gps/direction 1 0 0 #/gps/position 0 0 0 #/gps/number 1000 #/gps/ang/type iso #/gps/ang/mintheta 0 deg #/gps/ang/maxtheta 30 deg #/gps/ang/minphi 0 deg #/gps/ang/maxphi 360 deg # Radioactive option # IMPORTANT: You need to compile WCSim with cmake in order to use the radioactive decays # Generate radioactive decay in the water or on the PMTs #/mygen/generator radioactive # This window should match the one in biasprofile.dat (see below) #/mygen/radioactive_time_window 1.e-4 # The following list the different isotope to take into account, where they decay, # and what are their activities in the full ID detector (for Water) or in the PMT (for PMT) #/mygen/isotope Tl208 PMT 2.8 #/mygen/isotope Bi214 PMT 27. #/mygen/isotope K40 PMT 94. #/mygen/isotope Bi214 water 264. ### HK #Clear the source and tell GPS to make multiple vertices #/gps/source/clear # Radon option # IMPORTANT: You need to compile WCSim with cmake in order to use the radioactive decays # Generate Bi214 decay in the water following a Model extracted from SK-IV solar data #/mygen/generator radon # This window should match the one in biasprofile.dat if time bias is used (see below) #/mygen/radioactive_time_window 1.e-4 # Needed if time bias is not used, in order to keep timing below one sec. #/DAQ/RelativeHitTime true # The following set which scenario is used to scale SK model to HK #/mygen/radon_scaling A # Relative scaling with respect to full ID volume (Pessimistic) #/mygen/radon_scaling B # Relative scaling with respect to fiducial volume #/mygen/radon_scaling C # Absolute scaling with respect to ID border (Optimistic) #Clear the source and tell GPS to make multiple vertices #/gps/source/clear ## change the name of the output root file, default = wcsim.root # Needed to prevent other decay than Bi-214 /grdm/nucleusLimits 214 214 83 83 # if you need to use time bias #/grdm/decayBiasProfile biasprofile.dat #/grdm/analogueMC 0 #/grdm/BRbias 0 /WCSimIO/RootFile wcsim.root ## set a timer running on WCSimRunAction #/WCSimIO/Timer false /run/beamOn 10 #exit