#!@GEANT4_TC_SHELL_PROGRAM@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # @GEANT4_TC_SHELL_FAMILY@ environment setup script for Geant4 @Geant4_VERSION@ # # This script will configure your environment so that any Geant4 supplied # tools, libraries and data are available in your PATH, library paths etc. # Data libraries will only be setup if they were installed as part of the # Geant4 installation. # # Source this script to perform the setup. # # This script is autogenerated by CMake DO NOT EDIT # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Locate directory of self # @GEANT4_ENV_SELFLOCATE_COMMAND@ @GEANT4_TC_IF_SELFLOCATED@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Geant4 binary and library paths... # @GEANT4_ENV_BINPATH_SETUP@ @GEANT4_ENV_LIBPATH_SETUP@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Third-party binary and library paths... # - CLHEP @GEANT4_TC_CLHEP_LIB_PATH_SETUP@ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource file paths # @GEANT4_ENV_DATASETS@ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @GEANT4_TC_ENDIF_SELFLOCATED@